Prophetess Latrice Ryan..3rd Service in Charleston, WV -Women Conference.

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just endless free and Daniel appraised of God just set your whole family free by you yes I can appraise them go ahead and bless you somebody bless god that's him you in the black come in lift up your hands prayer warrior intercessor how young am i see baby your accuracy is going to another dimension Hanuman seat of the boho show your accuracy is going to another dimension where you want your ministry to go because you have ministry locked up on the inside of you where you want your ministry to go God is getting ready to do at hand on anonymous aha God says you don't came through the boot camp you don't when I was in the army you don't went through boot camp you went through AIT you went through officer school you went through drill sergeant school you went through all kind of jump schools you are Oh God God told me to call you our airborne assault you an assault weapon in the spirit realm good running it when you open up your mouth demons are trembling demons are fleeing that's why the devil want to keep you Crider but God says no you going to the next level somebody better give God prize clap your hands and praise them come on crap back cut back up lift them up lift up your hands you under arrest by the Holy Spirit gotta just set you up this is a divine set up this is not Sunday morning service as usual this is not Church as usual throw the program out the window throw it all out the window because God is doing he is releasing something for this house for this believers this morning God is doing something supernatural in the spirit realm for this body of believers we believe that shout glory and I decree and declare in Jesus name hallelujah that you will get a new engine a new feeling of the Holy Ghost tonight this morning that you will be baptized all over again rekindle recharged rejuvenated restored because when something is restored its value increases if you take a beat-up car a 1950 something some so-and-so restore it and put it on eBay its value is worth more now today that it was 50 some years ago during the process of restoration God increases your value haha your value just increased your value just increased there is no depreciation to this morning there is no depreciation but your value just increase clap your hands and bless the name of Jesus I am ready to preach hallelujah to the book of Mark to the book of Mark the second chapter I'm reading from the New King James Version the book of Mark the second chapter the New King James Version and when you have it shout I got it mark the second chapter mark the second chapter beginning in verse one when you have it say it's mine yes it is and again he entered Capernaum after some days and it was heard that he was in the house he who Jesus it can't you feel Jesus in the house immediately many gathered together so there so that there was no longer room to receive them not even near the door and he preached the word to them now here we see here in verse one that Jesus was in the house and when the buzz got out when word got out that Jesus was in the house the people came he became so much it was so many people there that it was not even room it was so crowded not even room to receive then they came to him bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men a paralytic somebody's a paralytic and when they could not come near him because of the crowd they uncovered the roof where he was so when they had broken through somebody shall break through uh-huh they let down the bed on which the paralytic was laying and when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven you now some of the scribes sitting there reasoning in their heart why did this man speak blasphemies like this who can forgive sins but God alone he forgetting man because this man getting a breakthrough look at them I told y'all yesterday yesterday at the breakfast how my grandmama from chula Mississippi was saying ain't studying you mm-hmm but immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves he said to them why do you reason about these things in your heart which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven you or to say arise somebody shall arise take up your bed and the Walker but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic I say to you arise take up your bed and go to your house and immediately he arose took up the bed and went out in the presence of them all so that all were amazed and glorified God saying we never see none like this didn't know your bio bomb I said we've never seen anything of this fashion but the New King James is we never saw anything like this first for and when they could not come near him because of the crowd they uncovered the roof where he was I want to talk until hail gets the message I want to preach until the devil is shaking in his boots from the sulk tear the roof off and get to Jesus y'all know how I do it find your neighbor and said neighbor tell the roof off and get to Jesus there was another now I find you another neighbor that was the wrong one said neighbor tear the roof off and get to Jesus I don't talk to your neighbor no more the Christmas golden prophesy over your own self and set self today I'm gonna tear the roof off and get your Jesus now if there's anybody in here other than me residents had its roof off and get to Jesus shout glory with a loud voice is there anybody in here rid of get a roof off and get to him sit sit sit sit we can see here that this man based on his actions we can accurately conclude that this man had had enough mm-hmm I need a church that's gonna talk back to me we can accurately say that that based on this man's actions based on this man did based on what he what he did that day we can accurately say that this man woke up on that particular morning and say and as he said to himself he made the decision that the book stops here and is there anybody in abundant life that got up this morning that say you know what the book stops here I don't had enough of this now no more mr. nice guy ain't playing with this no more I don't know woke up and say you know what I ain't going through this no more no it's a brand new day the book stops here yeah he said we were not told this man we are not told how long he had been in that condition we are not told if he if he gave he got his ain't his injury by way of birth we are not told if he obtained that injury by way of an accident we are not told that but but but one thing we can tell by his actions is that this man had put an expiration date on his condition oh yes he did he said no no no no today is the last day for this right here like I just said no more mr. nice guy I'm tired of playing the good fella I'm tired of laying on my back having people to carry me around he made up in his decision that that was all I can stand and I can't stand no more yes yes yes we can accurately conclude that this man's according to this man's a desperation this man was desperate huh would you not agree that this man had to be desperate and sometimes desperate situations will call for drastic decisions sometimes you have to make a drastic decision sometimes you have to do something that you've never done before if you believe in God for something that you've never had then I want to tell you you're gonna have to do something you've never done before ah you can't expect to get more from God steel brand on them saying 15-minute prayers you can't expect to get more from God still just with that little ol little bit it's a little bit of the low weekly low shout if you want more from God you're gonna have to put in more you're gonna have to deposit more you're gonna have to spend some more time with them the bracing was just saying I want more more more more MORE and I heard the people when I was back there getting dressed I heard the people crying out but I want more if you really want more God can give you more but that more gonna come with the price oh my god yeah for the more that God's gonna give you he's gonna give you that more but that more would not come without struggle and some of us right now we are in the fight of our lives because we are petitioning God for more God is sitting on us setting us up for more that's why we are in the fight of our lives that's why we're in the struggle look like you ain't struggles this bad since you've been saved oh my god and for the person who said because you get saved struggle stops I need to have a conversation with them because that is not the case no when you get saved the enemy gets upset because you are no longer working for him you're no longer on his payroll and he tries to do everything and present situations that are trying to pull you back on his payroll I've been is there anybody in a bundle like this morning that says I'm not gonna put my hand to the plow and look back I'm gonna be a good servant I'm gonna endure like a good soldier having done all I can do I'm go stand out I haven't made a decision to stand I may be in a struggle but I'm gonna stand up I may be in a fight but I'm gonna stand up I may be in warfare but I'm gonna stand out I'm not going to bow down I'm not going to tuck tail and run if y'all can't tell I'm a fighter I love to fight cuz she let me tell you something you cannot be so fair fierce and feisty in the world and then one over here and be all passive the devil is a liar if I was bussing folk head up in the world i'ma bust some demons head in the church if I was all God hey hey it couldn't nobody halfway look at me in the problem ain't no demon come in my house devil I don't know who you think I am but I will get on my case before God I'm not gonna cuss nobody out I'm not gonna raise my hand up because I understand that the weapons of my warfare I'm not carnal but they're mighty to God but the pulling up stronghold huh you want to see a girl go wild huh it ain't the wrongs of the TV it's a praying woman it's a rumor that I get on her face with Oh God and cry out ha you ain't having my child double you can't have my marriage tell me you pray have my home get out get out get out a girl go Wow I'll show you a girl go Wow imma keep my high heels on imma keep my nails done i'ma keep a pedicure but I'ma be an assassin in the spirit realm this man cuz we have to be a lady this man had made a decision that I'm gonna do something drastic oh my god some of y'all want to do some drastic but you're scared oh my god and this man his his desperation reminds me of some other young men who were in a desperate situation go to second Kings the seventh chapter very familiar passage of Scripture second Kings the seventh chapter and when you have it shout I got it amen second kings of second chapter verse three now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate and they said to one another while we sitting here until we death if we say well into the city the famine is in the city and we're gonna do number that and if we sit here also we die sit here we die also now therefore let us come come let us surrender to the army of the Syrians if they keep us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall only die these men were lepers and let me let me take you tell you what a lepers was back in this day leprosy there was a DS a disease that was highly highly infective it was a highly infective disease and often fatal these lepers they had to be isolated they cannot live among the general population they had to live on the outskirts of the city and if they had to come into the city for any chance they had to yell unclean unclean they had to live in and watch this man they highly infected they sick they got an infirmity had an infected people don't want to come near them because there's something on their skin they can see the sores and stuff all on their skin they were not permitted to live around everybody else they had they they had to live on the outside and outside of city they weren't good enough to come into the the main population of the gate because everybody was so scared of these lepers scared they're gonna catch the disease leprosy and death and so they were highly infected they were isolated because they couldn't be around folk and they had to announce they had to proclaim they had to state that I am unclean I am not good enough I am dirty there is something wrong with me I'm not good enough to be around y'all but these men who were infected isolated and who had announced that they were unclean turns to one another is covered in sores covered in scabs boozing pus and liquid from the sores to one another and says why are we sitting here until we die sometimes you got to get to the point where you say I ain't got nothing to lose mmm oh I need a church that's gonna talk back to me right there sometimes you got to get to the point in your walk with Christ were you saying you know what he got nothing to lose oh my god the folks say I'm down enough already the people say out on the hit rock bottom but I gotta found out in my years of living with God and walking in holiness that you wouldn't you hit rock bottom something occurs when you hit rock bottom you find the rock you find the rock of ages' how you find a Charlotte rock of Jesus huh every time I hit rock bottom I found a rock I found a rock oh Jesus when I hit rock bottom you failed the rock so they made up in their mind and I would even go out as far as to say that these lepers were mean of faith
Channel: LaTrice Ryan Ministries
Views: 48,097
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetess Latrice Ryan, Latrice Ryan, Evangelist Latrice Ryan, Light of Glory Int'l Church, Preaching Women, Women Conference, Praying, Prayer, Gospel Ministry
Id: nxz4_B5F3wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2012
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