Procedural Snow Shader Tutorial Cinema 4D Octane

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W everybody it's p Roman the winter is coming so we need to prepare amazing snow Shader that we're going to do today but before I want to thank to my Patron I really appreciate your support that's why all tutorials project files and some of my digital products are free for them and if you want even more check my art Station Market where you can find amazing textures for everyday use Advanced tutorials for the project files and game ready models that you can use immediately so be my Patron and get all the bonuses and remember that half of your donations will be transferred to Ukraine that is very important now and now let's jump into the Cinema 4D we're going to start from the simple sphere you can see the settings here also we need to add the displacer here at the parameters and on the shading we add the simple noise and you can see the parameters here and for the final preparations we need to add a smoothing deformer with these settings it's the beginning of a great thing we're going to work in path tracing mode and here are the parameters notice that specular and Scatter must be quite high so let's start from creation new Universal material and immediately let's rename it as snow also don't forget to apply it on the sphere let's make albo color black to see better what's going on and set refraction to 1.35 now let's follow to no tree and create displacement Noe Also let's Dr out ca for the native noise link it to displacement and we need to tweak a settings a bit but while I'm doing it you can see nothing changes why it's because we need to get back to displacement and change the type to vertex displacement let's also up the height to 12 and set the mid level to 0.5 solo this noise and let's set the type as blistered turbulence let's play with the octaves the higher number you choose the more details you get let's leave it on 15 let's change the size to 280 scroll lower and play with the high C brightness and the contrast a here we go again I will stay with these number as you can see on the screen let's unall this noise and to make it not look like turn on the auto bump and the magic will happen let's put the gradient after noise let's change the black value to 10% and crank that values a little you can see while I'm playing with it we get bumpy and smooth Islands here try to keep some smooth areas for big big varieties now I will add extra light just temporary to better see what's going on here let's continue by adding the composite texture node and add a new texture layer to it also link the composite texture to displacement node and gradient to the texture layer after we need to add a new texture layer duplicate gradient and noise reset all parameters for both of them choose noise type as poxa right after it let's change the global scale to 400 scroll a little lower change brightness to 26 and contrast to 50% then let's switch to the gradient and change the black value to 10% and the white value to 90% after we need to crank this a bit to get the results we need the issue that you can notice now is that this parameters override the previous one you can clearly see it if I will enable and disable the top layer to fix that we need to switch the blend mode to mix average and let's change the apacity to 0.35 after it we need to add another texture layer and duplicate the previous noise once more here we need to reset all as previously and set the global scale really low like 5% and don't forget to link it to the texture layer to see the results let's solo that noise scroll down a bit and play with the contrast I'll set it as 40% let's unsolo it and look at at this polygonal Mass to fix it let's go to the displacement save the project first and let's up the subdivision level to two be careful with it because your Cinema May crash on the high numbers but now you can notice that we fixed the problem let's move on let's save the rition and duplicate the noise and reset all parameters this time we need to link it to opacity and Sol this noise in the noise let's change the dipe to blister turbulence and play with the seed after let's change octaves to 10 and global scale to 300 then go lower and Set brightness to minus 10 and contrast to 50% next step is duplicate the gradient and put it between noise and the opacity Lan let's set the black value to 10% and the white value to 75% then solve the gradient and play with the parameters of the gradient to get even more clear picture let's unol the gradient choose both previous texture layers and check off the enabled option now we can get back to the gradient and change the parameters now it's easier to see the dispersion area of the small crystals let's leave some free area without it when it's done let's enable these two texture layers again then let's find the transmission and up this parameter all the way up then let's link the random walk to the medium channel to albo Let's link the flow texture and set it to one that represents pure white color and to the radius let's link RGB spectrum and set it to Red for a second let's render on the part of the image to see better what's going on in the random walk you need to play with the density relying on the size of your object in my case I will set it on 20 it's looking good with this light now when we're done with the density let's change this color to light blue for the next step let's zoom in a bit and set the render region where we can see on the the rim of the object next step is to link the small crystals noise to the coating and add the gradient to this link after we need to crank the values to get very contrasty look then let's change the coating IR to two and the overall roughness to really low value is 0.001 save the project again and up the subdivision level of the displacement to five and now you can enjoy how beautiful our snow looks even on the closeups so that's it we have a great looking snow you can use in your projects I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new write in the comments and show me your snow subscribe the channel and ring the bell to not miss all new upcoming cool tutorials be my Patron and get all the project files and also some of my digital products for free enjoy your week and remember UK
Channel: PanRomanCG
Views: 2,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snow, shader, material, texture, realistic, photoreal, procedural, panroman, panromancg, romavfx, cinema 4d, c4d, octane, tutorial, how to, animation, models, 3d, blender, render, Materials, plugins, vector, abstract, textures, advanced, noise, octane noise, c4d noise, everyday, node, game, displacement, noises, terrain, ice, frozen, ice cream, surfaces, VFX, Post production, webinar, Redshift, modeling, maxon, quick, tips, quicktips, effect, ukraine, learning, educational, fx, design, cg, tutors, tutor, professional, photorealistic, fast
Id: fmqe8Fp8Z5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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