Problems With Richard, Mail Time - S7 E24 - Lucky Ferals Cat Vlog - Life With 11 Cats Compilation

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something is going on with Richard's right eye um I don't know if he was in a fight because to me that's what it seems like and I did hear like fight noise coming from down here either earlier this morning or late last night Stella Splash Simba buo Sammy Richard Nancy Goldie Ziggy Ringo Eva hyrox and ditto the lucky ferals it is mail time and I am here with Ziggy hello Ziggy and Nancy's here isn't that nice Samy's here in a tunnel Richard is over there by Boo's room I shut the door to Boo's room because there will be less growling and hissing there's quite a bit of growling and hissing in the kitchen a little while ago Bo was in the kitchen getting some treats with the Lucky Seven and uh in order for me to film this it's just better to shut the door for boo Stella and splash are in the dining room Sim is on top of the armor I don't know where anyone else is I'm filming this with a phone and I don't have a tripod for it easily accessible so this is going to be handheld right Ziggy Ziggy says she's going to help me she's going to help me okay Ziggy you help me good it looks like we have a letter here and this says hi Miss LF I hope this note finds you and your cats well I'm writing to share this info Ali cat rescue I couldn't help but to see that it is right up your alley I wrote a letter to the Department of interior as asked in the section call to action in cats hopefully it will help Miss LF so with any in info I send you I am not asking you to donate just passing on info bye for now from the heart Craig oh there's some hissing coming out of the dining room and some growling right now thank you very much Craig for this note Ali cat rescue sounds very familiar to me I don't know if I've heard of them before or a similarly named organization and this is Ali cat rescue and Alliance for cat protection they are a national group operating programs that save the lives of thousands of abandoned and Community cats each year that is really awesome their dedicated volunteers are out in all types of weather rain snow or heat feeding colonies of community cats that they have and their adoption center finds homes for hundreds of cats that is really cool right Ziggy Ziggy says says that is awesome because every cat should be as lucky as she is right Ziggy I wonder who's in the dining room hissing okay Ziggy Ziggy says thank you very much Craig for being so kind that you want to help the cats Ziggy really appreciates it right right Ziggy Nancy says thank you also and they and Richard says this is really good information to pass on look at the little kitten photos Okay Ziggy Ziggy's going to lay on this letter she says thank you Craig for thinking of all of the underprivileged Cats of the world yeah she really loves that and look at that and then there's two postcards aren't those cute little cats and we have a box here and this is from CR barboni Samy's checking it out thank you CR for this box of and there's Ziggy and it looks like there is a card it says to the lady boo splash simus Stella Sammy Richard nany Ziggy Goldie Ringo and Little Eva Sam's trying to chew on the box and this card says Happy Valentine's Day and look at the little kitten on the card it looks like a mini Stella little bit like a mini Nancy and look at this card it's one of those popup cards and there are 12 cats it says someone like you deserves a true adorable day that is so cute my dear lady the happiest of Valentine's days to you the Fab 4 and the lucky s kitten pack even if this is late it brings all love light and joy with it to you and all of the kittens may all of you enjoy the treats I've sent and look inside the tin with Stella's truck for a few more surprises with warmest wishes always from CR barbon and Tarbell thank you so much CR for thinking of all of us and Sammy and Ziggy have been helping me read that and open this and here's Nancy okay here's the card you want to see the want to see the pretty card it looks like you guys on the card what do we got here Ziggy what do we got here Ziggy let's open this up wow wow look at this we have Blue Wilderness tasty Toppers Wild Cuts tasty salmon morsels and savory gravy I've actually never seen these before I really feel like I haven't been in uh like a pet food store in so long even though I have but I usually just kind of go in with blinders on to buy cat litter and you know if I need some dry cat food or something and then I leave so I never really I haven't been looking around recently so that is really awesome thank you CR so there's quite a few of these these will make a nice snack for the cats or even a meal topper and these will be great for fish day oh and look at what we got we got a box of delectable squeeze ups and I am all out of squeeze these ups I just actually placed an order for some yesterday on Amazon they're not going to be here till next week so thank you so much C the cats are really going to enjoy these what I am trying to do is get them back off of Crunchies they've been getting Crunchies almost every night you know since holiday time since around December and I want to get them back off Crunchies um for the most part and what I want to do is I want to substitute um like squeeze UPS or true Ros um or even some different kinds of like wet food or canned food for them so thank you so much look what they got they got these puree Gourmet cat treats made with real salmon Ziggy says thank you you want to hold on to that Ziggy Ziggy loves fish she's like symbol like that where she loves fish you know it was tuna that got her into the Trap so there's some salmon doesn't want to talk about traps oh and here we have more squeeze UPS tuna and salmon Samy's checking them out now there's Nancy oh Ziggy just went in the tunnel and here we have more squeeze UPS tuna and salmon this is awesome and here's more squeeze UPS so there's four squeeze UPS in one of these packages and when you know you have 11 cats and you want each of them to get one of these a day that's three packages three packages gives all of the Cats one each so thank you so much SI ooh and look at this they got meaty sticks they love meaty sticks this morning I gave Goldie a meaty stick because I was downstairs I was in the laundry room and I came out of the laundry room and Goldie was sitting there and I was like well what can I give her and the only thing I had down there was meaty sticks and she really enjoyed it and then we have some more of these uh Wild Cuts Toppers that's a lot of goodies right Ziggy Ziggy's really excited to enjoy some of these goodies she says thank you very much SI she says give all of her best wishes to Tarbell also and here's another bag ooh look at that look at how sparkly this bag is oh I love that what do we have in here we have we have Belgian seashell Ziggy check that out unfortunately you guys can't have any but I can enjoy those thank you very much SI and here's a tin with Stella's favorite truck on it Stella loves trucks SI said to make sure to open this ooh look what CR sent CR sent a Micro SD card which is wonderful thank you so much CR this definitely helps with filming videos for the channel and we got a Dollar Tree gift card that is so cool thank you very much CR and a Petco gift card that is wonderful that'll help pay for some cat litter or dry cat food and a petmart gift card CR is totally spoiling us and he is spoiling all the cats and Ziggy says that is okay because she loves it right Ziggy she said she's very appreciative of all of this right she said she doesn't know how she got so lucky right Ziggy Ziggy say she is such a lucky girl and so are all of her brothers and sisters and her entire family right and what else do we have in here oh wow look at this we have Perina bittersweet chocolate I love that and then we have dark chocolate 51% and we have grard Deli intense dark 72% dark chocolate these are my favorites I love super dark chocolates I eat just a little tiny bit of them every day and I just really enjoy them thank you so much Z check this out I've never seen this before this this is eight individually wrapped bars dark chocolate and cappuccino flavored filling that looks really good and this is Cumberland Farms Premium chocolate rich dark chocolate with pink Himalayan sea salt oh I love that combination and we have some Andes cream DeMint thins I haven't had these in so long I'm going to put these in the refrigerator because I remember that I used to like to eat them cold and another bag thank you very much and another bag I'm actually going to share some of these with Grandma and Grandpa thank you very much SI and here we have GD Diva masterpieces dark chocolate ganache heart that looks really good oh and look at this one it says Happy Valentine's Day Whitman solid milk chocolate with the little cats on it that is so cute thank you so much CR for all of these goodies for the cats and for myself we are going to enjoy all of these it was so nice of you to think of us and we really appreciate your support of this Channel and your contributions and all of your participation in the live streams and the comment section thank you so much we hope you are doing well it is 9:30 a.m. I am here with buo and Simba and is behind me and the cats were just brushed and combed and we're going to have some play time before I make their breakfast there's Simba so yesterday I went to the supermarket and I bought some boneless chicken breast because in my freezer up here like the freezer above my refrigerator I have some organ meats that I have Frozen in meal siiz portions and I also have um some chicken necks including bones that I have Frozen in meal siiz portions so all I need to do is cut up some boneless chicken breast and mix it in with the organ meats and the chicken necks and add some supplements and the cats have a complete meal so that's what they had for dinner yesterday they're going to have it for breakfast today I have to cut up more chicken this morning and I bought enough for um like dinner tonight breakfast tomorrow and I still have to plug in the freezer and see if it works um but I wanted to rearrange some things in my laundry room where I have the freezer so it's going to take me a little while to do that I don't know if I'm going to get to it today maybe I'd get to it later today here's Stella she's in the hallway so the cats had open window time this morning I had three windows open it's it's very cold out and it's supposed to rain later today so it's going to be like gray and cloudy and gloomy today so I've started brushing the cats every day because it's shedding season already and I'm also combing them just to make sure that they're are no fleas even though I don't think flea season starts quite yet but I want to make sure that they get used to the routine of being brushed and then combed and I brush them until I feel like I'm not really getting any more cat hair off of them but if I comb them afterwards I still get more cat hair off of them so it's kind of deceiving hello Stella Simba's down the hall you see him back there somebody want to play ball still your tails in the way for that it's about 10:00 a.m. I think and I'm downstairs with the Lucky 7 and they get brushed and combed also it's a little bit more challenging with them because is um you know they move around a lot and there's more of them Sam's right next to me okay here you go Ziggy come on must be brushed and something that I've noticed is they've kind of been a little bit more afraid of me since I was away for like a day and a half which is you know weird weird for cats but Simba used to hold a grudge when I used to go away on like an overnight or weekend trip and splash would be afraid of me so it's just something that they they need to get used to here you go hello Ziggy Ziggy loves being brushed another thing that I did different last night was I turned the router off so I have like a uh like a utility closet down here and that's where I have like the circuit breaker and that's where the router is and that's where like all of the wires come into the home like um for like broadband and everything so I wanted to see what would happen if I turned it off at night so before I went to bed I turned it off and then this morning I turned it back on and it was really peaceful you don't realize how much kind of um I don't know let's call it like electronic pollution EMF pollution a router puts off especially when you have it hooked up to you know TVs and mobile devices and computers and stuff like that so um what that changed was last night um these cats couldn't have the TV on because you know I have TV through Broadband um through Verizon FiOS so with the router off it meant that there was no TV access which was fine so um it was kind of quiet down here for them and then this morning when I woke up I came down here and I plugged it back in so that way everything will be fully functioning for the workday and I'm going to try it again tonight I am going to turn the router off again at night and and we'll see how it goes I don't know if it is going to become like an everyday occurrence or just an occasional break some people are more sensitive to it than others so I wanted to give it a try and see how it felt Samy get your nose out of her butt Samy get your nose out of her butt you don't your nose does not need to be in ny's butt so I just remembered that yesterday I put the cat beds in the washer and the dryer so I need to go get them out of the dryer see if they're dry here are the cat beds they are all nice and clean again for what it's 2:40 p.m. and here's boo he has some white fur on him here's Stella here's Splash and Simba and now I'm seeing some blood on this vomit blanket so I don't know what just happened but I'm assuming one of the Lucky Seven just tried to jump on the bed with Stella and boo here I don't know I have to look at the security camera footage but I did hear what sounded like a cat fight and then I immediately ran into the room you okay it appears that it was Richard it might have been Ringo but I think it was Richard I might have to look at the video on a larger screen I just looked on my phone and what happened was Buu was here Stella was there and then it appeared Like Richard just popped up here jumped on the bed and started scratching at buo and buo started scratching at him and it was like like a fist fight for cats there was no biting involved um they were just like scratching at each other and then uh Richard uh ended up here next to Stella and then eventually uh left the room so I'm just going to check on Buu um make sure there's no uh blood on him and then I'll go check on Richard and Ringo I just wiped Buu down and it appears the blood is coming from his mouth so I don't know if it's coming from a loose tooth like his loose Fang um or what so we're just going to keep him under observation he did not have any blood this morning when he was eating breakfast or anything so I don't know if he got hit in the mouth I don't know if he got scratched we're just going to have to keep an eye on things it is 2:57 p.m. and I've confirmed that it was Richard because Richard was underneath the bed and I chased him out from under the bed and then he was running around the house like he was very guilty like he thought I was going to come after him so I kept following him around and then I shut the door to downstairs and he got very upset so I followed him around the house to see what he was going to do and then he started howling it's the same kind of howl that you hear when you're taking a cat to the vet it was that howl and he just started howling and Hing and Howling but I just kept following him around the house he was running around like a frantic lunatic and eventually I opened the door to downstairs and he flew downstairs so that's where the cats are right now and I want to put him into like a timeout but I mean that's the best timeout that there's going to be right now is just keeping the door to downstairs shut and I think he knows he did wrong because that's why he was so afraid of me following him around the house and that's all I had to do I just had to like walk around to where he was and then he would just like run in the opposite direction and when I shut the doors so he couldn't go in the bedrooms he couldn't go downstairs then the house becomes like a circle and he was just going around in circles and that's when he realized there was no way out he's just started howling and Howling and Howling so then finally I just open the door to downstairs cuz I don't want really to upset Boo or any of the other cats so that's the situation right now Boo's mouth is not dripping blood right now so it could just be that it came from his loose tooth and I'm just going to keep an eye on him today is Thursday which you know is not the best day of the week for this to happen not like there's a good day of the week for it to happen but if it was like a Monday or Tuesday then we'd have uh more UM Vet days ahead of us so like the vet that boo goes to for his mouth is open Monday through Fridays so um I'm just going to keep a good eye on him for the next 2 hours or so and see what happens hopefully everything's fine and it's just you know part of his loose tooth it's 3:14 p.m. and I'm going to give the og4 a chew right now they've been getting these at night I'm going to give them one now I just want to see how Boo's mouth is doing boo do you want to pick a flavor what flavor want a flavor would you like one blue red green which one this one green red this you don't want one do you want one or no you want the green one Bo just ate this churu and I'm not seeing like blood or anything so I am still thinking the blood is from is potentially loose tooth but it's a good sign I definitely need to put all these blankets in the wash but I'm not going to disrupt the cats I'll wait until later it's 5:15 p.m. and I wanted to show you what was going on down here there were three cats laying in this bed together Nancy Ringo and Ziggy so potentially mommy daddy and their baby Ziggy right Ziggy so Ringo and Ziggy are still in the bed and it was so cute but of course the minute I turned the camera on Nancy has to get up look how cute they are Ziggy looks so comfortable hello Nancy it's 3:45 p.m. look at what's going on here look look look that's Nancy Nancy was laying on the bed with Boo and Stella I was just walking by the room to see what was going on and yeah n's on the bed Boo's drooling a little bit I have to see what's going on with his mouth I wiped Boo's mouth I don't see any blood today it's just some drool and it's coming from the Fang that he has loose and that's what his other Fang did shortly before it eventually came out I want to say within a few weeks of the other one coming out um it was drooling it could be because Boo was sleeping um you know sometimes cats drool when they sleep he's licking some drool off of his paw right now so he's under observation we're going to see how everything goes with him here's Stella she's doing good there's Simba hey Simba Simba looks like he's been sleeping I should also mention that I watched buo eat dinner yesterday and some snacks last night and breakfast this morning and there's been no other blood so that's been good it seems that it was a result of him getting hit in the face from Richard and like I mentioned if his tooth was a little bit loose and he got hit and it caused it to loosen up more that is what could have caused some bleeding and that could be why it's drooling a bit today because as we know when cats have an issue with their teeth or their mouth um they can drool from that and it's very similar to what happened with his other Fang so he's still under observation um tomorrow's the weekend and our vets closed for 2 days so hopefully everything will just remain stable for several days look at what's going on in here so I think that is Nancy and Richard by the window Sammy was there with them there's Ringo I don't know if Ringo oh Ringo is going underneath the day sofa I left this window open a little bit for them this afternoon and they've been enjoying smelling the air it is March 1st and I'm downstairs with the Lucky 7 and we've been playing with this Wan toy because I'm just about to feed them their dinner and I just saw something and I'm going to document it can you see what's going on right here there's an ant that is the first ant of the season and it's only March 1st so not happy about that but that means I can't keep a bunch of dry food out for the cats in like the crunchy tree or the crunchy Digger like the Catt it tree in the cad Digger where there's one there is soon to be more I should also mention that today we had very heavy rains all day like I went out for a while to run some errands there's Ziggy and the rain was so bad like you could hardly even see where you were driving it was just a sheet of gray everywhere so when it rains during ant season um that is an issue that I've noticed that usually when it rains it drives ants out from wherever they've been living soay there's Goldie I'm not really ready to start battling ants it's been so nice not to have to deal with bugs but I guess that time is uh upon us I think that's Ringo laying in the Royal cat bed because Richard's been walking around unless un it's Richard unless Richard jumped up there there's Eva Richard yep I told you Richard's been walking around so that's Ringo up there it's 10:30 a.m. and the cats are eating their breakfast I just made them about 4 days worth of meals because with the broken freezer I have to do things a little bit differently right now since I only have the freezer above my refrigerat gerator and I you know can't fit too much food in there for 11 cats um but I was easily able to fit food in there for 4 days worth of meals um so that's eight meals I'll probably be able to extend this to 5 days worth of meals because I did buy some extra organ meats and uh chicken necks which I have freezing in separate meal size portions I have two meals extra on the organ meats and four meals extra on the chicken necks and when I was in Trader Joe's yesterday I bought some cans of their no salt sardines and also their no salt tuna so when I made homemade tuna for the cats with the organ meats and the chicken necks they really liked it so we're going to have that one day and I'll probably pick up um some other kind of meat maybe some beef which I'll chunk up for them I don't know why Splash is not eating um so when I went to the farm yesterday I bought 4 lbs of their ground uh dark meat chicken and 4 lbs of their ground dark meat turkey the reason why I did that was to just save me some time with having to grind it although to be honest I don't know how much time that saved me because I had to take the grinder out anyway to grind up the chicken necks and the organ meats and I don't know why boo is moving away from his plate right now either um so I just quickly put everything together today and yeah as as I'm talking about this right now that was actually kind of dumb to buy the pre-ground meat because it's more expensive and the cats like it better when I just grind my own meat so when making homemade cat food it's always advisable not to buy pre-round meat because it does contain higher levels of bacteria just because it's already ground but considering the fact that I was buying it directly from the farm I figured it could not be any fresher than it was so that's why I was like I'll just buy it preg ground but considering the fact that I had to take the grinder out to grind the chicken necks it really wasn't worth it so looks like Simba ate most of his Stella is working on hers I'll put a few more Toppers on booze and splashes and maybe they'll continue eating it it's 10:45 a.m. I just came downstairs a few minutes ago and I'm getting breakfast ready for the Lucky Seven something is going on with Richard's right eye um I don't know if he was in a fight because to me that's what it seems like and I did hear like fight noise coming from down here either earlier this morning or late last night but uh I don't know what happened that's the only thing I could think of um so he does have the eye open it is very teary and like I could see his his third eyelid which means there's definitely something going on um it doesn't look swollen so I don't think it's an eye infection I think it might be just a little bit of an injury because at times um it does look normal but then at other times it doesn't so what I have here is an immunity support tablet here you go here you go Richard hopefully he'll just eat it the other thing that I noticed is that his pupils look a little bit different okay if he doesn't eat it what I'm going to do is I'm going to crush it up and put it in his food this is the standard process feline immune system supplement um that boo who was given from the vet and Buu has not been getting this on a daily basis I should be putting it back in his food but with all the uh upheaval with the freezer and everything I haven't been doing that but I'm going to crush this up I'm going to put this in Richard's food hopefully he'll eat it if one of the other cats eat it it's fine this is just to help boost his immune system I just crushed it up in my mini mortar and pestle and I mixed it into a green churu usually because the cats tend to like green shers here Richard can you eat that please let's see if he'll eat it hopefully he'll eat it this is the problem keeping other people from eating it here you go it's for you Richard it's special for you okay you don't want it why don't you want it I just sprinkled some freeze dried Chicken on top we'll see if he eats it now here you go Richard Richard wait eat that eat that sweetie I'm holding Nancy back let Richard eat it it's for Richard not for Sammy Sammy come here eat it Richard okay eat it it's for Richard here you go eat that eat that buddy you eat it Richard eat it Richard this is for Richard here you go eat that buddy eat it Richard okay I knew this was not going to work but he's stretching so he's happy move over here eat that I just stuck it on his food so hopefully he'll eat it this way once everyone else is distracted with their own food everyone's eating and I just gave Richard his food over here cuz this is where he is so hopefully he will eat the part with the supplement in it he might just eat around it it's good that he has an appetite and he wants to eat so we'll see what happens happens he's now officially under observation the time that Stella had an eye injury um from being in a fight with one of the other cats I brought her to the emergency animal hospital and they looked at her and they gave me like the teramis ointment to put on her eye which she didn't really let me put on her eye and they put a cone on her head and she left there with the cone on her head she came home with the cone and I thought she was going to hurt herself or have a heart attack that's how bad it was so I took the cone off of her and I just kept her under observation and she healed and that might be what's going on here because I can't think of anything else that would be causing this I remember hearing like a fight sound I will check the security camera footage to see if it shows anything but like in the past when didto had an eye infection like he was living outside and he had compromised immunity and you know just living outside could have caused that his his also could have been caused from a fight and I did give ditto some extra herbal supplements at the time to boost his immune system so it's kind of similar to the supplement I just gave Richard I will look to see if I have any of the other um herbal tinctures that I used on ditto I don't know if I do because that was a few years ago that was two years ago at this point a little bit more than two years actually cuz it was when ditto was still outside it was two years ago this month that ditto passed away now that I think about it because that was 20122 and if I look at Richard's face his face does not look swollen a lot of times if a cat has an eye infection um the face will be swollen around the eye and I don't see that and I don't see a lot of puss oozing out of his eye either it is teary but like there's no like white pus coming out of it or yellow pus coming out of it so that's why I honestly think it's an abrasion from a fight so that's why we're going to keep him under control if it gets worse then I'll definitely call the vet tomorrow but it could just be something like what Stella had and it just needs time to heal on its own and it looks like he ate the supplement which is good I'll see about giving him some more later today so I want today to be a day of rest for the cats I also should mention that the past few nights I've been turning the TV off at night and that could be why they got into a fight because I had noticed prior that if I kept the TV on at night they behave better and if I shut the TV off then they would get themselves into Mischief so I'm definitely going to be leaving the TV on tonight and um the next few nights look he ate really good he has a good appetite he ate his food he's getting the supplement in so that's really good good job Richard I want you to rest and rest your eye okay so I just got a look at his eye and the pupil of the eye with the issue is definitely smaller than the pupil of his other eye and to me it looks like there's a little bit of blood um on the iris so that's why I'm thinking it's um a wound issue but again we're just going to see how it goes and then if I need to call the bed tomorrow I will I opened up a can of salmon Friskies for the cats come here Nancy and I split it five ways cuz five cats were interested in eating a little bit more food Ringo and Sammy are not and then I put some supplements in there for Richard I put some omega3 um fish oil in there which is anti-inflammatory I put some turmeric in there which is also anti-inflammatory and then I found the immunity tincture that I had used um with ditto and Buu in the past um it's from nhv pet products it's called felim and I put a little bit of that in there and he didn't want to eat it so then I put a little bit of a churu on top of it it he still didn't want to eat it so then I sprinkled it with a little bit of fortiflora and then he um gave it a try so we'll see how much of it he eats the supplements are mixed into the frisky portion of it not just the Toppers it is um interesting to me how like the other cats are concerned with his well-being especially Nancy and Richard was hiding from me like underneath Boozled day bed you know he's doing that thing that cats do when they're not feeling well I would like all these cats just to stay down here today I think that would be the best thing in case Richard does have something that might be contagious although I don't know where he would get it from Once he's done I'm going to turn their toys on but I know that he and Nancy are going to be the first two that want to go upstairs I will open the back door so that they can look out of the back door but he seems to be doing a good job eating and at one point um right before I gave him this um he looked up at me and his eye looked almost completely normal so it's something that's definitely um it's definitely like transient like sometimes I look at him and he's keeping his eye shut other times I look at him and his eye looks almost normal hopefully it's not something like pink eye which could spread I can't remember if it was last summer or the summer before when I had pink eye I had pink eye like twice and it was just really weird was like out of nowhere and it was annoying the other thing I should mention is that his eye is not tearing that much it's tearing a little bit but I would think if something was like stuck in his eye his eye would be tearing more than it is okay so I'm going to put the toys on open the back door and hopefully they'll just relax down here today this is little Eva's favorite new game this is a 3D gecko video she goes crazy over this video it's 11:37 Nancy was upstairs she's the only cat upstairs cuz Sammy went back downstairs and then she's crying at the door and of course Richard's crying at the door I don't know if you could see him but he's right here and I want him to just relax today can you guys go downstairs and relax please can you just go down and relax Richard okay Richard just just relax honey okay go relax I want you to heal your eye okay what I'm doing in the kitchen right now is cleaning up um from making homemade food this morning I'm washing the meat grinder and I'm also trying to make myself some breakfast once I do that my plan for the day is to come back downstairs because I need to clean out the laundry room I want to rearrange a few things in it and I want to get rid of the broken freezer because I need to make room for the new freezer which hopefully should be here in a few days so I want everyone to stay downstairs and it's only going to take me a few more minutes to get that done I don't know if you could see Richard but he's kind of you know closing that eye and then opening it closing it and opening it so I mean it's good that he doesn't keep it closed all the time which means it's not too bad cuz with Stella's eyes she kept it closed all the time but I just don't want to take any chances with it can you guys come downstairs and relax come on I'll put your toys on come downstairs I just put all the lights on down here I usually only keep like one set of lights on now there's five sets of lights on so it's nice and bright down here and hopefully the cats will just hang out I put the toys on I'll put this other toy on I put the fling a string toy on because this is something that they just get when I need to distract them so hopefully it'll work it's 12:15 and Richard was crying at the door for Nancy again so I just grabbed my stuff and I'm like okay let's go downstairs she's still upstairs so I know I'm going to have to open the door for her again but I'm ready to get started down here all the cats are down here except for Nancy and the og4 it's 12:30 p.m. and I just came outside to water the plants in the greenhouse and to check on them and it is 62° out it is so beautiful all I want to do is be outside today but I have to clean out the laundry room downstairs and look what I noticed here look at this so somebody has been accessing this shelter because I want to say as of last night um I took some garbage out very late last night and this was not like that so I don't know if a cat did this I don't know if it was a posum or what I'm going to see if the security camera caught anything um I just wanted to document that it feels like spring today it is so beautiful I am going to work as fast as I can in that laundry room to try to get outside and it looks like some of the hents or the daffodils are starting to peek out of the ground here's Ziggy I was thinking of rearranging my schedule and actually spending the day outside because it's going to be 65 today and it's going to be like the rare warm day for several weeks I looked at the um I looked at the forecast and the highest we're going to get is mid-50s and with lots of rain so I definitely want to spend some time outside today and I was thinking well maybe I'll take the litter boxes outside and scrub them but it has but it's only been a few weeks since the last time I did that so it's too early and I really do need to get the laundry room done because if I don't do it today I'm really not going to have enough time to do it during the week so I think this is going to give me good motivation to move as fast as possible Right Ziggy it's 8:45 p.m. I'm downstairs with the cats and Nancy and Ziggy are hunting a spider I think nany's trying to eat it I'd like to kill it we don't like bugs in the house I don't know what kind of spider it is there it is there it goes let's let's squash it okay I had a damp paper towel in my hand some people say it's cruel some people don't like squashing spiders and I can say you could do whatever you want in your house but in my house if we see spiders we squash them it's 11:30 p.m. and here's Stella and I'm just about to get ready for bed but I wanted to mention what's going on with Richard here's boo hello boo so Richard spent the day relaxing on a chair downstairs he's been napping on the chair and I've just been leaving him alone like I don't want to disturb him I just want him to rest and relax and hopefully his eye will start to heal so when I gave the lucky s their dinner he did not come out to eat dinner so I put his dinner aside for him and I did crush up um a supplement into his dinner it's the standard processed feline whole body support um so it's a different one than he had for breakfast and I put that in his food for him and I put his food aside for him cuz I figured he might want to eat it later and sure enough that's what happened so I've been kind of putting some winter stuff away today and uh taking out some spring decorations and going in and out of my storage room downstairs and as I've been doing doing that I've just been trying to uh see what's going on with him on the chair and his eye does not look worse than this morning I think it looks a little bit better than this morning I don't want to jinx anything to me it looks like he's holding it open more um like he was squinting and closing it more this morning um it's still a little bit teary it's still red but he seems to be keeping it open more which potentially is a good thing I don't even know if you could see boo cuz it's kind of dark in here right now so I gave him some food underneath the day bed down there and I think he ate it I mean maybe someone else ate it uh but most of it was gone when I went back down the second time um so what I did was I opened a can of food and I split it among everyone's plates down there then I gave them all some of the zwe peak um dry cat food I figured if anyone wants to eat it they can eat it and you know if he wanted to eat it he could if he doesn't want to eat it that's fine he ate a big breakfast today um I left the TV on for them tonight and hopefully everyone will behave and I just want him to get some more good rest but he did come out and you know he is like interacting with the other cats more uh now than earlier so I want to take that as a good sign but we're not going to really know until tomorrow and see how things go overnight but that's what's going on with Richard I didn't want to stick a camera in his face I didn't want to make him more nervous or uncomfortable than he already is is cuz I could tell he's definitely out of sorts his eye is bothering him he was not his usual self today um so I just don't want to you know I don't want to scare him make him run around or anything I just want him to chill out that's why I didn't film anything and here's Simba and the cats had some chus a little while ago I'm just about to give them a few of the Blue Wilderness cat treats and then I am calling it a night it's 8:40 a.m. I just came downstairs to see what's going on and there's Richard there's Richard right here he was looking out of a window so he would he climbed up into a window and look at him look his eyee is I would say like 99% back to normal it's completely different than it was yesterday Richard how are you okay it's still let's let's take that back to about 90 we'll say it's 90% back to normal not going to say 99 because the pupil is a little bit different than the other pupil so we're going to say 90% back to normal but it is a massive improvement from yesterday yesterday it was like all teary and red and just really bad and today it's not and like he's not even shutting it hey Richard yesterday he was trying to keep it shut all the time so this is a very very big Improvement for him he's still under observation he's not out of the woods yet and hopefully he'll continue to get better but the eye looks a lot better than it did yesterday right Sammy and Richard seems to be in much better spirits today let me show you what I used on him yesterday to help his body heal itself and this is also um to document it for me so I could go back and refer to what I used uh this is standard process Veterinary formulas feline immune system support and I got this from a holistic vet for Boo and unfortunately we can't look at the ingredients on the back because it has a prescription sticker over them um but this is what I used in his food um for breakfast I also used this turmeric tincture from nhv pet products this is basically just turmeric I used this elim herbal tincture from nhv pet products and this helps to boost the cat's immunity it has St John's wart in it turmeric aloe vera juice alala Leaf berock root cat's claw bark Osha Root dandelion root go toola herb usia herb myrr and golden seal now some people might see aloe vera juice in there and freak out because well cats are not supposed to chew on an aloe vera plant um this company's not going to put anything bad in their products for cats so um whatever they put in here definitely has therapeutic uses and I've used this on Ditto in the past when he had eye infections and it helped his body heal itself and I'm hoping that this helped with Richard yesterday I'm sure resting also helped a lot and then this is the Nordic Naturals omega-3 cat pure fish oil for cats I put some of this in his food for breakfast and for dinner I used The Standard Process Veterinary formulas feline whole body Support also I should mention that he had homemade raw food for breakfast he also had homemade raw food for dinner and I did put extra vitamin C in the food this is the vitamin C that I put in the cat food it's solaray buffer Vitamin C powder 5,000 Mig I usually put half a teaspoon of this into 1 and 1/2 lb of meat um so that's what I did when I made dinner yesterday I put this in everyone's meal um so I just put it in like the bulk batch before I portion it out for the cats and this can really help with healing also it is 9:07 a.m. I put the toys on for the cats they have a mouse video on the TV and they want to sit here and stare at me look at buoy sitting in the chair uh because I'm making myself breakfast after I eat and take care of myself then they're going to get brushed and combed and then they're going to eat because I have found that if I do it the opposite way then the entire morning can go by without me taking care of myself and without me eating breakfast right boo okay so I eat first then you guys eat right Stella you guys have your toys on you have videos on you could go play you don't have to sit here and stare at me it is 10:00 a.m. and I just came downstairs with food for the cats I forgot the camera which is why I went back upstairs that's Richard so he was on the steps waiting to eat and he's right in the middle of the action he's keeping his eye open um it does look a little bit different than the other eye so that's why it's not 100% back to normal I'm going to say maybe 90% back to normal um the pupil is still a little bit smaller than the other pupil and he's blinking it more so it could be that there's still a scrape it could be that it got scraped or hit or something so he's looking a lot better than he did yesterday see him there so he's looking almost back to normal so I'm going to brush the cats comb the cats give them their breakfast and I'll put the supplements in Richard's again hopefully he'll continue to eat them so today Richard is letting me brush him and he's even purring oh and he's stretching good job Richard he's definitely feeling better than he did yesterday okay good job Richie Hello Ziggy so I did something interesting with um the og4 today when they had their breakfast here's Sammy come on Sammy you going to get brushed come on dad and that is I sat down with them usually I just give them their food and like I'll watch them or um I'll just clean up or just go about my day sometimes you know I've given them their food and I've just you know hung out with them while they've eaten but I actually just sat down with them on the floor and it was very relaxing everyone is eating their breakfast here's Ziggy Sammy Goldie Richard nanc and then Ringo and Eva are over there and I don't want to jinx anything but Richard's eating his food he has all the supplements in it I also added in a little bit of fortiflora just to try to disguise the supplements in case he was going to taste those I don't use like a whole package of fortif Flora I open a package and then I just like dust it on like you would dust seasoning onto food like if you're going to add like a Sprinkle of seasoning or something something that's how I use it for the cats when I use it as kind of like a flavor enhancer or appetite stimulant and I put it on his food yesterday and I got him to eat it so that's why I put it on today just want him to be hungry enough to really eat the food well I also did not give the cats Crunchies last night they had a little bit of the zwe peak on a little bit of canned cat food at night but I'm trying to keep them hungry so that you know he wants to eat the food with supplements in it also the cats upstairs did not have Crunchies last night they had um chw Rus and I forgot to give them their other treats because I got involved with doing some other organizing and rearranging upstairs so they were very hungry for their breakfast we'll see how well they ate when I go upstairs I don't want Nancy to disturb him so none of the other cats have any signs of eye irritations so I don't think Richard has pink eye I just wanted to make sure yesterday in case he did in case it was contagious that all the cats were down here and you know if anything spread um I would know and it would be contained down here before potentially spreading it to anyone upstairs so the fact that nobody else has any eye issues to me indicates that um it was some kind of abrasion and some kind of injury to Richard's eye that would make more sense oh and I just forgot I forgot well I don't want to do it now I was going to sit down with the cats but I don't want to disturb anyone so I'm just going to continue standing here I just want to tread lightly until Richard eats all of his food Gold's done already Nancy likes to go back to her food that's one thing that I've noticed with her she likes to leave it there if anyone else wants it and then after everyone else is done she likes to come back and kind of finish it Richard just walked away from his food now he's eating Nancy's food I'm going see if I could swap it out I sprinkled a little bit more of the fora Flora on his food because it has like a liver flavor I feel like he's tasting the supplements and that's why he's moving out of it all right so maybe he'll go back and eat it if anyone else eats it it's fine it's not going to be bad or anything he had at least half of it which is good it's 10:30 a.m. there's Simba he's in the cat tower on top of the armir and there are two cats under the bed one of them is Splash the other one is Richard if Richard wants to stay under the bed I'm fine with that but I don't need fights I don't need Richard getting into a fight because of his eye so I lured Buu into his room with some freeze-dried chicken in and I think Stella is on a dining room chair because that's her go-to place uh during the day now she did that last week and I left her alone with all the other cats like I went out for hours at a time and she was fine with them she just stays on the chair she likes laying there because I work at the table so she feels like she's helping me by sitting on one of the chairs with me so that's probably where she is the other cats have the ability to come upstairs I am going to shut the door to my room though so it'll be Richard SBA and splash hopefully there will be no fighting it's 10:45 a.m. and Nancy and Richard were crying for each other on opposite sides of my bedroom door cuz I had it shut so I just L Richard out so this is fine boo in his room with the door shot Simba and splash are in my room with the door shot I just put this toy on for them and here's Stella hey Stella look at Richard it's like he's practicing for a circus act he's balanced on top of that cat scratcher there's Ringo and Richard I'm coming down to give them some food I was down here about a half hour ago and Richard's eye continues to look better so if it was like 90% better yesterday let's say today's like 95 like it's not being held closed it's not like tearing or oozing anything and the pupil size is almost back to like a normal pupil size if he still has some inflammation in his eye then that could be what's causing the pupil to be a little bit smaller but if you can you know look at his eyes you'll see it's almost back to the same size as the other pupil let's go downstairs there's little Eva with the gecko video I put it on for them when I was down here a little while ago she loves this video the only problem that I have with like this video or similar ones is that they try to get behind the TV or they'll climb on all the various shelves surrounding the TV and they've been knocking stuff off they actually knocked a shelf off like a whole shelf I don't even know how they did that maybe someone got underneath it and pushed up like the way the Sammy escaped from the trap that time but one of the things I need to do is kind of go through all the stuff on the shelves every day I try to find a little bit of time to go through stuff get rid of stuff and kind of try to eliminate what is not needed anymore right Richard here's Richard look at his eye can you see it he's stretching so they all had a snack when I was down here they had some of the Blue Wilderness snacks I had to go upstairs and get a new battery for the camera these guys are so hard to film because they're always moving around right Ziggy right Goldie I'm just about to give them breakfast look at Sammy she's laying on the Shelf with the GetGo [Music] [Music] for for that okay [Music] for for for that for for for for for for it's 400 p.m. look at what's going on here so that's Ringo on the right Richard in the middle and Nancy on the left they're so happy Ringo loves laying in these cat towers in the afternoon usually Nancy and Richard are in the other room with me but today they're here which is fine there are Mouse videos on the TV with their relaxing instead of watching that's okay Stella's been helping me work she's been sitting next to me helping me work I have to go downstairs and get ready for the new freezer which is arriving tomorrow I just got my delivery window which is between 10:45 and like 2:00 so I'm going to see if I can move the freezer from where it is now maybe put in the back room for storage and just make sure there's plenty of room for the new freezer here's Sammy she's in this cat tower it is raining today um it's been raining most of the day actually earlier today it wasn't so I ran some errands early today but then around 1:00 it started raining it's been raining since it we're supposed to continue raining throughout the night so I'm debating as to whether I want to go back out and get some more stuff done or just concentrate on doing stuff at home I might just concentrate on cleaning some stuff out here it is 10:39 p.m. and the cats just had their snack and Stella's licking what's left of some squeeze up so um they each had a squeeze up and then they had some of these Blue Wilderness cat treats and that's their treat for tonight their Simba and scratch and roll there's Splash over there and there's boo watching TV and I'm really excited because our new freezer is arriving tomorrow I don't know what time exactly I just have the delivery window um so I'm looking forward to that but it means I have to get up early um just to give myself extra time to kind of organize and clean things and make sure that there's plenty of space for the freezer to be de delivered I lost quite a bit of time today because I had to go to the dentist and it's just been a very busy week with regards to work and also that volunteer position that I've been dealing with um just a lot of activity with that the past few days and I'm hoping that it's not going to last much longer as far as like all of the drama I'm dealing with regarding that but um it could potentially be several more months so just taking things one day at a time with that and so that's what's going on today right now I want to start getting ready for bed and get a good night's sleep so that'll be good and rested and tomorrow's another day right Simba it's 8:00 a.m. and Buu is hunting a gecko on the TV it's 11:30 a.m. and there's little Eva she's hanging out by the back door I've been doing laundry this morning and cleaning up the kitchen cleaning the bathroom just doing cleaning while I'm waiting vacuum the house and I opened some windows so Nancy was meowing and meowing and meowing at me and I was like what do you want Nancy so I opened up a can of food gave her some food she didn't want it so then she was trying to get into my bedroom and I have the door shut cuz I just don't need cat drama right now so Splash and Simba are in my room was in his room the doors are shut and Nancy wanted to go in my room and I was like oh she probably smells the open window cuz you know the fresh air is coming in so all I had to do was open one of the living room windows a little bit and she was completely happy and now we have Little Eva rolling around by the back door they're all going to freak out once the delivery people get here I just don't want to start like a work project or anything thing and then have to stop in the middle of it for the delivery that's why I'm just trying to do other things that I could easily be disturbed from right Eva and I just got a package in the mail of some supplements that I ordered so I'm opening that up and I'm going to be putting that in the refrigerator just trying to get to little things that I haven't been getting to recently this is is one of the supplements that I ordered it's daily multi plus and this is from the pet health and nutrition center and I've bought this for the cats in the past but I bought the smaller container but this is a supplement that I add to their homemade raw food sometimes I'll add a homemade supplement mix and sometimes I'll add this supplement mix I like to kind of vary the supplement mixes that I use and this is a really good mix so um I bought the bigger bag of it so it'll last me a longer time they say it is a proprietary blend that includes our digestive enzyme and probiotic formula our multi- glandular blend and the following USDA organic herbs nettle Leaf dandelion leaf alala leaf gko leaf hawthorn berries oat straw astralagus Root ashwaganda Root berock Root chia seed broccoli sprouts and barleygrass juice powder so those are all really nutritious herbs and we have to remember that with cats you don't want to include too much plant matter in their diet you never want to include more than 5% plant matter in their diet so this will get a lot of phytonutrients and prebiotics and probiotics into them and it'll be a very small fraction of their food and I also wanted to try their collagen supplement it says it supports skin hair nail and connective tissue health so I bought this for a few reasons um one is booze been itching again so I don't know why he's itching he doesn't have fle I've been combing him and there's no bugs on him and I'm thinking maybe that this will help him with that issue um you know the cats do get fish oil and Omega-3s they get sardines and stuff like that so uh maybe by boosting some collagen in his diet we could see an improvement also Stella has been limping and it's been like an on andof limping kind of thing it's not like a very bad limp limp like sometimes she'll limp and then sometimes she doesn't limp so um I'm thinking maybe if she is having joint issues this could help with that also um in the past in the past simbba went through two phases where he was limping for a while like he injured um his leg and I don't know if that's the same situation with Stella or if maybe she has some kind of like arthritis developing but I thought um this might be helpful so that's why I decided to try this I also got this Bine cartilage for the same reason for Stella and Buu provides natural nutrients to support the health of cartilage and finally I got this elk velvet antler provides natural nutrients to support the health of joint cartilage so back when I had my calcific tendinitis in my shoulder I was taking some herbal supplements for the joints and one of the supplement Blends that I was taking actually had elk velvet antler in it when I saw this on the website I thought it would be a good idea to uh try this also or just to have on hand in case of joint injuries so that's why I got this here's Ringo it's 11:40 a.m. and here's Ringo and there's Sammy I'm really looking forward to the new freezer arriving because just before it stopped working I had established a really good system in the freezer so like the top shelf was um turkey based food the next shelf was chicken based food the third shelf was beef-based food here we go here's Nancy and the bottom shelf I wasn't using because I had a large turkey there the reason why I had the turkey there is because it's so much cheaper to buy a turkey after the holidays because it was 99 cents a pound for a really high quality allnatural turkey that would be four or five times the price um before Thanksgiving um not all stores do that but one of the stores around here does that um like the day after Thanksgiving they put all the turkeys that they have left on like a clearance sale to get rid of them because they get fresh turkeys and so what I do is I get the fresh turkey after Thanksgiving at I mean a fraction of the price and then I freeze it for later use so I found that even if the turkey sits in my freezer for a whole year before it's cooked and eaten the quality of it is still better than buying a frozen turkey because is instead of buying it frozen I'm buying it fresh and then I'm freezing it but this year since that turkey was starting to defrost and it had to be eaten already I'm going to have that bottom shelf to use for more cat food so I could store 4 days worth of cat food on each shelf so with the three shelves I was using that's 12 days worth of cat food on those shelves and with using the bottom shelf that'll probably be another 3 or 4 days so I'm going to be able to store like a good 2 weeks worth of cat food in the freezer now which will be nice also sometimes I do store ingredients in there so if I've gone through like half of the food in the freezer and there's a really good sale on I don't know like chicken drumsticks 79 cents a pound that's a recent sale that I've gotten then sometimes I will stock up on it but I think what I like to do now since I've gotten into a new system it's not stock up so much but when I see a sale to purchase the product and then process it into food right away and then just store the processed food that's been working really well right Boo he's in his room today he's enjoying relaxation right Boo it is 10:15 p.m. look at what's going on here look at these three split slash Simba and Stella relaxing in the cat towers I'm actually working right now I am working so late tonight because I just want to get this project done and over with and behind me I am scanning a ton of documents for this community service board of directors crap that I'm involved with and I really just want to get it at done put away and not have to deal with it ever again but um yeah so I have a lot more documents that I need to scan and digitize this evening and then I'm hoping I'm done with having to do that and I can move forward although I mean I'm still involved with the problems it's just I hope that this one aspect of them is is done here's Nancy I just heard Boo growling and hissing that's why I came in the room to see what was going on she was trying to get to boo it is 1:38 p.m. it is a beautiful sunny day the first sunny day we've had in a while and this is like my Oasis right here here's boo relaxing in his room his room is so peaceful and calm and I have been happy having a day from hell so it ends up that the local Association that I've been involved with and trying to clean up over the past few months has now become a state issue so we've gone from local problem to State problem and you know that's never a good thing um so I've been having to respond respond to information requests and um emails and it's just it's been a nightmare and I'm literally counting the days until I can get out of the situation um I'm hoping it's less than 100 days from now that's what I'm really hoping uh it could be a little bit longer than that but I've started a countdown and I feel bad for the cats because it's taking up so much of my time that I haven't been able to spend as much time with them as I would like to especially with regards to um you know doing more integration between the two families and uh more training and stuff like that so that's why Boo's in here all the cats were together this morning and mingling and what happened was um Boo's favorite Bunny video was on the TV and he was you know right in front of the TV watching it and then like Ziggy wanted to I guess she wanted to interact with the video also so she was trying to get near the TV but Buu was not happy with that at all so he was growling and hissing and I was like okay he's all stressed out I'm just going to bring him into his room which is what I did so now he's nice and calm and peaceful I had a l in here with some freeze-dried chicken and I had to open this front window just a little bit to keep Nancy and Richard from bothering me constantly because they want an open window oh look at this look there's Ringo and I think that's Ziggy so there was actually there was four cats by the window I didn't even see two of them because of the way the light is Shining Here's Splash there's Simba hey Simba they have an open window in here it's open a few inches and here's Stella she likes to hang out on on this chair because I sit at this table and get my work done and usually there are cats on the cat towers only a few feet away from her but they're all in the other room right now because the window is open and she's just relaxing and for the past few days anytime that I've left the house she stays here with the other cats so I don't have to like separate her in another room I don't want to jinx anything but it's been working out pretty well so far it's 3:00 p.m. and look at what's going on here there's Stella and splash they're laying on the couch together so I just got home from running some errands I've been gone for like 3 hours and it's starting to rain that's why I came back and this is what's going on so before I left I was laying here on the sofa for I don't know 20 30 minutes just relaxing and Stella came and she's laying on the sofa with me and I guess once I left Splash decided that he was going to join Stella also I should mention that the lucky s have been downstairs because I was away yesterday so they were downstairs and then this morning I just left them downstairs because they were happy down there they have their automatic feeder on nobody was trying to come up so I was like okay I'm going to go out and I'll leave them down there everything will be fine well what happened was when I was unloading the car because it's raining I opened the door to the kitchen to bring some bags in and I had to go outside to get more bags and I left the door to the kitchen open I wasn't even thinking and when I came in um I was walking around and I was like oh there's Ziggy and Nancy and Richard and I was like oh okay yeah I I left the door open by mistake so Boo's on my bed Simma's on top of the armwar and hopefully everyone will get along I was hoping to give myself a little bit of a break today because you know the automatic feeders are set up with their dinner and you know everything is just really relaxed today but as you could see Stella and splash are just kind of like watching somebody but that's [Music] fine [Music] w
Channel: Lucky Ferals
Views: 4,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, cats, cat vlog, cat vlogger, cat video, cat videos, feral cats, lucky ferals, cat family, 11 cats, life with 11 cats, cat video compilation, cat videos for cats to watch, winter cats, cat beds, cute cats, funny cats, tabby cats, black cat, cat tv, cat videos youtube, large cat family, multiple cat household, multi cat household, cat family drama, training feral cats, mail time, cat eye injury, cat eye problem, cats playing, cat fight, cats caught on camera
Id: tDz61uLGdhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 38sec (6278 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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