Projects and Project-Based Learning: What's The Difference?

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>>Teacher: Today we're going to start a new project. >>Narrator: Teachers and their students have been doing projects since forever. >>Students: Three, two, one. >>Narrator: More and more are doing project-based learning. So what's the difference? >>Teacher: That's a great question. >>Let's start off by reviewing. >>Narrator: Projects are typically limited in scope and duration. They're a good way for students to work with content they've already learned. >>Teacher: Flip to the paper that says sundial. >>Narrator: In project-based learning, students learn through the project. >>Teacher: Interesting. >>Narrator: They address a real-world problem, a driving question, one that can't be googled and has no single right answer. >>Teacher: We were talking about how can we prepare for Atlanta's change in weather? >>Narrator: Students have voice and choice in PBL, some input into how they'll answer the driving question. >>Teacher: Does anybody think they might have some ideas? >>Narrator: So they gain ownership of their learning. >>Teacher: So those questions led to our investigation. >>Narrator: They collaborate in a process of sustained inquiry, lasting more than a few days. >>Teacher: We've got a whole lot of work to do. >>Narrator: They reflect on their learning through discussions, formative assessments and critiques of their peers' work. >>Teacher: We are going to take a look at one of your friend's work today. >>Narrator: And then revise their work, based on those reflections. >>Student: Now let's see it. >>Okay, there we go, we got it. >>Student: High five. >>Narrator: The final product is shared with an audience beyond the classroom. Maybe that's professionals in a related field. >>Woman: I appreciated how thoughtfully you responded. >>Narrator: Or it could be the kids in the class next door. When students spend an hour exploring the four forces of flight by crafting a Mars lander out of paper, that's a project. When they spend a month simulating a Mars landing, analyzing the math and physics at work, and discussing their work with real aerospace engineers... >>Engineer: And it sounds like you've done a little bit of testing to see if that works. >>Narrator: That's project-based learning. >>Teacher: [speaks Italian] >>Students: [speak Italian] >>Narrator: Research shows that rigorous PBL can result in higher engagement and deeper content knowledge. >>Teacher: You're rocking it, keep it up, okay. >>Narrator: Learn more about project-based learning at
Channel: Edutopia
Views: 82,191
Rating: 4.8972163 out of 5
Keywords: education, edutopia, edutopia videos, k-12, teaching, learning, classroom, teaching strategy, education tips, how-to, education technology, education videos, teaching tips, george lucas foundation, education how-to videos, project-based learning, PBL, problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning
Id: dhwuQU2-g5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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