HAIG Day 1| Sermon with Matthew Ashimolowo | Monday 22 Oct 2018 |AMI LIVESTREAM

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Hey after hear you a vine somebody better wanna go see Louie do you read that loose I will there are you with me your sandal victory [Applause] hallelujah what a joy to be the house of God ladies and gentlemen the time will be the wedding finally arrived if ours you are now screamed away you screaming oh yes we are ready whoa [Applause] [Music] Laurie - cheese [Music] something must happen I believe something look if you've been here you have been here before you trusting the other than you you may say that I have seen but I want small boys here now I am smelling manifestation I receive [Applause] [Music] I wanna say this from from the bottom of my heart ah I saw gotta walk with God I serve God and I love God I serve God and I give God everything about man but here this in the just past hour I have been blessed as I have not been blessed thank you Jesus thank you and I tell you if I if I can say this if I can say this is because it is overwhelming right there in my office ready I had said the conference is done we received I can't hear you am I [Applause] Norma to Jerusalem and here I'm not just saying my name is a fluke [Applause] I don't speak to speak I always say God had delivered me from the spirit of impressing others if you live your life to impress others you start dressing not for you for them that's right you want to drive not for you for them you wanna stand not for you for them I've been delivered from that completely free but what I have just experienced is about to take all of us as earlier very shy let's receive it I received this was my plane I'm confessing the dish was my plane my plane was all I have the word but before the world I will come and do my thing [Music] and I say I'll come and pray and touch you and do dodo is because I did not encounter what I had encountered my office Oh God Oh God then I asserted finding ways to reverse my plan because I realized that the plans of God are greater than my plans let me tell you you will not leave this place the same way you worked in who am I talking to your dam has arrived I receive yes now I'm telling you there is no one to my understanding to this level that I will easily just come and say what I'm saying about doesn't matter see what does I hear God you know I don't think I'm hearing God that's right I don't do blue and yellow no I used to [Music] nineteen years ago well when when I I a minute and I can tell you beyond any single doubt God has a word for me and for you good night we receive [Music] and I'm not even trying to just a potassium motivate you know I'm not dying that I'm just being a a a true servant who want you to be well here don't shout here is don't shout what what you about to get the day if you will need to eat and I'm speaking to you as your man of God if you need to eat and follow what God the water bring from this pulpit Africa I'm speaking to you your life will never be the same again I receive it how many people here today came from overseas we came from overseas to Jesus you have been set up God wants your miracle tonight I receive it [Applause] so now get ready get ready for the world the man of God is speaking to us we know he's a father to many across the globe is one of the unknown Ted established two voices that God has given us in this generation and I believe that he's coming here is to unleash something that will take your life my life our lives to the next level glory to Jesus [Applause] is that anybody who's ready to be blessed is there anybody who's ready to be blessed I am ready all the way from KCC in the United Kingdom ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters family of Alleluia ministries with the high praise happy welcome right here in MI I can't see you I can't see you somebody's about to change gears tonight give God praise give Him praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah means to celebrate to magnify to exalt Jean and the only one who deserves to be celebrated hallelujah is the one with the a for the Alpha before bread of life C for Christ is the deeper delivery for el-shaddai is the L for the Father chief of God is the head for the higher lifted one I I am that I am Jer for Jesus care for the King of Kings ell for the Lord of lords my Omega and for the new and living way o Omega beep come on somebody magnify the Lord Jenna give God the praise la rocha give you glory didn't praise give it race give appraised blessing blessing listen listen [Applause] whoa what a joy to be here tonight and I have no doubt that somebody will have a testimony today is the beginning of a turnaround where they said you never reach your gets in there what they said you will never have God is putting in your hands and God is about to give you an uncommon testimony and guess what I have news for you it won't be long summer said he won't be long it won't be long it won't be long look at your neighbor Jeremy won't be long you won't be long you won't be long yeah they were be long it won't be long it won't be long it won't be long I'm talking about your favor your breakthrough your testimony your open door your healing your deliverance your joy yes you won't be long it won't be long they were [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] below [Music] it's gonna be a switch in the spirit realm before December 31 before December 31 I don't know who they are here but I saw t-spin hunter into you I like you too shouts I receive sale again I receive it I saw keeps me under it's your hands she spent hundreds your keys been handed into your hand geez we'll handle it your hand he won't be long it won't be long get ready get ready before 12:00 midnight December 31 the doors have been knocking open get right it God will give you testimony he won't be long sorry CB pity times come up with Josh together for the Lord tonight give Him glory i arable Sahel eros Erebos ladyelliot ROC get ready for something to turn around and I don't know we tease out some people yeah you applied for something and they said no but God said well I said no they will say yes [Music] he won't be long it won't be long we are they said no they will say yes well this satin no there will said yes they won't be long you won't be long [Music] II I love this Playa bad [Music] get ready get ready I don't know it is here but when the breakthrough came your enemies or problem mother couldn't shut it they were looking at your testimony like he won't be long he won't be long I'll echo burrows and a Ramos Colleary Rivera Rizzoli Aronofsky Valley Allende Tolu Barea I hate being billed with multi-level parking I see a chart that is kind of round [Music] it's not a regular building is not flat floors is now six floors is now several flaws I see a church [Applause] we're a Gila River began to flow as people came they came into the river and received a healing I received a favor I received a breakthrough I see a church when people came in their lives turned around the testimony went out whoa [Applause] [Music] I don't know who they are but I saw these people they were open arms against the Passover they came and laid their weapons at his feet it won't be long it won't be long hey no scalebar Ozzy these are no November a race they are Oscar narrows I see one or two men here who will not just build a building but they'll start a big estate and the estate will be such that the nation will know about it it will bring incredible prosperity on their household God is bringing them out of challenges into testimonies it won't be long they won't be long [Music] leymah low secure bro no scale ebrary go scelera lishka on the rebels and the building which I saw will not be built out of stress but out of convenience will be built out of testimonies and other people build it's God will be building there but chance again I give God a praise for it [Music] when I was in the plane when I was in the plane thinking I'm tired let me sleep then the Lord brought up also off to my spirit and I saw the Lord speaking to me saying telling it's not just building a church you will build an institution I said Lord what does this mean is that is the work that speaks for generations if anyone thinks this work will perk up after some time they are making a mistake generational anoint you will rest on this house generational grace where a son is that institution will be built the finance will come I even see I see one or two men we don't even worship here so you're building such a thing you didn't tell us and we're writing checks like a million dollars [Applause] [Music] this thing's will come to pass and it won't be long somebody screaming won't be long it won't be long Hey [Music] tonight Lord would build a wall of fire on this ministry we put a ring of fire around this work thank you Lord descending into the service every corner just feeling of the place warrior angels worship angels filling the whole of the place come and let's celebrate the presence of the Lord and this week can you blow it in a brain Oh blast [Music] Oh somebody bless his bay [Music] whoa get ready get ready get ready because something beyond your imagination will break out in this house you will be a testimony I said you will be a testimony she will be a testimony you will be a testimony if you believe the ciouds [Music] but gels together give the Lord praise - now come on give him the price Oh bless us man you may be seated in the presence of the law such a great honor a privilege to be here tonight trust in the Lord to make me a blessing to you in the name of Jesus I wanna celebrate the Bishop of this house for the grace of God on a slab the call of God on a slab the gift of God he is been a ministry myself a few years just about 44 years so felt led to really know that I'm coming to the house that the hand of the Lord was upon so I checked him out myself I'm saying when I went online it wasn't the miracles it was the spirit of grace and humility that I saw in him and God said to me he is my son he walks up to my cancer I'm here because God told me to come he told me the man and the house is truly a man after his heart and I want you to know you are in the right house tell two or three people you are in the right house you are in the right house celebrate him I want you to put your hands together let's appreciate let's bless the love for you - what come and give God praise [Music] never take for granted never take for granted I get ready Presiding Bishop of this house because what took some people ten years God will give you in ten months but took something for ten years God will give you in ten months so be shocked at your speed they will be trying to wonder and investigate where is he getting the finances from where where but while they are such a you will be building and if you think you've seen anything you haven't seen anything yet [Applause] you have nothing anything and what I seen my spirit you have nothing anything yet get ready this place is gonna be a place for all nations there's another word I hear it plays for all nations a river will flow out of this place now we'll go to nations and bring healing bring healing to them bring healing to them a break healing break healing the Bible says as arrows in the hands of a mighty man so our children of youth happy is the man without his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed what does that mean if you have officers with guns outside the bullets in their gun the distance was fixed when was manufactured but you see an arrow can only go as far as with shooting it so listen when God wants you to go far it puts you in the hand of the mighty man so that you can launch you very far you are in the right house you will go far I declare yeah you will go far I said you will go far you will go far you will go far shot a man three times [Music] please be seated in the presence of the Lord with Seaton seated in the presence of the Lord great honor to be here now pray the Lord now you will be blessed in the brevity of my time of ministry your life will never be the same you will have a testimony in the name of Jesus praise God I'm just gonna pray for this people I'm not gonna ask you to come out because of time somebody here today they told you there is a lump in your breast just stand up if you had a person I don't want you to come out prayer from here will touch you because of time there's a second person here they told you you have fibrosis if you are the one stand up I'm gonna pray for you and God will heal you the third set of persons you can't give birth they said it is because of congenital problem the Lord showed you to me if they are the one stand up when I pray for you because of time I'm not gonna ask you to come out is the first night of the convention so the conference the first because will not make you stay so long and you miss the other days you have to come every night praise the Lord and then lastly there are some people here for days and the week now you've carried a migraine those kind of headaches that's there for days if you are the one just stand up I'm gonna pray for you all the people standing so I'm gonna start with all the points are called so that we can confirm that what the Lord showed me you are here tonight if you're the one with fibrosis with your hand that's me okay fibrosis when I pray for you God is about to give you a testimony in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you've got the one with the lump in the breast with your hand at me so I know you are here we're gonna believe God for your healing wave properly did I see a man waving his hand I'd like to check your brother praise God then if you are the one who has migraine that headache that stays for this let me see your hand I want you to believe God that you'll be here tonight remain standing remain standing just one or two testimonies then I'm gonna pray with you anointing is dissipated in words even where you are healing will touch you I will never be the same preaching in Lagos Nigeria Covenant Christian Center as I was driving to the church the Lord showed me that you prefer various issues and one of them was hole in the heart when I got there made the announcement I did not know they were running at this conference for sessions every day that's a lot of sessions during the break two brothers outside eating their older brother called him I said doctors have just told me I have a hole in my heart and then I come in that NAND I prayed but the one that touched the church I went wild on social media was that when I announced hole in the heart there was a woman in the church whose baby - ten years to come she waited on God for a baby for ten years when the baby finally came he had two holes so the doctors told her well you know we don't have the facilities for handling your son here in Nigeria you have to go to India for operation and then I come and I announce hole in the heart and I prayed that day simple prayer and the woman went to the doctors check my son man of God have prayed he is healed the man the doctor said madam you need to do this operation she said check my son they brought out the old scant two holes didn't you scan no hole somebody give Jesus a clap of last year for my sons in Paris ICC they have churches are crushed across the French world now they came under me when they are 90 people they're now wrong large four thousand members church in Paris is like 1 million in Africa each and then with another 23 branches across France and in 25 French African nations but last year when I went for their conference the Lord led me to pray for people who are partially deaf 71 are here with one particular year they opened [Applause] last month I was in Malawi went hey they're here [Music] praise God I said praise the Lord some Bingu International Conference Center called out people who needed healing suddenly says anyone here who can hear with one of the years two people one lady before I said who shall I call forward the lady runs forward can't hear deaf in one ear for 15 years the ear open hundred percent I share the testimony tonight so that you will know that where you're standing I don't have to lay hands on you I could have laid hands but I'm very conscious of time I want to exegete some story tonight from the Bible because it's gonna bless you and that's why I just want to pray for you where you're standing I believe God to heal you I believe God to give you a testimony and those ones who are told you can't have a child March last year when to preach in K ICC Togo our branch in Togo made a forgot that our pastor deone his wife I've been waiting on God for a child for seven years and I just said how are your children then I remember it that night I could not sleep kept crying to God you've got to give them a child Lord last day of the meeting they nail down would be for me with the sea as I laid hands on them I saw a boy and I said to the husband and wife if I be a prophet of God then this world I give to you will come to pass you will have a child and he will be a boy it was much 2017 they are the baby is in December exactly nine months later a baby boy tonight everyone standing when I pray I want you to say like thunder and Eve you have any other health issue that I didn't mention you can stand up with them because God will give you a testimony same Church I mentioned Covenant Christian Center I just said Lord and the other healthy usually show me heal them a young lady went to check her HIV state so she had HIV when she went to check they couldn't find it that she went to the second laboratory and to the third Clare Clare auntie she went to a seven I mean seven is too much come on are you ready for your healing I said are you ready for your healing is that a C shop thank you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus your presence Sandara [Music] oh the rain Letta fall [Music] open the floodgates independence and cause you're a - follow me open the floodgates [Music] Hey [Music] I chose your ring [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha [Applause] laughs ever Hey yes yes [Music] father in the name of Jesus I release healing virtue on this man a woman a command taught to healing tonight in the name of Jesus receive your healing receive your deliverance receive your healing receive your deliverance receive your healing receive your deliverance receive your healing receive your deliverance receive your healing receive your deliverance be free the name of Jesus every hell is you that I did not mention you Jesus paid for it I command healing in the name of Jesus I rebuke sickness and disease I command torture deliverance victory in the house testimony in the house that one cannot walk they get to walk let walk and acidity to see that people begin to move their body lets fibroid dry up let's heal it be done let's just a bone is followed that you they be glorified that your people go home total moon break the power of migraine lose your people set them free today victory in the house testimony in the house healing in the house so shall it be Jesus name Amen [Music] amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord is your name is Michael if your name is Charles please stand on your feet Michael and Charles stand on your feet it's your day of favor where are the markets and the Chalcis wave at me if your name is Michael or your name is Charles wave at me come out quickly so I can pray for you quickly only these words come quick come quick the name is Michael your name is Charles come quick a libero celebra in the least approach kaleriya remotion larry bossy and a mom Brady Rossi rarely Branagh controller Abbasi undercut Oprah guess terrible hero shopping heroes what's your name what's your name Michael what Mike what to my lift your hands off today the Lord said to let you know he shuts the door of all the losses and all the failures and is giving you a new season your story changes from today in the name of Jesus somebody shouts agreement for him I don't know who you are but you need to stop one leg in one leg out one leg in one leg up and really be serious with the Lord I'm from today your story will change is that clear glory to God Malik Abba Yolo say a naraba unless o berating ah the law said the seasons you have lost the opportunities you have I don't know what you lost but it seems like you have lost a lot because there'll be a restoration I said there will be a restoration some people even mocked you as if you didn't know what you were doing you used to handle a lot you used to handle major things well you lost most of it but from today I command a restoration I see somebody who's gonna rise suddenly to help you and your testimony will come come on somebody give God a praise is that your son his name is what Michael Lee bacala Rosie and Rico table si from today I command a restoration to your son I break him from alcohol I break you from every limitation booze Nicosia Reynosa bro so Caleb ah I see I see I see you came from very far what's your name Mike what where are you from Zimbabwe also I see be aware from therefore any law struggle in your background and family you have had to sustain other people sometimes your life is so stretched that before the month ends you are already strict but today I put grace on your life with blessing on your life I put favor on your life and commanded change a story I see yes yes some land belonging to your family and some people fighting over it but today I command a restoration and check it back for you they will not be able to take your family line Jesus name Lord I lay hands on this man I command a turnaround in that what's your name Charles what both open your hands see protocol area marlis okay ba loose karana allay the loss had to let you know that the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over you have won that you've seen on our people bless the prosperous and you've said lord I serve you I give my heart I've done all a cool but God set you let you know the struggle is over I'm by the way I pull you out of your father's limitation the name of Jesus be blessed and highly favored uncommon testimony follows you from today lift your hands what's your name Michael Naval so kyani libros prayin a where's your struggle is coming from that your father the word no there means she doesn't have to be good for you to bless her and don't your sin has some nice clothes at Christmas every month put your mom on salary your story with cheeks never all shop and I don't see a comment Esther when you follow you from today Riya pyramus a palpable scheme is a couple evils change of story Jesus name label casaya where his grace of your life today the limitations you've worked for so hard we have very little to show for it so I pull you out of struggle pull you into a new season pull later Testament Jesus they cost about Daniel open your hands but it's gonna come God is gonna give you a creative idea what do you do at the moment claims handler clips and bigger than that God's gonna give you creative idea God's campaign 30 what richest man on earth is only 37 and all he did was Chris on the café's book is not a book is not a fish and it's not the fourth richest man on earth I'm just written a book that's coming out on creativity is the next place the body of Christ is going people here will be handling billions I taught you a shout a massive MA get up you said Michael open your hand where's Charles you have Charles okay get ready your night season Genesis 1:1 sees better shifts in the Hebrew better shift in the beginning Elohim created out of nothing so from tonight out of nothing heaven will give you creative ideas laissez le rosey who come upon you receive grace from today a change to follow you a testimony to follow you moliro's the place of your path to becomes the place of your testimony I Arabic and a rosy favorite estimate on her pull you be blessed be favored in the name of Jesus a precautionary Inara commanded turn around your life I rebuke the hand of the enemy I cancel every lighter safer never spoken history where are your children my children aliens about my wife children are grown oh yeah my face ponies 26 my second as a one of your children is not happy with you [Music] from today [Music] what's going on this house my name is charts for the next six Fridays it's days some 24 27:46 just lift up your heads o ye gates the lifted up ye everlasting doors doors will open for you 27 the Lord is my light on my salvation whom shall I fear light was shining your way some 46 God is our help a very present help in the time of therefore we will not be afraid from today help will rise for you receive favor common testimony in the name of Jesus who are you standing for lease caliber rosy had commanded turn around to this household a commander change a speed a turn around to his nap from today Jesus name who is this man son-in-law was his name Michael Jesus from today I speak and turn around the struggle in this family comes to an end speak peace change Jesus pray for him Lord touch this young man his mind heal his mind z-bo cooperate on what from today your mind to be straightened out [Music] free Jesus look at me young man sixteen give me you heal this you from today that is story change that is smiled barrister it let us mind barrister it let us smile there restores that is smile be restored that is my be restored [Music] [Applause] [Music] today Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] come in the name of Jesus come come come hold it all the dog living in the name in the name in the name in the next [Music] and speak to your legs your legs to come alive power to challenge he'll rock to do just lift your lid lift it up put it down live to the second one living it up lift our getting em up Jesus snips put it out put it out do it get diggin diggin lookit lookit lookit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on your mind to be healed your body to come alive towards a health you can't see well how many fingers [Applause] [Music] how many fingers Baba speak to your legs your motion to increase from today you'll never be the same anymore lift your leg up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it off lift it up lift it off look it off lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up I'll shake any loose loose loose loose loose loose lift your leg up lift it off in the name of Jesus lift to the second one lift it off lift off and lift up and lift up lift up again somebody give Jesus a clap offering tonight [Music] were you able to lift your leg like that before no from today you never go back to yesterday it's not enough time cuz I need to administer the word I would have done some running with this one here today don't go back woman sit down the power of God I've touched you Father he'll just I've put the anointing on him drag him from the grip just as happy to more him to sit somewhere let him walk with his let what block what just a walk walk well well well well well come on give Jesus a clap offering bah-bah-bah bread for you before so you can go I prayed for you you come go what's your name open your hands since your Lord struggle in this man's life break your free from it and loose it from the grip of darkness from today you serve the Lord Jesus you don't know how long have you been a Christian well that's what I'm here it's like you may resist and the call of God God wanted you to serve you struggles I could know your second aim is where are you from lord I pray for my change story heal him totally turn his life around turn his family so the person I see they were drawing things with these things [Music] [Music] ministry from edit continents open his eyes let us struggle the over let the things that lost come back to him letter connections come bless this man below sequoia fibrosis a market approach Avari Jesus you've lived alive you've just not been able to gather anything you've not been able to achieve anything you just really a lot of struggles and struggles its troubles [Music] from tonight a commanded change your life anything I lose it from the grip of darkness lift your hands Spirit of God come upon this young set him free I see some friends in your life that drag you into all kinds of things since something like alcohol and drugs strong enough cotton for me I just read it [Music] it's one of two children I see they live with a woman somewhere farther today I pull this man out of all this mess I pull him into a new season is this your first time here yes now you have to be serious here you have to submit yourself and let them decide with you because you carry destiny carry purpose God wants to use you and break you free from alcohol and drugs I lose you from darkness a set you free from today everything that I've held you down must not must let you go so shall it be victory from today in Jesus name whereas the person that's exact online father I speak on common testimony unless people maybe young lady come out quickly [Music] the battle that your mother went through a Nabi your portion you will have testimony relationships that did not work before from today relationships will work God is gonna bring someone they will bring joy into your life I know come on celebration I see your tears Wyatt let's see celebration sociality you won't be long get ready for it Jesus name I prayed for you before soon with this charge Lord come and testimony Jesus name uncommon testimony follows this man in the name of Jesus Michael be blessed favor to Jesus name Lord give this woman son-in-law and daughter Michal testimony in the name of Jesus where is he I just came from his house but he doesn't know I'm here so it's my sister's husband Lord give them an unusual testimony turn things around for them the doors have been activated open thank you Jesus or is this just defeat labour also economy reducing comma testimony follows you from today they turn around and they change Jesus name is Michel Faber beyond measure Jesus somebody give Jesus a clap offering [Music] Hey [Music] one more time is such a great honor and privilege to be here tonight I believe that somebody here will have a testimony I said God will move you beyond measure into a new season those you've been knocking on will open for you tears will be wiped off your face and you will celebrate you will rejoice in the Lord your God and you were walking dimensions you've never walked before if you believe it I'd like it to say good amen [Music] again apostle it's such a great joy to be here tonight thank you for the privilege and I want to just take the time tonight I could preach but I just feel led to turn around again do something I want to prophesy [Applause] how in a prophesy that this is the season of your progress if you're ready for it somebody shout yes and as I stand on this altar tonight I want you to say a massive Amen when you hear this prophetic word I come tonight because somebody's been walking in the valley of affliction but tonight some touchy for verse 19 every affliction you've been going through you're coming out of them I said you are coming out of them I said you are coming out of them Nahum chapter 1 verse 9 that affliction that I've repeated and repeated by the module of Jesus on my life I declare I shall not rise again it shall arise again it shall arise again affliction is a pit of hell you are coming out of it I said you're coming out of it every repeated affliction is an attempt of the enemy to discourage you I came from London to announce to somebody l'm oprah lisa uniready you are coming out of that affliction summer stream I'm coming out saying again I'm coming out every disturbance against your life be free in the name of Jesus every worry that I want to apply to your mind be free in the name of Jesus every long time problems that have gone on and on and on we bury it tonight in the name of Jesus every difficulty you've been through in your family in your work I declare and decree that in this conference God will give you a testimony God will give you a testimony God will give you a testimony somebody's here tonight you are surrounded by crisis I pull you out of crisis pull you out of crisis there's somebody here today you are in a circumstance you don't like the worst circumstance is latina is from Latin it means circumstance the circle in which I am standing circumstance so tonight by the mantle of Christ on my lights from the circle of failure from the circle of limitation pull you out pull you out I pull you out I pull you out I pull you out [Music] the Bible says that from the dead Danny I began to pray God release all his answers but the Prince of Persia put an embargo on his blessing lift your hand everyone here whom the enemy have put an embargo what belongs to you every demonic embargo I casually tried a bluff I casually by the blood I casually find a blood I casually by the blood actually by the blood charged a man three times [Music] some 92 verse 12 it's time for progress tell your neighbor selfi progress some 90 tubers to have the righteous shall flourish like palm tree the palm trees the only tree that does no waste from top to bottom from today you will flourish flourishing is more than prosperity flourishing is continuous pretory in season and out of season as I stand on this altar I declare into your life last year will not be better than this year and next year will be better than this year you will flourish your work will flourish your business will flourish your life will flourish shout yes say yes stop progress second Samuel Chapter nine the story of Murphy whom God went down brush from an empty place called lo debar but I'm not doing such an ad because of time they brought him from lo debar made us a place of no word no breakthrough no future to come to the palace of the king to sit with King David dinner with King David Solomon on the left Absalom on the right King David at the top who was a the fever center was hidden was not brought to sit in the palace as it which princess I declare tonight's God is changing your location I said God is taking your location goddess taking your location God is taking your location if you believe in shadow spirits goddess changing your location when your location changes your location changes [Music] Saturday King his leg was broken by his seat by his nurse but they brought him to the city is sitting with the king the crippled part is now under the table [Applause] from here up is beautiful tell your neighbor you are beautiful for you to see the crippled parts you have to go under the table and if you go on that it's able to one will ask you what are you looking for everyone who is trying to bring your shame and embarrassment darwish silence I said God was silent God was silence done if you believe it say yes you will make progress you will make progress from living they'll order by in a village all his life to come into the city city with the king and the king restoring everything now he has a yard the king is the presence of the king from nobody to somebody that is progress your association will change you didn't hear me who you see determines who sees you who you here determines who hears you from today your association will change I love preaching and prophesied to someone here ready to be a member of the board somewhere you will check over somebody please you be a director on the boards you'll be an executive on the board shall yes see ya somewhere tonight you are making progress but Mills was blind but he had Jesus was around he toys clothes and followed from tonight's everything that I've held you down that is holding you down I chair it off your life i chair it all of your life i chair it all of your life i chair it all your life i chair it all your life yeah yeah [Music] blind people in the days of Jesus had to wear special garments made out of a camel skin cuz they can afford much is a club that does not see all of your life but they did know its limitation say beggars gown but when you had Jesus was as you have come to this house as you're standing before the Lord your progress begins from Jonah your testimony begins from tonight your glory begins from tonight your favor begins from tonight if you believe me say yes say yeah to the next 12 things I want you to say ma like Thunder I deliver you from progress tapas I deliver you from breakthrough Stoppers I deliver you from success tapas I deliver you from promotions tapas I deliver you from advancement Stoppers I set you free from fruitfulness Stoppers I deliver you from goodness tourists I deliver you from celebration Stoppers I deliver you from joy Stoppers I deliver you from access tapas I deliver you from testimony stop us I deliver you from profit stop us I deliver you from enlargement stop us God will alert you that will enlarge you God will enlarge you from today you will not settle for a little success you will not set you for a little testimony you're not such a volatile progress in the book of Revelation John said and I saw an angel with one foot in the sea I want food to a land that is intercontinental over land over sea global break do from tonight open your hands your hands will handle globe operator your hands will handle globe a breath through your hands will do clover bread through shall yes sir yeah yes ksama chapter 10 the dead all of God tried the head of Saul the man God told him from today you will become another man you will meet with two men they will give you gold that is enough for sacrifice before the look they'll give you bread that's enough to feed your family they'll give you one that is continual celebration progress from today anyone who is not connected to your progress that is wasting your time I wished in your life I cut them off I got them all I cut them off I cut them off in the name of Jesus to the next 25 things I want you to say Amen I shake are you ready I said are you ready are you ready from tonight I joined my faith with the faith of the set man of this house and I declare you are set free from inadequate progress you are free from slow progress we are free from limited progress you're free from restricted progress epileptic progress you're free from manipulative progress you're free from austere progress you're free from debt down progress yes we proposed progress you're free from standstill progress you're free from attack progress we are free from temporary progress you're free from rising and falling you're free from seasonal progress that we from progress yes we from shared in progress you're free from hinder progress yes we from prevented progress captured progress yes we from divergent progress you're free from stolen progress you will go far you will go forward you will go far you stand in this place today all those who are 0 to 35 years old all the young men and women in am I I'm about to pray for creative and watching have a real burden it's great we're raising millionaires and the body of Christ now I want to take a man the day will come in this house when pastor will say want to do this wanna buy that land for our college for university wanna build a hospital here my hospital mpumalanga a my hospital in Zulu natal province mi hospital Paulo quani mi Hospital Port Elizabeth Hospital Cape Town now one young man will come and say pasta full of wine in the air my hospital how much is he gonna be and the past I would say five million pounds five million dollars and the young man would say we're here is 3 million dollars I don't want to receive all the blessing so there are others too kind joy shout it is possible Louisiana and a pastor told me one of his members came to him and said I want to sponsor a Reinhard Bonnke crusade in Iran Ivanka Africa shall be shaved Africa shops shaved its past of its data trapped me to celebrate pastor faith come on [Music] I want you and the young man said I'll just one-sided crusade is I don't know how much it is do you know why I don't know so where here's a check for a million dollars it is not enough let me know ambassdor owners office says 750 thousand dollars will do what do we do with the changes I keep the change for another crusade so where are my young people tonight [Music] even if you have 50 you better raise your hand there's a new anointing it is coming on the house you will be long it would rest on the young ones they will do the miraculous there will be achievers they will create with your hands in vans with your minds they will talk about territories there will be great achievers are you ready for it only six points and I want you to say ma like a young Nigerian boy was playing with his phone in London at the age of 24 as I created the ringtone for his brother before a new people began to buy ringtones from him including telephone companies that's what made a young boy a millionaire by the time I was 25 a young lad jurian works at hip New York Stock Exchange was always getting lost as he takes the train in New York he wrote an app that makes him to know how to run through the New York trains that's how they bought it from him for a billion dollars one idea are you ready are you ready are you ready I lay hands on you tonight from tonight receive creative ideas from tonight's receive creative grace from tonight's receive creative abilities from tonight's receive creative favor from tonight's receive creative power from tonight receive creative capacity from tonight's recipient of distinction from tonight's recipient of excellence so Sally D so shall it be so shall it be in Jesus name say three times [Music] a little let me close this prophecy on progress with this word on your life Genesis 33 verse 9 as Jacob was coming home he was afraid of his soul he got a sheep goat thousands to send to his brother when the people bringing the sheep and goat thousands of them when he saw saw them he said what is this Jacob what is all this he said my brother I know I have offended you so I thought to send this to you so that you can manage and Esau said open your hands from tonight I remove my shoes as a prophesy ities from tonight the grace of I have enough shall rest on this house shall rest on your life shall rest on this house shall rest on your life shall rest on this house sadness on your life shall rest on this house sadness on your life shall rest on this house his eldest son your life this arrest on this house Charlotte under [Music] [Applause] second chronicles 25 verse nine I'm about to stop and I know I've kept you for some time well it's my first time here you love me no Fermat come back [Music] [Applause] hold on hold on second chronicles 25 verse 9 a man went to a man of God when the man of God told him to leave what yes when is that man of God I have spent so much money I've given gold and silver to the army of Israel and the man of God said the Lord is able to do for you much more than this much more than this much more done this much more than this much more than this much more fraternité much further you've ever handled much water you've ever received much wonder you've ever experienced is coming into Yola shout a man three times [Music] which are synthetic you've got the highest race give him the prize women the price Oh blasts blasts blasts blasts Oh bless bless bless you will never go back to yesterday [Applause] never have 5-7 minutes and I'm going to release the microphone please sit down five seven minutes one of the great that Gracie's on my life so grace to see people walk in Supernatural blessing spreading somewhere Nigeria when suddenly I began to prophesy but there were people who will experience a 24 hour turnaround you see if you are a person like me I have a theological background and I'm very careful about what I say what God spoke so I was not afraid I prophesied the word that within 24 hours God we got to teach me down only in 24 hours by in cycles of 24 hours I'm about to challenge some people here to sow seed and experience grace in the next one four hours and the cycles of 24 hours for the rest of this year and the coming year are you ready the second seed I'm going to ask for is the seed of a thousand times more than your father's how many would like to be a thousand times more than their fathers you gotta raise your hand I want my children to be a thousand times more than me I cannot forget the day I experienced the blessing of a thousand times more than my office I have got to speak in a corporate organization and at the end of speaking the honorary own they gave me for the India speaker whom they invited to this conference for this corporate conference not a church was more than the 30 years of my father and the Nigerian Army what I did for 30 minutes my father did not earn in 30 years I busted into tears and God said you haven't seen anything yet I'm gonna bless you with a blessing at thousand times more than your father's ladies and gentlemen I've sinned out several times God has blessed me in a way beyond I can ever imagine made me to experience the largest church in Europe made me to experience a church on 24 acres with 12 buildings you can't find any Church like that in Europe many my own personal life has blessed me pastor o bishop are when you are if you ever visit nigel to stay my house my house is so beautiful I can see my housekeeper from my phone from South Africa [Music] [Applause] my house is a smart house you control the lights with your phone you control the the music in the house with your phone you control everything with the phone the only thing you don't control is even your own moving around in fact my house has two kitchens one of the kitchen you control the cooker with your phone yeah it's as Wi-Fi so when I'm out if I want the cooker to start warming the food before I get home I press my phone on saying prayers go [Music] [Applause] and because I'm 66 years old I put an elevator in my house so an elevator takes me to my bedroom that's my own way of suffering for Jesus so I've seen God's blessing tonight when I call for this seat I can give you a testimony about the course of time I was in DRC Democratic Republic of Congo hey what's wrong Yahoo Bernie's amen awesome Democratic Republic of Congo 2003 as we would also receive a 24 hour miracle young man came out he was our interpreter I took my friend Mike Murdock with me the guy interpreter for us he said I wanted to infer a breakthrough he works for the United Nations he wants his salary changed when you work for the UN they give you local salary ten percent of international is that I wanted changed ladies and gentlemen they change it for him somebody praise the Lord [Music] I went to preach in Brazil to people to sow seed for a 24-hour miracle Bishop's wife came out the following the ants that we've never experienced anything like this within 24 hours she was healed of a deaf ear and she was brought blessed financially the deaf year same year her sister a mother a grandmother same year death collective captivity she was set free ii see which is a seed of a thousand hours in Lusaka Zambia 12 years ago or 30 years ago ask them to sow seed young man came out put his seed on the altar he had lost everything has lost his brother Sean and he were about to arrest him the Central Bank of Zambia was looking for him so he bought it sold everything couldn't pay so he sold his car usually he wanted to buy a ticket so he can run to London then I come and say so Syd he took the sinister God this is my escaped money it placed it on the altar ladies and gentlemen two weeks later somebody real and him in his brothers change within a short I had a second Brian third branch fourth branch fifth branch if you are from Lusaka Zambia the sixth floor building opposite the general post office he bought it that's what then I didn't know this man began to fly to London ten and a half hours just to come to our service to put his offering on the altar and run back whenever I do projects the white gentleman from England who started a farm in Zambia so big it is 30 miles in every direction went there to sell the farm 17,000 acres farm and radio station when there to sell it ten million dollars I brother ran to land up with the seed on the altar I went back and bought everything for 1 million somebody give God first tonight two seed first seed is the seed of a thousand times more than your father's is a seed of a thousand dollars you can never buy a miracle but you can probe for quan those were sowing that seed will stand to the left the second seed is the seed to experience a 24-hour turnaround for the rest of this year and next year is a seed of 240 dollars those were so imbalanced and from the middle here to the right all those who are doing so don't do it for anyone get out of your seats come quickly I want you to rush to the front don't do it for anybody get out of your sitcom when I saw it in Rand whatever currency I don't care just go come come come come come come come get out of your seat concretely left for $1,000 right for 240 dollars get out of your seat wherever you are give me that see shop again get out of your system waiting for you don't wait for anyone don't look around you do it do it around do it come quickly get out of your seat to $40 to the right thousand dollars to the left get out of your seat come quick come I the father's love for me his big boot he's beaten goober through lead on he's always there for me I haven't known my father smoked for me his big boo he's been good through it all he's always there for me cause be good to me thousand dollars to the right to the left to $40 to the right I want you to stretch yourself learn the power of the seed there's something about the seat when it leaves your hand he goes to schedule a future he goes to schedule a testimony he goes to schedule a destiny get out of your seat some of you came from afar from other nations this is how to connect to the miraculous this is how to connect to favor get out of your seats come on come on come on the father's love for me he's bigger he's greater leader is always there for me [Music] if you are seated on your same posture Matthew this is my church I didn't know you're gonna bring you're gonna challenge us to so seat so I don't have it here well you give me time I'm gonna do it Sunday it's out of November is what I give you between the Sunday the 3rd of November get opanka you said if I give you time you would do it get up come come come come get up come come come get up come I want you to all those who are call me please begin to use the place that I'm gonna pray for you those who are using a check write out your check those were those were those who are using cash get it ready quickly get out of your seat Tom I'm about to pray you said if I give your time you'll be able to be please move forward so others can have space give me that sea again give me that serious Dorito [Music] I've learned to trust learn to trust think somebody said through it all through it all [Music] I've led to depend upon his work [Music] come come come come come somebody said truly don't do it all [Music] Hey [Music] I'm allowed to justify drilling our through it all Hey [Music] if you are coming you need to come on to prey on hand over the microphone please come a little closer come a little closer some other time I come here those who have the full seed I'll prophesied to the Alaia I can do so tonight take a quite some time lord I pray for this spinning woman lift your hand and ask for five things tribe uncommon supernatural breakthroughs come on five things no one can do for you begin to ask for five things come on come on Jesus is the answer for the world today I'm all school so you gotta say my old school song did I'm saying [Music] one alone above him there's no order [Music] little shine editing five things five things five things Jesus [Music] the world is the world Jesus sees to win if you need some answer for the questions on your crazy soft discouragements the piece you cannot find because you don't know the Word of God is true and everything he promised [Music] Jesus we thank you for everyone at the sports with you Gloria brace Gianni bless them beyond measure lifts their beyond nation in Christian minister to these people today as with your blessing your fame on your grace your glory your abundance on their life give them uncommon testimony let your dad be the poorest they will ever be that things begin to turn around for them we'll give you all the glory all the price letter testimonies followed let a favor float let a glory come we think we say it is done in Jesus name Amen somebody give the Lord praise to give God a praise give God a praise let's make sure you use the POS I challenge everyone in the house if you're seated you didn't come out every time you have a prophetic word you've got to learn how to react to a prophetic word get out to sea get a seat everybody everyone and a house get a seat everyone an ounce get a seat everyone let all ships be ready everyone those weigh in front once you've please your seat on the altar you may go back to your seat I use the POS please don't miss the opportunity to miss to use the POS those of you who have it on you even if you didn't have everything whatever you have out of it bless it on the altar place it on the altar place it on the boat bless it turn the boat place it on the altar place it on the altar everyone get a seat everyone everyone get a seat everyone everyone get us everyone thank you Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] stand up if you can and if you have that cedar if you still have that sit in your hand connect with the prophetic word by running and dropping it here Zara Baba kauravas Santa maka terracotta so to carry Messiah if you you have a seed connect with the outer drop East one here Zara risotto Jehovah God is a good God is a good God is a merciful God so Torah was that a I repeat tomorrow morning I'll be with you myself go spend time with the Holy Ghost a prophetic time IVP how to hold your hand or spend time in the Holy Ghost Rama ZT if you had a C come and drop in here [Music] are you blessed tonight are you blessed tonight something good will happen to everyone here as the Lord has set it he's a good god my precious daughter day you have a Duke and you have a flower here you're looking on the other side not be behind you please come let me pray for you what people are doing something can I do that Satur everybody swish your hand the men of God spoke about you will be 1,000 times bigger than your father a herd of 10 times and the head of hundred times but is about 1000 times bigger Michael Kiki who is he that has received that blessing [Music] so I prayed before saying I wanna be 1000 ton I look at my father as a Lord make my father 1,000 times bigger than his father haha maybe 1000 times bigger than he who is 1000 times bigger than his father then I prayed for my sons and I said Oh God met my son's 1,000 times bigger than me who is bigger than my father [Applause] all right let Praful for her ah I wanted to buy time but it seems like I have a lot to say all right what's your name my precious whatever the Lord has spoken here was for all of us but before we go I want to release a specific blessing for you because there is something that the enemy has been doing for long and is stopping now as I look at you there is a snake that turns around you you there is a snake that turns around you and that this snake sleeps with you all the time everywhere you go not at night only even during the day hear me I think for my team Martin who's still there with you Martin is your husband Martin is your husband because you see if Martin was not strong Martin will have left you because of this spirit this spirit is the cause of every calamity you have your children are suffering I am talking about James I'm talking about James somebody's the James be healed now here is your son James nineteen years old already suffering of cancer your problem is too much but my God is bigger than your problem somebody will meet the god of Africa today and we are praying and nothing much I'm doing what the men of God I've never seen a pastor flow like this I'm so blessed with a pastor miss you somebody shocked we love you bastard I mean if you love us immense washable or somebody say we love you you are crying your life is tears I see you in the Holy Ghost crying and the Lord opened my eyes were you a day as I can see so many of you we can have another service here and I called you because I saw if we do not intervene your child will carry on going through pain James how come such a young life that knows with cancer that devil who has been unleashed released against you in the name of Jesus I serve as if you came now never I command you to remove your dirty hands of sickness and disease in the name of faith Jesus is the healer we have seen here with pastor Matthew healing taking place now your child is sick but there is a serpent is negative this snake you know about this this a frog don't worry I am able to mentor you have been your pastor said to you Oh Oh God your pastor pastor Steve may be watching so your pastor saying go to him is alway kids my name is a fluke somebody had a fire I can hear you say father somebody says fire your master did well you're busted see too many deliverances they are not working you have been everywhere and this serpents lips with every way anytime and sometimes she sees the spirit biting her [Music] [Music] if you are here you are connecting to what God has done here through servant possum with you and is closing now I wanted to just wave to God God is a good god awesome God bah-bah-bah I promised you your life will never be the same again from this day forward you will become 1,000 times stronger worth bigger than your father here it is this serpent spirit' is hunting I give you assign gold enjoy it finish your business Golden Dawn comes late this evil power release look at me have you ever spoken to me before this if a power released you to mess up your life your family your children and now tapping into gold and joy I give you a sign a sign of restoration Meredith she ha [Music] wave Isaac ray [Music] may the goddess earth which were the pointer funny [Music] you know in a short time the man of God covered so many things and I promise you if we had given him more time he would have touched everybody in short time a matter out of call so many people came and he laid hands on literally everybody and spoke over their lives I want to let you know whatever he has said if you will not cliff to it your life will never be the same amen you see there are people who have been tested it is true that the body of Christ is going through a number of things and among the things that the body of Christ is going through many are making mistakes and all of us make mistakes in different areas but ministers I'm talking about doctrine base and character base and those are dangerous because it can discredit the entire army of the servant of God therefore when you find one who has walked the walk and still stand if you find one who has been through it all remains strong you cannot know it is your opportunity to cease to cease and grab something we pass a method to all men the FEC say an addition remember and I keep you see the address there is a grace in life that you find it one that is impossible to copy those are type of grace receiveth I received it creates jealousy of their your resistance and he has gone through that it carries a grace I'm talking about pastor Matthew a shimmer oh it carries a grace that you cannot copy a man cannot copy you can try whatever you can you will never be able to copy it you to carry that grace I receive it I say you to carry that Gramercy but often time you we have difficulty in believing in ourselves and we think it's humility I say again you to carry that grace I receive it what you carry is unique amen what you carry is yours amen I'm bringing back posture because of this young this woman what you have to find I need to fight the battle for her can I go to Nigeria you cannot go to Delta States can I go to Delta said they will fill me they don't know I am a flu cow those who stood against you will fall on the ground in the day are you hearing me because whatever was done it's not in London I'm talking about what you said in the office that grace that cannot be copied I love you English I love your accent the day God gotta do something I'm already I'm already in Delta and which must I name a sandwich Massa whoever is behind your pain whoever is standing between you and a miracle whoever is knitting together your gun hole whoever I stick in your brain as that Jesus made what you make happen for her that'll make happen for you in the name of Jesus Christ we serve the day will release you from your pain we breath the spirit of the enemy you fall spirit in the name of Jesus liver liver liver deposit now God Jesus never return little get out of that everything approach don't go now wolf spirit the blood of Jesus is against you there are in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it is where it is [Music] how many of you love must've met you we said it it was not here can we sit again we love you precious possum with you I don't know how to thank you but I wanna say thank you we are privileged we are extremely blessed today the administration of the world that you have presented us extremely profitable I didn't know if I have to scream jump run up and down but I want to say thank you they are Tom's way we run out of words but I want to say may God bless you from this day it is my frien my greatest wish there are every time you come around here in this part of the world you may find a house a home right here in a linear ministry how many of you wanna see those men of God in the house again we are waiting I'm enough you wanna see must've missed you I have to ask you next week is taking a private jet out of the country ejecting out of the country so to marry not be possible but this is just to express how much we love you how much we are thankful to God for you and my precious have brought the flowers to present to you a little token and a little gift [Music] [Applause] we love you I want us to thank God for all that he has done I cannot see tomorrow here I will be will I have a surface that is prophetic here tomorrow Makka Moo the moon easy is already here in the hotel and bishop Marvin Sapp will be here tomorrow in the morning I'll spend time or during the day I'll spend time we found my special guests the IVP get ready we'll have Greg's moment I want you to lift your hand and throw things and give it to God speaking to him worshiping him I wanted to see you what God has done in your life we can do van Gogh [Music]
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 141,960
Rating: 4.7619219 out of 5
Id: LDInXb1Lgv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 1sec (7801 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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