Property Development for Beginners Australia - Understanding Site Orientation

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have you ever wanted to know what side orientation is best to maximize the value of your development and why hi I'm Peter Kelly and in this video I'm going to share with you everything you need to know as a beginner when it comes to site orientation and jewel occupancy property developments in Australia side orientation is another super important topic that's never given enough thought the key is to understand the principles and techniques that will allow you to maximize what you can achieve on a site then executing them from the get-go so before you acquire a site or when deciding if your existing site is good for a residential property development you need to have a clear picture of what you are wanting to achieve with your design and how the seasonal variations will impact that when you are designing a standalone dwelling it is much easier to get it right but remember we are dealing in twos threes fours etc so it's your job as the property developer to be all over the site orientation the last thing you want to do is end up devaluing your dwellings due to a lack of knowledge and effort in this area the first thing you need to understand is the direction the Sun travels throughout the different seasons of the year designing your development as a beginner with this in mind will be critical when trying to get the most out of the Sun every day as it passes by now whether it's yourself as the end user or you are selling the dwellings for a return it's still something you want to get right because buyers are now smarter than ever if you do get it wrong the smart buyers will know which is going to make it extremely difficult to achieve that premium price that you'll no doubt be chasing the majority of us know that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west but understanding the Sun always travels around the north side is what's key it's your spaces to the north side that will enjoy the greatest Sun advantage and to a lesser extent your east and west sides of your dwellings or receive a great morning and afternoon Sun this logic becomes even more evident during the winter months as the Sun hangs lower on these cold days there is nothing better than getting natural light and warmth into your important living zones now let's start with the holy grail of orientations when talking about dual occupancy development sites north-facing private open space as you can see your living and private open space is facing north meaning for the majority of the day your back yard will enjoy Sun it also means your own dwelling won't cast a shadow over your important living spaces now let's flip this orientation around what you can see now is a south-facing private open space orientation in this case it means for a good part of the day your private open space will be in shadow now the effect is less severe in summer as the Sun travels higher but in the winter when you need the Sun the most key living and private open space areas of your dwellings will be under shadow the shadow will also impact your garden including your lawn which may not sound like much but all these little things add up and will absolutely impact the end value of your dwellings all right east west and west east orientations for me I think these are a bit of an in-between orientation a bit of a compromise depending on which way you go you will either end up with great natural light in the rear of your dwellings in the morning or in the afternoon and vice versa to the front it's important to keep in mind particularly as a property development beginner or running this orientation you'll end up with one dwelling on the north side which will ultimately be more appealing to buyers as it will enjoy more natural light throughout the day while the Sun passes through so essentially you'll end up with two dwellings build exactly the same but one worth more than the other juda was favorable orientation one last point I'd like to make on East West and West East orientations and perhaps the most important point on making this video is when your site is running east west and west east you do run the risk of blocking your South neighbors northern solar access which is not allowed so you need to be mindful of the position of your South neighbor's house on their block and what kind of shadowing is going to be cast over if your South neighbor has their driveway or garage to your side it will mean you're in pretty good shape as their house will be set off the side boundary by about three to four meters but if this isn't the case and you think the existing neighbor's dwelling could be too close to your boundary then here are three things you need to consider number one determine where your south neighbors habitable windows are if they are too close to your boundary this may impact the size and height you can build number two be mindful of your south neighbors private open space as you won't be allowed to shadow it and number three be aware that there are regulations in place that prohibit new-build shadowing existing solar panels so make sure you look at your South neighbor because this will also affect the size and the height you can build too as always if you get to this point and you're still unsure it's really important that you engage an expert as these decisions can cost you a significant amount of money so there you have it site orientations plenty of things to think about all of which can impact your development both negatively and positively as a property development beginner in Australia having your finger on the orientation pulse will give you a competitive advantage and it's guaranteed to positively impact your return on investment so if you're doing it you may as well be doing it properly thanks for listening happy developing you
Channel: Peter Kelly
Views: 3,124
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: property development, property development for beginners, how to become a property developer, property delevopment for beginners australia, property development process, how to become a property developer in australia, property development for beginners australia, property development for beginners a beginners guide to property development steve chandler, how to become a property developer with no money
Id: dvDSMowGqpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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