Project Work Formatting: Page numbering- A combination of roman numerals and numbers on one document

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[Music] hey welcome to another section of the atu library tutorial series and in this tutorial we are going to cover how you can number of pages which will have a combination of roman numerals and also numbers and in our previous tutorial we were able to generate automatically list of tables we also generated a list of figures automatically we also did something on how to generate table of contents automatically not doing it manually and putting the numbers over there but however if these can be done effectively and efficiently you also need page numbers and so we are saying that the cover page of your project work should be without any number followed by your abstract dedication acknowledgement those initial pages should have romantic routes and a page that comes after the initial pages after the abstracts or after the last let's say the list of tables or figures should have numbers on these pages now the question is how do you combine roman numerals and that of numbers on a particular document and so this tutorial is going to cover page numbering whereby we have roman numerals and that of numbers on a single document and so we use we have our web file over here and you realize that this is the cover page and these are the initial pages after the cover pages after the cover page and we also have a page starting with that is the chapter pages so we have chapter one and so forth so we are saying that um the pages that comes before the chapter should be roman um and that comes after that in the chapter pages you have numbers on these pages so how do you go by such numbering and so to begin with what you have to order two things that we'll be using over here is the show slash hide button and we also we also use the the next page where whereby we'll be introducing a section break so first of all let's go back to our home tab then let's click on the show hide button now one may i say what actually is a shoe hide button the shoe hide button actually contains hidden characters like species paragraph and so forth the show hide button turns these hidden characters on and off so you first of all introduce the show hide button to see all hidden characters now after introducing the show hide button there is something that we call section bricks and when we talk about section bricks what actually is a section break so in word processor that is a microsoft word that we are using a section break split your document pages into sections with customizable formats or layouts so what we are trying to say is the section break will put some pages or your pages into sections whereby you can format it according to sections so we have to introduce the section break so that we know that from this side let's say from declaration to that of declaration up to list of figures will have roman numerals so we put the declaration to list of figures under a particular section then we also put from chapter one to that of our appendix we also have another section then our cover page we also have another section so once we group these pages into sections we are able to customize it we are able to apply a particular format or layout to these sections so we go to our page layout you go to our page layout and we introduce what we call sections but before we introduce what we call sections first of all let's insert our page numbers so we are inserting our page numbers so we have the page number starting from 1 to our last page that is 56 and so let's introduce a section so that we can format some portion of of our page numbers to start with roman numerals so we go to page layouts now you come to the last you can introduce your p section over here and so we are introducing we are introducing next page we are introducing the next speech and it's saying that instead of section break and start a new section on the next page so as we said earlier on the section break just put your pages into sections in order for you to give it a very customizable format so we introduce this and we have the section break over there now we also so we have the declaration up to our list of figures so we also have to introduce section and our last part that is the list of figures so you have lists of figures we introduce section so we also introduce next page over here then our chapter one we also come down here where the show hide button is under the bricks we click on next speech that is introducing our section break so what do we have over here we have introduced three section bricks so the first one we did it on the cover page then the other one we did it at the end of the initial pages as you have seen over here that is the list of figures we introduced our section break and the last one was at the end of chapter one and so this is what we have and looking at it you realize that we don't have any roman numerals over here they are all numbers so because it has been grouped into sections you can now decide that this page to this page should start with roman rouse and this side to this side should start with numbers and so on your document double click add a footer where you are seeing so this is the footer you double click for it to be highlighted now you realize that we have linked to previous so it is telling you that this particular page is telling you that this particular page where i have my query on it's been linked to this cover page so it has been linked to the previous page as you are seeing now we are saying that we don't want this to be linked to our previous page or our cover page so we break it we disable it now it has been disabled and so we also come to our chapter one and when we click on chapter one page you realize that the chapter one page has also been linked to our previous page we don't want it that way so we break the link and now we are saying that once the links in the documents have now been separated or disabled based on some sections we can introduce the format that we want for these pages so we are saying that we highlight our number over here we are saying we want to format it to start with roman numerals so you go to still under the design tab page number you go to format page numbers you change the number format we have over here to roman numerals and we are saying that it should start at i so we go down we have i i i i let's check you have i x x x i x i i so you realize that this number that we have here number one was not affected because we disabled the link all right so we check we have one over here that is this side it's linked so we can change this one we highlight this one it should be two but however it's showing one so we can come to our page number format page numbers then continue from previous section and the previous one is bearing a number that is one two three and so forth so the number on the previous page is one and so we are saying that it should continue from the previous section so this side must be two so we have two we have three four all the way to 43 now we are also saying that what we have over here our cover page should not be any number so we highlight it page number remove page numbers you realize that the numbers on the other pages were not affected the roman numerals also are not affected but rather it's only the cover page we can then close our header and footer and disable our show and hide button so you realize that we have our numbering captured here correctly that is i i i where we have the chapter one is also starting from one and our cover page has no number so that is it for page numbering a combination of roman numerals and that of numbers thank you once again for watching this tutorial from atl library tutorial series always remember to subscribe to our youtube channel
Channel: ATU Library
Views: 136,746
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Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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