Professional Soap Maker Reacts To Instagram DIY Soap Videos | Royalty Soaps

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yo ho ho i'm here to roast your soap video hello everyone my name is katie carson and i am a professional soap maker i have been making and selling soap for over nine years the last time i made a professional soap maker reacts video it got over six million views so i thought let's try that again there are a lot of diy soap hack videos here on the internet mainly on youtube but i decided to branch out today and check out a couple of them on instagram so i did try to weed out all of the repeat videos that those uh content farm channels like to post on their youtube their instagram their tick tock and their facebook and then they repost it like eight million times so they can just rack up the millions and millions and millions of views and that narrowed it down quite a bit for the instagram soap videos i was surprised how many of them were not unique to instagram i made a little viral soap hack video folder in my instagram and i'm gonna record the screen while i also record myself reacting so you guys can see exactly what i'm reacting to let us begin okay so let's go with this first video most of these i see are from craft factory i don't know that could be the same thing as five minutes crafts blossom who knows maybe it's all one big conspiracy so we've got melted soap being poured into what looks like a ceramic dish meaning you'll never get it out we're going to heat up a little stainless steel are you making cheese why they've just got to do the same thing over and over and over again i wonder who is the original creator of this cheese soap because they are not getting nearly the credit they deserve okay we've got what looks like a ketchup bottle that they've cut the end off here some melted brown chocolatey soap and coffee beans well that would definitely work that is for sure of course there's no way to know how much of anything they've added so it's not really a hack because there's no recipe and you don't know how to do it it could be considered inspiration though okay another piece of pepperware here and once again kind of good luck getting it out of that container let's see okay so now they're going to cut oh boy are you doing pasta is that pasta can you spaghetti and meatball soap come on now oh let's do it oh i hope they do it that would make my day to see it wait is it pie is it pie oh i think they might be making a pie soap but it's clear on the bottom i don't know i don't know that's such a good idea though yes yes a pie wait hold on dried raspberries you can't just throw in fruit like that it will kind of like it so that will rot that will definitely rot um dried fruit dried vegetables um they'll just rot and they will look really yucky in your soap so it was going really really strong until they added that why why they gotta do it okay time to grate up some soap ooh look at all the pretty colors those look so nice okay looks like a little yogurt container they're just gonna alternate sprinkling that and melted soap okay so it's a little confetti soap those always look really really really good especially if you have really bright colors like they do that's one of the easiest soap making crafts you can do as a beginner and it's just it's so satisfying because it always ends up looking good so good job craft fat kids on this one that is definitely a good piece of soap inspiration let's see the cut yes yes also if you don't scent the clear melt and pour it will look even better because it won't discolor over time yes that looks excellent good job okay so after watching video number one i'm feeling pretty good about this i don't know what it is about instagram maybe they just upped the quality for instagram but that was pretty bomb okay adding again orange peel to no no no no no just don't do it refrain from putting fruit in your soap please okay another craft factory kids we're going to start with the classic honey so poured over a piece of bubble wrap it does work quite well can confirm however again they never tell you how much of everything they're using so good luck trying to replicate that um you will definitely have to write your own recipe and uh good luck yeah we're trying to get the same color or anything because they literally don't tell you what it is but i do like that they cut it up into little pieces of honeycomb that looks really good okay what's next we've got a hot glue gun putting hot glue on silicone what could possibly go wrong assuming that this is a really really low heat hot glue gun this could probably work yeah okay so then you pour the the blue or whatever on top and then you have an impression in your soap this would it would probably work again if the hot glue is not super super super hot because if it is it will end up kind of melting and warping the silicone and that is not a cute look i also don't know how cleanly this would truly unmold from all types of melt and pour i'm suspicious about this i think it could work but i do think you would have to have very specific types of melt and pour and hot glue okay clear melt and pour with some soap dye good on them using soap dye and not food coloring assuming i saw that correctly with my blind eyes okay you're gonna pour some into each cavity very good very good you should spritz that top with rubbing alcohol it's looking kind of wrinkly over there oh wait all the wrinkles are magically gone all right i'm gonna chop it up with an exacto knife you could just use a regular knife for that i guess they were trying to get things super super precise all right and so they're making a lemon soap this would definitely work too and it also looks really really good typically yeah you put white around the little pieces and then you chop off the white a little bit and then add another layer of yellow so you have a rind on it and like some pith and then the actual lemon chunks we'll see if they go that far are they going to they're going to chop it off yes looks like it looks like it pop that out yeah now put some yellow around the edge yes it always looks so so good it really does those are very giftable soaps chop chop let's see the inside pop em out let's take a pee yes great job looks fantastic bam three videos down i'm again i am so much more impressed with these i think these are all a lot more like thought through okay so we've got some what is that yellow melting pork what did they put on top i have no clue somebody tell me what that is it looks like pretzel bits maybe it's just pieces of soap okay they're mixing up blue looks like clear blue and white blue got a couple different blues and pour that on top all right together also if you do that at home make sure that your soap is colder if you pour your soap really really hot it will all mix together and you will not get any beautiful swirls it will just blend together and you'll have one big blue and you'd never know there were any differences yup chop into that oh yeah looks pretty good honestly i still want to know what are those bits what are they also that lather really bad really really bad time to switch your melting pour base okay now we're gonna do some soap curls off of a big slab of melt and pour soap honestly such a satisfying thing to watch i love watching soap curls get made yeah make the little roses this is such a classic and it does it does work pretty good oh wait are you going to submerge it yes this looks really good if all the bubbles leave if you get a whole bunch of air bubbles in there it does not look quite as good but looks like they did it quite well okay so what are we doing here we've got looks like a rainbow layered soap let me tell you guys this does not look as good unless there's light behind it it looks like a big black piece of soap yeah see looks really good they've even they put the flashlight behind it but in reality it does not look that good just sitting on your counter i'm just i hate to burst your bubble but there it is okay we're making some crescent out of soap here really cute wow that looks so nice that would be such an easy way to make a really really cool looking bar of soap again if the melting pour is unscented that should work just fine and it should look really good white soap base melted with some soap dye and an unspecified amount of essential oils which is not a safe practice and i do not recommend they always just put drops in there and i'm like why you've got to measure that foaming bath butter and a little bit of soap base so they're gonna make the classic you know melt and pour soap frosting on top again disclaimer doesn't work as well as they're probably gonna show you here in this video and it certainly won't stick to that cupcake base that well again i hate to be the bearer of bad news here because it does look so good in the video it just won't stick very well and i don't want you guys to be disappointed if you try it at home now we've got looks like a clear like pvc pipe or maybe a plastic test tube of some sort lots of different soap shavings that's super cool oh is that how you just unmold it um you'd probably have to stick it in the freezer to get it to unmold that cleanly they're putting it in a black melt and pour soap base okay okay so like a galaxy soap essentially for melt and pour that's a really really cool idea and hey looks really good it looks good in cold process and melting pour again look at how bad the lather is though they have got to change their melting poor soap base all right old soap looks like glycerin soap gonna pour some some clear over it is this gonna be a crystal soap is that what we're doing yeah crystal soaps made like this do actually look really really good that would be a really really easy way to make your first soap at home if you guys want to try it that's a good one all right we've done like four videos now who's this craft factory kids all right they're they're nailing it they're nailing it with the instagram content so we've got a milk jug milk carton looks like filling it up with soap this is a classic age-old technique that tons of people use it does work sometimes they can leak a little bit just as a forewarning but it's a really good way uh to get a really cheap soap mold uh these people definitely should have mixed in their color a little bit more the tie-dye look in multiple soap looks nice for a photo but over like three or four days it ends up bleeding together and looks really bad all right clear soap all melted down yeah pour it in there that is so satisfying to watch oh my gosh soap dye not a super effective way to add soap dye especially if you're making all of your little molds the same color why not just mix it into the big one and then pour it that would be a lot way a lot easier to incorporate also those soap shavings on top are not going to stick unless you pour some melt and pour on top of them so just just a forewarning they're all gonna come off that's cute though i do love the rubber ducky i mean it's such a classic cute what's next okay you got some white soap melted with peppermint okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on again please do not put unspecified amounts of essential oils in your bath and body products some essential oils can be very very irritating to the skin peppermint is one of them it's obviously very minty and in small doses can be delightful however if you add too much of it it can be tingly in a not so good way and you know people use soap in lots of different areas that you definitely don't want tingles in or on oh there's no way to say that delicately is there anyway there are recommended proper safe usages for both fragrant soils and essential oils and they will be provided to you for free on any reputable fragrance oil or essential oil supplier online they will tell you how much to use in your product and how much is safe be sure to follow those standards and you won't have any problems but just clunk that looks good is not the way to go okay what's next soap dye okay adding in a little bit of green it looks like soap dye maybe a mint mint blue mint green all right and the popsicle stick mold so let's pause one more time the popsicle mold is again a classic it is so much fun it definitely gives me vibes from the 90s era of melting pour soap making and it works if the mold is made of silicone however you will probably have a time trying to get it out of a plastic mold unless you break it or you put your melting pour into the freezer and then allow it to sit out on the counter and thaw around the edges so that it releases easier but i don't recommend putting melt and pour in the freezer because it will attract glycerin easier as well and you'll get all those little sweat beads on your soap it ain't a cute look so to avoid all of the said problems get yourself a silicone soap mold used for these purposes i know wholesale supplies plus has one also you can get them on amazon they're not like the cheapest thing it's not like buying a dollar piece of plastic but it will save you the consternation of trying to get a finished good that looks incredible and doesn't sweat pre-continue okay pink and green and white they're just layering all of this again it will look really really pretty just use a silicone mold and maybe a piece of foil on top so that your popsicle stick doesn't move from side to side and you get that really clean look that they have here what's next we've got grated soap excellent excellent going to add what to it what is going to occur water all right water to grated soap microwave for a minute now i hope that soap base and not just soap i don't think a regular bar of soap would do what they want it to okay and now they're adding oatmeal to it and they've added water as well okay so i definitely wouldn't recommend doing this with the oatmeal that's just going to rot eventually because you've added water to a soap that has already gone through its little chemical transformation so you essentially just have wet oatmeal sitting there in your bathtub which is really really gross and it will start to smell and it will grow bacteria so this is a hard no please don't do that from diply we now have a diy and crafting in spo it looks like diy crafting inspo has just taken it from dipley oh boy and they're adding food coloring to soap don't do that um peppermint essential oil that we already know they're not going to measure which really just grinds my gears and they're going to pour it on a plate all right are you going to peel it off body safe glitter that should also be plastic free i doubt they're using plastic free glitter but do use plastic free glitter if you make so kind of cut it there with a cookie cutter and ta-da yep that would work and that's a pretty good single use soap just make sure you use actual soap dye and that you use plastic free glitter because that is much better for the environment i wonder what other crafts dipply crafty may have you think they have other soap videos is this so potted succulent soap okay let's look at this let's look at this let's see what they got here i think this is probably gonna work okay so they bought a succulent oh this is cute y'all okay so they have some melting pork here they're gonna cut that up and then it looks like they have a silicone mold for a succulent you can get those on etsy or amazon please measure your fragrance oils and essential oils deeply please i beg of you i beg soap dye excellent excellent using soap dye instead of the food coloring we appreciate that synthetic mica powder good for them they are even using the right terms i appreciate that as well i i'm i'm honestly very impressed okay good yeah synthetic mica powder they gonna put it on the all right all right this looks great that's gonna be a really really really cool looking succulent in bed that is for sure let's see it oh good and they're adding more so they have different you know different shades of blue and green for their embeds listen i'm obsessed i'm totally obsessed this is turning out way better than my first reaction video these people are doing are doing super good i'm now extremely invested in this isopropyl alcohol good to spritz on top oh yes okay we got more soap dye what are you making now is this the base maybe maybe the base of the pot they're gonna make a brown or a black soap and some synthetic mica let me tell you it would be a lot easier to get the color they are trying to achieve in clear melt and pour if they'd use clear they wouldn't have to use nearly as much color in because it shows up so much better yes look at that that looks so good it looks so good yes yes let me see yes yes yes yes i just love it i love it i love it let's see also what a cool mold they have here it is like the perfect perfect size for a planter oh i see i see they weren't trying to make dirt they were trying to make concrete i changed my mind use the white base also you putting this himalayan salt on top is not going to stick unless you put some more clear melt and pour soap i bet they do it i bet they add clear are you no they didn't okay you need to add some clear on top so that your salt sticks i'm impressed i am so thrilled great job and also these product shots look really good okay dipply crafty you've suckered me in what what other things do you have for soap do you have more soap stuff unicorn poop soap let's see it let's see it just a layered rainbow soap it looks like clear melts and pour soap base yes i wonder what color they're gonna start with are you gonna do like the red or the purple first wait whoa hold on vanilla fragrance oil and we pause now to talk about vanilla fragrance oil if you use a vanilla fragrance oil in your soap it will turn your soap brown especially if you have clear soap it is because of a chemical called vanillin in the vanilla soap fragrance oil so i don't recommend you use it they do have things called vanilla color stabilizers and that will help the browning process to slow down however it won't stop it completely and if you're using clear melt and pour it's just not recommended at all they very easily for this particular soap could have used like pretty much any other fragrance oil strawberry peach fresh scent a clean scent it really doesn't matter just don't use vanilla drop a few drops in all right are you gonna split it you're gonna split it into some sections yes you can layer the unicorn poop and again using soap dye excellent yes put some little gold stars in put some gold around the edges pour all of that let cure not really curing just letting it harden that's all and layering so pretty this is gonna look good when they unmold it yes let us see yes i love it excellent that is definitely one of the better soaps i have seen made in one of these videos they actually have a lot of different soap making videos i'm super impressed here's a tie dye melt and pour soap so clear soap base typically what people do is they'll take the clear soap base and then they'll put the dye directly into the soap let's see what these guys do they've got both clear what is it with the peppermint essential oil too like is that the only essential oil people can find because that now brand has so many different fragrances they always use peppermint i don't know why okay so they got their round molds they've got the dies you're gonna put it straight in or at it okay yeah adding it straight in so here's here's the deal with this is that it just doesn't look as good as the soap sits so the initial pour is often really pretty but it over mixes as you can see is happening right now in the video it just won't look that good after it sits and sometimes doesn't even look that good after you've blended it all up i'll be interested yeah see you can't even tell it is a fundamentally flawed design and it looks really cool when you spritz it with rubbing alcohol like again no doubt but when they pop these out it's not gonna look nearly as good as it did when they first started pouring it into the mold it just doesn't let harden then look at that like that's just not it's just not good it's just not worth making okay last video we're gonna watch here is from beauty hacks and they are doing a really good job they are including the measurements for everything including the soap 15 drops of fragrance oil they're even giving you fragrance oil notes which is super super nice again they've got a popsicle mold looks like that may be made out of silicone i can't really tell yeah putting the popsicle sticks in again if you put a piece of foil on top and stick it through that it will stay in place and not move around everything is measured okay like hey come on this deserves credit here because they definitely put a lot more time into this and a lot more thought and effort britsing with fur yeah yeah okay let's see the pink yes that looks excellent unmold unmold rah-rah-rah yes that looks super cool good job beauty hacks jelly smack whatever you are at this point it is safe to say i am far more impressed with the viral instagram soap hack trends i'd say over 75 of these would work and look exactly the way that they purport to help for tips for those of y'all who want to make melt and pour soap again don't add any fresh ingredients to your soap no fresh orange peel no fresh roses so they're just gonna brown and rot over time don't add water to your melting pour soap base and oatmeal that's gonna rot over time be sure you measure your fragrance oil and your essential oil and add the safe and recommended usage rate and only use ingredients that are intended for soap don't put food coloring in soap you soap dye instead well i hope you guys enjoyed this soap maker reacts to viral soap instagram hacks video again if you did please give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel maybe leave me a comment below for other things you'd like me to react to i would be happy to react to other soap makers and other instagram things that i find whatever whatever you guys just tell me down below we will be back tomorrow for another 12 days of so miss video so if you aren't subscribed now would be a good time maybe click the notification bell so that you know when the next video has been uploaded i have a lot of really cool things coming up for this particular 12 days of soap miss in 2020 and without further ado you guys have an absolutely royal day and i'll see you soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Royalty Soaps
Views: 1,578,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soap making, cold process soap, royalty soaps, soap, soaps, how to, DIY, soap piping, soap making tutorial, soap making cold process, soap asmr, soap making basics, soap making for beginners, soap making and cutting, soap making at home, katie carson, katie carson soap, soap maker reacts, soap maker reacts to soap cutting, soap maker reacts to soap hacks, soap maker reacts to ig soap videos, soap hack, soap diy, five minute soap crafts
Id: G5zP0FOjpGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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