Proraso Red Shaving Soap and a 101 Year Old Razor - No Shave November DAY 4

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well hello everybody welcome to the fourth day of no-shave November I want to eat your close-up you can see what we're working with here you can kind of see or you're laying in bed I was doing a reading bedtime stories of the kids last night and my son looked I said you need to shave so I know I'm doing I know I'm growing some hair I when they start to notice that's the weird thing I did this last year and I grew up here and they're like looked at it weird then they got used to it and then the day I shaved it off they looked at me weird again you know how it is you're not my dad but anyway it's not itching me because I've been using the beard oil the Sterling Island man beard oil so let's shave today what are we gonna shave with well we're gonna shave with something people have been requesting for a long time but I've never tried it is the proraso red in the red box it's all in it's an Italian it's in Spanish there's both of these neither of them in English so I should run like a Google Translate on it but I have not used this stuff before I took it out of the box yesterday I got it yesterday from Amazon ten dollars and we're gonna shave with it I smelled it and smells good all right I'm gonna use my personal to put some water on my face I took a shower did my hair as you all know and I'm gonna use the 1918 Gillette one hundred and one year old almost hundred and two year old Gillette safety razor there it is the ball and type this is one of the first ones I ever got I think I got it in a package deal I bought some other razor and they threw in that one for free because they're a dime a dozen and they're cheap so we're gonna use that we're gonna use the proraso and the brush we're going to use is the Sinatra Lennon signature brush that's right from ds2 Cosmetics it is still for sale on their website I'll put a link down below and I was I talked to Mei over disk has cosmetics by email yesterday and she said to mention to everyone that the big Aliexpress 11:11 shopping day celebration is coming up so November 11th is like their hugest shopping day over in Asia so it's kind of like our Black Friday so check out if you want to buy if you've been waiting to buy the Sinatra Lennon signature brush on Express from D s cosmetics now's your chance it's synthetic it's black and white and it has my name on it there you go so I'm going to use that today so go check them out and yeah let's do it put some more water on my face I always do this I put water on my face on this start yapping and then got to put some more on so let's open the box it's an unboxing ladies and gentlemen so popular on YouTube and there's the proraso red upside down there it is so soon that comes in a little plastic tub see there you go holding it upside down supported ababa emollient they moved to the end they oh that's I'm kind of doing a Spanish pronunciation sort of Italian corner Lee of the Sun doll Oh Ebola big re got it day oh gosh I know I don't know any Italian I know some Spanish but no Italian so let's oh it's not a screw top I just pop it off I was last night I got it I was just doing this for like 10 minutes like come on just pop it off you squeeze it and there it is so it's kind of a it's a soft you could like to stick your finger in there so it's not a hard puck and it smells it smells slightly vegetal it smells so P it smells Italian there's something Italian about this let's try it out I never tried it before people keep saying hey try the the red proraso try proraso at all people seem to swear by proraso i mean every youtube in the ship shaver in the world has done videos with him except me I did the CEO Bigelow I think a while back from the body shop but I've never done the Perot so listen so let's do it so what I do is if you don't watch my videos I I face ladder so I don't use a bowl because I'm lazy I don't want to clean up a bowl although I did like sterling it has some new collapsible silicone bowls that came out with these little nubs on the bottom to help lather up those look cool and they're cheap I like and I like 10 bucks eight bucks something like that I might have to get one of those they're travel bowls they collapse so anyways so what I do is I load up my brush and this like I said this is kind of soft so it's easy to get a bunch of soap on there put the old top back on I was hoping it was gonna be more satisfying when I would wait like that alright and then I kind of drizzle a little bit more water on top and then face leather now since I'm doing no-shave November I'm only shaving my neck and my cheeks just sort of trim the beard you know to give it a shape to give it a look and my beard hair really only does grow in this sort of a narrow thing you're like I couldn't grow a big patch right there not nor that what I want to necessarily but so yeah it just naturally grows thin like that this chin strap so yeah this stuff smells good and it'll Heather's beautifully look at that I even think I put too much too much water in my brush and it's handling it well so this stuff obviously spin around forever how long has it been around shaving soap in a bold um gosh I know it says on there somewhere I can't see but it's been around for like you know more than a hundred years I'm sure and it's good stuff there's a reason why there's a reason why gosh I wish I could lather my whole face this stuff but no shape November we must do what we do first World shaving problems complaining about not shaving come on come on I mean give me a break all right we got a feather blade brand new feather blade in this 1918 Gillette look how thin that head is man that's crazy you know they got it right right out of the gate and they kept changing things and made things you know like look at the head shape and you know kind of size difference there this is a butterfly that's why the mechanism looks like that alright let's shave this is the razor if you go back and watch my final no-shave November video where I shave off my beard from last year with the whipped cream I use this razor because I put it up for a vote I said what razor should I use to shave off the beard and this thing did an admirable job it's a hundred and one years old and it works beautifully it's just simple it really just holds a sharp razor blade and that's it and it's got these little open comb design they call that comb you know to kind of keep it from getting clogged and like I said they got it right right out of the gate oh that reminds me I think my new Gillette heritage safety razor should be arriving sometime this week I think maybe the eight I think are the seventh I'm not sure so as soon as I get that I'll do a full review and shave with that well I'm not getting all this good stuff during no she ate in November when I can't shame a whole dang face that's alright because I will keep using them and keep talking about them when I get back you know using this beard oil really does help if you got problems with really itchy you know reddening or patchiness on your skin underneath your facial hair because I might get so itchy and you know dry and it keeps me from keeping facial hair but that beard oil really helps so if you haven't tried that like I hadn't last year try it do it you know it's not just for guys with those giant hipster beards you know it's for everybody that has facial hair all right there's the first pass it's hidden to be the length of the beard hair and here is good to be aware when I take a shower the water I can feel it dragging through the beard that's where that's where we are folks that's where we are but it's alright and I think I kind of look good I look distinguished distinguish my wife hasn't said anything we'll see I'll let you know if she does I'll keep you up to date so I will do be doing a drawing for the giveaway for these two the space soap and the rocketship brush probably tomorrow I think so look for that if you haven't entered go back to where I did that live shave where I use that space soak the cherry scented stuff that Bob makes in his Etsy store go back there and comment and say that you're in and I will do drawing and post that video probably tomorrow and then send it off to the winner and you'll get to tell me if you like that strong kind of maraschino cherry scent alright past number two across so I don't know if you know this but Austin I live in Austin Texas and we have a Formula One race track and this past weekend was the the f1 Emirates United States Grand Prix race so if you're a big f1 racing fan and maybe you've heard of it but if not we've got it we've got an f1 formula when you know those really fast low-slung cars but the cool thing is before or actually at the end of each day Friday Saturday and Sunday they have a concert so my kids are huge fans of the band imagine dragons and imagine dragons played on the Friday night so we went out for there's my first time actually to go to the f1 track it's not very far from my house it's like you know 30-minute drives and not far and we took him to their first concert their first real concert I mean technically my youngest or my oldest son's first real concert was the Wiggles back in about 2012 or so the original cast of the Wiggles not this new cast they're not anyway so that was his but like first real band concert so this was their first live concert like big you know big time concerts so that was kind of cool it's kind of cold it was an outdoor concert it was looking out from the bleachers at the racetrack looking out over a field and then the band was kind of off in the distance we stayed back away from the giant crowds because we didn't want to get in on that I'm that type of dad where I like to show up early get a good parking spot and then leave a little early when no one else is there you know it worked great Mike Clark Griswald that's me but hopefully not quite as hopeless as Clark anyway that was fun and and then the next night I think pink played and then last night cool in the gang was there so that was cool we saw some of the guests are doing time trials or something but man those cars are fast and loud being that close to them I don't think I've ever been that close to Formula one cars racing around the track man those things are fast and I heart anyway so that was what we did this past weekend a baseball game and now here we are in November well into November November and October my favorite months love it love it the weather's beautiful here it's cool now I gotta have an out do you know I had a lot of live a third pass by the way going up against the grain I had a lot of live hangouts last week so I'm gonna skip it this week I don't want to over saturate the market you know you guys would be like enough so I'll wait but I will do an on the porch hangout I haven't had one yet with some Scotch immediate Piper and someone will just hang out in the back porch and do that thing if you've never been a part of one of those it's always fun people come in and I try to answer your questions while we're oh we're just hanging out I got a few little Nick's on my neck a little Nick Nick but this thing it does sometimes Nick me and so it's just like I said it's simple it's like the simplest razor ever it's just holding that blade and trying not to get clogged with soap so that's the design and it's got a good like I don't know if King Jillette himself decided the handle length but that's like the perfect handling and it's very similar that the other ones like a that one's a little bit longer you know but they kind of kept in the same same range of handle length and that works well for my hands at least of course everybody's different some people have giant baby hands so find something that works right for you and actually here's a good tip that I had never thought about then I saw people talking about it if you really like a razor that is like a three piece razor where you unscrew the top come like this this is a three piece razor so that this is two pieces up here and then just the handle if you like a razor that has a good head on it but you don't like the handle give you a different handle take the head off that one and screw it into a handle the like it'll work you'll fit it would probably fit okay I hope so maybe try it try it it's not a guarantee all right man that paresseux is good stuff I see why you all wanted me to to to try it out it's good it's cheap this is gonna last forever I mean that's huge that's a huge amount of shaving soap and it just lathers beautifully it's slick Ike it still feels like feel this you feel that slick is a baby's rear end I got some whiskers right here you know when I go sideways I don't feel like doing that today so I'm gonna wash my hand I've washed my face with cold water ah apply some aftershave and then some beard oil and we'll be done pardon me if I just spat watering your beef mmm use aftershave if you're a wet shaver and you've never used aftershave you use it to try it I didn't ever use it for years I didn't know anything about it and then when I started to get serious about all this stuff and learned probably about what eight years ago now I didn't even think about it you know it's weird all right I'm gonna use the chiseled face cryogen aftershave some heavy heavy duty menthol not crazy heavy duty like the like the other stuff what's the other stuff called hold on it is all this stuff not just a cold fusion that stuff is insane in singing this one is just underneath and it's got a different scent at different colors so put just a little bit on here it burns just enough and it's got its got that menthol vapor kind of like Vicks you know vicks vapor rub kind of stuff which has menthol on it too but it's got like a what's the scent it's hard to explain what the scent is it's got - witch hazel in it doesn't say what the scent is but it's it's good it's like like got a rich rich sent to it almost almost like a bay rum but not quite you know all right Oh hmm that's good let's make my eyes go a little bit watery just a little just enough it's not making me you know pour down in tears all right beard oil these are the sample this is the sample size I got three of them I didn't like the other two barbershop and and sharp-dressed man I didn't like those didn't care for him but this one's good I like this one and there's still a lot left see that these old-fashioned brown bottles so I just tip it up on the end of my finger and I just kind of apply it I probably use a little bit more than I should because a little beard oil goes a long way but I don't want to I don't want to risk any itching and redness that make me want to shave this thing off before it's time you know I shall shave no beard before its time there's no wine commercial from the seventies or eighties I put a little bit I don't get that itchy on the sides it's all right here for whatever reason my skin does that in this house and it's it smells good as it's a it's like a tropical almost citrus slightly nice it's not coconut but it's like a rich citrus tropical it smells almost like a after Sun or Sun Tan Lotion you would use you know down in the island somewhere and thus island demand yeah it's good stuff all right gonna wash my hands get the oil off and then I'm gonna be leave I took a big long walk this morning at a recording session for a client for a Texas barbecue chain that you might hear if you listen to if you're here in Texas and you listen beat the brush beating the snot flying brush check it out go on to add es cosmetics link below of their big sale probably 1111 November 11th that's a big thing over in Asia beating the Dickens out of the brush Bob Ross style anyway yeah so I did a commercial for Barbie barbecue chain here in Texas which is a lot of fun place I've been going to for 30 years it's cool to be a part of something that you in real life and I enjoy spending time with you guys in YouTube's life I guess this isn't really real life but someday someday we're gonna have a meet-up somewhere I don't know where I don't know when I don't know how but someday we're gonna have a meet-up we'll all hang out together how about that okay everybody well thanks for the the the requests for this proraso that's great great great stuff ten bucks cheap this razor did a great job you can get them on eBay cheap you can find them in antique stores really cheap like maybe ten bucks twelve fifteen bucks depending don't pay more than that they're not worth more than that there's a million of these suckers out there anyway and that's it thanks everybody I'll do the giveaway tomorrow look for that for the space cow space soap and a rocketship brush and that's all she wrote folks I will see you all if not sooner on Friday have a good week everybody bye
Channel: SinatraLennon
Views: 32,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro, vintage, shave, shaving, razor, DE, wet, badger, brush, old school, Barbasol, blade, Feather, Gillette
Id: TqdMIda12cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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