Proper Eating Schedule for Raw Vegan on Raw Food Diet | Aris Latham on What To Eat & What Not To Eat

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when you wake up in the morning for the next eight hours the body is on phase two phase two is the elimination mode phase one is the reparation mode phase two is the elimination so you have eight hours to break your fast and empty the trash bit what the bankers did they turn it into a meal they call it a breakfast but it's a great fast this is the breaking of the fat so you read any book on anatomy and scientific literature on how the digestive system works and fasting is going to tell you it is totally unscientific to break a fast with bacon and eggs hash brown stew chicken dumpling macaroni hash brown you know corned beef hash you know uh granola oats cereal with milk cereal crap it is totally unscientific Bagel the ollie coffee all of that stuff it's totally unscientific to break a fast like that by eating foods that are not going to facilitate elimination the elimination you're postponing the elimination confrontation by eating that way by eating foods that are building Foods starches and protein of building fruits that's not the time of the day to put in building materials in the body you want to facilitate or cooperate with the elimination what are the foods that are going to really make elimination work liquids and fiber you want to come in in the morning and holds out the digestive system you want to sweep it mop it scrub it scrape it clean it out before you put in any building material so ideally in the morning fruits fruits 100 percent fruits so you want water from fruits juices fruit juices first thing in the morning is your internal shower coconut water we know about the external shower we up on that we want crystal clear water that's going to flush out wash out clean out and hydrate and provide us with an electrical charge so that we can stand quickly you know we can have step and also it's like inner acupuncture coconut water it's like Needles and Pins you feel it in the morning coming right into everywhere of the body and it's pulling toxins out placing it with oxygen so the three uh what I would call Master food groups number one sunshine you must live where the sunshine especially if you have none of them good afternoon you need Vitamin D but of course we can't jump up and grab a bite of the Sun so we get the Sun convinced you get the sun condensed so these are all all these colors these are condensation of sunshine we like to get our greens our food should be colorful our food should be reflection of the sunshine so your greens your Reds your goals your oranges your purple your blue nutrients substance come in colors so one of the first books that I've read that really pushed me was a book that was called from plan to planet the author was Hakeem mother booty and the main thing he pointed out you need to get off of all white food white sugar white flour white rice you name it white potato everything white except the nectar fruits the the ones that that have water and Essence in them so we're talking soursop we're talking suicide you know you have your soul stop we keep you keep so and so keep your soy sauce grown all the time your soursop and you know soursop is like decancer aging today
Channel: Stacia Alicia
Views: 30,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raw Food Diet, Raw Vegan, Dr Aris Latham, Aris Latham, Fruit and Vegetable Diet, Raw Food, Raw Fruits and Vegetables Diet, Raw Vegan What I Eat In A Day, Fruitarian Diet, Fruits and Vegetables Diet, Aris Latham and Raw Foods, What I Eat In A Day Raw Vegan, Only Fruits and Vegetables Diet, Fruitarian What I Eat In A Day, Raw Fruit and Vegetable Diet, Raw Vegan Challenge, Raw Vegetables Recipes, Fully raw, Fruitarian, Eating raw fruits and vegetables only, Fruit Diet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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