Professional Stylist Does My ASOS Shop!

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so there has always been this trend on YouTube where you get your partner do you a sub shop for you and but today I'm gonna switch it up a little bit today I've got fessional stylist in to come do my sauce shop instead and that professional stylist go the name of joseph crone and here's what creatively of people like dizzee rascal James Blunt he's also styled Bromley shows her Louboutin and then ad campaigns for Bentley all over the globe he's also covered a few new videos someone you may know ksi and now he's here in my living room to give me a little wardrobe refresh and show me all the stuff about me on a sauce okay right here the outfits are here there's a consumer that clothes back there so don't know what the hell you've done I gave him a budget of 500 pounds and he said he's spending two grand so this happened Pierre that's how we do know we have in control videos I'm a control freak so being dread for someone else and then also not being try the video is quite a rare thing for me I appreciate your trust so this is 2019 for me we're seeking discomfort about the comfort zone we're going so basically you can fire away you have a different outfits for me I've gone with with themes for what you might be doing in them I've gone with where you might be wearing them how they're gonna make you feel so kind of personas you might want to portray when you're wearing them okay Phil there's a lot of scope here now this is something I feel like you're gonna be relaxing its bit of Street where it's casual I don't know if Khan gave you like any kind of he's told me to take you way out of your comfort zone way out okay so I they these some denim jeans those are shorts shorts oh yeah I can join in your crew you know how we do if you've got it yes we're oh god okay so it's a cohort it's a giant thing exactly yeah oh no this is my comfort zone already and they're sunglass keep ripping yet which I do have a massive head okay look these are small though they tight for the head my big let's have a look at that know what though fine they actually look good DP by mice because they're so dark drum roll please oh yes yes I'm feeling this a little bit look yeah cuz it's all about proportion styling so you know what I mean if they're too long and it's like your legs look stumpy whatever is going on there it's good to know that and you obviously do know that Josh which is so strange you know I put on I thought really I'll tell you what were your quit in it and now I'm get more Easter it kind of looks sick right I think this short is in the jacket are really short that's the look though isn't it I guess what like this bit there's too much isn't there a little bit it should be more telling about that shouldn't it yeah but it's the way that yeah like I'm in a wind tunnel yeah I call it the uh what's that chocolate there's triangle right yeah I put a Toblerone effect you look around you look like ping what boy was it this is a just a casual day way out this is you just chilling on the docks you know relaxing with your friends having a little coffee while there's Trinity coffee bars me coffee doing all that stuff I don't drink coffee either too much to I'm already too alive right why don't we wait them out of 10 10 is your perfect outfit you feel sexy you feel you you feel confident one is like are you serious oh wow okay I say this all the time well Crowley those shorts are cool the shorts that's your right they are cool I think I'd like that how's that I don't like these and then now you put on that's the thing when you try some doesn't it yeah oh look at me now I pop the color by eyes the next one okay so we've had chilling maybe bit of bohemian action down Shoreditch now I'm thinking he's slick it's taking out his lady it's date night yes Josh yes it's quilted it's velvet it's everything slick it's everything smooth it's a dressing gown with something it is car feel like we're gonna call it a smoking jacket they have these amazing I liked it I like to you know take a risk sometimes nice slick pair tailored trousers so a white polo neck and a just a little bit of bling oh that's great oh you're some Faison I mean is that part of a sauce or that I'm short what's going on there a sauce someone's come to me trousers all right say that they've already been used on the date night is easy you can say trust me date night that's okay this is a nice clean polar Nets gonna look crisp it's a wrong net you can look fresh okay I'm coming back all right see in a minute Josh blue --boom why hello oh look at this type of the jacket here I thought that jacket choice to do up all right now I see what you're saying but I think this the fit on the shoulders is what we're I hear I'm feeling like ye you might only yachts you know I'm saying you could with the captain yeah yeah I am the captain now but done I challenge any lady to resist on date night it's a little bit judo with that belt isn't it who wants to see it without the belt without the belt I feel like that might be just a bit more streamline I think were rollicking America like Steve Jobs and he was a stylish man he was at a very stylish do you comfortable ride keeping the traffic yeah good good good it's a really good fit look and it's not easy to find a good pair trousers Thanks look at this smart and smooth what I'd like to ask you where would you wear this Josh where do you feel like you becoming in a private whiskey clubs you know what I mean yes with David Beckham's the hey stuff yeah called what you say man I'm feeling this love you well all right what we're trains a Taiwanese trainers yeah or shoes we're talking that's we're talking a soft leather loafer maybe a slide alignment no socks no socks baby yes our eyes I'm like I got training for no Nealon yeah no I hear what you're saying and I like to wear a training with a bit of telling dude stop stick being too serious doesn't it people don't think you're taking off too seriously I know what you're saying maybe a simple white trainer yeah just clean and crisp air fourth one moving on moving on okay now it's another Street where look it uses that polo neck so you muscle to keep it on I'm gonna hide the most exciting bit underneath so you don't see it till till afterwards but okay nice prayer jeans which we go down yeah okay it's important about those very well like those you like white loses simple stone wash Jean you can't go wrong oh yeah place could be actually this is actually by thick okay I think you're gonna like this one so what is the wait wait wait we're wearing this this is just like no this is almost are you going to a fashion show or falling off a boat into a lake digging up the road I think so yes yes if you don't mind oh oh here he comes ball whoa yes this is Australians rod yeah forever black jeans I feel like the black could you know more black yeah how do you feel yeah I feel better off your trousers at Spratley they're quite tight these dudes oh yeah that's more like it it's pretty nice kind of sexier like that it's so different yeah it's like mad mad different it feels something it feels very masculine if I'm an outlaw yeah you know he's looking about yeah yeah yeah yeah actually I have actually man I'll handle that don't worry yes changing tires like you know defusing bombs it's all part of the remit isn't it or I've just fall off a ship yeah there is that I've caught the Titanic can I come back my life preserver there's a bit of a life preserver vibe but cuz it's slim car you know what I mean it's cutting a nice suit of were like those trousers on you as well are you feeling them yeah it's me these days yeah but losing weight is great for you do a good man do really good not your seven-point-two we repeating the high sevens a lot lately and I'm really pleased about that I feel like done up it gave us more of a slick fashion guy vibe now someone could maybe think you were gonna fix that tire yeah Bay City if it's a glass repair it's not a place you know yeah I come feature in the script us a bit smarter than usual yeah oh it's like when you get when you bit your fish of all day then you fix wind screens and evening all rise different it's cool yeah but when were in this is it's out about oh yeah I feel like this is a like a kind of an event we will not costly a bit Aarti Sequeira if I'm going on during Fashion Week is one where it you know I mean or maybe they're not got some orange trainers or some blackberry trainers I could rock it that could be a serious look couldn't it look at that that's gone up now don't tell me 7.5 anymore I'm adding to the me was really seven point to you but I like to just see if we can tweak it up a notch to have gone what we went from the jeans and the why and it wasn't really working was it so this is I love this moving on a view anything that's not around it yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna call you right down you were getting are it's holiday time now are you ready to go on holiday yeah okay people gonna be looking at you on holiday let's get that clear but in a good way okay here we are right there for you sir okay wow wow this is a bunch of maps money for the man who likes to be noticed I'm still getting to know you but I feel like this there's a part of you that really wants to wear mouths this is just a nut this seat come on phone cause we run crazy on the outfit we've we've read it in it's a very classic pair of sunglasses oh wow oh gosh Wow is that what's that too big a little bit too I feel but this all about the flow in a breeze yeah you know what I mean the wind going up your arm holes yeah mind at all I thank me again how does they direct it out this distance could be all for you pick on you right yeah it's right you know nice clean white trainers you know what I mean it's I think it's quite good and the sober glasses you don't just look like I'm Timmy Mallett I'm going crazy but I do like I'm blind I don't get that vibe I hear what you're saying let's just see what this looks like oh no he's going woo yeah I don't know I feel like yes yeah if you've got it flaunt it where you gonna wear it give us can you describe this an IRB fun okay okay I'm going Ocean Beach pool party okay pool party that is it to a tee isn't it I feel like you feel good in this don't you I feel good yeah good good I leave at 6.6 maybe we lost points because it's not wearable in so many different places I go to like seven because this guy needs his comfort zone I'll give it seven because a comfort zone yeah if I went out and about in it for a little how can I go to eight yeah all of them to go today if I wear the mats you feel okay you know what I could wear this racket as well no cuz that's what we've been thinking let's we rein it in we throw you out there we rein it in we throw you out there other on you just getting lost adrift nice crazy world yeah if you're online and your name sauce how do I tell you that my look alright because I'd look at this and go what the bloody hell is covered in mouse this is the experience though innit and also just we need to take a risk yeah I'm not risk taker Alec safe you look at it you think yeah that's worth a punt why not what's it gonna cost you through very very true a sauce is so good that they'll take you back if you don't like it you know we can't really go wrong turns out he does like it love you about Shh this well it's a little bit safer it could be date night if we're going somewhere a bit more casual it could be chilling Joe yeah let's go with a shirt first we know where we end up with the glasses yeah yeah with a difference is it a shacket a shirt jacket it might be Wow I mean you know it is a strong print let's not lie but I feel like it's a good one it's not it's not too out there right make a little statement okay we got some you can't go wrong I mean well these with baby up they look a bit dad-ish but that dad jeans is in right now if you can rock them ok people do call me Dad so I guess after I heard that jeans now I'm Polly just take it over the dad rope does he have many children I don't know I don't know that much about Josh so they're calling him dad for the wrong reasons these things are wild Wow like my IQs going up geek chic he asked for geek chic he got I'm kind of loving it then Iridessa cleitus i what happens if you just pop that zip down a tiny bit Jeff there we go yeah I think up is that looks kind of seedy doesn't it oh do you reckon oh you know I mean like yeah I may try and take your kids okay so what you're you're saying the baby's sex offender is that we trying to say I just need just feel nerdy that's but then you want that on though yes but like I've gone way too far I've gone I'm gone clear that direction there's no Sheik it's just because gonggi okay we lost a sheik part or a default DTA character yeah hello how's your day should we went outfits batch we go for one tweet one see if anything happens you have one three one one shot it's either gonna make it or break it and I'm I'm keen to find out how when we take the risk is when we find out what's good I'm not sure I'm really not sure if this is go down to below one I can see it it could be a naught point something look at these trials that's falling down at the whole Kalon I'm getting a really strong vibe this plant might be called Sheila just clean up the palm tree yeah it is cool Sheila isn't it no I think it's called like Kevin the dive oh sorry Kevin I've got I misread everything there uh I'm not you're not sure I need provide it's it's not greatest this is not great the shirts the shirt was never gonna kill it was it but this is cut it's an interesting look though it's a bit fashion it's a bit quirky it's a bit geek chic am I being a bit generous with myself maybe it seems I may well be I'm not sure about the shacket know the shucks it's it's sitting very weirdly on the waist isn't it it's really tight around them yeah is that they've made it yeah yeah it doesn't look very comfortable yeah no it's got up it's like a - now thank you at least with you know those trousers were god-awful so we move on please please with a capital P I really really need this one to happen it's it's a risk yeah but there's neon I'm hoping it's gonna pay off okay sure these freaking together everything you've always wanted more roll mix cuz I know you love them I'm hoping these trousers are gonna feel like because even you've liked the tailored trousers and so far haven't you yeah they've been pretty good so I'm hoping we're carrying on in that vein with these although they look a slightly different car but let's say yeah yeah it could be cool there's a neon yellow rolling it has gone wild black handy on yellow is it your size Josh or is it no no is it double-xl Josh yes it is is that because it's the shuttle is it the last one that had in stock or did we want to go crazy over sighs I don't know let's find out what if a splice blazer it's a spliced blazer so they've got two jackets and they've washed them together to make one jacket and the brand's call collusion collusion which I believe means kind of committing a crime together doesn't it all line to the police together sup Bonnie and Clyde yeah yeah yeah so and how have they managed to make a jacket but seat belt right there just in case you click that into the car Josh I want your initial reaction please what you do you think you're gonna look good in this or not I would say no at the start I thought that now I'm gonna say yes it's because I feel like it's gonna work somehow oh okay uh Blake so if it was tyre baby no because it's ribbed I think he's gonna be all right and the truth is that was the last I heard this talk and I just had to have that color the stakes are high it's a risky outfit but I feel like if there's one man that can rock it it might just be Josh Wow okay Oh what do you think it's a strong statement especially this baby it's a strong statement you have the chosen that big no one it's cause it's ribbed so they always like they hang like tiny string vest see but it's the whole thing right I love the seatbelt seatbelt on this guy knows what he's doing that's what this look says if he can if he can afford to take risks like this with his style he must be a pretty confident guy am i right what she did you ever this you need to take with this on yeah you do don't you you said to match these two yeah get those off YF with one yeah Bailey ten colors this yeah like we do if it's out of your life I did a line ago that I guess like that's like I buy as a joke yeah for they actually works I might just come to office looking at the boss cuz you get that was like a billionaire I might going that yeah you know what it but you that's what you know you project the image you want to lean towards yeah I'm a billionaire oh this feels suave told a massive company right this side to camera show them how this is looking look at that his hand in his pocket that's good the jacket who couldn't of a male isn't its business at the side party on the other side what which go oh this is too much locations that I got in this like tell me an occasion I could go I can actually go out in this more importantly tell me a reason where you can't go to any occasion to saw this where McDonald's yes it works business meeting of course about popping my talk I would like some chips we go six oh okay just because I gave you one sevens yeah and I prefer those ones this one fair enough so half the go six I'm doing you going on this what people would say but that's that's your it less that's where you've gone wrong already but I'm gonna go cry at this Leah okay okay when I said name one place where this might not work I think you might have hit it well take you back to the old school now know it's holiday but not as you know it very silky this is JJ is it I suppose for starters JJ I hear what you're saying yet big baby find out it's boohoo Manny but oh yeah not so much hey one of these shorts so they be baggy as well why you me fire well me they fit in the short in shorts let's think about this silky shirt short shorts I think there's one word as well this outfit don't you sexy am i right oh okay hey again would you wear this to the holiday with the boys I wouldn't know I might do yeah that's all right actually it's pretty good I think it's breathable it looks money silky and cool it looks cool it's fun the troops are you know sure know they're good shots aren't they and they're not too in substantial they're kind of thick right so you feel a little bit securing them you know you're like yeah the mouse is firmly these be a lot more than that Josh what shoes would you do because I'm thinking you do like a leather loafer or something you know what I mean you wouldn't a train it would take this it would take it down a notch do you know how many level overs have you only no boy bunny no but that could be on the list let's talk numbers I like I'm gonna go seven yeah almost is this more Versace than Versace could be nice poofy man I know but is it is it more Versace than Versace in terms of if they've taken everything it's good about the side chain just made it into one amazing thing maybe so silkies its sheer you can actually see through it that's not good given if it's out no I've had warnings about sheer but you know in a good way though next one I need close your eyes peace well I'll see you bit okay this is something special I'm not sure if it's gonna work I just took a risk based on gut instinct and thought you know what this looks kind of fun okay for the brighter thing you saw on the website and you thought you know what I'm gonna put Josh in it yeah it looks like there might have been a small explosion at the factory where they made that I'm not sure how how that pattern got got designed well at least it's not shorts we were that going for us but then there's their skate jeans yes cow even though it's not even a cow look I kind of know what you mean I feel like it's all to one pattern when we were in this yeah that haven't really thought oh well I won't like a better ball that would be it's like a kind of it's a serious rave outfit all that's quite hot okay guys here we go hell no talk us through your feelings Josh me that is I think we're dropping I wanna pig awful it company value though yes loving it don't even fit nice many doesn't like it had photography again nothing good it's got a Toblerone back of the jacket and cool swing you all over the shop oh it's awful you can tell me the glasses are too narrow for your face so you got to give me that much but the bridge of the nose what is going on there having a swordfight her face swashbuckling that's what's going on right here this is a swashbuckling effect oh wow on your face would you say they're crossing swords on your phone oh okay write me up Josh and don't be client here is it all is it zero where zero okay so I'm trying too hard could it work on someone else dragon if Cobb was wearing it would be better let's find out he said he liked the jacket guys was he right or wrong it looks pair my black top underneath I don't even look that bad next so following on from that epic fail shall we if I'm rainy in a bit my farm outfit it's a bit of both it's it is day night it is street style it's quite versatile you've seen the cuffs so what we're thinking like Bomber Jacket right but wait what's that it's got lapels like a blazer okay I think we're dealing with a fusion here so it's like you want a dress for prom but you still want to be in a college sports team you know what I'm saying yeah Oh smooth yeah I'm feeling that right Kawachi yeah it's very different it takes a little bit more casual here by oculus my hair I like that it's an interesting look some of the most successful looks in my experience are something that's like it's not too crazy but it has a detail that goes oh I wasn't expecting that is these yeah the cuffs are just saying that give it a sport a sports luxe feel it feels luxury this is not understated look that's why I like it I feel like you could get out of a Ferrari in this and people wouldn't go what a chomp they were like yeah cool yeah he does Ferrari yeah it's got Ferrari but he's not overly bling is just one of those are understated guys well we're going out I get overwhelming feel like you could fly in this and then just arrived and be like go straight to a restaurant or just you know by you mean yeah yeah I mean nobody starts doing this no not flap your arms until you hit the ground yeah great yeah is that about so far but I'm gonna move to stage jacket tonight as well cool okay so we've got two absolute winners holiday times I'm not you know I mean I'm on the fence about the shorts but I feel they're quite modern and the shirts quite classic I think it could be an interesting combo the cargo short engrave no zips but they're very cargo short or are they some kind of like this has cargo shorts but your opinion they're a mad minimal one up there they're really a lot real that cargo you are they know they've got that kind of yeah they're a little bit fashion right now big is utility pockets flappy bits you know and technical fabrics so I think they are yeah I think they bring if they look good they'll bring the outfit on trend and not just have you kind of like really super classic this sure that's quite classic quite holiday they've got a palm print eight pop design t-shirt there we go it feels like paper but I have not gonna like on top okay I'm not sure about the combo so initial reaction is no but I don't think it being like a no like a might like a lesson free though yeah give me like a four note yeah okay let's see this oh wow I know you've got your phone in your pocket initial thoughts are security risk he's on a holiday we can see his phones in his pocket is that a good idea actually a microphone right over there whoops you've taken it wrong you're right but do you see where I'm going with the UH with my fears yeah I mean despite now it's secured in a zip pocket you're right get for me yeah how does it feel to have have pockets on the outsides of the inside is that I kind of like that it's strange yeah it is different I don't know one to make you the shirt I can't tell I like it or not is it for a man in his 70s all right be a bit more Brown yeah maybe that draws like you like really old and brown yeah yeah yeah I can rock this show yeah but right now proper light turned holiday guy what he's saying about the shorts though would they be cool with like a black t-shirt potentially if I don't know I mean that is out bridge mm-hmm I mind that yes that is fair yeah I'm glad that you do words like average don't mind on his boy because now you paved the way for me to give you something completely nuts and you can't really be like oh what you gotta be like yeah I guess I asked for it so I'm glad we've let ourselves I'm we're on a journey very basic right so we've gone back down into a little dip there bit mundane dear you don't know Ewing a reading nook that weren't you and now it's time to run a roller coaster okay no sorry I'm to hit your eyes what's quite so hard of a comic book wow I mean there's a lot going on there isn't there inspired by the men of Mexican wrestling the Lucha Libre I think I'm saying that right this Reagan was seen I almost tried to gloss over the racing oh three okay that's too fair I think are you think I'll it worked and a free I do oh hell yeah I haven't seen it properly in a for like oh hell yeah yes I couldn't talk about like a five-year-old kid who liked it's been dressed by his mom I kind of know you mean dunno like Jordans we're in a really good way it feels yeah it's youthful I think it brings out like the kind of light joyful kid in you because also what are we thinking about the faded and the non faded it is a bit weird isn't it it looks like you been go down like a hundred waterslides in the shorts like they compared to the top this is the outfit it's the coordinates to be like this can I just read this one or the other one though that's the question that's quite a tough cool I do your mouth sorry one little kids I love those lips I feel like different places this is more cool you know around and about holiday destination whereas the lips is almost festival isn't it Josh can I see those black sunglasses with it I feel like that makes it a bit more funky fashion what what shoes are you saying then I think a white Air Force One yeah the most things that is why it was fun yeah are you really calling especially when you've got this much going on on top let me get matching Apple bones of this Wow little Lucha Libre buy another shirt and copy up and glue it to the shoes my fake my smart outfit with the blazar hmm and the converse up to nine let's go let's go to the mouth 7.2 mmm and this 7.1 lubing specifially on I'd like to do another date night if you're interested yeah I got a date I think if you're going out out then it's the wrong day together yeah it's not you love it do I though I think we like you like looking at rolling I like the concept of a roll that yet so we did a like a YouTube premium show like says like a it's like a paid YouTube show hmm they made us wear this it's a funeral neck this time it's more of a fine knit oh my god for a second little short sleeve can you imagine Romek tank top that was amazing oh yeah this is very much another casino whiskey zipper of a look isn't it isn't even bad again it's not bad is it I don't know how it's not bad I think is struggling through this stuff you really suit this stuff man I love these trousers these about these are paper trails with me yeah yeah what's your feeling I don't know if I mean I'm very indifferent this one okay they start I'm struggling with because I feel like it should be bad innit I look it in on my you don't look that bad because I've never go to a shop and go okay yeah you buy this even a velvet jacket and that roll neck please what I want to ask you those do you like it more than the other smoking jacket yes you do don't you because the other one was belted in a bit yeah this one feels like it actually looks like I've actually got it yeah it's me yeah wow what do you think it's good innit not all that so the role mechs been slated by frame which is sad news but it's not something we use that the full fro neck I've had to roll Meg's all day ready oh yeah even wear these trousers he would wear the top part you had this these two together yeah and it should be like 10 like grand yeah instead of 10 pounds but it's not what you spend is how you feel how you look are we going to seven excellent fellow the safe is safe yeah it's a safe bet sevens like I can't offend you I can't offend me I can't offend them because they can go I know that's all for thinking joking to whatever like no very different to me I like it done thank you I wasn't a guitar is it last one no hip only I want to take you back on a holiday and then we finish on that I don't really know freestyle look I've no idea how it's gonna work with your skin tone I've no idea how the fits gonna be I just couldn't quite resist it Aleve I thought that's it Levi slim shorts I don't think you can get run with it you're already in America because they're against these all right yeah you ever love Americans are like they call them shorts jean shorts okay and just like that's like almost our fashion suicide okay what I'm hoping you might do with this one is pop the white t-shirt under it because it is a bit sheer but I think it wants to be open over a t-shirt I don't want you to look like a potato waffle that's my benefit if all fails you could use it as net curtains I'm not sure about this one wow I'm really not sure on this are we that the lower one Oh what about if the shirts open and wedges and it's just kind of like flowing breezily around you well I'm getting a vibe and I don't know if it's a good vibe again I feel like kind of can I say German tourists yeah in that you know if you had socks if you had sandals on with your sauce yeah the jeans are the jean shorts alright the joints alright the shorts are all bad are they this is much easier on the eye isn't it you know we're not breaking any any boundaries here but yeah it's an accessory item I can walk yeah yeah you could use it to shade yourself if you're in the Sun as well yeah it's versatile I'll give me that let's race it Prix shirt and post shirt removal when they go 1.8 with I'll take it though about the show it's just it's too basic we have with your race into basic that's not a word we want to hear is it right there's a risky biscuit we took the risk I'm gonna go up we've got to go down is that it's our last one right this is the last look it could go wrong big-time without further ado let me present you with the all-in-one pink cord that you've been wanting your whole life it's gonna be quite minimal it's all about the color really it's about the color and how you two work together you save this one to last could could be amazing it's got potential like I can't see it looking good I'm gonna put on and know I knew it's gonna look good oh my god I do not hate that this is just yes I'm so glad we saved it till last this is a good one to go out I feel like I'm the fresh I don't know I know what I've know what I've seen on Instagram I don't know what I've seen on YouTube but I don't 100% know Josh's style and for me I think he looks pretty cool general feeling what are you saying is it doesn't it matter gonna vote you doesn't know because it would be yeah baby that's right are we basically joined included everything that's good on Josh that's what I've seen to be find those babies who is very unmeet you've got a smile on your face yeah I'm just saying so it's not necessarily Josh but it's a cool look you know if you want to have a separate like alter-ego yeah call Fernando okay see where you're going with this only one thing left to do isn't there what's that out of ten okay I 6.50 harsh harsh that's that for this video okay let's ask guys you get a stylist through x-rays those job I post your girlfriend what was bad oh oh oh there's a lot of diplomacy needs to be employed here very political so that was that if you enjoyed it you liking it as always make sure to check out chase it down below in Scripture in the view into the ground there I guess I know yeah they should subscribe to channel show subscribe make sure you smack the Bell what's a bit video ideas think it down below a little form we have and you want to rate you outfits as well by all means do be nice please if we tried be nice and then I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Zerkaa
Views: 1,516,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, asos shop, does my asos shop, girlfriend does my asos shop, boyfriend does my asos shop, haul, asos haul, stylist, fashion
Id: kMY1uB_24Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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