I'll Never Get Away With This - Let's Play - Gmod: Prop Hunt (#4)

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Once again, Gavin kills himself with a grenade while Jack watches and is driven to tears from laughing so hard.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CosmicAstroBastard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Jeremy in Prop Hunt, it's always funny to see him try and get away with not changing into an object.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 115 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saiga123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was there any particular reason they switched back to this version without the automatic taunting and the orientation changing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/D_Neon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

GOD Gavin moving around that corner to find Jeremy sitting un-propped is literally filmed like a horror movie. all thats missing is the hockey mask on Jeremy's face.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Keedrin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jack's hay bale was incredible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jn2010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jeremy’s pisstaking in this game is magnificent. The other props looking at him and laughing makes it even better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/raysofdavies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Running in the 90s loop is amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GingerRocker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad to see more and more GMOD videos again.

Now, we just need some more Uno vids.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eddmario πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love trouble in terrorist town

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jared02112 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
what are we doing Jeff we're playing trouble and tears there I wanna see [ __ ] new map all right guys we have three words for right now until Fredo gets in but we can't to start now cuz Jeffrey asked the league against the meetings wow this place is Jets got me ten seconds who's you gonna meet who's got a time Unleashed this place is not small of course we have the fantastic group of michael gavin myself and is it Trevor can we figure out what the taunt button is all right let's kill some props it's f three guys guys where are you can you tell me right now where you are yeah remember that I can pick stuff up with E and that if you can pick it up in it or if you can run into it and it moves that's also a key sauce again my hands are why are they giant swollen orange thing all right Gavin Zed chairman what happened something happening Gavin Hoey play an idiot rules yeah always idiot oh I know something happened didn't know with me if we do idiot jack look I don't know they look pretty even but they could be under the locker like a can or so I'm sure right so all right Michael it's not a lock one was real close to you yeah I think at like every 40 seconds you get some sort so I'm just mashing taunt there's six lockers none of none of them are bad I suspect there's like a can or a bottle or something advice oh yeah you can actually use health kits look what I just found a health kit and used it III hit Ian's Ischl II picked it up moved it around came back went to pick it up again but since I was missing health gave me health this is [ __ ] how does it do it there our daddy is real what is that noise I don't know this schools hahaha I gotta fill you in Oh on your screen it might look good in real life it doesn't look good I don't I'm not trying to blend here clearly yeah your orientation is not correct I'm in Trump's bedroom all right everyone quiet while he taunts damn that's so quiet hi Greg oh wait I don't know if I was talking to no I was talking to Jeff well damn yeah if you're not aware Ian Taylor right at all I'm not know is that better you're totally perpendicular to what you want to be I don't know how to fix that you don't you either you go on the other wall okay yeah Jo oh god damn it wait Jeff were you in this room the whole time I was looking around yeah the entire time yeah Jeremy he was fine I missed him and then Jamie I met you out I'm watching Ryan and it's amazing yeah Ryan bud you on the swings dataframe okay throw me hold on I'm better on this in I'm stuck because of you oh you can go outside there you go don't kill him we're having fun okay launch me watch him throw me what [ __ ] I fell on my pillow okay let's guys let's sort this out I get fifty five seconds by the way you can't shoot Windows apparently that kills you you went an inch oh is that where you died Jack I see a bunch of bullet hole yeah oh sure I'll shoot a window to get outside and apparently I accidentally open the change team menu so I couldn't turn oh [ __ ] it was worth it oh god damn it I do not want to be what I am Gavin oh how do you change your orientation you don't you couldn't duck I got to remember not to look over at my going Evans yeah thanks Jeremy well where uh there would somebody I see you you what you look like how do you taunt so what's the f33 this is whoa that's okay there's somebody in here this is someone why are you I think hearing things I hear any taunts though nope you cannot turn around what the hell you are corrections I got one trouble they don't go in our thee kill each other that'd be great everywhere you kill each other they shoot up right perfect they might be honest I'll be honest I know there might be something else in the snow closer yeah I mean that yet or since that's looking good I also to point out there's health kits around they look like bombs Billy what they look like bombs they have little green glowing face I need one come to me I'm talking on it cuz it's a real mess I haven't heard a single time what's your name Alfredo Alfredo guys yeah crowbar fight for a second in the confusion of you swapping things you became a wooden table and I think anyone noticed no I did I was like calm down calm down yeah I panicked oh [ __ ] damn it oops Brian come back Ryan typed all I'm not the one who's like removing chat now oh well Jeremy was definitely a bike when he said try and ride me yeah you want me to right this one's standing straight up stuck in the ground I can move I'm sorry Joe that sides alright Ryan what bring bring you something baller I did I'm throwing all the buckets out of the playground Ryan never mind don't move okay if they don't have props they can't be anything oops oh yeah every time this [Laughter] whatever is average can you be a window if they hurt you oh god damn it I just realized I beat my way for no reason I did so much damage to myself okay he's that way oh sweet yesterday where are you Chesney sings it what's in here let's just talk about Jeremy trapped behind a table over here Jack we can talk about this up top I'm second floor you can't I about this holy hell Ephrata you made no attempt to leave there he comes I'm just gonna guard the hallway he was a coke can and he swapped out in the okay Michael what does my face look like when I do this god damn it Oh Ryan that was that's amazing it looks bad Trevor why did you do that oh she had his matrix Kevin yeah Trevor damn baby tell them he said how does my face look when I do this any Mary on the room I Spidey father he's in this room he's in it I'm checking getting Jude all right Gavin you I'm gonna stay at the door jack guard the door all right find him Gavin Jeff gotta go apeshit in it just throw a grenade yeah I mean that's pretty obvious right did he he's a cat he's you were on defense even guarding the door Jack the door with a grenade launcher he [ __ ] bolted it was a can it was a goddamn mouth so fast cans are quick dude our who's left Oh Ryan oh oh you moved right sounds like you in this room but then again the whole time I don't know is he's in here somewhere right I was a barrel for that I was looking for I was amazing you were in there I couldn't [ __ ] find you pushed the barrel group that I was in and I just kind of scooch to it I could not [ __ ] find you I thought see I thought I looked over at Jeff's green on he was watching that area so I thought you were barrel next I ran so they would leave you alone oh I appreciate that but now super dead uh-oh uh-oh someone's already taunting oh oh it's a it's forever good oh yeah this one doesn't end oh oh it's gotta be upstairs oh that's upstairs so if I move them around the hunters don't see me moving as long as I'm not moving for crap right now yeah but it doesn't do anything is it here it's just your camera angle doesn't change but like my perspective something I can't it's gonna keep going by the way crap so excited was that was that in here someone's in here all right Michael I don't think you're oriented though you want no no I'm [ __ ] oh okay Michael oh no I'm gonna go in a social Michael man if you're in here have fun yeah I'm dead for sure I'm stuck I can't move hung out here mug boy it's loud as hell in here let's go I think I did a guide upstairs all right who wasted it didn't know there was a [ __ ] thing I now know that's important man there was yeah no I was stuck in that sucks yeah wonder wolf I just became a bench and it went you're done save a sideways bench all right we got one left right or two yeah how many of them ugly killed repeal two for sure Jeremy are you [ __ ] good at this game I moved with it I like you bumped one I move with it does not look good the hell is happening that's funny I see what you're doing but it might give you away well if you're if you're moving your camera we can't see that yeah you might see it I'm not seeing any dancing girl back upstairs somebody's clothes might be Dan somebody's clothes it's me now hey guys you want to come party where's all right which bathroom this one it's a vampire nice party ah Wow no guys it's like this who is shaking their head back and for me I just watch this I can lose I was hoping you would just shoot the one knows no I did not I'm not stuck right oh boy that's not what I wanted there's not what I want it that's not what I wanted I don't know how I look look what I have also made a mistake 2 1 oh no oh yes like those bubble noises now listen if you find me I didn't think that that would work so Oh No what has he done you gotta give me a second there's a crooked table in there alright table just you and me it was the other alfredo from sugar pie semi no I saw a crooked table and like one very stiff table hello yeah what I didn't think I could become this is anyone a prompt are you a window not a good look right who's someone in the window hello window man you looking at me I don't know what I know man are you one of these now moot careful you're gonna hurt yourself out coming down why does the window hurt you don't make no sense how does it make sense I haven't tried to be coming yet I really should become the window gab what I will say is if you see me you'll see me well I feel I feel like you've already seen you one of these things just wrong another are you one of these without a thing let's just call me don't got a base let's calm down get it do you not got a base oh he's Rodney's abut what are you saying wait I would say seesaw did Ryan highs well yeah yeah Ryan got Jeff elitism I got early age I got lucky so the music doesn't stop even though he's dead no you get it forever so there's a ghost could be them downstairs so did that happen again this runner aside still from Trevor that's a new one that was I tiles me oh no I just did it again I understand again I hear twice so Ryan doing this with his hands so I did it and I banged my the shimmy Ryan saw that cuz he yelled holy [ __ ] those incredible two minutes so he might be in the vicinity check the door you can't look through walls now you can keep an eye on the door now it's loud what is this it's loud right here my advice it can't be a window could you not move out there was a seesaw with no face 30 seconds is no time at all cool it feels like the longest time in the world I know and then when you're the prop it's like two seconds I wish you guys would give me a little break here but you want alright what do you want to keep I'm gonna alright alright I have all these rooms meticulously memorized ready or not here we go oh that Oh something broke in there and flew all the way out here you won't do it no he suicided her died mysteriously I was so stuck oh I was trying to become one of the boxes on the damn shelf are you a bookshelf yes thank God but let's get to the bottom works you like there's something behind this a lot wait there it is no no that wasn't it that's not a problem oh there is Ryan was a second away from leaving yeah no I hit the [ __ ] taunt immediately and I was like screaming from behind that damn what you gonna do with copyright strike comes for you yeah which one are you move your camera around I don't know which one you are was this you Gavin okay alright let's well Gavin hit F again no no you have to ah definitely the wrong yeah yeah that'll give you away there calm move Gavin hit F there you go yeah you're [ __ ] let me get G inanimate object with a flashlight yeah son of a [ __ ] you're in here guys this room looks clear I don't think anyone's in here Hotel hmm Gavin's not even looking at you look I can't even see still in real life he's gluing his wheel on his shoe Oh No as you do this bookshelves facing a weird way hey who else is left besides Gavin sup it's not a waitress ooh sir it's not weird way nobody ain't okay maybe that's the right way the other one was he it was doing nothing a bloody bookshelf with a flashlight it kind of gives it away when the books are facing with that yeah that was a jackpot but I think we're good I think we're good here jack I can see you if you mouse over them it actually says oh really yeah oh that's so that's why I was looking at you like I know I really small I can see you oh yeah I was a watermelon oh well have you shared the camera what you're doing chuckle he's got all four wheels let's just make a video out of that I mean he's doing it right now like the pre-bid pre-bid saw the assemble don't you know the muffin man the muffin man you're holding one whoever that is pushy whoever you are what if that's that vibe Oh Trevor trying to kill yourself okay I killed myself last time because I wouldn't let Jeremy have the satisfaction of killing you yeah oh I binded the the key k2k listen listen right okay let's just let's scared the [ __ ] outta me I'm taking a [ __ ] alright someone close Thanks hang on it's gonna take a little bit of someone in here alright what the hell is going on what are you doing in here okay no I'm watching close all right Fredo was trying to change Alfredo going nuts in a classroom did you kill it well it said did he become a did you take one of my cans what happens a cannon and play kill me is he still [ __ ] in chuckin can how are you alive Jeff because I'm amazing hey Jeff who's that there's a thing in here a copy copy me yeah one health I shall you see easy one sounds like you would a lot you missed me because I had one hooking away letting me take a [ __ ] though well I feel like you abused charitable goodness that charitable charity yeah charitable goodness holy [ __ ] trouble trolley you're never gonna get found they'll never find you there at least four miles [ __ ] had him locked down and you let him go I bet he's in the car this is far too grenade when he's in the [ __ ] bathroom man is he above Dobby all right someone's splash oh noes that was just me oh [ __ ] Jenna gonna be are you out here Jeremy no I could have been knock him over no I'm not out here I fired a grenade exactly what Sun already go Gavin the other room he's in the classroom those damn fines prostatitis tiny'mon ship yeah I was trying to old man it didn't work that the Sham you know ah alright which we do what have we not done let's do night of Linda burn area Brian I was looking at the exactly one minute and then you said it and I know it won't work but somehow let you balls like you not look at me Trevor's in there too as like guys just don't look at me then I wearing grabbed Akane well when I turned around you were stood in there with Trevor when I turned back it was just Trevor oh we've played this happily maybe not it's looks a bit Italian it kinda reminds me the area where Jeremy was the Frog and was amazed that first time teams have SWAT it is me Gavin Jeremy and Ryan loves you and the fella peachy it Alfredo Jeff Jack and Trevor nice Oh first time on you map those hunters are always in a big yeah well maybe not that maybe not for me this side plus Ryan hello I can't help myself Michael sometimes it I I do the same thing to Gavin all the time I'll look at his screen and like oh [ __ ] he's on the other oh my god there's so much [ __ ] it's the worst thing to do that in terror is gone because once you see traitor you're [ __ ] our job at I think I'm safe tell me where they are where you go oh yeah past big tell me where they are that's somewhere alright Easy's bees back in this quarter we got him we got a pin did they know it might be under this truck I'll save the day firing indiscriminate there you go [Music] nothing I can do against those bonds really not yeah see I was trying to stand up that's other cinder blocks cuz I knew I was standing up oh oh boy that's a long one well that's closest bug someone who is Harry they're going through the cinder blocks oh [ __ ] we got some music going interesting can't move that one give it a try give it a little shoot could be any of these Michael yes just watch my back thanks for watching bye Jeremy I got you covered no you want sure Jeff doesn't run out of here behind me okay it was an accident he might be a coffee mug just alright just make sure he doesn't run David it was good Jeremy did not come out how'd you know cuz cuz I knew it was you how'd you know wasn't me all right what do we got two life we got Alfredo and Jack Oh someone's got the infinite one squishy noise when you ran with orange Jack just Jesus Christ are they're not even gonna find that part of the map jack well you might have glitz to be honest yeah okay so hey Michael as much as they're trying Jack's probably standing right in the middle of the level Michael shooting around actual crop area hey Michael hey Gavin Jack where's hey [ __ ] are you what's up hey hey hey hey hey how long we have we are get a minute 90 seconds oh yeah never find you you got 90 seconds to find a master of disguise a man that if he doesn't want to be found can hide for years operator you're not helping he's like Indiana Jones his best friend Marcus I just cut two Jack's cavities what's he doing nothing bbbbbb yeah yeah throws the last taunt there throw someone playing a hopeful grenade anywhere they help I did a hopeful grenade already I'll tell you this yeah I spawned in immediately got stuck and I was within viewing distance of one of you guys he's stuck right now are you stuck in something or you see I don't know I can all I know is I can't move Oh actually I can move take it back Jack they're not gonna find you I think I think you knocked me loose I think someone knocked me loose at some point they saw you once but six seconds I'm outside must be an orange I mean it could be there's a lot of [ __ ] orange orange you glad I didn't say traitors Duncan I'm sure Arjun more lucky something he was ran right - Jeremy you red - yeah he's walked over him a hundred you got stepped on so many - shuffle the head oh my god was a man Gavin I spawned in like three feet away from you and then changing to a hay bale and couldn't move I'm like welp Gavin's gonna murder me immediately if you'd never move they will literally that in the audio we have three seconds I figure we have webcams going if we're gonna do it right I know I know I know it didn't work out I shot him in the head it didn't work out guys that's all you did work yeah yeah I couldn't 30 seconds wish that would stop oh please stop talking okay Wow okay I see wine but I don't know if I can it's really hoping you wouldn't notice me they're like awesome I go let's find out Gavin you looking good Gavin this is interesting can you guys see the spray that I did it like it's spread across all the that's gonna be harder than the fire Michael [ __ ] up my scene I was trying to do [ __ ] hell oh good luck yeah I can do it well definitely do it you get caught in the act yeah yeah I slept and then they found me outside as an old man you were old man and pretty hard I was trying to get somewhere I couldn't get there in time it's hard to old man in these level it's tough can we get some taunts please yeah you got three minutes and one person yeah yes yeah you put me Jeremy was saying who's this who's talked is my picture of Jeff oh yes look at that [ __ ] look at that commercial it's like I'm on a [ __ ] flight no your seatbelt huh who's still alive yeah Gavin okay Gavin I'm close no moon I've no idea so here's the thing Kevin's why is this lamp difficult land what was the question I will taunt Kevin's an idiot buddies wait I just saw I just saw your name like a red name pop up for a second let me guess yeah Gavin he's odd to you what the hell when he says I see you I see your name yeah I shot the hell live he was bumping into my lab for like a minute he didn't shoot me he shot the wallet but she's he sent them okay so I'm going for that again I go for Jeremy well wait I mean went out when where probs I mean do it as a hunter I can try it is though so what was happening at Drake's I don't know it just like it thought you were a bullet proof or something why did that movable there me went towards you donde esta la Moon ball yeah well it's Spanish for moon and boy lunar ball wave Oh moon a moon edge that's right yeah yeah because one pilota is a one ball ball where you have to mess it up to you whoa pelota de Luna Oh sort of anus he could out son of a Venus he was a can that's a Loki's brother right Gavin yeah just chill out right there back up a little bit we're about to have a time without Fredo Fredo yeah you can run if you want you fool why was I for got me he ran away oh he's a giant I didn't get what I wanted to transform it to yeah yeah I've been there man you often times do not Trevor was a little cat now you don't always grow up to what you want to be blue eyes I spray to you boys ooh there's a prop that was banned by the server yeah is that a little clip thing yeah it'll be a calculator the green thing oops-a-daisy oh dang it oh darn I spray paint on the block on the run no nothing and like someone who got caught naked or something doors a lamp I kept trying to run away Michael like that running into people I I sprayed into Kay's came out oh wow and then Jack came out twice these oranges are a nightmare he sounds inside what you've taught there it's over pretty low air and then hang on let me check the other side real quick I'll [ __ ] lamp it sounds like it's real close Ryan two minutes oh oh one dang Wow damn damn damn just jack I had no choice I've been just taunting like non-stop I heard it for a second we got to be quiet times I dream about cheese it sounds like Jesse's in the house on top of that he's near me where are you about G oh hey bail on the hay bale no I threw it C okay is he a shoe are you a shoe you're Xuan you're a shoe oh my god I can't believe Gavin so blind that I'm a blind am I'm a blind you got three Katie's to come out we lost you but Lindsay you can jump in on Jess machines Lindsay last round in the bonus round after the color last round Lindley's in the [ __ ] corner with me who is this that was me who is this man my webcam Jeremy's got his arms up new chick on Lindsay's desktop as wallpaper well that's not news but it's Brooke candy on a new dish she's you know just like showing her ass I don't care Jeremy ran right into me I was ghost riding my whip my Nancy Nancy look up there Jeremy it's up again yeah look at my screen quickly look at my screen Gavin just look at my monitor okay [ __ ] did he do that was [ __ ] funny oh they all came from this direction the son of a [ __ ] okay so they're [ __ ] funner oh my god a [ __ ] got away yeah we got to go back by the slow mo guys my brain quit yakking I catch up to him there was a person up here hear me but I couldn't shoot him between the slats and though it was you that was shooting betwixt the slap you shouldn't be twixt why are we all in the same place guys you're gonna find it up yeah Jeremy is the [ __ ] master of this game too [ __ ] good it's [ __ ] fun we should photoshop his his webcam on to him from my anger alright so Jeremy stole the dude it sounds have my angle and your angle commended dude abides no I think I'll Fredo he was a human skull who killed him guys ran under him like six times should we call it yeah he was up here hey thanks nice light thanks [Music]
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 1,555,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Geoff Ramsey, Ryan Haywood, Jack Pattillo, Jeremy Dooley, Michael Jones, Gavin Free, Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Gmod, Garry's Mod, Garrys Mod, Prop Hunt, Obj Hunt, best, worst, hiding spots, t pose, new maps
Id: hlfYKp4cFHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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