Pro Developers SHOULD KNOW how many Languages?!

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so how many languages do you need to learn before you can apply for a job one will do it the number of languages you know is not important is whether or not you can show that you can actually build something for real is important now if you're doing web stack of course you're going to need to know three languages you need to know HTML CSS and JavaScript at least those three but you may get into Swift development whether it be for iPhones iPads or even Mac OS then you only need the Swift programming language maybe some object to see but Swift will be enough if you want to become a Java developer you need to know Java so it's not the number of languages that is important it's you being able to demonstrate that you have the skills to actually build something and solve problems remember at the end of the day a developer is a problem solver so that's what you should concentrate on doing how do you get good at that not playing games not doing tutorials it's actually building real things so for example in my mentoring program once people do the fundamentals training which is hundreds of lessons and tons of quizzing and code challenges and in building projects we build a few projects more than a few once you've gone through this curriculum we have people build a real website for themselves put it online and then we have them go out and do two to three projects so they can actually exercise some of those colder muscles that they've developed I like to make a boxing analogy it's the boxers to do martial arts when you get a fighter well a perspective fighter come come into the gym you have to first teach them the fundamentals how to you know balance how to step how to throw the basic punches how to throw the basic combinations how you know basic tactics Etc But ultimately they don't really learn how to fight until they get in a ring and actually start fighting think about that hey unbelievable heaven forbid that you actually have to do for real what it is you want to do so if you want to be a coder you have to build projects you can't just follow along in tutorials that's like painting by numbers and if you want to fight you have to get in a ring you have to fight I used to tell people one sparring session three rounds is worth more than months and months of you know doing drills and Shadow Boxing so same thing with learning to code once you get those fundamentals one project completed even something simple is worth months and months of tutorial creation so yeah you need one language minimum depending on the stack of course again for example if you're going to do iOS development all you need to know Swift you're going to if you're going to do web stack you need at least HTML5 css3 and JavaScript then you're Off to the Races a big part about being a developer and I keep saying this in all my videos is being able to think solve problems learn things on the Fly and execute so that you can get those problems solved it could be putting up this e-commerce shop it could be deploying somebody's WordPress site it could be creating uh hooking into some API by Hooks into chat gbt to create a small chat bot on somebody's site these are all examples of things to do I'm sure there's a lot of people today looking at leveraging AI tools on their in their own business processes so if you go see developer said okay I wanna put a chat bot what can we do now you're an experienced developer you go okay probably something to do with Chad CPT look it up you go to Google chatbot blah blah blah and then you find out yeah you can maybe hook into an API that hooks into some sort of a Ai and you just learn how to do it on the flight and because you understand the fundamentals well how to do all this stuff any proper course will teach you this then you'll be able to you learn on the Fly and you execute on it that's something you can show that will impress prospective employers not that you've done five tutorials on each of X languages you're useless pretty much then you have to get your feet dirty not your feet you gotta get your hands dirty with code and start writing stuff so uh people who know me are saying where's the hoodie stuff why are you dressing like a suit because I've gotten to that age I'm ancient now and old dudes like me should be wearing suits and jackets not uh not Mickey Mouse T-shirts anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask them below I can't guarantee you I'll answer all the questions but what I can guarantee is if you join check out my mentoring program and maybe even join it you'll get all that fabulous training and you get to join in on our bi-weekly live coaching sessions on very time now it would be plenty of opportunity for you to put questions to me uh live all right we'll talk soon bye thank you foreign
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 3,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: Rw8NwqfXAvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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