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all right so let's do the arrow mode I have no idea but I've heard a lot of good things about it Jesus oh the fuzzy ink is right there wow oh my god without his hat oh poor guy foreign [Music] thank you so uh [Music] okay oh it's so cute okay whoa what does this do my bed oh I'm dead okay so buddy is myself you like do something I thought you ate this okay so you literally can't do anything to this without the Buddy got it but he can he can touch me okay so we just get to see oops sorry buddy back okay so I guess we have to do a level one all right here we go I'll turn into the crater yikes okay oh so Splashdown is just the default single player special isn't it so you just get to constantly charge and use flashdown it's cool I like that actually yep see Splashtown single player only hold you guys all right I guess it's just a multi-stage section it seems pretty simple music's quite different oh but I just realized the hero shots totally different this is like it's like a junior and a shot combined it feels like like you see how it has like some bullets that spray around everywhere and some that are accurate oh no that's the whole level that was fast all right well that seemed pretty simple okay I guess I'm done with that level I thought there was more stuff to the sides but oh power them up with eggs oh look right oh so it costs power okay so power x charge up the body and then with the buddy we can beat the ink okay thank you okay sure the fuzzy ink part is interesting but everything else so far is pretty standard but it is a tutorial so maybe it's just slow to start the hero shot's really powerful though I don't know if I like that these all get highlighted like this it makes me more inclined to collect that's a little annoying trash IES are here oh boy about going to multiplayer level eventually foreign these levels are very short this feels like a complete fake out honestly like these levels are way too short and everything so far has been way too standard aside from a few new mechanic teaching science what's this a decoration okay so you can get some locker stuff here okay foreign I do like that the Hub area isn't too like having to find the level forever though first of all this is a tutorial my guys and don't be you and tell me about in fact I don't want you to tell me that like that's what I'm assuming but like don't confirm it for me let me figure that out I wanna you don't want to be surprised by this stuff I mean I'd want to be surprised ah give me one second I do like the hero shot though best two hero shots starts off so lame so I'm glad this one is legit thank you swapper this guy's just a little weird stuff open like the little buddy's just some weird stuff I don't know but foreign [Music] oh that's the whole level I think am I missing something oh up there I'm done forgot the rail oops oh do I have to send a body in it oh no we just go to that rail oh these just stay oh they just stay active oh oh they don't go away now okay so it's not like okay all right cool consider calling back up oh hey we're getting these squid sisters thank you oh it's Octavia probably Super Sam Jagger thank you for this one please tell me we get to play as Octavio that's all I want come on game so that goes back this is another collectible okay are we supposed to go this way Jesus made us get real close to this one sorry come back Jesus look at this it's nice all right number four what are they what a question all right I'm not gonna need the walls bro get him oh geez he does hit them yeah I get him your little buddy is not a slouch down oh look a convenient place to use that special we just unlocked foreign what's the armor look like oh that's cool I like the armor get him kill him get him get him yeah good job good job small fry good job get him okay I like I like the sloth right I should just be spit surging up these game yet get him get him get him yeah I love the buddy dude bro he's so brutal he's just biting their face off until they die oh it's the last Kettle but there's something fishy boss fight oh a thousand bubbles damn I gotta really not I'm missing my four bucks get him buddy that's the crater wait crater it's like a rocket ship site oh already okay what the all right sure Terry troops have gone missing and I know you're about oh okay so I like this Dynamic already they're both just immediately accuse each other even though they're probably not neither of them are behind this huh oh yeah I don't mind fighting him this early all three G's okay well I was fat all right good sign for me to get this done so he's probably gonna be a lot easier because he's like the first boss it's probably gonna be way easier I feel like his new Mech though it looks cool yeah they're probably nerfed in here because if he's the first boss yeah he probably got her oh I can't even leave here okay that looks way better than just the spinning fist that looks way better than that get him small fry get him get him yeah yeah small fry can stick them already oh I get the fun okay but like how did this guy escape and why does he have a new suit he doesn't have any help oh oh no oh okay so he literally just gets to make that okay it's literally just a big vacuum all right no way okay oh my armor got broken oops oh so the default outfit is just when your armor breaks that's when you have your uh that outfit okay so that's one that's used that explains the two outfits bro is this literally just the same phase but my small fry is suffering also yeah there's a there's a remix of this classic theme like this is this is literally just a remix but get him dude our poor small fries just suffering there all right third and final phase probably what's he adding now arm attack yes oh it's windbreaker okay okay so he gets wavebreaker I love this though they're teaching you how to fight the new specials already don't get comfy we're gonna launch you again damn elephant's really telling him yeah it's literally weight breaker that's cool [Music] okay every time so sad Fade to Black no all right well that happened fast [Music] what's up buddy oh we're just walking up to him Splatoon 3 story is over ggs guys we did it thank you it's way too strong celas is getting older maybe it's just you it's too easy weren't even using the grand zapfish power Ah that's why he's weak okay that I like that it's a good Canon explanation he just does not have power so the suit's just way worse oh Octavia oh what we're all falling oh well bye-bye oh not my suit we just got the suit like 10 minutes ago come on off all right that ain't surprising what's up YouTube or three I gotta get used to that's three stole your drip bro okay oh and now we get the actual title card drop Nintendo presents wow oh split two and three oh wait does this mean I don't have the armor because I lost my hero mode suit so am I not like being able to get picked like do I not have the extra protection there oh my God this place is but whoa oh there's water so that's not good low eggs hello hey oh there they are all right well these guys are just here three just looks bored I love it please tell me Captain three against some good development also please tell me we get that gear I want that gear engine one two and oh they're not gonna talk for the new news could be Splatoon taste it or something they look really good honestly I like the models too excited about looking else or else's Grandpa I love how agent three just half asses the poses whoa Alterna beneath the crater the whole time six different Islands okay and then the rocket okay check all three places out okay whoa we got a lot of here whoa what the is this an upgrade tree we got a skill tree what sardinium to access different types of upgrades and then upgrade point and see the upgrading okay holy there's a whole skill tree what okay okay gears get sensor automatically marks nearby items and enemies incorrez small front ink saver get splat bomb suit recovery small for a respawn time incapacity better hero shot whoa curling hair shop burst bomb sensor we get burst pumps again whoa okay so there's both Jesus there's a lot of collectibles I like how three is just bored that's cool I like how they're tired of us relive memories oh so we're actually genuinely stuck here okay wow I I am suddenly very excited I still don't know if it'll be better than octave expansion or anything but I'm excited I am very excited I think I'm gonna try to beat the game fast and then we'll complete it another time like I think that's what I want to do on this session is just Beat It who's this scan complete orca okay okay cool I hope this person's agent four or eight or like a returning character rather than a new one just someone in hiding interesting ly missions you'll become a more exceptional citizen you'll gain access to the alternate log do not attempt to share the log without permission okay so the log we just did normally that's not something we have to collect and the scrolls are the extra stuff okay okay sounds good healthy oh my hero shots downgraded no I was just talking about oh my did I have all those upgrades before and not know it still not as bad as us to hear our shot I think oh my God I don't even go oh my God what the is what okay is there anything there Hold Up Wait what if there's something there oh God this still feels like a tutorial thing this feels like they're throwing a bunch of things to me right there anyway okay I don't care up front what's that oh this is new it's like um okay thanks that's useful yeah I'm not a fan of this song we get to replace our Splashdown with a real special oh I can just kill them through it okay okay yeah they're just showing all us all the previews no no no it's okay this time it's because I wanted it Tracy take some cough drop bro I have trust banking to have a call yeah that's probably what you're supposed to do yeah I want to think the level probably using the three things how cool get a small fry yeah whoa look at that pose okay okay that's a cool pose I like that Victory pose hello oddly long loading time for this game all right charge foreign do we have to do all these levels or can I just like go ahead is there anything stopping me from just going around oh I don't have enough for that one okay so I just need I just need enough power x to to open it I don't have to play every level okay hmm I guess I'll have to debate if I skip levels or not I have to do the blaster I think I have to right outward octarians all right okay I do still have armor it just what changed in my outfit oh I just lost more of it oh okay okay surprised I can still tank a hit I expected them that changes it changes it's the same it's the same output it's just in tank HP okay I guess that makes sense they don't want to take that away but I thought that would be kind of a cool twist okay foreign girls are you kidding me that was decently challenging like what oh I can't I can't squidrel when I'm when I have no armor I can't squid roll at all okay that's interesting oh yeah first of all right foreign I trashed a level oh the poses are different okay thank you I thought that was just the only pose but I guess it varies okay oh I can't really get to those find all keys and reach the goal okay hide and seek skills well I guess we're the Seeker in this case Miss sardinium oh yeah I don't really feel like going for that I don't care about the upgrades as much personally look kind of forgot about it already oh hey I think I found one okay so I'm gonna have to find all these oh this one's new wow at least my squitterlings are getting more muscle memory engrained right now but I'm just simply too much of a gamer to use it us out to go down now oh I keep my uh Reef slider when I die maybe it's because I had it at the checkpoint actually foreign always I think we made it oh oh never mind we did not make it you've been here right happy yeah we went through there where am I going lost bro oh let's go there I think I need another key for that I missed one how do I even get up oh right here okay oh it didn't save this key Oh I thought I just saved this key never mind oh wait it's not this way there we go come on nice we forgot to use the reef slider there but foreign Canyon but it's been too early to say I don't have enough yet oh sardinium oh wait maybe that's what you guys are talking about maybe if you were talking about that that's the Mega obvious ardenium thank you can get up here let's try all the Targets in one shot oh okay this is another one shot station okay how the oh oh okay oh oh okay I didn't hit anything okay easy I was worrying for a little second yeah scope's probably easier for that one but they were the same point so but oh yeah we haven't seen the test failed thing I wanna do I just explode I wonder if I explode oh sorry I'm back there you go I don't want to go up why I can't go up I not go up here find a clear them this way there we go now we can go up so many levels here Relic restoration Expo inverse bomb ah the dream combo like a boom I don't get it oh I just paint the statue painting a giant muyai really foreign you give me Expo with a burst bomb and make me paint a giant one eye I don't want to use the platforms the platforms I only need boy eye sorry man Orca says we whatever Orca is says we gotta paint you so like I don't know I don't make the rules this thing is massive maybe I do want to use the platforms a little bit no okay fine we'll use the platforms I don't want to be here all day hey guys you know how Expo paints what is this level dude what what is this I'm half expecting to be debated also agent three is not talkative at all okay with that right now but like I hope they speak up later or something I just hope they have a character man they're like my favorite character and they're actually a part of the single player so like are we done we do it foreign we did it yeah we painted him my eye that that's it they gave me Expo with the burst bomb and all I had to do was paint his statue could you get some more eyes in the chat or whatever the it's called that was weird I mean I know they're in the area but like why the why did I do that why is that I love it that there has to be more to it than that there is no way that's just what the level is I don't foreign maybe there's one in every area I don't even know oh nothing oh we just dodge okay oh oh no this is wavebreaker survival training oh no wait this is gonna fill up with more oh no I know I like wave breaker 2 Nintendo I'm not what is this what is this oh don't taunt me with a power egg no I will not be I will not tempted why is this actually difficult please oh I don't die I don't die instantly okay okay okay oh okay thank God I can actually take multiple hits bro what the oh my God yeah I'll do highlights on the channel for sure Jesus but what the hell yeah we're trying to knock the whole thing out because I don't want to have to dodge spoilers anymore man tired of it oh I can't throw it on them oh I got a eye decoration okay we've cleared a lot of us foreign long ago splatted lands were almost washed away by a great flood oh I'm moving it with my motion controls always presume loss until three lights appeared in United to consume the disaster thankful for their salvation the towns spoke through a festival with three portable shrines as tribute huh [Applause] it's very peaceful oh yeah I can probably upgrade foreign I want to get all the sunken Scrolls I'm actually curious about the story I want to get all the Scrolls so there was one earlier but if we found this one in the hub world I'm guessing all the scrolls are just in the hub world so I'm guessing the first one must still be around here okay just small frying me all right time to get carried I'm down oh sorry buddy this is actually quite relaxing foreign okay it's just a giant puzzle is that good enough oh that didn't rage thank you cool mother nice little puzzle okay all right [Applause] oh it's this thing right wait what you I don't get it what was that for what's the point of clearing that like what's this thing huh I don't really get why I did that so some of these don't even have anything in them foreign spell wait if that's back to splatsville what's this oh so this just lets us go back to the crater also I am on my American account foreign foreign ER I have an OCA copy of the game that I am playing on my American account I just bought it on my Oceanic account all right try Stringer oh this is the level that I've seen uh if you'd play before okay oh and I died oops laughs this music is very eerie like the one in this level this is very different from the normal uh hero mode music if you're occurred in the past two games this one's just like it's not like downbeat but it's very odd I like it though I haven't really heard any of the music before and I'm kind of glad I'm usually not a big fan of the single player music I still think I'm not but I just like that it's a bit different foreign foreign ER can become friends by the end of this just maybe maybe I'll grow to like it a little bit yeah octo expansion music is good but I'm not really a fan of the base octarian music as much I don't hate it like some people really hate it but I just kind of think it's okay like it's there it doesn't really bother me or like do anything for me either though [Applause] all right I want another scroll man that first scroll is actually interesting for once come on what do you find buddy not this boy what'd you find good job buddy oh there it is first one right no third one what where's the first one this is a sparkling city of chaos the hottest place in the spylands Anarchy Avenue walk it feel it livid special collection off the spots in a lock page it's a third scroll the first one yeah it's good I'm enjoying it so far I mean I just started so just a ram just ramps the first scroll man where is it gold record oh it upgrades the music here oh so we're not hearing the full song right now we're just hearing part of it we have to unlock the rest of it by exploring there it is no that's the fourth one what so many live Wild live free we do whatever we want this town is a Melting Pot so let's stir things up tired of folks pretending to be cool I want to get fired some fried so I well over oh you think it's at the start and I missed it thank you didn't I clear this before I thought I cleared this already what zip caster Dude where's that first scroll I found two through four let's go there has to be a zipcaster ranking here somewhere oh they're even doing superhero music okay oh my God okay let's sit wait this is so much cooler than I thought it would be foreign oh I'm okay what the hell this is so cool oh my God I don't want this to end bro imagine Reigns matches have been from that good guys are like so sick hey come here oh there's one playing a Spider-Man game must be like holy foreign feel free to hop in and chill oh my God that was awesome that was so cool yeah that'll be an amazing Island speed run okay I swear I cleared this maybe it was just something really similar a lot of decorations I want to upgrade something foreign thank you for the red welcome in creating a little bit all right I can't do anymore okay oh much better it's not the one that we used to have but it's closer I'm convinced the first scroll is here somewhere and I'm just blind where is it was it really not here foreign a little bit but nothing substantial I'm still pretty blind here luckily foreign Canyon stage I don't think it would be I'm tempted to go back and check the canyon bro okay I'm gonna check the canyon maybe I missed one I'm almost positive I didn't forget one wait now nope not there hmm oh back to Alterna there's a thousand eggs now just what you had before I have no idea where the first one is then huh I have no idea where that scroll is then foreign wait balloon hold up wait wait wait wait wait no there's no way that's it I can't even reach that wait it gets closer foreign where do I even go now I've already beaten these oh yeah it's probably the light balloon I'd already been this one where do I go oh did I do I just have to replay them because I used too much okay I guess I can just replay the one shot station right this one's easy it gives me like 1400 so I guess I could just farm eggs here hell technically I think I could just farm eggs here to get everything there's a lot of you haven't done yet yeah but it's behind a wall I need more money for it it's fine this level is easy I can just Farm it foreign I can just farm this one oh I am I am missing one I mean I'll take the extra points here oh it only gives me 300 now oh I'm not missing it I've done them all I just haven't been known with every weapon but like I don't have to maybe I'll get more points if I do this one with the scope leader no I've done them all it shows I've done them all right I'll go back to O2 yeah that's what I was doing to farm eggs but I guess I just missed one everyone's saying I missed O2 but I don't think I did oh I see it's a three oh okay oh I never did this one oh okay okay no I did number three with Blaster okay okay okay I won't skip levels anymore I have to use the umbrella we'll just have to speedrun this then foreign thing I don't know I haven't missed yet assuming you just explode somehow oh damn my shell is tanky in this okay I kind of forgot I had one for a second there we'll change in color no I think I'm locked the yellow it'd be cool if you could though but I don't think I can oh my shield looks a little purple ink on it oh cute oh that didn't really block though all right we're almost to the first boss or second boss first real boss I don't think I have a bomb strapped in my back but never know thank you okay well now I have enough for sure so might as well do this oh wait oh deep cut okay this was literally a cut scene the whole time I guess it should have been obvious but of course she likes them okay so they're Bandits foreign 's like the only slightly intimidating one oh and they're gone okay bye okay why are you a thousand I can't even free you whoa uh foreign range was flat bomb come on Nintendo multiplayer stop playing with me this is why intense my action I think this foreign thank you yeah it looks like there's a lot of lab in to do if you're a speedrunner trying to find out more times when you find dude what I don't know what you want but um camera spraying you you use the goal with sponges do you like to fart yeah I like it it's been fun so far do you know the favorite abilities for the brands nope uh I want the highest points honestly I want to do sculpture foreign missiles just makes me sad there's no joy that comes the fact that they're in the game at all yeah at least they weren't enough with the whole tracking thing but like I just wish they weren't in the game honestly like even with a Nerf their design just does not honestly here just try this all absolutely foreign foreign as much as I enjoyed collecting everything I do kind of want to at least finish the story in one sitting and then do the rest later so let's just make our way up this Tower foreign this but like I can't do it all in one sitting or do I think that's a good idea to do it while I'm sitting Soaker block oh okay also since the power eggs are what we used to like unlock levels here there's no way more incentivized to actually go get them foreign stage built around this come on um I'll probably make a video on my plate for the hero mode but I don't know if I'll do a review I mean I'll of course give my boss at the end that I'll like like you know if I liked it oh 10 blocks oh I need a key also yes you can roll them and cancel the scooter all about the time he's a little harsh leave even critical figure that one out are you playing Australian account oh no out the way out the way the future stares back fight your way to the exit wait I thought this was where they said the guy was the one that sardinium too foreign icon all right future stares back I'm guessing we're gonna fight one a deep cut since we saw them earlier and stuff unauthorized Personnel for everybody oh too bad yeah okay so we're fighting one of the deep gun players okay we're fighting fry okay sure [Music] oh they actually have eels the eel deal fry all right I'm down feather pathetic I got to beat up the new characters foreign 's gonna get sharks oh what the they one shot the armor that's not okay that is far better than octostnam octo stamp is garbage where's your last deal oh Jesus or what do I do oh I gotta hit him again see I'm a bit sad because I mentioned I had two light spoilers I knew fry had an octo stamp that was the that was one of the spoilers what I didn't even climb that time okay I knew about this basically this is what I saw like it was a thumbnail image oh hell no you're using missiles nah you deserve to be hated now you're using missiles okay we're not playing anymore we're not out of here make those eels squeal wait the captain's into it wait Did the captain say something or is this Marie's saying he said something okay but Jesus are they they're bigger aren't they Moray power I got a more ideal but it's gonna make me think more eight hours oh my small fracking at him too out of here bye-bye so our kind of deep cut are definitely somewhat correlated foreign the hell is this Splatoon fans don't make a joke about Fry's forehead challenge impossible difficulty Oh Captain hey what's up dude what's up ah he's in dark room wow that sounds great we're back on the first island now oh we're putting the relics there foreign yeah I doubt that the actual villains sincerely doubt it reach the goal without running out of it with range blaster do you guys not realize how incongry this is foreign foreign foreign okay and I have to do the whole thing [Music] all right I'll do this the smart way here we go yeah the story is pretty good got it foreign buddy up here I can't climb here what do you want oh you have eggs you don't oh easily have enough for this I can really fly through these areas if I want I guess that's what we'll do from now on number three oh she did give you a few cryogenic hopetoun slippery oh no ice physics oh no it's actually ice physics I was joking oh oh my God this one has two exit points foreign no you don't you don't stop telling yourself you want an ice physics level like multiplayer you don't laughs I don't even need to find a girl what am I doing oh I was hoping I'd get another special oh well hoping I get a special stop this one but whatever foreign stage and that's why I do want a nice physics stage yeah that makes sense foreign okay Rail Pass foreign drops sorry guys foreign drops thank you that is tight timing Jesus I still am really hoping there's more in Captain three is than just sitting there while Marie tells people what they're thinking so far that's been my only actual disappointment but I have a feeling it's for a reason it'll pay off later hopefully also just worrying they're just flat out scared to give the character any actual development because they're the player character in the first game like sooner or later you gotta give them something I already did a bit not to expansion might as well do more now oh I knew that jump was too big ugh oh you can actually see if they'll be able to lock onto you that's cool foreign foreign yeah that was a beta kit in the game honestly uh long rapid with burst bomb that almost happened they did eventually change it though foreign foreign okay no I'm just going for viewing the game not a 100 so you don't have to do a lot thank you oh oops that's just the way back I am going to skip this game okay what's up Taco how's the quest to get your Twitter account and then your other Twitter account back also I can go to either one um Well site four has a radar so I'm guessing I need to go here anyway so I guess I'll free both though maybe just don't type phrases like that on Taco it might help you just a little bit thank you stories so far good all right there's another signal foreign oh yeah I'll definitely a thousand percent I'm just trying to beat it today because I want to go back to multiplayer but I want to turn off my thumbnail blocker and stuff so I'm just beating this so I can know the story and then afterward I'll beat it more I'll go back to it later but I want to focus on multiplayer stuff so I just want to get the single player done with the story and then I can go back to it more dude look at this surrounding though look at the city this is so cool I really wish it were more than just the background at least it's so funny top tier background okay now range in three oh it's a lot better but I'm gonna need a bit more than just one day to really get my whole opinion on it but I like the weapon I have to see how more intensive I feel I'm not really using a lot of it foreign foreign I like it it's very chill [Music] it's very relaxing a little buddy just beats people up it's so funny I love it perfect and I wouldn't change it in any way shape or form if I had a tiny salmon buddy you better be able to punch the out of people I don't like or bite the out of people all right Cali fries uh wait I should probably go grab the extra beds from Cali thank you oh it's only a hundred but it's free so coming out nice all right pursuit of the precious this is gonna be big man or shiver I'm guessing but devs know how Giga Chad big man is and they're just saving them it's probably gonna be shiver definitely shiver this feels like a shark pet it's blue all right here we go this is my favorite one so they better have a good boss fight foreign wait is it the shark boss let's go please tell me it's like the Jaws thing in Splatoon one holy they literally got a Megalodon okay I'm down okay and they have spultana Flex they have full charged platonicles okay hit him when he does that or just hit him anyway oh you can't eat my little buddy oh that's head of course it didn't hit nice look shiver fell off they threw in a fell off pun of course they did God damn it man they know fell off oh my God Jesus that attacks fast Jesus okay out I like how she just has a shark with rocket Jets work we've gone over here attack now okay I like this boss way more than the previous one though because like you can still attack them and stuff even when they're doing their phase if this feels way more back and forth okay yeah I know I messed up one time I feel like Cali foreign foreign sorry about your shark what the shark has sunglasses too that's pretty cool now we can go to world five don't have no idea what this is nice roll five time I want a shark like that bro I think we all do yeah it's like a pocket knife thingy but like what would that be correlated to the other thing oh hey hey Octavio oh no it's grisco oh I'm dumb Mr griss oh wait that was site five what oh no there's a side five or it's another fake out but it feels kind of late still haven't felt like we did a lot with Octavia though all right time to go to this one now fail memory thank you for the 90 bets I am Australian same okay well that's the one we haven't been to foreign ER in here oh well that didn't even clear the one I was trying to oops oh we just wasted 700 of these my bad too many snipers rather just go fast laughs thank you foreign nice all right thank you it's probably so helpful oh yeah my power-ups thank you I kind of forgot um why don't we upgrade a bit I probably won't spot bomb I don't know the sub just sounds like it'd be useful what's this I'm good ninja squid and suit recovery that sounds super useful if I want those I like the skill tree it's like a small thing but it's really nice it's really cool honestly it's just one of those things where I didn't even really know I wanted them until I got them and now it's just like okay it's cool this technology advance and exponential pace so dude did prosperity and ultimately conflict before long the entire world was embroid in the end all life on Earth was wiped out as humans squabbled natural disasters intensifies yeah you may experience a mass extinction events soon surface of the Earth we can bear in the Wasteland completely last but a whole life error against the odds computed to be 42 791-1 Some Humans survived the surviving humans appointed scientists to lead their new Society believing that science would provide a wiser path forward fully empowered these Sciences took on the Monumental tasks of establishing a sustainable ecosystem within the cavern they dubbed this new society as Alterna and began the process of recreating Earth that they had once known of course not even scientists are immune to Nostalgia humans began constructing rod and scale 3D printing operations I don't know as life and I'll turn to move forward one side to stick or a new way to create make liquid crystals from bodily fluids is squids the new crystals begin to change color in response to faint and cleaning electrical systems I'm sailing my words ears passed with prosperity the population alternative grew like a rising tide oh oh now we can't read anything oh it's because I haven't cleared everything so I think all the text is still loading or maybe it's just as you get in later it uh this has been Humanity creating inklings did they accidentally create it or or is that just their experiments so some people survived they survived here and I'm gonna have some lore studying to do but our asses would create humanoid squid yeah that's a very human thing to do pretty believable honestly well I thought previous Source stated it didn't so I'm pretty sure that's not how it works I'm pretty sure that's probably just something else thank you oh I didn't forget I was paying attention oh we didn't forget about that switch foreign I like this level first pump what oh do I need to hit the balloon too oh my God what oh I didn't see that yeah the story Mode's really good I don't know if I like it more than octo expansion but I like it I have to see how it ends the end of octo expansion was Peak so Mecca the game is good but I'm doing single player if you don't want spoilers get out if you don't want spoilers get out the single player get out actually Duke get out get out right now leave leave don't watch you want to play this get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out good don't watch single player right now zipcaster w ow let's go zipcaster foreign I'm fine this is so crazy to control [Music] oh they have big bubblers anyway I can just go over them bro oh wait key oh that's a lot of power eggs okay nice bonus I love the zipcast models all right three thousand all right let's do one more before we go to the next area you go far you'll shoot for our Dynamo Dynamo Dynamite yes but don't talk about it stop talking about it right now I appreciate it but stop talking about it right now then we're done here thank you Dynamo my son now we did not know that they were gonna be in this in the direct this is a new song by the way we haven't heard this one yet hour oh duh just start the bomb well done I'm on the shop now I mean everything's not like octo expansion some levels are definitely still very normal single player like but I think it's perfect look it's Moray sort of like this very similar structure to Moray right here this is totally Moray yeah of course we're gonna get sexy kids we already know some of them exist like we've already seen gold Arrow spray bomb so like we know some of them are here they just haven't added them yet this is the closest we get to more in three hopefully it's just this section this is this is all the Moray we get today oh there's no wall I thought there would be a floor I'm so dumb I expected a four four foreign I mean I can't like I can't change a twitch thumbnail if anything if it really pops up and people are worried about it I'll just delete the twitch button because I'm recording it anyway but like I can't really do anything about that oh the last one besides the center I'm assuming we'll get to go to the center uh yeah there's no land here in the Mist wait Stampers in this I want to play it oh it's a fog level oh octarians oh that's the goal hello well Jesus it's actually hard to see foreign gonna be so sad if that's only an author expansion weapon we never see it again come on Nintendo put off the weapons in the game just let them Becca weapon skins I don't even use brawl anymore because I'm a lag and I still want it foreign 's cool foreign no don't tell me thank you oh area treasure tour yeah I'm okay actually okay we'll do this one oh oh they're bouncy okay safe one we're not doing this I use an Elgato hd60s I don't know if this is actually the best one you should get though so like let's see what happens they pulling this is one of those three movies tried not getting the Stars trying to be happy we're trying to enjoy good games let's not talk about bad films but treasure yeah that was a risky squid roll so what right my stamp I got replaced by a real special oh foreign you guys that's a brutal section Jesus foreign this place is huge there I guess I'm sure I'm the enemy filled Tower to the goal sure torture tour yeah there's a new video coming out I have a video tomorrow on some Splatoon 3 predictions and then my first experiences with the game will be Saturday going back to the normal upload schedule so there's no more Thursday Sunday and uh Tuesday uploads at least for a bit probably go back to that eventually for some point but but trying to Shell out on the uploads a little bit now we wanted to be going the opposite of now oh we're gonna have to climb that climb that shooting the wall with them yay foreign strike and we're pretty high up all right so this must be big man this is the one only three we haven't fought a ton of power x too you really barely need to play any levels per world I like that I don't want to fight big man bro look at him oh damn okay whoa oh is it like sunshine does he split in two it's Sunshine's boss you're choking it's literally the same color too it's literally sunshine yes right that's so cool it's the manta ray boss from Sunshine all over again oh my God wait this is important get me out of here oh my God what that's are you kidding me oh my God where'd he go okay they're not exactly like it but you know what I'm you guys know what I mean you know what boss I'm talking about you know what it's you know what I'm referring to the ink is even the exact same color they know what they're doing so cool it's a hundred and ten percent of sunshine reference oh my God maybe a big man is the best maybe shiver needs to go down to pick okay I didn't really use that wall oh my God [Music] found him all right Master please stop paying me telling me about stuff I don't know about even if it's deep like hinting about it I just stop please I don't want to hear anything you can talk about stuff we have seen that's it for our feelings when you lose okay he's so nice even when he's fighting he's nice is a torpedo how can I not how can he not be my favorite he has four ketos he has Torpedoes that's my favorite sub how could he not be my favorite guys I can't how can you not be my favorite guys how he has Torpedoes this this was this was built to be my favorite design aircraft anymore oh my God there's so many of them Jesus such a weird fight that's weird sorry big man well that was a flop and then there we got flop you did good dude bye-bye foreign wait that looks like uh what's it called I'm forgetting the name it's like I know what this is but I can't remember the name all right here we go it's like a motor no I think it's an yeah is it a motor or an engine it's an engineer okay Choice things to say about deep cut y'all are we gonna get our fourth Splatoon character to officially swear okay so it is just Mr Griz okay come on oh well grip cuttlefish well I guess we're going to the island in the middle using this stuff okay before I get into this let me use the restroom and be right back foreign we're back let's do it wait actually one second I want to check alternate logs in case I close this amount oh wait more of this is here now as the inner walls of a turn collapse thousands of rock and liquid plunge below these crystals wash too Jensen's Humanities former Colony the broken uh crystals retain those feelings the beings that had emerged from the water they're seeing a merge on the camera and Alternate itself from there they flourish quickly it wasn't long until they had every corner of the world the crater above alternative they're referred to as swallowance I'll have to read more oh so I do have to do more levels okay I'll just have to read that later I'll just look that up later all right oh sorry yes how do I do it I want to do it all right let's do it yup here we go and how the are we clearing all this we need a big wait do we need the king salmonid or uh we probably just have to use the machine that would have been cool man oh what the hell you counted three rooms of the things let's go she's first finally doesn't look bored look three looks happy what is this thing though oh what the okay sure good job three I guess you could just clear an entire Island somehow sure that makes sense they definitely had fun with that one oh here we are oh they're tuckered out oh oh okay hello we have to fight all three of them now oh okay nevermind foreign are you okay oh oh I hope that's not actually in the last we see a three that'd be kind of disappointing if that's the actual last we saw three but at least I got to do something cool uh we're really going up thanks Big Man and Friends we'll appreciate the help of big man oh this is a whole climb stage isn't it pets and or Sidekicks are allowed but no weapons let's go we can have a pet and or sidekick my God come out all right let's do this I'm ready now we got all of them help us death by committee I get to bully them with a small Pride this is the perfect ending oh so like how do I get through this thing how the what wait how do I get out of here thank you okay I had no idea what I was supposed to do there fast foreign foreign that doesn't do anything for me what thank you I hit the switch but it doesn't the switch doesn't do anything oh oh okay I did not know that was an interaction Jesus smell oh I just missed it I'm dumb oh no it's a maze okay guys foreign perks though Ingress perks go hard I was supposed to hit the thing and then swim through it but you know no small friend or oh there you are [Applause] foreign oh foreign foreign oh that looks like a human to me all right weapon okay dude we have to go through the little shaft dude I already told you please stop pinging and asking about stuff like that I don't want to theorize or talk about anything that I think it is I just want to focus on what I'm doing right now so like I said last time just chill corporate engagement facilities we're going down now yes oh Space Center hanger thank you orca I don't know who you are but off okay we are going in guns blazing oh we're getting all the specials now come here foreign oh we're getting an idol song too deep hunt song I bet oh I might have had a little too much fun foreign storm dude we're using all the specials even the single player exclusive Splashdown gets its own Spotlight Zone boom that's where we were earlier oh we're okay it's fine foreign one enemies reskinned on the game of wavebreaker just cool another one look let's really need it I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to use that there I need you don't I yeah well I kind of just wasted the crap foreign loves CEOs going back down whoa yes you have to use the vents like in the hit game Among Us oh it's foggy laughs me too this thing moves way too slow thank you I love the squid roll man what do we unlocking single player I don't know yet oh thanks Big Man oh Jesus this facility is huge you're gonna conveyor we're going down foreign I'm nervous man oh God what am I foreign pretty simple section on this link I'll take a crab over that or you think you cannot do a crab crap Jesus oh my God that's a tight jump that's a tight jump wow I'm surprised they pull on that like I looked I looked harder than it actually was but geez foreign thank you wait what the is oh this is that fish hey we found it and where's Octavia this whole time man oh my God we're still not done oh my God there's so many of these energy core things there was so few of them that looks useful I was wondering how we were going to get some of these dude this is gonna be so cool with speedrunners honestly precisely Spider-Man everywhere oh geez there's a lot of fussy in here to be a little bit more careful the careful not to accidentally touch any of that or I just it's the die what angle am I supposed to go at press this one okay [Applause] got it okay foreign foreign three what the that did not sound normal oh one second uh and he was just retired and what happened on Octavio we still haven't seen him yet excuse me dehydrated in his prime oh hello [Music] welcome hi anomaly number three Mr Grizz ly foreign well we are leaving my controller is freaking out bye-bye guys we're leaving alternative thing or is he leaving um oh thanks for clarifying uh that might not be great though uh how do we like Chase the rocket ship or anything bro skull actually just dead it's all dried up oh he's alive he's not Dead come on yeah he's good he's just like I don't even know bro what is happening is I'll pause I'll pause okay are we good all right we're going back oh my God so I'm feeling a bit lighter and wait yeah what happened did he get like reverted I love the messed up cuttlefish thing yeah also how do we get the rocket like do we have a way to get the space to you do they have a way to get to space deep cut oh this part was from the single player two what the are we gonna ride the shark please tell me we get to ride the shark oh space head is that like a space suit oh my God foreign okay so where are we now oh we're literally in space thank God you have a special headset for Mr Big Man also our skin is apparently space repellent uh Jesus okay bro we are games there's no space physics okay great we are in space right now wait I can charge him can I fall what happens if I fall I just want to see you okay hold on okay you just disappear I just wanted to know okay I wanted to see if there's any cool death music for like falling in space bro I just had to check okay what the is this man I'm guessing I can throw it at him somewhere uh thank you oh wait thank you [Music] Jesus oh he does not seem very effective foreign thank you what the excuse me you can just what okay noted move all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way Jesus he tilts it fast oh dude that's a lot of Sultana slashes okay that was greedy I know come on two weeks wait wait okay this is a growth industry maybe he's corrupted maybe I don't know I don't know anything about him anyway it's like part of the ink I still don't know what the hell he did at cuttlefish this is not a lot of room to work with here fall off just what is this song no come here buddy good thing we have a stamina buddy this whole time sitting down oh he has killer whale okay of course he has a killer whale why wouldn't he have a killer whale of course he has a killer whale everyone has a killer whale foreign okay oh he does not seem very upset by this oh that might be fine wait what the oh thanks I completely forgot about him let's go please tell me we get to control the mech somehow or fight on it or something foreign what's going on oh she's evolving bro is he gonna become the big one Big Buddy Big Buddy oh small fry has evolved oh my God foreign all right let's go how do we what am I controlling how are we moving what's the state what the going on bro Return of the mammalians oh let's go I get the control don't tell me I get to actually control him this is exactly what I wanted three minutes and 33 seconds oh oh okay okay I get it I get it I'm about to attack then go into approach bro it's like a okay okay I get it I get it I get it I know what I'm doing now oh shoot we gotta Dodge them oh we're faster without it I didn't know that okay two left bro they're just having the Kaiju Battle out here okay don't use the vacuum until we get close don't use the back until we get close oh yeah we're way faster holy oh my god I've been throwing okay there's only two left I have time oh no not the weight Breakers get out of here no no I am tired of jumping I just said I was tired of jumping I did not mean for others okay okay one more one more oh my God no dude look at him he's holding him like a Kong holds a T-Rex bro okay he's not gonna break his jaw thank God shoot oh my God they said is really far oh shoot so many of them okay that's fine okay oh my God there's so many enemies instead no got it what go oh shoot oh uh oh well we get to see what happens if we fail oh okay I didn't know the vacuum slowed you down I didn't know the vacuum slowed you down I got this easy now I got this easy now are you kidding me I was being slowed down the whole time I know what I'm doing this time not I got this look we're way faster now way faster look at that we're already two done in under a minute get him giant fry oh my God die okay you're done before bro we have so much time this time we got it this time easy Dodge out of my way no sorry I'm Jamie I got you I got you flush down in space let's go get him yeah bye bye yup that is correct you learned how life Works goodbye that is a big explosion Jesus bro this guy's got strong hands oh he's normal now he can de-evolve you can go back to being small boy good to know I have a giant Kaiju if I ever want one though you know just in case humanity is the past now we cannot go back yeah it's like a Mega Evolution you can just go back hey there's the zap fish so we just had a boss fight in space that was weird right thank you yeah how the hell does Salmon Run work is that fish is back for the final time this is the end of the story so wait are they officially back together [Music] forgive us boss ladies they really are a bus shiver deep cutting squid sisters World Tour wait so they're gonna be on tour and off the hook is already on tour so all of them will be on it okay wave goodbye it's the end of the story what a story mode and we haven't even a thousand percent of it so there's probably more we don't know but I mean the story never gets publicized like to the normal inkling and octarian so yeah there's probably more to a thousand percent we'll have to get to at some point or a hundred percent might just look up down on my own though uh so I did know the bear was the final boss I didn't know it was Mr Griz but I didn't know it was a bear and I knew uh fry was a boss so I figured the rest of deep cut those were both spoiled to me unfortunately so so but you know even with that I still had a good time with it it was fun we know you get the hero shot I'm curious to see the unlocks I'm also still confused what happened to cuttlefish exactly [Music] but I don't know maybe there's more to learn we haven't finished all the files or anything so there's certainly a lot more to read but hey I think that was a solid conclusion to the series really from what I know I I think Mr Grizz is just gonna be there in salmon run she's gonna be weird but after Splatoon 3 it'll probably be someone else taking it over or something [Music] sorry was short well I sped through it there's a bunch of levels I didn't play a lot of it isn't required but there's a lot more stuff to do there's around 70 levels so it's not that it was short I just went for just beating the game rather than trying to do all the levels [Music] it was cool to see more of a focus put on the squid sisters though I like that secret boss I'm sure there is one we'll see but that's for another time I want to go back to grinding the multiplayer for the rest of the day so we're gonna take a small break after this I'm just gonna check back one more time eventually we'll go back and complete this but I'm gonna save that for a later day after this we're gonna go do the single player stuff I mean sorry after this we're gonna go do more multiplayer stuff and just chill but I will revisit and we will finish the single player just I think for now this is enough I wanted to focus on a multiplayer but I want to get the single player done I can turn my thumbnail blocker off find YouTube thumbnails removed from chrome done my thumbnails are back oh it feels good to have thumbnails again Captain Carrie thank you for the prime sub what a game though what a game they put a lot of work into the single player campaign definitely was worth it but I like it I like it I have to wait until a hundred percent to see if I like it more or less an octo expansion because I haven't really come to that conclusion but it's definitely a good single player I can't give it a rating until I've completed it though gotta wait for that and obviously it's new so everyone's gonna be having more positive opinions of the new thing so we're gonna have to wait a little bit what am I doing salmon red not sure I'll get to that at some point thank you I appreciate it [Music] [Music] useful two and three there's the three main species thank you for playing hero mindset replica you're a suit your boot Carol shot [Music] oh sticker that looks so cute whoa it's probably more unlocks too oh the captain cuttlefish thing is a badge that's the spoiler thing I was told to worry about yeah I wouldn't equip that what does it say now when we go here financially done oh it's just flowing there oh yeah I like the booyah until next time stay fresh wait I saw a picture thing we can take a picture with them oh where's Octavia I don't know yeah we'll have to finish all this up later but definitely a lot more to complete that we didn't get to but did a lot so I think that's a good place to leave things on all right I'm gonna take a little break gonna lay down for a bit I will be back later with multiplayer content and I have to ask you guys chat you guys now know the entire story please do not spoil it for other people do not talk about it at all outside of like no just don't talk about it okay I'm trusting you guys okay but that being said we're gonna wrap it up
Channel: ProChara Vod Dump
Views: 77,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Splatoon Pro Chara, ProChara, Nintendo, Splatoon 3, Rapid, Bocut Nation, Competitive Splatoon, Splatoon Top Team, Torpedo, Support, Splatoon Tournament, Brella, Splatoon 2 Discussion, Splatoon Tier List, Splatoon 3 Prediction, Splatoon 3 Analysis, Chara Splatoon, NA Champion Splatoon, Splatoon Top Player, Splatuber, Top 500 Splatoon, Squid Game, Range, Range Blaster
Id: 99-RIfGEXb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 34sec (13294 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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