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the signs of Judgment Day and that is the wars or the fighting or the Armageddon or the great battle that will take place and the prophet predicted you will have days ofaj haraj haraj they said what is haraj he said Bloodshed so there are predictions of lots of Wars IB was in kufa and one of these his name is he said one day it was very cloudy and a dark storm a dust storm came in the daytime blocked the sun and it seemed very terrifying so a man came shouting to the Masjid oh oh the day of judgment is coming looking at what is happening he became terrified he's running to Mas saying look this is coming I mas then stood up amongst the people the people are looking to him for comfort for wisdom the people are terrified they're gathered in the Masjid stood up and he said the is not going to come until you see these signs and these signs haven't come so this cannot be the number one he said people will not be able to divide their inheritance this means massacres and death will be so profound that a person will have no family left and people will not be happy overa warti once again means there's no family then he pointed towards Asam Syria he is in Iraq he points towards the land that is known as as sham and he said and an enemy will gather forces against the Muslims and the Muslims will gather forces against them a man in the audience said do you mean AR the Romans he said yes now the Romans refers to European civilization the Christian Empires so the term Roman Rome can de facto apply to the majority civilization the superpowers of our times so and by the way this is interesting because again uh these are predictions that we are now seeing taking place so uh said yes I mean the Romans and at that time there will be a severe fighting a fierce fighting the Muslims will send a battalion to fight to death and they will not return they will die they will fight until night neither side will be victorious over the other on the second day the Muslims will send another Battalion and they will fight to death and they will not return Victorious on the third day the same thing will happen and then on the fourth day so for 3 Days Muslims are going in in in and it is going to be Massacre after Massacre nobody will remain alive from the first batches that go on the fourth day Allah Asel will grant Victory to the Muslims and the enemy will be defeated so there will be four days of battle somewhere in bilad sham now the Hadith goes on this will be a battle the likes of which have never seen before this is very terrifying in human history no battle has taken place that is more terrifying and more severe than then that battle that will take place towards the end of times and then IB Mas said and this is so powerful and it's not IB Mas it is from the prophet sallallah wasam so much so that a bird that will fly over them will fall down dead now you tell me before I move on you tell me no matter how many people are killed by the swords on this land will it affect a bird in the heavens what will affect a bird in the heavens not swords get the point not swords something's going to happen that a bird in the heavens will be flying over it will come down dead and then the Hadith goes on out of a family of 199 will perish and one will survive the attrition rate in this war 9% what war in human history has had 99% death none I don't know of any while they are doing this and they are finishing the battle collecting Thea recovering will hear there's a bigger Calamity than this war what could be a bigger Calamity somebody will shout out that the Jal has come where your families have been left behind so in that state tired bruised bleeding but their families are being attacked wherever is remaining in the land that they left behind belad sham wherever there is they will run they will rush back to that land and they will discover that it is a a lie it is not uh true and in one Hadith it is mentioned that uh they will send their 10 best Horsemen to go verify that news the 10 fastest Horsemen and then the prophet Sall wasallam said I know their names and the names of their forefathers and the colors of their Horsemen the colors of their horses and they will be the best horsemen on the face of this earth now does this mean we will go back to horses and swords if there is that type of war in all likelihood we will if there is that type of War when nuclear weapons and whatnot and every side and whatnot then we will go back to those days when there was no electricity and whatnot we're going to go back to this or is it possible that when the prophet saying horse he means a vehicle this is also possible it's not too much of a stretch and Allah knows best so does this Hadith mention the MDI yes or no it does not but other Hadith mention that the Mahi will be the one that will be there when the news comes that the Dalal is around so it appears that this big war that is being referenced is a war that the Mahi will participate in even though he's not mentioned in this in this one right so it is a war between a room and between the Muslims
Channel: Nourish TV
Views: 149,691
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Keywords: emotional dua, islam, muslim, muhmmad, iLovUAllah, TheMercifulServant, quran, NourishTV, jannah, islamic content, daily reminders, recently uploaded, TheiSLAMTV, OneIslamProductions, islamchanneltv, Islam Channel, muftimenkofficial, allah, NURULHUDAdawahcallingtoAllah, new, The Daily Reminder, quranandislam6123, TheGuidedPath, TheDailyReminder, HaveSabr, LoveAllah328, SenseIslam, smiletojannah, IslamTheUltimatePeace, 2023
Id: Sa3HqlyhuSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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