Probiotics - Do They Actually Do Anything? And 10 Fermented Foods You Should Eat

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are you taking probiotic watch this video and if you have any experience with stuff leave a comment let us know what you think so this is really popular it's everywhere okay and listen for those of you who don't watch our videos regularly caution there's going to be some dad jokes and a lot of them are not funny agreed but we do like to mix humor in with information if that's not your thing then swipe on over somewhere else okay however if you you don't mind chuckling we don't mind if you laugh with us or at us as long as you get a little chuckle and you learn something that makes us happy okay so why do it matter what what what what are probiotics why does it matter as opposed to amateur biotics sure that was your first dad joke okay probiotics are basically bacteria that you're ingesting right okay you've been taught to wash your hands before you eat only eat stuff that's clean don't eat anything off the floor and now we're talking about eating bacteria right it's crazy right and so actually back in 2008 the NIH started something called the the gut microbiome project it was built off of some of the technology used to make the human genome and map that they're using it to map essentially all of the microorganisms that live in our gut microbiome and just so that everybody knows we have multiple microbiomes in our body any surface of our body that is exposed to the outer environment has a microbiome so your skin does your nose your mouth your esophagus your stomach all the way down and it changes as it goes along for a host of reasons the typee of energy that it's exposed to the pH the other environments that are there so different bacteria live in different areas and thrive in certain ways we live symbiotic yes with these bacteria you can even argue that they're really just using us as like a a petri dish to grow themselves we're using them because we need them to digest food 100% And there are trillions of them so they estimate that there are hundreds to thousands of species but literally trillions of microorganisms living in your body right right now yeah it's kind of gross but it's true yes and what we've learned over the last kind of 15 to 20 years is that this plays a key role in so many aspects of her health oh yeah there's a lot of work now going into the gut brain sort of link and what's going on your gut going on in your brain and it's you know how how your brain development relies so much on your gut 100% that's why you say you'd say to someone you don't have the guts to do that that's really you don't have the brains to do or lack of brains to do that so we've known this for many years I mean how old does that turn like when you triple dog dare somebody yeah yeah you you got the guts to do that you got yeah you do you have to do it I hate your guts wow that does mean I don't I love you buddy but I'm just saying you don't hate a person's guts you don't like the brain right so probiotics is now an industry that's capitalizing on our fear of having a disrupted gut microbiome and it can be disrupted for a host of reasons it actually starts even when we're born they have done studies that show the difference in the gut microbiome of a baby that's born by cerian section versus a vaginal birth because that baby's gut comes out naive and as it's exposed to the birth canal and the care workers that actually deliver the baby the environment in the hospital that is all different depending on the way that you're born and how you're raised even if you have a pet when you're growing up the number of people that are in your home this all relates to the types of bacteria that grow throughout our gut that's true yeah because I guess in utero it's sterile yes and then you're coming out into this environment where you need to get some bacteria going the gut and then over time particularly with different types of exposures different types of diets and antibiotics this changes the types of bacteria that live inside of us so we mess that up sometimes iatrogenically iatrogenically just means that as a complication of medicine yes or health care you cause something so when you take antibiotics which you need to eradicate an infection yes which are bacteria in your body that have gone wild and are no longer helping you but harming you so you get antibiotics to treat that infection unfortunately the antibiotics are like a bazooka and they end up killing a lot of the bacteria that you require in your gut that was not a very popular video series the bacteria gone wild no it wasn't it wasn't okay but what I would tell you is interesting fact did you know the number of times that the average person by the age of 18 the number of average courses of antibiotics they've seen if you're an American citizen yes I saw this quote before uh it is shocking I forgot how much it is 20 the average 18-year-old has had 20 courses of antibiotics and this is because we're exposed to different disease but also because we just don't want to be sick we often treat viruses with antibiotics um viruses don't antibiotics do not kill viruses right they kill bacteria so we're worried about our kid that has a a runny nose or a sore ear or a sore throat so this is has led to very real problem so we'll get we'll get an infectious disease specialist comeing show and talk about the overprescription of antibiotics in society okay so what probiotics are an industry where they make bacteria to be consumed in either a liquid in a capsule potentially in a powder to try to repopulate the field of bacteria that lives throughout your colon okay so after having sort of skin through the literature what's your take should the average person be taking a probiotic supplement okay so my short answer is is definitely no what I would tell you we've talked about this before with supplements this is not FDA regulated so there's a bunch of things interesting about probiotics and the claims they actually a don't have to prove any of the claims they make um there's no way to confirm the number of species that are there or the viability when it gets to where it's going because it a could have been live culture and then it's dead by the time you eat it or it gets broken down while you're consuming it so the trouble is it is not a very well regulated area of business yeah that's right so the as a supplement if it's used as a drug or a medication then it does go through a rigorous FD approval process but the supplements don't and now so you're saying no the average person does not need to take a probiotic supplement no there's no evidence to support that I would agree okay I agree with that sorry manufacturers of probiotic supplements yeah however there are some disease conditions where probiotic therapy is being scientifically explored yes and used uh currently where do you think the most hope is I think for me um I think the most the most hope is in is in treating uh patients after they've had complications in their GI tract of antibiotic therapy okay that just makes the most sense to me you've given antibiotics and you cleared away a lot of the healthy gut bacteria and now you have a problem so the most the most the one that comes to mind most is as an infection with cical we're very afraid of this yeah and it happens in hospitals a lot there's outbreaks it causes a diarrhea potentially lifethreatening yeah pseudomembranous colitis it can cause some real problems in the gut got and um it does it does break out on different Wards in hospitals so directly we we see the Direct effects of that in our patients yes and I think there's some work uh that looks promising in using probiotics to treat that condition now I'm not a gastroenterologist y so I can't speak to it at a very high level or very low level wait is it high level when you go to too much detail or low level I think high level high level yeah I think high level I can speak to it at a low level yeah you can speak to at a low level very low level yeah there is a lot of research going on so that's you ask me where I think there's hope I think there's helping that sort of feels well and interestingly one of the treatments for endstage C diff that's intractable is actually something called a feal transplant where literally you're taking bacteria from someone else's stool and putting it into someone else to repopulate their colon that's how that's how serious this thing can be and that's essentially what probs are trying to do just by something they consume or here's a good way that the brain is linked to the gut because you just heard what he just said and now you feel like throwing up that's that link right right there you go okay so so big business um so antibiotic induced gastrointestinal disease there's some evidence in things like hpylori which is the bacteria that's been associated with Ulcer Disease um irritable bowel syndrome as well as inflammatory bowel conditions like Crohn's disease there's a lot of Investigations being done again a lot of it is in the early or middle stages so it's certainly not conclusive at this point and the other thing that that all the research is showing is that our microbiomes are so unique so everyone is a little bit different so just because it works for one person doesn't mean that it's going to work for another person it it's it's very comp our bodies are really continually working on having a a stage of homeostasis right so subtle little disruptions they go back to a set point so we're all very different yeah and the the supplements are different too the bacteria that they culture and put in your mouth are very different so if you're thinking of using it in a therapeutic setting please do this with the assistance of your healthc care provider okay um when you're looking at in a therapeutic setting don't go wild and think you're going to cure your own disease with it okay but use the therapeutic aspect aspect of these uh probiotics with the help of your healthcare provider as in terms of an average person needing to take a supplement on a day-to-day basis I couldn't see any evidence that so that convinced me that that was necessary there two more things I want to talk about oh what are pre-biotics ah prebiotics um though that's basically fiber yeah it's it's food for the bacteria so yes most of them are plant sources um fiber that provides energy for the bacteria to survive and to thrive okay and then the last one so say you don't want to take probiotics but you're like I want to have a healthy gut though you want to get into the foods are there any foods that are natural sources of probiotics yeah I think we have a list of about 10 of them yes and spoiler alert I think I eat almost zero of these okay on a regular basis I eat some of these so what Studies have shown is that these foods have a lower number of bacteria but a broader diversity of bacteria these are fermented foods and the fermentation process is a naturally current process that allows bacteria to flourish and to survive in these foods and then they can help populate your gut number one yogurt okay so yogurt is that's that's fermented milk I don't like yogurt I don't need it you don't like yogurt no okay I don't eat dairy so but you still can get yogurt non Jerry so cottage cheese is uh a milk product where a lack of the sils or types of bacteria have been added to this to create um the fermentation process keer keer I don't even know what it is keer so it's a milk product where keer grains have been added and this is it's like a thick almost like a thin yogurty almost drink so this has certainly has been shown to have significant health benefits for the gut microbiome okay number four is sauerkraut which is fermented cabbage very good for you don't eat it yeah kacha fun to say don't know if it's fun to eat so kombucha is how some people say it and it's fermented kacha K back ATA yeah kombucha it's fermented tea same kind of thing okay number six is miso I like miso soup you do yeah okay so that is fermented soy so soy beans in a salty watery type base um this is a fermented food that has significant benefits so kimchi is another type of fermented cabbage with garlic uh common in some of the koream cultures um very very good for you actually apple cider vinegar I have had apple cider vinegar before and that's on the list do you you drink that no like in a salad yeah so sometimes you use it for dressing some people some people will take a shot of it it's like a like a health kind of cocktail really Y no I've had it in a salad okay Tempe is another type of fermented soy soy is a very good source of these types of bacteria and then the last one yeah parmesan cheese I'll get some Parmesan cheese is a hard fermented cheese that also has some of these bacteria so this is another way for you to avoid taking a supplement and rather just eating some food that are good for you yeah yeah there you go again with many of our supplement videos we're not so you know we haven't seen a lot of AD of support there are some vitamins we do support but probiotic doesn't get my support as a supplement that you should be taking every day but you need to eat some of these foods I can to EXP I'm worried about your G microbiome I'm going to get some keer okay if you like this video please like it subscribe to our Channel and remember you are in charge of your own health we'll see you next time
Channel: Talking With Docs
Views: 168,128
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Keywords: probiotics, best probiotics, benefits of probiotics, probiotic, probiotics benefits, prebiotics, probiotic foods, probiotics foods, probiotic supplements, probiotic benefits, health benefits of probiotics, probiotics for women, best probiotic, when to take probiotics, probiotics for gut health, probiotics for men, what are probiotics, probiotics weight loss, are probiotics worth it, prebiotics & probiotics, when not to take probiotics, prebiotics and probiotics
Id: vUelUAicc90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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