A Proraso Red Shave

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hi there welcome to k2 shades nice to see you and it's nice to be back here and familiar surroundings after my last video which was a shave and Highland's when I was away for a weekend with mrs. Carey and her family and it's good to be back and for more your surroundings okay so what we want to be using today well today is going to be fool tell coral-red continuing the sangha with september or september sandwich i can't remember what i called it i was so long ago um so we're gonna we're going to be doing that today just a filled tilt for us already angle bit so I'm going to start things off with the Brussels red pre-shave in the slow tub there is in there good stuff that's a sweet sound of which scent just listen to the whiskers let's do its magic so what happens your week be known or I was it going I'm not sure what I'll get this uploaded it might be framed it when the set comes online yeah and it's always nice to go away but it's always nice again to come back home to places that you know when you're a kind of film all you're worth I think that's three times I've said familiar in the first few minutes that must be a record okay let's say I show you the rest of the sheep obviously press a red soup I think this is a part of me I think this is one of the other failed tubs I find this for quite a well known and I'll show you the ingredients on the bottom when you can pause that in yeah I think this is one of the all those tough times I think if we did this label actually the Sade I've used this quite a bit this pop comes out like that have a good time so that's this all beautiful scent nice sweet-smelling sign Lloyd similar to the outer shaving sandalwood but not the same but pretty similar so that's the soap the reason we want to be using is the rockwell success I love this razor just wanted to use it again but I'm going with plate for this is an adjustable razor and you change out these bottom plates and whatever numbers showing there that's a level of aggression so one being the mildest six being the most aggressive so I'm using on plate number four which is just above middle the plate what are we putting enough I think I've talked about these plates before and I said I was going to buy some so did that I bought some it's the Super Max blue diamond titanium court laid three shapes are hot on one of those blades and there everyone was superb so I went and bought some so here's the package for that they're cheap blades and I think I bought them in the UK in from cannot cannot shaving or cannot even double wrapped which is good I'm not sure where these are made actually I think they're made in India yeah here's the buck the box you didn't read up yeah but quick please so there's the bleep they're super monthly diamond so I'll just take this razor a pot pop that on there like that and then as you can see well just actually show you so there's a number of four they are on that base plate and you flip over and you get number two so I'm gonna have our number four to start with screen the handle back on so you can see her for the Bonilla okay the brush for today is another brush and I've sent from D s cosmetics in China here's the box it comes in I've sent a few these brushes so I'm gonna try this well today because I've never tried one of these before I'll put the links to everything in the description as ever comes in this nice box comes with a little known there and I'll just to protect it but this is a flat top brush which I have never used before so I'm curious to see how this goes here's the handle here just there this is a first time working on it there's the bottom there 24 mil not as you can see on the bottom there that will focus the s cosmetics yeah that's the handle very nice nice where all those nice colors quite a heavy $9.00 oh no very heavy but quite good feels good there behind and there's that flat top normal I think they should call this the what was the name of the guy the kind of chief in spider-man the old cartoons yeah he had a haircut like this you know they're kind of chief of the newspaper Parker get out of my office I can't remember what he was called but he had a he had a flat top like that it's good popcorn and this really good yeah look you can see that there up quick I'm pushing down quite a bit and it's not even spleen so we'll go for that goal and I'll just put it in the water 1 2 3 flex put some water on top of the soap and then you're going yeah I'm not sure how this brush is gonna perform you see I've never used that flat top brush before I'm just going to dip the tips again well here we pin on the way into the other look the hell over this sort until it's not yeah create but when I'm fishing done quite a bit and it's not it's playing at all so who said what who was when I put on the face right like I said there's plenty can all other on this top small let's to put it on the face to get things started it's a Brussels red yeah I've seen that Chris using one of these Chris from another cup off don't end up Australia just a finger brush in the water yeah it's playing a little bit here but feels nice on the face really dude as I say I don't know um having never used that this thing on brush before how people see they're good they're good one speech library that looks good pentagons little bit more water yeah it was great when you're doing up when you're painting it on like that it feels really nice super soft I bet my war looks good yeah nice and thick not me well yeah hi amber hey ho people wouldn't understand that in the UK if someone said as you say to someone you're thick it just means that there are better then genius Carrie how to shave without shaving that's what the world tunnel okay it's something this simple mouse or a diamond blade let's go my feet Rockwell's success on settings for our plate for up feels nice yeah for us already it's been over years [Music] people lemons I would speak to you much just wanna get this done yeah people ask me what's your favorite razor if you don't have one razor what reason would it be it would be that's the Rockwell success and I can only have one razor that would be this one hey just it's just so smooth for me I've never tried a car yet mmm supposed to be very very good but I'm obviously I kind of comment if I've never tried it I have a couple of high-end razors coming in the mail just bought whether they'll be as good as this only time will tell but they are not here yet dude and I will just have to wait and see I won't tell you what they are but my sis Kathy thinks they're all good since our classics I'm kidding I'm kidding okay that's the first pass done that is very nice I will rinse and come back for more chapped season but for a second pass but we're this looking flat lies yeah I'm not sure what the rubber weathers gathering at the bottom of the not there or not yeah it's certainly good for a just painting a lot the Rhine look at that that's a excellent very soft as well nice the good amount of up one in this really good a moment okay I'm leaving us on that plate for you can see that there for the second pass which is across the growth [Music] so there's a there's a question for you the reasons that you have you maybe only have one reason or the erasers that you have tried movie the fourth one from a friend if you if you could only keep one raised up what would it be or what's the one razor you would like to try how do you haven't already tried I'd like to try to carve to see what all the I hope to see you all the hyper backward funny - but I'm just to see if it's as good as everybody's saying like I say the only the best way to fight the fight for yourself is to try it for yourself it's only whoever though you'll make your mind up about the reason stuff like that blades a couple dots they don't really look like well if they're like well pimples there maybe bites from it I was away in the color size box yeah that's the only way to try things out to make your mind up is to try things for yourself I've said that before well I'll see you again because it's true those second clocks complete there's nice slickness or not Perazzo soap okay when you're ready I'll come back for pasta okay I'm just gonna take this tub I should quite a mess you up on here I'm just uh just apply it here no I might need it but no sense in it going to waste you could see this look it's got a big hole in there not there what does that mean it means it's got the corner kevie all right again as I said before I'll put links to everything I can find online but you can find for us or most places Amazon eBay or the major vendors I think sell Russell it's quite a thin layer of water now but still good okay I'll leave this on and where are we which is earth are we I'll leave on setting plate number for mom looks like a bite singing haven't you step for us already in a long long long time yeah that definitely looks like a I looks like a bite from a bug up here we have little box called Michi's and they're tiny little tiny little animals and they're up in the highlands um and they kind of they come up when it's kind of humid swarms of them and they just and they just attack your face your Kenna just always kind of brushing them off but they just leave a little bite just a little support like that that's what a lose like I remember we went to visit friends up and in the Shetland Isles if you look at the map of Scotland if can isolate moves on part of Scotland's here and then there's the mainland goes up like that and then there's a little island called the Orkneys and then there's a little island above that called the Shetlands um it's the most northerly island on Scotland is probably closer to Norway that is to Scotland I am it said it's part of Scotland and we went up there to visit friends more years ago time and I went fishing with a guy we were visiting his wife and we went fishing on a little law which is a lake and there was swarms and swarms of these little Michi's I'm telling you about these little flies and we came back and I took a shower and I came up the stairs and it looked like I had chickenpox my face was just covered in these sports or look like that just absolutely cover from these level bites um I mean ever caught anything especially which made it even worse okay three passes that all right so how feel about walk a little spot there under there yeah visually yeah why is it you have three passes going everybody hears these log spots but they're still still left at the end of the ship just leave this on same for again yeah you can hear their listen I'm just under here beautiful have your ships been going good good good great to hear so much good stuff idea soaps and razors and brushes yeah sure there's one little tiny spot there and they're trying to slip this on this soap easily and just go over anybody's just way that it's done oh I'm calling it there PBS beautiful okay let's me see I'm curious to see how much this knot will give up and in terms of soap lather a fair bit it's not a nice shade on that look at our beautiful okay you know the routine a lot of face wash with a lot like Pro Russell great-smelling super probably put on and rinse it off with a cool water clean up my gear and I'll see you guys for the Porsche to achieve yes super okay string to the Porsche it nor which is oh no anything like that no unblock straight into the person red aftershave and using a fair bit less ice is good stuff smells exactly like this or massive splash it up nice partner feels great smells fantastic oh very nice okay and to put the moisture back in it's back to the start of the shave and I'm going to use this a lot of people don't know you can use this as a pre shape and also as like a bomb a poor shave you can use this stuff to just just a touch that much that much with the whole hog will tell Paris a red sandalwood for Kerry shaves I know it September and I may not look good but I smell fantastic no no I don't know it just felt like it [Music] never go okay let's go over what we've used again in this wonderful I think what numbers s this is number five Sangha wood September 4 or 5 I think it's number 5 anyway we started to shave with the parasol red pre-shave excellent excellent stuff the reason for today my favorite razor by far at the moment is the Rockwell success I had on setting or plate number four for everything first path second path the third path and pickups yeah great arrays are great way stainless steel super I love it the bleedin say that I also am very impressed with a split man I think it could be any blade in the success and it would feel comfortable but super marks blue diamond titanium coated I'll just read it I think he guess some other kind of cord one but these are the titanium cord one I really like that they really really like it I'll see how it performs another reason for him I've used it before and about 50 of these so that shows you have and much I like them but we should see they may not work another resource but so far definitely in my top 5 blades definitely the soap press a red sandalwood here is here all cleaned out ready to go I'll just leave that like that for turn upside down on a piece of kitchen roll just let it dry out for a day or two they'll it back on and then it's back in the box back in the in the drawer it's kept in the brush for today really really good brush this is d s cosmetics TS cosmetic 24 inch flat top rate is anyone remember the name of the guy the guy in the spider-man the on spider-man cartoons that's what would call this brush whatever his name is chief somebody great but one in a great face leather Oh flap top Parker get out of my office I can't remember what his name is yeah lovely handle if I were to focus come on there you go yeah a nice color that nice world's very nice just a basic standard shape but nice tool very comfortable as I can see I'm not sure the price point of this and a great back corner I like it I like it that was the reason that was appreciate that was the sort that was the brush we had a little face wash rinse it off with cold water pour shave press a red aftershave and the bomb was not really a bomb buff carrying on the pushing with the Perazzo red and that is the shave go yeah I'm not sure if these are low bite you can see that much 3:9 in an hour except Raquel of a three teeth aha I will bite you with my 3d oh yeah I'm still living and I like garlic so yeah there's a loved one there it's gonna look you can see but the sheath feels great BBS all over I love a success but I'm really impressed without bleed and that brush very good very very good okay that's all for me for today I shall see you in the next son of wit September shave when that will be I have no idea when I can get a chance to taking a film and upload and stuff like that but that will be in September or something yeah because it's under was September Kevin I know I don't keep going on ok have yourself a wonderful wonderful rest of this week what's left of it have a great weekend if I don't see you before then and I'll see you in the next shape take care
Channel: Kevy Shaves
Views: 51,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proraso, proraso red, proraso sandalwood, proraso firenze, proraso green, proraso blue, rockwell 6s, rockwell stainless razor, paul h films, geofatboy kensurfs, another cut above, distorted cheese shaving
Id: 9_40k6pi1w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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