Producers HATE ME for Revealing these 10 Secrets

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right so this is a video I never really wanted to have to do it's not a necessity but there's just something speaking to me that tells me I have to reveal this stuff to you so if you don't know who I am I'm game from busy works beats calm I've been training over half-a-million producers and artists around the world we've helped millions around the world I'm just giving you the YouTube stats we're close to 600,000 trainees around the world it's it's a very insane thing to think about so thank you if you're one of those folks that we got to help let me know in the comments below actually and please like this video because if it weren't for you we wouldn't have had this moment right now so this is something I never truly wanted to dig into because I'm not one for controversy I'm not one for conflict I'm not one for beef I'm not one to create tension within a community and create disassociation but today I want to reveal the ten secrets that these producers are gonna hate me for revealing but I feel like you need to know so that we can all move forward as a culture okay so I have them written down so I don't lose track but these are 10 things I really thought about and said what is it that producers don't want me to reveal I'm talking about top producers now just a quick little list of what I'm up to I've been working with a billion dollar company raiser okay their laptop company gaming laptop company I've been on that label for two years which is longer than you know I think if not the longest person on their campaigns you know for example other people in that campaign was Metro boomin murder beats sunny Digital was on that campaign who else was on there I'm slipping my mind of the other folks on their deadmau5 and more okay and I was on there for two years the other guys were only on there for one so it just shows you like how much you know how much these companies respect busy works beats and it's not an ego thing it's because I create value for these companies they want somebody who can create tons of value long story short we work with a billion-dollar company razor we work with the top companies in the audio community I'm talking about like isotope I just happened to be wearing this shirt this is not product placement I just award the shirt because I don't want to wear a gym shirt outside earlier when I went to go see somebody but we work with isida we work with Arturia Native Instruments Universal Audio who else Sweetwater image line all the top guys we work with because we want to associate with the the best of the best we don't want to just randomly work with random companies but I say that to say this is that I have a lot of insight about the music industry where it's going and the key players I've been around Grammy producers I've been around Grammy winning songwriters Grammy winning producers platinum plaque winning producers I've seen their process from start to finish and here's the secrets okay without further ado so please like the video so you can give me some energy and some air to my oxygen to my lungs so I can spit through these ten and I'll try to edit edit this video to chop it down as much as I can so the first secret they really do not want you to know and that probably hate me for revealing this is that you don't need thousands of plugins now this seems obvious to the person without a lot of money to even buy plugins but for somebody like me I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on plugins just because I thought oh maybe this next thing has the greatest thing in it or this next plugin will teach me how to do whatever I'm going through the trial and error and I can tell you I use about 10 to 20 plugins max maybe if I had to count I'd say 10 to 20 max I don't use any more than 10 to 20 and I have I have hundreds of plugins I have near a thousand if not a thousand I have 800 less time I remember counting near a thousand you don't need thousands of plugins now I'm saying this because we get caught up in this culture of trying to always get the new whatever and that's cool you one thing I will say is that when you get new plugins and new ways of doing things if things it inspires you that's one hidden moment of inspiration if you're looking for inspiration get some new plugins it will just help you feel like you're onto something new it's gonna change your mindset but you don't need a thousand of those plugins so I want you to reinvest your money a little bit differently so you can grow a lot faster instead of not throwing it down the drain with plugins but you just don't need a ton of plugins I don't want you to get stifled thinking that you have to have all this stuff to get started now the second secret here that they probably really don't they this is something they really really really do not want you to understand is that they use the fruity soft clipper as their secret sauce for the drums now I have a whole video on the video on this below I'll be sure to link the video but maybe I'll edit in like a clip of me explaining what this is and I'll let this be the area where it magically pops up hopefully I remember to edit that point but the fruity soft clipper is essentially a limiter and it's a certain limiter that doesn't have a sound to it it's very transparent and it anyway they basically they crank the gain of their kicks and snares so that it's hitting this limiter okay so imagine your snares down here and the limiter is here and you turn up your snare more and more and more until it starts chopping off the top of your snare and the snare becomes louder and louder without any other plugins and it's a default plugin right inside of FL Studio and as long as you keep turning those gain knobs up it goes through that fruity soft clipper and it makes your drums hit crazy hard okay super crazy hard now the next secret they don't want you to know is that they use Melodyne to steal chord progressions now I say steal with quotations around it because technically you can't I don't know the laws law but from everybody's understanding you can't copyright chord progressions now there's a deep earnest to it with the whole Katy Perry issue and the whole blurred line scenario that's like hot topic right now I'm not a lawyer ask a lawyer about that but the point is they take chord progressions from old ninety songs old eighty songs old seventy songs and they ripped them using Melodyne because Melodyne can interpret the harmonies individually and it's a very advanced software and basically they just they take all that MIDI and they put it into the piano roll and they take out the notes that are wrong or that they don't like they change the timing of the notes and boom they have a chord progression to build their new pop song on that's really how these pros are doing it they're not you know going through all these motions to get that result they're literally using a plug-in okay and we went over how people take vocals from tracks in our isotope video a while ago now here's another secret that the pros probably really don't want me to tell you because this kind of shatters the the glory around being a music producer the pros use loops okay now that's a smart concept to the pro because the pro is trying to eliminate time it's trying to eliminate frustration it's trying to eliminate guessing because when you're in a studio with a high-level artist and there they want you to make beats from scratch you can't be sitting there trying to figure out which snare goes with the kick which you know Bell you're gonna use you can't sit there for 30 minutes wasting studio time paid studio time and somebody else's time you can't sit there obsessing over something that's not worth obsessing over so they use the loops okay and that speeds up the process there's like templates they think of their production as templatized but they can customize wherever they want to customize but they don't sit there experimenting trying to say oh will this work well this would not work they have a folder of stuff that works and they'll bring it in and just kind of see what the artist is vibing with as they go along the pros use loops it's it makes sense to the pro because their job is to save time now for somebody who's not on paid time and not in the studio with high-level artists or whatever or just wants to do all the hard work those folks don't use loops and that's that's probably gonna cause a lot of controversy because there's this thing about doing everything by yourself in a music production you got to make the sounds you got to make all the melodies you got to make the chords you got to do everything by yourself but in a business sense that makes absolutely no sense in business you do not do everything by yourself or else you're not gonna get the highest value for your time but that's a different conversation that's why the pros are different than you know average folks the fifth secret they do not want me to tell you is that there is a songwriting formula there is a complete songwriting formula we go over this in our premium section at busy works beats calm slash premium it's the exact Mike Karon formula okay from Atlantic Records is known to have a formula for hit songs and I break it down and we use examples from certain hit songs and reveal all the parameters that make that song a hit song and once you know this stuff you learn it once and you can apply to anything it's extremely powerful and there is a songwriting formula just understand there's there's ways to go about this just like in music production there's a songwriting process you don't just randomly grab a keyboard and just start making a song you know there's a step-by-step process just like there's a step-by-step process at McDonald's to make a hamburger there's first I don't know the process I'm just guessing first take the stuff out the freezer I'm assuming that might be a shot to them I forget who says their meats not frozen but whatever I they take stuff out the freezer or get inventory I should say they got to get the bun at some point they got to put the condiments on there like mustard and all that type of stuff mayonnaise they got to put lettuce on that thing they got to cook the burger they got to put the burger on there they got it so there's a step-by-step process same thing goes with music and music production there's a step-by-step way of creating a song if you want a song to be your end result and result every single time and your end goal there's a step-by-step process and you have to learn that process if you want to get to that end point this is the reason why you're stuck all the time making beats and having you know writer's block beat block it's because you don't have the process and we illustrate that process in thorough detail at busy works beats calm / premium so not only do we show you the songwriting secrets that pros like Mike Caron would use in Atlantic and other songwriting geniuses but we also show you the step by step songwriting process all in a premium section so next up is the pros used templates now this is not as risky to say as that they use loops but templates it's a little bit easier understood in the engineering world because when you have an artist come in and you don't know who the artist is and you don't know their style you have to have at least a bare standard for something that they can enjoy now engineers will understand this a little bit more and let me know in the comments if you're an engineer because I respect engineers because they just have to deal with so many subjective perspectives so for example if a random artist comes in your studio one day and you know they want auto-tune and all these things they want their voice to sound a certain way they might be mailed it might be female engineers who are smart have templates before the artist even comes in so they have a male template they have a female template they have a hip-hop template they have an RnB template because all those templates have to have different things change like our MV might not have as much auto-tune because it'll make the vocal sound fake whereas hip-hop would have a lot of auto-tune and you know there's a billion different things they could change about it but the main thing is that when you're recording to into a da W of your choice you naturally want to hear like effects on voice like reverb auto-tune delay those things make you more animated while you're singing so you get to hear back the effects of your voice and that's something that engineers set up most the time ahead of the time if they template eyes so using templates is key and this also stems to music producers who use templates I know top music producers that we've helped with our templates from the ultimate producer bundle and the ultimate producer bundle you have templates and this is the same exact thing except this template not only gives you the mixing presets and mixing templates but it also gives you the sound templates the sounds that work together the songwriting structures that work you know we have the all the plugins arranged everything is properly routed so it's pre-made for you and you can customize anything you want that's the power of a template why waste a bunch of time trying to figure out what works with what you know you're gonna be experimenting for days and days and days it's unnecessary it's just like science experiments that's why they call it the lab we're literally experimenting if we do not use templates now the next secret here is that the pros use analog sounds and when I say analog I mean generally speaking Hardware sounds okay and with hardware it's a lot different sees not just hardware because analog you can have hardware digital sounds I don't want to get into the whole science of it the point is analog sound is more rich in my opinion you could feel it more like in the center of your head it has a depth that other digital plugins and synthesizers don't have and analog just you could feel it okay and the reason I'm telling you that is because they may be doing videos online showing you that they use omnisphere for example or Nexus or what's another plugin people love that's a digital synth what else is a plug-in somebody help me in the comments below I'm going black but XYZ plug-in they'll show you that plug-in and chances are the plug-in has a digital sound let's say yeah so I'm not here throw shots but let's say it's whatever plugin it is it has a digital sound to it and they're showing you the digital stuff but they're not showing you the real depth to their sound comes from analog hardware like behind me I have a prophet oh eight from Dave Smith instruments I the Moog up there I don't know if you can see it but chances are you can I have to my right another prophet six you can't see it it's off cam okay so the sounds from these synthesizers are way more in-depth than anything digital way more in-depth another thing is that you have to understand is that the pros use expensive microphones now I was watching a video which was kind of hilarious on the SSL where's the SSL six a little small mixing console a mix mixer I forget the exact name for forgive me but the SSL new mix mixer that came out now somebody may in the comments they were like oh you know casually using a Sony C 800 mic and that might cost $8,000 okay and they're in a studio that has acoustically treated walls chances are your room is like my room you don't have a bunch of stuff on the walls chances are you know you're not using a $1,000 microphone you're using a $400 shure sm7b microphone so with that difference you're hearing that quality that you hear on a young thug album or who else just came out Chris Brown or who else is popped up with a drink okay that's the quality they get because they spend the money and invested in that and it's a dramatic difference than me just speaking on the shure sm7b in an untreated room with my door open where you can hear my hallway okay now when you're in a treated environment with acoustic treatment and high very expensive microphones and you have all the electricity stuff that engineers know who build studios that gets rid of all the buzz and everything of course your vocals are gonna sound crisp without any plugins because all that stuff people spent tens of thousands of dollars getting that quality now I want I'm saying this because the pros don't want you to understand that there's a huge difference and you can only max out your potential on the computer to a certain degree your mix can only go to about 70% and that extra 30% that you hear on Drake's album Chris Brown's album whoever's album that's super crisp that's because they have all those hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and signal flow and all this type of stuff you just can't get that at home and I'm not going to sit here and lie to you anymore and I'm not that I was lying to you in the first place but I mean as far as on behalf of the producer community I can't sit here and let people lie to you saying that you can get the most crisp of crisp of mixes in your home studio that's not possible in the realm of your perspective of what a crisp crisp mix is I'm not saying it's impossible I'm not saying that putting up acoustic treatment on your walls won't help I'm not saying that your microphone can do a decent job I'm saying when you have all these high level things you don't need an EQ you don't need a compressor when you have all that stuff that sounds perfect from the gate and I've experienced it I've been to a studio a million-dollar facility and I've heard the difference it's light-years different and that's what I'm trying to illustrate in this point it's a long point but it's something you need to understand is that the quality difference you can only get by so much on a computer I don't want you wasting tons and tons of dollars on plugins that will never get you that analog hardware you know a very expensive microphone sound I just don't want you wasting your money on crap that will never fix the computer problem okay next up is that a lot of producers who will hate me for saying this they recycle drums from old drum machines like the majority of the drums you love not the majority because someone new some have new characteristics but the majority of the drums you love come from old drum machines just edit it in a different way now I do respect producers who edit mix and try to change the sound but a lot of folks just copy and paste the sound from old drum machines and call it call it a day now that's fine as far as curating sound I get that too I'm not here to bash anybody with a drum kit I'm saying that the majority of those sounds come from the retro drum machines whether you knew it or not now that's all I'm going to say on that but we can get to the debate but I do respect designers who take us down they EQ it they make the kick the thump e'er because a lot of kicks in those drum machines and not thumpy they're just like boom boom you know what producers nowadays not a mix so they make it go boom you know it's a lot different you're changing the kick so I do respect producers who understand that but I just want to show you that a lot of the drum sounds come from those old retro drum machines that's all I'm here to really illustrate not here to bash anybody's business because I respect everybody and lastly I want to say that I respect people who curate just as much as people who excuse me delve into pure design from the ground up curation is a skill as well all right so the ninth secret here is that engineers do most the work that all the pro producers like take credit for like if you watch a lot of pro producers they can't even explain half the stuff because one they don't know it too they hire pro mixing engineers to mix their tracks so it takes it from sounding like a track you might make it home to something that Kanye might make because the mixing engineer does the real work and I don't mean realism to belittle the idea of the concept of the song I mean the reason the 808 hit so hard is because the mixing engineer the reason the drum sounds so separated and sound sound separated is the mixing engineer like it could have been a jumbled mess before you just don't know because they weren't the person to have the final hand on the record most of the time and the engineer deserves a lot more credit because producers are getting all the shine right now which is great and I think it they should get more credit or shine I should say and engineers are starting to get more shine as well and just understand the power of an engineer can literally transform a whole entire song to make it sound way harder and I've shown you hopefully on this channel how we remix one of our tracks somebody else made and made it sound harder and yeah the engineers do most the work so that's all I got to say I'm not gonna harp on that one that's something that you probably didn't understand though and here's the last one is the last secret that these producers will really hate me for saying is that they really don't know their craft now this is sounds like I'm bashing in blasphemy to the gods of music production but what I'm saying is that your top favorite producers probably don't know everything about music theory mixing sound design arrangement sound sourcing they don't know all this stuff and that's not a good or a bad thing because at their level of competency there's four levels of competency I'll keep it short there's unconscious incompetence which means that you don't know that you don't know there's conscious incompetence which means you know that you don't know there's a third level which is conscious competence which is that you know that you know something which is a level that we try to bring you to because we want you to understand this stuff from the ground up we want to understand music theory mixing sound design how to sample how to make beats in FL Studio how to use other da WS how to record how to master we teach you all this stuff to take you to that conscious competence level and once you practice there at the conscious competence once you know that you know it becomes a matter of back of hand some people call it okay back of hand or habit and this is called the unconscious competence this is where you don't know that you know something and this is where the majority of professionals are there so in the flow of what they're doing they don't even know why they're good they don't even know what they're doing they don't even know why they made that decision and that's what we're here to do a busy works beats calm break it all down make it super easy for you to understand what these pros are doing because the pros don't even know what they're doing I had a whole biology degree at Villanova University and all you do in biology is observe patterns and that's all I do and I bring it to you in the music production space because the pros don't even know what makes them great and I'm sure you can watch any master class right now I'm not bashing any other companies or anything like that but I'm sure you can watch interviews YouTube videos master classes and you'll be like wow they're literally saying nothing they don't even know their own craft you probably know more than the person you're listening to so I say that in not an arrogant way but in a way to understand that you have more tools now at the fingertips than ever before so I hope to help you in this journey as a music producer I may or may not edit this we'll see but thank you for watching today please like the video if you like these style videos it's busy works beats dot-com
Channel: Busy Works Beats
Views: 909,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music producers, Producers HATE ME for Revealing these 10 Secrets, busy works beats, razer, music production secrets, fl studio secrets, fl studio, fl studio tutorial, ableton secrets, producer masterclass, genius, music production genius, masterclass, music industry, 10 fl studio secrets, 7 secrets of music production
Id: inZPTIYaf6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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