Propel Conversation Series: Passion Video 2

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welcome to session two of our propell series on passion we spent the last session discussing the importance of bringing passion into everything that we do passion is the fuel that helps us to lead with greater ease in every single sphere of life a passionate life is an enjoyable life a life that's lived in God fueled by God and brings great glory to God when our attitude shifts from I have to do this to I get to do this everything changes within us even if nothing changes around us we become the change we want to see in the world by infusing our lives our jobs our homes our relationships and our dreams with passion we've established that God has gifted each one of us uniquely and specifically and our conversation today will focus on some of the more practical aspects of passion together we're going to discuss how do we identify our passion who or what in our lives affirms this passion how do we describe our passion and what does God's Word have to say about passion I've discovered that most of my passions have been birthed out of my personal challenges my discontentment with the status quo or the frustrations at the injustice and inequality at the world around me pain can often be the birthplace of injustice in my own life I was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted abandoned and rejected and I experienced sexual abuse for many many years so I had a life full of shame and a life full of guilt and condemnation and brokenness but Jesus Christ stepped into my life he rescued me healed me and made me whole and then that very thing that could have been used to take me out became a passion within me to go and help others that were still trapped in slavery broken and despondent it's amazing out of your greatest adversity your greatest challenges often can be birth your greatest passion so today my passion in life is to see people set free both physically and spiritually and to see people step up and into their god-given purpose their god-given passion and their god-given potential you never know how God might use your past to help give somebody else a future god never wastes a heard he also wants you to use those some talents at a place within you to serve the world around you we all feel most alive when we're operating in the sweet spot of our greatest passions God did not place gives in you to frustrate you or for you to minimize them or ignore them it's amazing that so many women have denied their passion and their strength for some reason they just thought it's ungodly and if I can minimize it if I can shrink it then somehow I'm more holy we'll hear it propelled women we believe that God put those passions on the inside of you for his purpose and for his glory and our goal is to help activate those and propel you into your god-given future I want to see you propelled into your calling your purpose and your passion I'm excited because today my friends are here with me again and you're not gonna find any more passionate people than these girls right here we breed passion and my prayer is for all of you in your chapters today that you're gonna really engage in this conversation and then have some pretty passionate heated conversations right where you are if you have a Latino in there I know it'll be very good so here we are today girls we're talking about passion and you're pretty passionate chicks and so Bianca how else do I start but with Miss Passion herself yes you know I think when we talk about passion we identify passion mercy and I were kind of talking about like different scenarios mercy you mentioned that you were able to pinpoint what passion look like in your life yeah no worries it really started with prayer honestly and truly I told God I've literally prayed god I want you to disturb my everyday life I was tired of kind of going through the motions yeah hey I prayed that prayer and he answered it you believe he told me to go on a missions trip my local church so important that when you're planted in the local church you will find your passion as you're in the house of God yeah I went on a mission trip and I was ruined for life as usual I saw the loss like I'd never seen them before now was where I've really developed a love for the loss you don't have to go to Africa you have to go to Guatemala that's where your backyards wherever you're at if you really want God to identify those passions he will show you it started with a prayer and then I have to intentionally expose myself to suffering I did and then I had a passion for the loss and then I had a passion for young people I saw people in a way I never had and I identified you know what this is what God's called me to do and I brought that back and started serving my local church again back to that so I really think that was the process for me it was prayer I intentionally exposed myself to whatever the Lord told me to do I planted myself in the local church and everything else flowed out of that very naturally you know cuz I was already in the house of God already lined up with what he wanted me to do and I didn't have to change anything about who I was right a lot of women think they have to be someone else I don't forgot you know you can be your crazy self come on har and that's so freeing right I know you identify with that first absolutely I think in different seasons we can identify the passion in this particular season or we could pinpoint what we believe that God is calling us to but I also think in different seasons it looks different when sometimes we invite people into the process maybe we get stuck maybe we get in a rut maybe we just kind of lost our way or it's a new season of life what does it look like to invite people into that process it's a little bit of my story I think I could list what I'm passionate about and I'm a passionate about a lot of things I'm passionate about passionate you know passionate about being passionate you know like it's just something that's natural but I came to a point my life where I had some interesting conversations and in those interesting conversations birth a new passion in the last session we discussed how sometimes our passion is birthed out of compassion and inviting people into like a pivot point in my life coming on to team at 8:21 it was a big thing I had no idea of a social injustice I had no idea that I cared about social injustice to be honest with you I grew up in inner city and I felt like my life is so hard I am social injustice you know like somebody take care of me and then but then in this shiftin season of life I begin to have conversations with people and you know that's put Chris on the spot but she was one of the people who invited me into this crazy journey of fighting human trafficking and fighting against slavery and so what does it look like when we have conversations it was a chance encounter that I had with Christian Kane but we have chance conversations and encounters on a daily basis people at church people at work again people the grocery market you never know how God is going to move in who he's going to use second chronicles 16:9 says the eyes of the Lord wander to and fro to show himself strong to those who are loyal to him and so God can use a conversation God can use a song God can use his word to reveal a new purpose that he's calling us to so whether it's us I didn't being able to identify this is my passion or maybe you're like I don't even know what I'm passionate about anymore and by people into the conversation and see what God does I love the intersection of how our passions and our gifts that can be used for God's glory come together I mean I'm passionate about a lot of things I'm really passionate about singing I'm so passionate about singing I in my mind I'm Kari Jobe I have prayed for years that God would would let me sing for his glory he doesn't I'm even though I'm passionate about it in fact one time my husband said baby I love you but your singing could turn a cat inside out and so I went true so so I'm never going to use that passion for his glory but I'm also passionate about building I love to go into a situation that's unknown and be like how we going to build this how we're going to do this I can use that to his glory whether it's a business whether it's helping out with propel that's a passion that I can go okay let's identify this and how I can use it for him I'm still waiting for this singing yeah I think you hit the nail on the head in that as image bearers of Jesus actually we're all born passionate yeah but that can get distorted or tamp tamp down and I grew up with an abusive dad and some sexual molestation when I was younger so that passion for me just became more about making sure I was safe right and wasn't wounded anymore and it wasn't until about six or seven years ago my life was just wrecked and in losing everything that I thought was so critical I realized I'm an emotional agnostic you know I'm a Greek and Hebrew word from seminary that I can wrap around theology but I spend most of my time and energy making sure I'm safe and I feel like God just said in order for you to really be free and passionate I'm going to take you to the basement and we're gonna sit there in the dark until fear doesn't own you anymore because fear had really just completely immobilized my passion and and it was being wrecked that caused me to be passionate again and I think even I lost or really just I think losing any child is incredibly painful but I lost an adoption in the eleventh hour before Missy and it killed me I don't think had I not lost that child my heart would have been willing to risk this little girl in Haiti with HIV and so I think for me passion is it's part of going Jesus I love you so much I don't want to protect my heart anymore I want to give it to you and if you wreck it that's fine it'll just be more porous for you and for other people so I think sometimes with safety for women tends to be a goal or a commodity or even considered a gift I think safety is a liability when it comes to passion I think what we have to aim for is love real love and I don't think passion can exist without risk so that's kind of links it to courage passion of the christ' is not about him flowery and sweet and sentiment right it was courage in the city that's right this is not to be a war it can be just a quiet voice tomorrow that's right again I mean it can just say I'm here it can be sometimes I think the most powerful words or the most passionate moments a friend of mine was paralyzed when she was 17 and she said the most passionate powerful thing anybody did for her was come and lie under the bed when she was on a Stryker frame and she couldn't move and she said he didn't quote verses he wasn't inspirational he reached up held my hand and wept with me and would you told me that story I thought man that epitomizes passion it's being all and I think that's where when you even look at the word compassion it's like you know a lot of us we think you've got to feel a certain thing and that's what passion is passion isn't harm and in the same way that you know compassion is not just emotion or feeling sad when you watch a sad video about you know hungry in another country so I think God's trying to move us The Passion of the Christ he didn't want to necessarily the less I don't want to do this if there's any other way would you take this cup from me and then nevertheless not like that's passion I love people and for the joy set before me okay I have a passion I think if we could understand that the world is hijacked the word passion to man's self gratification and self-indulgence oh and if I don't feel that I mustn't be passionate and I'm like no in the Bible you might just have to die to yourself so in the workplace maybe you just submit to your boss because that's what God might want maybe you don't vent on that internet maybe when it comes to your marriage you prefer one another and you are patient with your children or if you're single you don't just jump into bed with someone you do what the Bible says even if it seems to be taking longer to get a spouse that you would like and so it's a matter of going my passion for Jesus is my overriding and my overarching thing for my life out of that passion I'm willing to put on hold some things that might in the short term make me even feel better about myself right and so I think wait that's time for the church to highjack the word passion that's right because I think just the way it's been objectified and you know got so many sexual overtones and self-gratification overtones we've slipped that a little bit into thinking well I'm not passionate about it so I'm not going to serve I'm going to serve it because I'm not passionate about that thing and I'm like what that's an interesting concept I didn't ask what you liked what did God gift you to do and there are many things that I do and it's not that every waking moment is spent loving every task that I do that's right think of our children but you're still absolutely and I think we could take that to great lengths and it'd be a great discussion point with some of the awesome women in here I'd love to just take some questions now about passion which would be fantastic let's take it back from Hugh Hefner that's what I'm saying [Music] and I couldn't be passionate about anything like I'm about passion that's for sure instead we've got a question for me I do are you spent what do you do when you've lost your passion what do you do that's a fantastic question because I think you know there's a couple of ways to look at it as a believer I think we have to intentionally get back in that place with Jesus His Holy Spirit is the source of all passion anyway I think we define passion right at the outset of this curriculum as coming from two Greek words and thoughts in God and it's the Holy Spirit that infuses our passion so the scripture says that out of you will come rivers of living water and I think a lot of times we are relying on external factors to motivate us to get passionate when we need to learn to be internally regulated by the Holy Spirit and that comes out of our spiritual disciplines that comes out of our relationship with the Lord worship good friends good Christian friends and I find a lot of times when people say to me I've lost my passion I've just become cold or indifferent or apathetic normally their heart started to shift a while before just skipping spiritual disciplines holding on to offenses not again it comes back to not doing the things that I know to do that like a car if you maintain it really well it's not gonna run dry the oils not gonna run dry a lot of time our oil runs dry because we're not getting a grease and oil change spiritually speaking constantly and people go life just took it out of me well life has that power to take it out of you with the spirit of God's living on the inside of you as long as you continue to stir up that gift so I find if I start to wane through exhaustion or running too hard you know when I fly from Sydney to Los Angeles it's a 14-hour flight now the pilot only needs to set that little instrument panel one degree of course and by the time my plane lands 14 hours later just one degree of course it's going to end up in China not in Los Angeles normally with our passion it's a one degree wane it begins and then over time we don't wake up overnight and go I'm not passionate anymore about the things of God or the purpose of God we go how did I end up here right my view is later and it's we didn't pay attention to the one degree what so I personally am ruthless about the one degree so if you work anywhere near me or if you're in my family I'm ruthless about your one degree as well and so because I don't want you to end up down here down the track and so there's a way that seems right to a man the proverb says but in their end it leads to destruction so I think a lot of it is maintaining those disciplines now if it's gone you're not going to feel like it and this is where you know feelings change and feelings are not really there they're real in that moment but they're not eternal only the Word of God is eternal the grass withers the flower fades but it's a word of the Lord that lasts forever so you've got to get yourself back into the right environment with the right people so that are going to help God to get on the inside of you and activate that again from the inside out what you find either some people begin to try to medicate try to anesthetize the numbness they'll take more medication or have one extra drink or just kind of flirt a little bit more linger on the internet I mean it's amazing what people will do a lot of that comes out of I feel empty I have no passion I'm trying to get another fish I'm thinking that I'll externally get motivated to be passionate again but it's an internally regulated thing by the Spirit of God that's why all believers were sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption there's a reason that we all need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit we were not designed to do this alone so I think there's another question yes yeah I'm thinking about passion in the context of the workplace and whether you lead up or you lead down I'm just wondering what does it look like to call out the passion and those around you those that you're working with daily some of the best practical advice I ever got about passion in the workplace was I was really struggling with early on when I first started teaching publicly and I was talking to a guy who managed that and I said I just you know I'm not really sure how to do this and I don't want to be our success that narcissistic or self-congratulatory so how do I use the speaking gift and not seek applause and he said let's say here's the deal whatever gift God has given you let's just think of your gifts like your sailboat he said it is your responsibility to trim your sails and he said when the wind blows the wind may blow you to a crowded beach with thousands of people or the wind may blow you to a secluded Cove he said what you do in a Cove and the beach has to be the same thing that's you exercising your passion and he said what you need to make sure you never do is plug in a fan because the win is the holy spirit and I've never forgotten it I heard that my 20s and I will sometimes think of course it's like the gifts and the talents and the parables but I'll think did I plug in a fan or am i all-in even though nobody's listening I was at a conference recently and there was an 85 year old woman on the front row her name was Miss Ruth and I had asked them to stand up for the certain part of the prayer and Miss Ruth didn't realize she was bellowing she thought she was whispering to this woman next to her was also in her 80s and they're right in front of me and they kind of climbed up each other because miss Ruth said what did she say - Edna said she said something about standing up and Miss Ruth said well if it's about Jesus I know what they're saying up but they were just all and I thought that's good the size of our audience can't can't regulate our passion whether people clap if you're all in thios and that's our passion so whether I'm you know cleaning up Missy's room or I'm with Chris at a conference and there's thousands of women leaning in I'm still the same I'm wired the same and I'm trying to give God the same honor and glory and in whatever context I'm in and I think you as a leader you demonstrate that more in the I think in a smaller audiences in my opinion to the people around you I think also cultivating passion in the workplace which if we remove it from there is there is not a difference between church in an office I mean we will all lead with that at the same time if we are in church we are expected to get a theological understanding and that's gonna propel us forward this can move us forward and the workplace is a little bit different so if I'm dealing with co-workers or interns I am trying to identify what brings them to life yeah if we're gonna put this with a theological background backing we are blessed to be a blessing and so when we bless other people we in turn are blessed so our passion is sparked when we see other people beneath us find their passion and so I had a conversation with someone that we just hired because I want to know what are the things that are gonna spark her passion what brings you to life and as managers as leaders as people in the workplace how can we identify those things that bring people to life and can they identify can they articulate the things that don't because if we get them things that don't we're gonna burn them out and actually when people get burned out they become dead weight to the team and it comes down to the leadership principle that Jim Collins made famous getting the right people and the right seats on the bus right we identify their passion we go ultra you are in the wrong seat let's put you over here where you can shine that's right that's really the key and so what we see is that when when people's passions are sparked its contagious its contagious to those that are around them and as leaders I can't speak for everyone but when I see other people flourishing I find a new sense of passion as well so you have to lead with that you have to model it even if you don't yes yes that's right I'm with my students I'm giving them a love for learning I model that say you know no I don't feel it necessarily I know that they're watching me something are we excited to be here so I model that for them just assume I do my kids in my house same I take that that modeling all throughout I model passion at home I model at the college I model in church the same way because I'm a leading even if you're single if you're leading yourself so how are you leading yourself in your own passion and it's amazing how many women haven't identified their passion I'm not talking about a book or a personality test but I mean it's as simple as y'all remember Chariots of Fire Oh some of y'all probably need to read it because it came out and the one scene where she's saying don't run be a missionary first he's saying but God made me fast and a little says when I run I feel God's pleasures there's a heresy connected to Monacan ISM which is like dualism several hundred years ago where this myth was perpetrated by people of faith and they said to be passionate and please God there had to be pain involved and so I think a lot of women are like well I'm just must not be very passionate you know because I don't have enough stripes on my back and it's like no I think there is wrong right at this sacred and this that's right that's right think I remember youth camp you you kind of wanted to say Jesus I'll serve you but you you thought that means he's gonna send me to such Africa right that's right going to send me what warped view of God scripture says that he is good he does good right it's all things together for good that we would even think that but definitely it's on the background that I came from that's kind of where it came into and I think it's a very unbiblical separation of the sacred in the secular where the New Jerusalem where a royal priesthood we take in Jesus wherever we go so whatever space you're in is sacred space because Christ this turned up truth we couldn't do that then you know whether you're an athlete whether you're a doctor and I know the girls on the other side of this screen this is why we started propel is to validate everyone no one job is better than any others down to even if and I really want to speak to those of you that go well you know the job that I'm doing I feel like it's a dead-end job or it's not really my passion you know your greater passion for gee there is an overarching passion remember that Jesus and so feeding our families our passion for Jesus and our responsibility bear well that's great because what we have is an emerging generation that thinks I'm just gonna sit my cute little rusty dusty on the couch and wait till my passion opens up you've got to start moving Fran sometimes you got to spend some time doing what you don't like to do before you get to do whatever I want just to clarify because bianca is the one that has the conversations with all our new staff about what is your passion because I'm not gonna ask you I want you to not even open your mouth and do your job for a year before you're even validated to do that so let's balance this out a little bit with all of that what we are saying though is God didn't put gifts and talents on the inside of you to quench them just squash them and for you to deny that they're there we have just seen far too many women that have just suffered silently because in them they knew there was more and somehow there was not a place for that to be actually would you just super quickly because I think it's so powerful when you talk about the difference between anointing and appointing yeah and just with that the way that relates to passion especially for women who are young and who are going I'm an attorney so I must not really be in the will of God because I'm not working in vocational ministry and your anointing and appointing I think that is silly I just think we have to really be careful again I keep calling it the unbiblical separation of the sacred and the secular because wherever I go Jesus turns up because his spirit lives on the inside if I'm a believer so you need the anointing the divine enablement of the Holy Spirit to be an attorney to be a homeschooling mother to be a doctor to be any sphere of life a judge to be a mechanic or whatever it is that you do and so I think just because society might grade vocations or jobs or careers doesn't mean God does so God calls you and then he appoints you where he has called you and when you stand before him he's not going to say how high did you climb the corporate ladder gee I hope I called you to that corporation he doesn't care if you are mechanic a street cleaner a fortune 500 CEO a Bible teacher he calls us and then he anoints us and he appoints us to bear fruit it is to our fathers great glory that we bear much fruit we've gotten so caught up in the world system if I've got to be successful I have these accolades I have these titles I have this certain salary I've got the house in the Hamptons and if you've got all that more power to you invite over for a vacation but what I'm saying is awesome if that's the will purpose and plan of God yeah that's right successful successes sake is not what we're chasing here biblical success is to bear much fruit wherever we are if you perhaps deep down want to be an artist but you know now right now you've got two kids and you're working a job at a coffee shop because right now that's all you can find but you're getting them through school do you realize how proud of you God is and then you are actually fulfilling your passion that's what a greater passion is his passion and my deal is let's understand that God's anointed us and that he's equipped us to do what is called us to do I just want to throw this in that it's not the gift that breaks chains and yokes the Book of Isaiah says it's the anointing breaks videos in shame people are in bondage out in a world wherever you are if whether you're a schoolteacher whether you're a nurse whether you're a doctor whether you're a lawyer whether you're an accountant whatever it is that you do people are in slavery and most are enslaved to sin therefore our job as Christ followers is to be salt and light and to see chains and shackles broken over people's lives so you need the anointing of God and that's why he's gifted you how he has to appoint you where he has so that you can bear much fruit for his great glory that's on that note we've opened up a great can of worms for you to talk about so it is my hope that after this conversation and the conversation that you're about to have with the women around you that you understand more about identifying your passion what are the things you're passionate about and how to describe that passion and maybe even understanding that there are seasons where your primary passion which is your love for Jesus and his purpose is the thing that's driving you even though you might not be able to right now be out working some of your other passions there are times there are seasons and as you're faithful to God and you do what he says and obedience is really the primary goal you'll be stunned at the opportunities and the doors that God will open for you enjoy your conversation you
Channel: Kate Baldwin
Views: 5,572
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: A1XsSG4ZRd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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