Project Overview - Procedural Ambience System with Unreal Engine 5 and Wwise

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in this video I'll show you how I set up uh a system for procedurally placing Ambiance actors uh with wise and Unreal Engine five the goal of this project was to set up a system that procedurally places Ambiance actors in an environment based on the uh data of the environment itself so if there are more trees there should be spawning more birds and when the wind increases for example the Birch should uh cheer less I'll start by going over uh the setup in Wise I won't go over any player character related sound effects in this video I will save that for another video environment sound effects can be divided in this project in two main categories 2D and 3D sounds where 3D sounds are specialized and 2D sounds are not for this project I used two kinds of 2D stereo sound events in wise one for the background Ambiance and one for a wind event the background Ambience is driven by an rtpc called Ambience mix and this rtpc is based on the amount of trees that are detected around the player that's something that I will talk about later [Music] on the Wind event is driven by an artac called wind speed which determines the amount of wind 3D events and wise or specialized events are pretty straightforward in this project there are many different kind of birds which are nothing more than random containers placed inside events these bird events only play one bird CH the amount of cherps are determined in uh the system in real and that's based on an RPC called windspeed and I will show that later on the frogs and crickets events are pretty similar frogs will be placed around water and crickets will be spawned more if there aren't many trees detected around player wise events for bees are a bit different they are spawned around a player based on the amount of wind and if they are trees around the player or not each time a beast sound effect spawns it gets a random automated 3D position by doing this uh we kind of simulate the be going in a trajectory around the player the River Event is very straightforward it's just a loop and this will be spawned on a spline that moves this event on a position relatively to the player along that spline tree wind rustles are also pretty straightforward these wise events are looping sounds of rustling leaves and these sources are placed around the player in trees based on the amount of wind dictated by the rtpc wind speed the intensity of the wind rustles also increase based on the parameter wind speed let's dive into the engine a big part of this project was figuring out how to design a scene and a level like this and placing all the actor figure out the lighting and all kind of stuff like that but uh that's something for another video and I won't really go over that in this video the most important blueprint for this Ambiance system would be the forest Ambiance blueprint in here there's a collision box and two AK components for the 2D events the Collision box is used to be dragged around the area that it needs to cover on begin play all the locations of the trees are saved in an array and after that this array is used to check how how many trees are around the player and which trees are closest to the player based on the wind speed a percentage of these trees are marked as wind candidates or bird candidates and when the player gets close to them a bird player blueprint or wind player blueprint will be spawned in the tree these actors are saved in an array so that they can be removed when the player is out of range and when they are removed this spot becomes available for a new tree or bird sound effect that can be spawned around the player bird sound effect events have their own dedicated blueprint in this blueprint an AK event is posted by a looping timer the interval of this timer is based on the wind speed parameter when the wind parameter is high they will spawn less frequently or not at all compared to when there is no wind for example the tree wind rustles work rather similarly but the wise events are a bit simpler because they are just looping audio events these actors are spawned around the player and are saved in an array to set the parameters that they need to increase the wind intensity when the wind speed parameter increases crickets are spawned in an area around the player based on how many trees there are in that area when there are many trees around the player the Crickets will spawn less frequently compared to when there are no trees around the player when there are no trees around the player we can assume that there is an open field of some sort and thus the Crickets will spawn more crickets work a bit the same compared to the birds they will Cher less when the wind speed increases these sound effects work a little bit more simple they are just spawned uh in an area around the player and um they have a really small attenuation and their own uh 3D position Automation in Wise and when you walk past them you would just hear them really shortly defense for river is placed on the uh spline that's used to make the river and it just takes the closest point to the player and places the river sounds there that was about it thank you for watching I really hope you enjoyed the video and uh if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out for
Channel: Bas Bertrand Game Audio
Views: 2,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, wwise, procedural, ambience, nature, project, overview, system, sound, design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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