Project Police Interceptor (Episode 2)

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and this is episode 2 of project interceptor in this episode we're gonna go wire in the mic and we'll put a siren in so we could make some noise for those of you who haven't seen episode 1 I'll leave the link to that video in description below go check that out it'll give you an idea of what this project is all about and I'll also show you what fixes we did to start with now I just want to be clear this car is for a police officer he is legally allowed to have a siren and lights installed in his car this is his off-duty vehicle which he'll be using for transport to and from work and a lot of times when he's going to and from work he encounters an accident or he assists other officers and he's had some pretty close calls with other vehicles almost hitting him and that's why in this episode we're gonna be installing a siren so his car will stand out and people will know to slow down making his job a lot safer remember never impersonate a police officer and before installing anything like this on your vehicle check your local laws but all that should be self-explanatory so let's begin so with our setup here we have a mic we have a siren that we're going to install in the front of vehicle and then we have our box which is going inside the vehicle and this box allows you to control the siren you can add lights to it which we'll do later on we could raise the volume I'm keeping it low right now so we don't hurt our ears [Music] we have different modes and then we have all this spaghetti which we need to wire up so the first step is where are we gonna put this control box the officer who owns the vehicle wants to place it somewhere in the middle here now normally you would have a center console or something in here that this would mount to but in this case we don't have a center console yet so what we're going to do is we're going to temporarily mount it right here it's within reach of all the dials and everything we could get to the Mike really easy the wiring harness will go out behind here and that brings me to an important point whenever your wiring something it doesn't matter if it's a radio doesn't matter if it's lights whatever you always want to have a plan you can't just go at it and hope for the best when you're wiring there are certain gauges of wire that you'll need based on how long the wires have to be and how many amps you're going to draw it sounds complex but it's really simple check this out so let's say we're using 10 feet of wire and our siren is going to draw 10 amps that means we need 14 gauge wire so that's why it's important to have a strategy when you're doing all this wiring in this case we're wiring up a siren so it's important to know where we're putting this control box so when we wire everything we know the distance and then that'll give us an idea of what gauge wiring we need to use so this siren is going to have a seven-and-a-half amp draw and a 10 amp fuse so we're gonna say 10 amp maximum draw because anything larger than that the fuse is going to blow that means when we look at this chart we're gonna be working in the 10 amp column here now let's figure out how long our wires are going to be the longest wires we're gonna be running are going to be going all the way to the battery over there so in order to make it to the battery we're gonna run from here along the side all the way there that's about 10 to 15 feet so at 10 amps and 10 feet we have to use 14 gauge wiring now that we know the length in gauge wire we're gonna be running let's take a look at the wiring harness so we have our spaghetti wiring harness here with all the different color wires and that means absolutely nothing without our wiring diagram the wiring harness connects to the back of our control box via this connector very simple but then we have all these colors here that we need to know where it wires to and then we have our speaker which is pretty simple it's two wires and then we need to mount this somewhere and just to be clear as usual I drew a diagram you can see here's our radio box which is that and our black ground goes to the chassis ground so anywhere there is a clean bare metal spot on the chassis we could connect right to that our red wire goes to the battery for power our yellow wires aren't getting used right now but they're for the lights and then our green wires go right to the speaker or the siren whatever you want to call it so that's our setup so now that we got our spaghetti figured out let's go see where we're gonna mount our siren our siren is really heavy so it has to be in a sturdy place the other thing is the siren is directional so the sound waves come out this way so we want to mount this somewhere facing forward we also want to mount it somewhere where the sound waves could penetrate through so somewhere in the grille would be perfect so to get behind the grill you already saw in the previous episode just pull that right out and right behind the grill are a bunch of sturdy mounting points so let's fit this up and it looks like the perfect spot right here so I took the bracket off the siren speaker so it's easier to work with I'm gonna place this where I want to mount it and I'm gonna mark the holes with a marker so we know where to drill good I marked all the slots from the mount just in case we want to use all three but we're only going to use the outside two so let's get drill [Music] now we'll test fit the bracket to make sure it fits correctly this fits great so let's mount up the siren so I make sure our speaker is facing forward and out of the vehicle good now this is nice and secure you can see this does not move at all I'm really pulling hard on this and it's nice and sturdy and this is the view from the front I think we picked the perfect place to mount it now let's go run the wires from inside the car we need to take this wiring harness and run the wires from our control box through the firewall to get to the engine bay so all these wires need to find a spot through the firewall so let's go look at the driver's side foot well and what we're trying to do is find any passages through the engine bay like this shifter cable right there or right there with this wiring harness or with the steering column so we could slip our wires through and to be honest when I'm looking under here I don't see anything so we might have to drill our own hole so I'm gonna look right underneath that wiring and see what's on the engine side of the firewall okay so we're coming in from the driver's side here and we want to look for that wiring harness there it is so that's the wiring harness that we just saw from the interior and we want to make sure there's nothing underneath it so we could drill a hole so right under the wiring harness there's just that black sheet of insulation so we could drill right through the firewall and that's where we'll run our wires so it's looking real good we could drill right there nice small hole put a grommet make it nice and neat it's away from the wiring harness and that sounds like a plan so now we need to be able to slip all these wires through a grommet and a grommet is just a piece of rubber and what this does is it protects the wires and closes off that hole so that there's no chafing so you can see these wires will actually fit nice and snugly in this grommet and if we want to add two more wires there's just enough space so if we want to add those light wires we could always do that later on so what we need to do is we need to drill a hole that is the inside diameter of this grommet and then we'll snap that grommet in and then we could run wires through the firewall without a problem and convenient enough the same drill that we just used to drill those holes to mount the siren fits this perfectly it's a little bit bigger than the inside diameter which is what we want just slightly larger and that'll fit perfect but first we're gonna be using a smaller bit to drill a pilot hole into the firewall we're gonna go right below that wiring harness right here drill our pilot hole and then we'll go in [Music] perfect so now the wires will pass through here without a grommet the problem is you can see you're ready the edge even though it looks pretty smooth a little bit of vibration and movement over time like that will chafe the wires so what you do is you get this rubber grommet which goes right in the hole like this there we go now when the wires go in here and it moves in and out there's no chafing because it's rubber so it's really soft so now we have our grommet installed you can see the light from the outside now I can run the wires through there now we're going to mount the radio so we can run the wires through the firewall I was gonna put it right here and just velcro it but then you see all these wires when I think we're gonna do instead that fits in there nicely and we'll have this clip somewhere over here and then these wires will be tucked away out of sight this is only temporary and I'm thinking we're gonna build a little center console mount right here so we can mount it to that but for now we'll mount it right here now here's a side view and what we could do is we can run the wires back through here just like so so now you're not even gonna be able to see the wires the other thing is there's a nice bear piece of metal right here and our ground could connect right to that bear piece of metal so let's start out with this black ground wire remove the carpet piece here and we're gonna ground it right to one of these bolts so here's the eyelet and this already came pre stripped so I'm actually gonna bend it over just like that slide that in there grab the crimpers crimp it good and give it a nice tug to ensure it's crimp tight beautiful now we have the whole system grounded now I didn't trim the black wire because if we're gonna move this forward a little bit we might need some more room so I'm just gonna tuck this in here out of the way beautiful can't even see it's there we'll put our trim piece back and you can't even tell there are wires there since we aren't using the yellow wires right now I'm gonna tape them up since they came pre stripped this will prevent any shorts and now we could tuck those wires out of sight as well now let's get the red wire and the two green wires through the grommet remember the green wires go to the siren or the speaker whatever you want to call it and the red wire goes to the battery now let's take the wires and route it to the grommet slide it through the grommet and pull it through to the engine bay now if we look how we're wiring this and where we're running it you want to keep it away from all moving parts this is gonna get zip tied up against this vacuum line it up here so it's not just dangling there but you can see it goes up and over everything so it's not in the way of any of the brake or even the gas it's out of the way of all moving parts it's not near this which will turn this is your steering shaft and it goes up and over everything and then down through there I'm also going to zip tie it right here up against this wiring harness so this doesn't move either just to keep everything steady this needs to be reliable means to work every time and it needs to be safe now that's the end of the wiring harness that they supply you so you're gonna have to add your own wires so that you can run it from here all the way to there and then also all the way to the battery on that side to run it there we're gonna be using this tubing so that none of the wires fray so the wires are all going to go into this tubing which will protect it since it's gonna be around ten feet of wiring I'm gonna use this red wire for this red wire and this black wire for the speaker wires and these are 14 gauge and that'll prevent any significant voltage drop so it'll keep the wires cool it'll allow the full 12 to 14 volts to run through it and I'll just keep everything running in tip-top shape so now I'm gonna just go run the black wires to our siren now we have our two black wires of equal length I'll strip the ends now we have all of our end strips okay connect the two green to the two black wires and run them to the speaker you get both stripped ends of the wire push them together and you get your crimper and crimp them down then you give the wires a tug and test it out do the same exact thing for the other wire and then we'll use the heat gun to shrink the rubber around the crimp and make it watertight [Music] [Applause] now that looks perfect so are two black wires are connected let's get our red wire connected so I'm just running the wire roughly in the area that I'm gonna lay it down in so I know where I could cut it we're gonna cut this right here we have our two red wires here crimp these together as well test it good now all three wires are crimped together nice and strong and their heat shrink so they're wood or proof now we're gonna get this plastic hollow tubing and we're gonna run the wires through the tubing and it'll just keep these wires nice and protected so you can see there's a split right down the middle of this all you do is feed the wires into the tube like that there's just this little bit of red wire sticking out now so we'll tuck that in there now we're gonna route this where we want it we're gonna go through the hole that's right down here so now we have our two wires coming from the siren and our two black wires coming from the box and we're gonna get these together it doesn't matter polarity just one on one one on the other that's one that's two now we'll heat shrink them all right that's all connected up take that in here I'll tape up these wires with black tape just to make sure they're nice and neat finish running this underneath here now let's run the red wire through the hole in the frame to get to the battery so I have this eyelet but the plastic around it isn't heat shrink so I'm going to take the plastic off and I have a piece of heat shrink to fit right over it heat shrink prevents corrosion holds the wire in place and really seals in that connection from the elements so I prefer using it I'm gonna slide the heat shrink on the wire and then attach the eyelet to the end crimp it down slide the heat shrink over like that and use a heat gun to shrink it so we're about to connect the power wire so make sure the siren box is shut off completely I'll tighten this down close that up and now let's go try it out okay everything's all wired in place properly let's go turn her on we got power [Applause] beautiful okay now that we know it works I'm gonna just shut it off and we're gonna finish tidying up all the wiring I'm gonna use zip ties to secure the wiring harness so it doesn't move around so we have our wires coming up it secured right here it comes across it's kind of tucked down into there all secured it goes through there comes up and here's where I'm going to want to secure it right up here then it follows the frame along the front it goes through the frame and meets the battery so we are almost done well put the shroud back on now we have one more thing we need to do we need to mount the microphone somewhere in the car comes with this mounting plate I kind of like right there so then it'll sit just like this so we're gonna put it like right here these will screw in first I need to drill a hole actually I wonder if I could put it right here so right here we have these vents and I'm thinking if I could put this right here and just use the existing vent holes so then I don't have to drill anything and it could go back to stock without any holes good and that's dirty that's uh that's not coming off right there I like that so now we can easily grab that from the driver's seat put it Bennett the best part is there's no holes so I didn't have to drill holes in here so if we wanted to put this somewhere else we could easily just take that off beautiful now we're officially done let's go try this iron out so that's when you turn it on you can adjust the volume right here we'll put it at about half volume and then you have different settings here [Applause] and then later on we could use these two switches for our lights the fuse is a 10 amp fuse and it's built into this so we don't have to worry about adding a fuse and then anytime you want you just press the mic and you can speak into the mic and I shut it off just close that like that and you're good to go so there we go episode 2 project Police Interceptor installing a siren so that the police officer could be heard there's less of a chance of him getting struck by a vehicle it'll make it known that he's on scene and I think that's pretty cool worked out great and stay tuned for episode 3 hopefully you like how project Police Interceptor is coming along if you're liking it so far get the video a thumbs up also if you're not subscribed what are you waiting for hit that subscribe button to get new updates on different projects as well as this project there are three videos down below you could click on or you can find a links to those videos in the description and also if you have any ideas let me know stuff that people have never done or don't commonly do is what's gonna make project police interceptors stand out [Music]
Channel: ChrisFix
Views: 4,183,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (Automobile Model), Police (Film Genre), headlights, headlight restoration, police, police car, Crown vic, p71, police package, cop car, project police interceptor, replace grill, how to make a cop car, thin blue line, nypd, Ford Interceptor (Automobile Model), Cops, Police Officer (Film Character), Chase, Automobile (TV Genre), Siren, sirens, police siren
Id: V_mXR_Kol4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2015
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