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[Music] yes [Music] right yes [Music] [Music] chrisley [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you [Music] jesus forever [Music] [Music] hey [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] giving glory to jesus i said tonight we are singing about the king and his kinship and his kingdom [Music] glory to the lord another time you think about something else [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] it is unto the king of glory bible said lift up your hands all your gaze and be you lifted you in for the kingdom glory to enter the bible said who is this king of glory [Music] [Music] in this garden and in this place in jesus mighty name [Music] praise god put your hands together for jesus tonight oh do it better for jesus if those hands are yours do it better for jesus hallelujah tonight we are here to pray somebody pray say pray amen hallelujah tonight we want to pray for uh on a very important topic you know i was just thinking about it most of times when we hear that somebody was sick and died how do you feel we have had incidents where church members have you know became sick they died and we couldn't do anything and i want to submit to us that one of the greatest needs in the church is healing and health there are a lot of people who are in church but their health is denied they need healing amen and so we are going to pray tonight for the healing and the health of members of the church are you here with me we are praying for the entire church you may even know somebody who is sick or you yourself you are sick tonight as we pray we are believing god that the spirit of healing will come upon the church because you know healing is part of the salvation package and don't be surprised that there are people who come to church we hear all those things the power of god but we still go and come with health issues amen there are many in church who are bowed down with physical infirmities but they are in church there was a woman like that in the church when jesus you know met her and there's a woman that had loose and her infirmity was healed and then let it go down let me finish talking then you can play please let me finish talking so that you can play and you know the pharisees were annoyed they said why are you healing on the sabbath let me read that text hallelujah luke chapter 13 reading from verse 11 it says and behold there was a woman who which had an infirmity spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself and when jesus saw her he called he called her to him and said unto her woman thou art loose from thy infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified god verse 14 and the rulers of the synagogue answers with indignation because that jesus had healed on the sabbath day and jesus said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to work and in them therefore come and be healed and not on the sabbath and the lord then answered him and said thou hypocrite you would not die each one of you on the sabbath lose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering and ought not this woman being a daughter of abraham being a daughter she was part of the covenant whom satan has bound low these 18 years we lose from this bound on the sabbath day so you realize that this woman for 18 years she was coming to church she was coming to church 18 years and there are people like that we come to church i am believing god that you know we come to church and we go back with results you cannot be coming to church and you are carrying an infirmity of the fish your physical body meanwhile the salvation package includes healing and so we need to begin to pray concerning this because there are a lot of people who are sick maybe yourself you are sick in any part of your body there's somebody sick tonight we are going to pray and believe god that god will release the spirit of healing and health over the congregation the salvation package included what healing and health let me read some few scriptures first peter chapter 2 verse 24 says that who has who who his own self born our sins in his own body on the tree that be and that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we were healed so he took care of sin and then healing hallelujah matthew 18 14 and to 17 and when jesus was come onto peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her and he touched her hand and the fever left and she arose and ministered unto them and when the evil was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits which the spirit with his word and healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isis the prophet saying he himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses it might be fulfilled amen jesus made it part of his ministry to heal people to heal people and jesus spirit is still around the holy spirit is around and the holy spirit is supposed to work bring healing to our body maybe those days jesus was there physically so he healed many diseases when you read matthew 8 16 it says and when the evening was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast the spirits with his word and he all that were sick matthew 15 10 and great multitude came unto him having with them those that were lame blind dumb men and many others and cast them down of jesus feet and healed them mark chapter 1 verse 34 and he healed many that were sick of diverse diseases and cast out many devils and suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him hallelujah so this is just to tell us that jesus actually healed any time he was ministering when there is a case for healing jesus dealt with it it means that we are also beneficiaries of the healing grace of god and so tonight we are going to stand because in the past we have heard about so many stories people who have died out of terminal diseases young people became sick and they are gone and we want to pray for the church as we pray the spirit of god will be released and anyone who is a member who is sick we are believing god that by our prayer tonight that person will rise up if you know somebody who is sick may the power of god hit that person in jesus name amen god's desire is that we will be in good health he wants us to be healed because if you are not in good health you cannot serve him and so a exodus 23 verse 25 says it says and yes i serve the lord your god and he shall bless thy bread and thy water and i will take sicknesses away from the midst of thee may god take away sicknesses from the midst of us in the name of jesus tonight you must praise your you may not know we have people who have been walking around healthy before you realize something has happened terminal disease and the person is gone meanwhile the bible says in psalm 91 verses i said with long life will i satisfy you and so the devil is riding on certain things to afflict us with diseases to terminate our lives but tonight as we pray may god answer us in jesus name i said may god answer us in jesus name god is a healer i said god is a healer he says bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord with my soul and forget not his benefit for it is he who forgives all your iniquities and heals what all dying diseases psalm 103 verse 1 to 3 he heals and god is a healer amen people of god let me tell you if it is not because every now and then god heals our physical infirmities by now would have gone but god has put a mechanism in the form of the immune system the greatest healer so every now and then we have been healed tonight may god heal us we are going to pray you know the holy spirit we cannot see him but he is our partner he is our partner in prayer and as we begin to pray the holy ghost will scan through the congregation and anybody who has a physical infirmity has been coming to church and going but you know the thing is with you tonight may jehovah i say may jehovah heal us all in jesus name we are going to be dealing with so many things tonight and i pray that god will help us he says in exodus 15 26 he says and said if thou will diligently hacking unto the voice of the lord thy god and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his commandment and keep all his status i will put none of these diseases upon thee which i have brought upon the egyptians for i am the lord that healed thee i am the lord that he lady may god heal us in jesus name tonight may god heal us he says in john 3 john chapter 1 verse 3 says beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in what and being what even us your soul prospers god wants us to be in health and so tonight we are going to believe god and pray for god's spirit to come shall we rise up on our feet in the name of jesus we are going to believe god now i want you to take note as new testament you know christians there's the power of the holy spirit that heals so the bible says in romans chapter 8 verse 11 it says if the spirit of him that raised christ from the dead dwell it in you dwell it in you does the holy spirit dwell in us if but if the spirit of him that raised christ from the dead dwelled in you he that raised christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you so jesus was dead but the spirit had the power to quicken him bring him to life how much more you who is alive and it is a part of your body that is hurting you how much the word quickened there in greek means to restore to life it means to make a life it means to revitalize it means to invigorate hallelujah it means to increase your physical life to make well so the power of the holy spirit has the ability to quicken our mortal bodies any part of your body that is hurting whether it's a kidney problem whether it is you know a blood problem whether it is about your your ear whatever because if that spirit that raised christ from the dead dwell it in you it shall quicken your mother body and so tonight number one we are going to pray we are going to pray and believe god let's number one by the quickening power of the holy spirit let every member who is sick in any part of their bodies receive healing in jesus name any church member that is sick that we are not privy to we are going to pray amen in our homes in the hospitals you know there may be members that are sick but tonight we are partnering with the holy spirit the holy spirit is our partner and we are going to pray that lord let oh god the power of the holy spirit bring a quickening in our lives bring healing in our lives in the name of jesus are we ready to pray tonight we are standing in the god for the entire church jesus name then touch it and our men our family members you know people we know who are sick in the name of jesus lift up your hands in the name of jesus say father father in the name of jesus name of jesus by the quickening power by the quickening power of the holy spirit the holy spirit tonight as we engage as we engage who is sick who is in any part of their bodies any part of their brain receive healing healing receive receive healing healing by the quickening power of the holy spirit made the holy spirit bring restoration unto life may the holy spirit bring restoration unto life in the name of jesus may the holy spirit speak in our mouth our bodies in the name of jesus lift up your voice and begin to pray [Music] for [Music] [Music] by the quickening power of the holy spirit as we pray tonight of god we declare in the church member that is sacred god in the name of jesus in any part of their bodies of god tonight to god let them receive their healing now in the name of jesus christ we activate the power of the holy spirit for our healing of god let every mortal body of god in the name of jesus be quick receive life in the name of jesus somebody [Music] in the name of the lord jesus in the body of god that had had issues of god father may they receive the quickening power of the holy spirit any wonder god that had blood issues of god neither awakening power of the holy spirit anyone that has issues with god with your lands of god with your kindness of god in the name of jesus anyone that has an issue of god with any part of the body tonight of god we release the quickening power of the holy spirit [Music] the people of god have assembled [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] is there anybody that has been diagnosed with cancer is there anybody that has been diagnosed with blood issues is there anybody that has a heart issue tonight of god as we pray in the name of jesus christ we declare let the power of the holy god quicken them in the name of jesus they receive life we speak we bring the entire church of god before god tonight to god and we pray in the name of jesus by the quickening power of the holy spirit we declare healing and health of god in the name of jesus [Laughter] [Music] concerning our healings of god concerning health issues [Music] [Laughter] bring life of god to our physical bodies of god [Music] [Music] do you know anybody who is sick in any part of their body come and lift up your forehead and declare that the power of the holy spirit will quicken them in the name of jesus the power of the holy spirit will bring healing and health in the name of jesus restoration to heaven in the name of jesus christ cause somebody to be restored unto the life of god call somebody or god in the name of jesus to receive a god [Music] healing in the name of jesus by the power by the power [Laughter] oh god the kidney of somebody else as we pray to another quicken the heart of god problems of somebody else as we pray tonight quicking of god the blood issues of god of somebody else in the name of jesus a member of the church that is sick tonight to god by our prayer of god we depend on the power of the holy spirit to bring of god [Music] [Laughter] who is lying at the hospital somebody who is on medication somebody else who has been diagnosed of a certain condition to know god the church has got to have and we are praying that quickening power of the holy spirit we activate the quickening power of the holy spirit [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] the cause of god our body parts of god that have issues of god to receive life again in the name of jesus revitalize our lives to god and tell your mother in the greatest of god [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] as we pray prophetically i see somebody has receiving of god a new kidney i see somebody has been healed of cancer i see the power of the holy spirit bringing oh god relief to somebody else in the name of jesus i see somebody has been healed of god of a liver disease i see somebody else having diabetes vanish in the name of jesus i see somebody oh receiving healing for that chronic disease in the name of jesus that's my grace in the name of jesus by the power of the holy god that quickens our mother body receive your healing in the name of jesus i see somebody receiving oh a healing in your eyes in the name of jesus [Music] you are joining us on the heart it is a prophetic prayer service and tonight to god we declare that by the power of the holy spirit by the quickening power of the holy spirit somebody is receiving [Laughter] [Laughter] receive that healing of god but the power of the holy spirit bring restoration [Music] [Laughter] that god will restore hell unto all of us in the name of jesus anybody that has a health issue or a health challenge may the hoover restore unto us in the name of jesus restoration of hell in the name of jesus jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 for i will restore health unto dear god [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] tonight we are praying that anybody that is having health issues health challenges tonight oh god we are believing god for restoration lift up your voice this is the promise of god [Music] tonight we are praying for the entirety we are praying for our family members do you know somebody else who is having health issues help challenge you tonight to god we are believing god for divine restoration of hell for god father we are believing you for healing the god for our bodies of god for healing of god for our members of god for restoration for our pastors of god restoration of yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] let there be restoration in the childhood and the woman anybody that has challenges with your health tonight oh god we are believing you for restoration of god restore unto us of god healing and help [Music] we are in partnership with the holy ghost in the name of jesus may the holy ghost come true oh god the congregation have anyone know god that has health challenges of god health issues of god father according to your wealth in jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 i will restore unto your health in the name of jesus and heal thy words of god to know to god we pray restore [Music] let us join our faith together let us corporately pray in the name of jesus for the restoration of health of god for healing the god of our womb in the name of jesus [Music] christ in the name of jesus father tonight oh god we are trusting in your heart let there be restoration restoration of our health to god anyone whose health of god has been tampered with god in the [Laughter] amongst the pastor anybody okay who has held challenges to god amongst the congregation he demands any woman any child any boy any girl that is challenged to god with the health of god tonight of god we pray for restoration we pray for healing we pray for restoration we pray of our health of god of healing [Music] [Music] [Music] many are the people of god who have health issues oh god health challenges of god and tonight of god we are believing you for restoration in the name of jesus tonight we are believing you for healing oh [Music] pda [Music] and pray in the name of jesus if you know somebody else who has health challenges mention them by name in the name of jesus and pray for them whether amongst the congregation whether your family member somebody you know a colleague friend you know come and lift up your father in the name of jesus pray and believe god for the restoration of the health of god in [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] the power of the holy spirit is restoring unto somebody else a hell that you have a lot in the name of jesus [Music] foreign [Music] lift up your hands we are still praying you know when the centerium came to jesus jesus i said my seven lie at home sick hallelujah amen and jesus sent a message and said i'm coming and the man said you know invest matthew 8 18. he said lord i am not worthy that you should come under my roof it says speak thou only the world and my seven will be healed speak so tonight we are going to speak yes lord we are going to transmit spiritually yes no the bible says in psalm 107 verse 20 says he sent forth his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction it means that we can transmit the power of god yes lord the word of god can be transmitted the word of healing he says speak only the word tonight we are going to speak and transmit the word of god or we are going to transmit the spirit of good health jesus over the entire church jesus we are going to declare you know there are people who are in their various corners sick trying to many things and we are not aware of yes sir in hospitals we have church members who are in hospitals there are times we go to the hospitals we are going to pray for a member say oh what are you doing here you see a lot of people and we are not aware of but tonight i want you to transmit the word of god jesus into every hospital yes into every home change where church members are sick yes we are transmitting the healing power and good health over the people of god lift up your hands say father father in the name of jesus jesus tonight i declare i declare that my thoughts my tongue is anointed my mouth my mouth is anointed as i release as i release the power of healing power of healing over the congregation that is sick any member of the church of our family members of our loved ones that is sick as we transmit the word of healing the word of healing may they receive their healing right now in the name of jesus lift up your voice and begin to pray in the mighty name of jesus we send for the healing power of the world in the name of jesus [Music] we release the healing power of god over the church we will lose good health over the church in the name of jesus wherever our members are oh god sick of god we release we transmit the word of god in the name of jesus and jesus said god i way for thy seven he is here in the name of jesus father the same way we speak the word of god in the name of jesus and we declare that our members who are sick are here we declare that our members who are sick in the hospital in the homes of god wherever they are we declare by the power of the word of god they are healed in the name of jesus we believe in the weather that we speak oh god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the word of god will bring healing unto somebody who is due for under pressure somebody who is the lies of god in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] we believe god that tonight as we pray oh god somebody is receiving healing by the power of the holy spirit somebody is receiving healing as we speak the oh god by our corporate prayer in the name of jesus [Music] that somebody is receiving healing right now as we pray in the name of jesus somebody is receiving healing right now at 37 somebody is receiving healing right now somebody is receiving here at rich hospital somebody is receiving here as we pray right now transmitting the word of god in the name of jesus he says speak only the word and my seven will hear we speak the word in prayer and to know to god may somebody receive healing may a family member receive healing may a church member receive you in the name of jesus by the power that is transmitted through our prayer by the power that is sent for through our prayer in the name of jesus christ [Music] this geographical location we speak heavily we speak clearly now we speak clearly in the name of jesus we speak clearly somebody prophetically received a healing in your home receive the healing in your the hospital receive the heal wherever you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus for somebody's healing tonight in the name of jesus for somebody's healing tonight in the mighty name of jesus christ lift up your voice right now let us rise up in prayer and resist the devil who is trying to attack the health of memphis come on lift up your father we resist the devil's attack of god [Music] submit your servant to god resist the devil and he will flee from you tonight to god we resist the devil trying to accomplish the health of members in the name of jesus christ [Music] on our health of god we resist in the name of jesus by prayer by faith by the word of god by the blood of jesus in the name of jesus we resist to god any attack of god we resist we resist any attack in the name of jesus on your life we resist any attack on your health we resist any attack on judgment this hell in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift up your voice in the name of jesus father tonight by prayer we resist the devil in the area of our health we resist the devil attracted to god in the area of our lives in the mighty name of jesus [Music] come on lift up your voice don't be tired in the name of jesus one of the strategies of the devil is to attack our health to weaken others physically but tonight to god we stand here in the name of jesus and by the power of prayer we resist the devil in the area of our health of god in the name of jesus christ right now let us pray and deal with the spirit that brings terminal disease rise up on your fear and let's pray and deal with terminal diseases in the name of jesus that by this prayer of god anyway that the enemy seeks to afflict with terminal this year father we deal with that in the name of jesus father take away oh god those terminal diseases of god from above god in the name of jesus [Music] we have known of people who have died of terminal disease and tonight it is a spirit we deal with it it is a spirit we deal with it father of god save us your god from terminal disease save us of god from diseases that try to contaminate our lives of god in the name of jesus prematurely oh god [Music] [Music] and i will take sicknesses from amongst deer from the midst of fear father take away take away take away all coming of the caesar from amongst us [Music] [Music] tonight to god as a child take away all god sicknesses and diseases from the midst of us of god as a church of god in the name of jesus christ diseases of god father of god [Music] lift [Music] is [Music] [Music] father we are praying tonight to god in the name of jesus take away diseases sicknesses from amongst us [Music] [Music] [Music] for our put none of these diseases upon you which i brought upon the egyptian in the name of jesus come and lift up your father i can't tell you about father in the name of jesus 15 26 he said i will put none of this disease upon thee which i brought upon the egyptian father in the name of jesus tonight oh god take away okay oh these diseases occur from allah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift up your hands we are praying we all know what is happening in the system the convict 19 pandemic but you know our god is a good god yes lord because when you read psalm 91 verse 3 says surely you shall deliver thee from the snail of the father thank you and from the anointing pestilence yes lord knowing somewhat pestilence the city says no for the pestilence that walked in the dark god will deliver you jesus no for the destruction that wasted a new day the pestilence that walk in the dark this covered 19 you cannot see it it is walking in the dark walking in the dark it is walking in the dark jesus before you realize you are falling to it we can take you don't last and they are saying that you cannot be careful enough not to contract the disease yes sir no matter how careful we are there have been people who are so careful but they had it it is in the air invisible enemy which means that we need divine protection jesus we are going to pray the father deliver us from this pestilence that is walking in the night please knowing some person it's all over it has been noise everywhere deliver us even if by mistake you go and touch a surface that has a virus may the lord deliver us jesus amen amen and you know the sad thing is that when you get it you don't know whether you survive or you will die people got it they die some god they survive you don't know we are going to pray for the entire church the father as we go out there because we must go out for our daily bread as we go out there deliver us from this noisome pestilence deliver us from this pestilence that is walking in the dark that we cannot see deliver we and our children yes lord because we cannot see it say there's convincing here so you pass by you can't see it to the entire church we are bringing the entire church under the covering of god our father even if by mistake by accident we contracted lord deliver us say father father in the name of jesus jesus tonight tonight we pray we pray for the entire church and touch of seeing them deliver us from the knowing some personality that is ravaging the world in the name of jesus that is ravaging the world in the name of jesus as we rise up and pray we declare divine deliverance divine protection over every same member of our family members of our children of our pastors in the name of jesus lift up your voice and begin to pray in the mighty name of jesus [Music] tonight we seek your protection we seek your delivery in the name of jesus for our pastors of god for our members of god for our children of god wherever we find ourselves in [Music] [Music] [Music] us from this noisome pestilence okay from this pestilence of god that walks in the dark of god that we cannot see her father lately allah [Laughter] in the name of jesus [Music] foreign god in the name of jesus as we stand before people to minister her as we all god conducts services of god deliver us of god from this oh god he will fire us in the name of jesus deliver us your god from this pestilence of god in the name of jesus we pray for all church members as we go to our offices of god as we board public free culture god as we go to the shopping mall so god as we go to the market of god father protect us and deliver us from this pestilence of god that is walking in the dark from this anointing of god pestilence of god [Music] deliver everyone in the name of jesus from this secret enemy of god from this heated enemy of god in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] lift up your voice and pray as we come to church every sunday as we come to church for church services we are praying in the name of jesus the father none will contract that is here in the name of jesus in this atmosphere of god by the power of prayer we declare that as we come to church of god none of us there are so many people who are afraid to come to jail because of copenhagen come and lift up your forehead in the name of jesus we declare into the atmosphere that as we cover every sunday as we come every friday as we come in all the services of god father may we come to god and go under the protective power of the blood of jesus christ [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] be my [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] to foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jesus oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] jesus oh [Music] argument [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] i trust [Music] i please [Music] hallelujah i want to take our prophetic action it's a praying prophetic service amen now we have been praying about healing and health whether you are here you are connected we are going to do a prophetic action amen i read james chapter 5 verse 14 to 15. says is any among you sick is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord in the world name of the lord there's power in the name of the lord jesus god says he has given him a name above all name that at the mention of his name everyone needs to and everything confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of the father hallelujah of things present or things that are yet to come jesus so in the name of the lord we are we are going to annoy if you are here i said if you are here and there is any part of your body that is sick according to romans 8 11 the spirit that dwelleth in us will quicken our mortal bodies yes lord will bring life kings so if there's any part of your body that is sick we are going to anoint ourselves you will come for the oil and you yourself you will go back and place it there place it there and let's believe god that in the name of jesus you shall be healed verse 15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sin we are going to pray the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sin they shall be forgiving him jesus so if you have committed sin it doesn't exclude you from receiving the healing of god yes lord thank you jesus it does not matter your condition god's healing is for us thank you because he said call the eldest those of us online we may not be able to come to you but wherever you are if you have a bottle of oil you lift it up as we pray then after that you will use that oil this is symbolic this is the anointing of the eldest and we are not going to anoint you in the name of pastor mike in the name of reverend steve in the name of mrna he said in the name of the name of the lord in the name of the lord so it's a prophetic action and i'm believing god because you know because god is still in the miracle working business he's still creating i'm believing god for a creative miracle for somebody amen i said what a creative miracle amen it means that some part of your body is giving you troubles but god will replace it may god replace somebody's kidney jesus may god replace somebody's blood jesus may god replace somebody's liver jesus may god replace somebody's brain jesus may god replace something that is not working in somebody's body in the name of jesus say call for the elders and let them anoint pray anointing you with oil and the oil is a representative of the spirit of god amen is an emblem of the holy spirit it is the spirit of god and when the spirit of god that dwells in you that was able to raise christ was even dead then your body is coco hallelujah amen do you believe in the prophetic action anybody who is here i'm going to pray hallelujah i'm going to lift up this holy oil towards heaven and i'm going to believe god you know what part of your body that is hurting you so you come for it we are not going to lay hands but i'm going to pray and infuse the oil with the spirit of god and after that those of us online you can get a bottle of oil and lift it up even as i pray and after that you will use it to anoint yourself in the name of jesus rise up on your feet lift up your hands and and back me with your feet even as i pray father in the name of jesus i stand in this temple jesus that has your name on it and i lift up this holy oil towards heaven i declare that it loses its natural tendency and assumes as supernatural tonight this oil is full of the therapeutic powers of god jesus i declare tonight this oil is infused with power to heal power to recreate in the name of jesus we infuse this oil with the healing power of the holy ghost and as this area touches the body of any member may there be a quickening in the name of jesus may life come back in the name of jesus may cells tissues organs that have been affected may they be revived in the name of jesus may strain come into the body as this oil touches any part of your body i declare the name of jesus there shall be cleansing in your blood there shall be cleansing in your blood any bacteria in your blood any fungal infection in your blood anything that is in your blood that is causing sicknesses may this oil flush it out in the name of jesus tonight i declare that this oil is empowered for our healing further by reason of this oil may somebody's health be restored anybody who has a health challenge as you partake in this prophetic action may your health be restored i receive it for you i receive it for myself i receive it for passes of syria i receive it for every man every girl every boy every woman in the name of jesus father the bible says that if anyone is sick amongst us they should call for the elders to pray for the person anointing the person with oil and the prayer of faith shall save the sick father this is a prayer of faith by reason of this prayer of faith in your power that is able to save in your power that is able to create a miracle we declare in the name of jesus that every sick person shall be saved whether in the hospital whether at home whether you are at qualified on the sickbed you are 37 on the sickbed you are rich hospital on the sacrament we declare that as you pick a bottle of oil and you receive this prophetic action may the spirit of god quicken your body in the name of jesus father may this oil take care of diabetes may this or you take care of high blood pressure yes lord may this oil take care of cancer jesus may this you take care of covet 19. jesus may this audience take care of any virus that is causing migraine in the name of jesus and this fever that keeps on coming i declare any flu in the name of jesus by rising of this oil may the members of the body of christ receive their healing in jesus name i take authority in the name of jesus and i declare that in the devil that is attacking your health we resist it in the name of jesus and by the application of this oil may you come into contact with the therapeutic powers of the blood we give you praise we give you thanks in the name of jesus father save us save the sick may we not die by terminal diseases may we not die by diseases that try to terminate our lives because your word says in psalm 91 verse 16 with long life will i satisfy you and show you my salvation father the number of days appointed unto us may we may it not be cut short in the name of jesus father i bless this oil i infuse it with the spirit of god i declare that it is empowered for our use this shame and anybody who has lifted a bottle of oil whether now or you watch the service and lift it up i declare the spirit of god into that oil and i declare that it will work for you in the name of jesus i speak the word as jesus spoke the word and told
Views: 210
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b7lf1cDKVTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 34sec (6154 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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