Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make NAAN!

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I'll start things off with a personal favorite Indian naan bread so tender so I've got 3/4 of a cup of warm water and I'm gonna test the temperature on my wrist it should be just above body temperature so basically if you feel a little warmth here you know it's the right temperature I'll put that in a large mixing bowl and now for a bit of tenderness and for great flavor half a cup of yogurt can be full fat or even fat-free I'll add this to the bowl as well now for the yeast I'll add two and a quarter teaspoons and that's for flavor development but also to get that stretchiness in the naan we love so much if you're using a large jar of yeast once you've opened it you need to store it in the refrigerator now for the naan bread I'm using all-purpose flour I'll measure two and a half cups into my bowl and I'll put all but about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup into my mixing bowl and I'm gonna work this remaining flour in as I'm kneading the dough now for half a teaspoon of salt and I'll add the salt on top of the flour salt can actually kill or even temper the activity of yeast so you don't want them in direct contact at the beginning of your mixing the last ingredient to add two tablespoons of vegetable oil just grab a wooden spoon mix it until it's blended you can see it's a gloppy mess right now and that's the way it's supposed to be I'm gonna put in a sprinkle more flour in the bowl now that it's basically formed a ball I can turn it out onto my work surface to knead so now I'm kneading and pulling in the flour in this process of pushing the dough away rotating it and pulling it in is developing the proteins in the flour basically your sense of touch is your guide as to when to stop adding flour and when to stop kneading if the dough no longer sticks to your hand and pulls away then you know you've added enough flour just need a little more I tend to knead for about 3 minutes with this recipe and I've got a nice smooth surface to the dough my hands come away free so now it's time to let it rise you want to cover the dough so it doesn't dry out and this takes about an hour to rise up so about the time it takes to make a really good curry start chopping your vegetables and this will just rise away and after an hour it really does double in size so now it's time to roll out the naan so a little flour on my work surface and as you start handling the dough it will deflate now if you've seen naan bread cooks you know no two pieces are the same we're not trying to achieve precision here it can be kind of rough loosey-goosey and I'm dividing this into six pieces so I get six nice sized flatbread no pre shaping just leave them rough like this you want it to look rustic and homemade after all and with a rolling pin just flatten it out to about eight or nine inches across and that's I would say about a quarter-inch thick you want to make sure your pans really hot high heat before you start cooking your flatbread and the flat breads take about 90 seconds on each side and not a drop of oil or butter in the pan while this is cooking I might as well roll up another one look at that bubbling just another 90 seconds on this side and you can see how easy it is you roll a bread you cook your bread you roll a bread so there's the blistering of the bubbles on the other side and I'll get my next one going right away so the pan doesn't sit empty and then the final step before you're ready to serve your naan is to baste it with a bit of melted butter a little sprinkle of sea salt on there and then you tear into that bread [Music]
Channel: Oh Yum with Anna Olson
Views: 197,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professional baker teaches
Id: tLvcJrNOixk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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