Pro Combat Tips, Best Weapons, Armor & Best Settings in Horizon Forbidden West (PC Gameplay)

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Horizon Forbidden West is now on PC, which  PlayStation sent me over a code for so I   decided I'd use it as an excuse to play this game  once again since I already 100% it on PS5 and I   feel like there's just a ton of different tips  and tricks we can go over for new and returning   players some of which took me over 100 hours to  even realize, A huge tip for any new pc players   is that you have the complete addition meaning  that you have the burning Shores DLC that you   can start after completing the main story where  you will then be given the to the burning Shores   Quest and then you also have all of the items  that PS5 players had to pay for in the deluxe   edition of the game including all of these  armor sets and outfits after the first hour   or so after completing the intro to the game  you will come to chains scrape that first big   settlement in Forbidden West where you can find  your stash and in that stash you will find the   Norah Thunder sling a pretty good blast sling to  have early on in the game it's not incredibly good   but it's decent early on and then for armor  you have the Kaa Behemoth Elite and the Norah   Thunder Elite outfit again these two armor sets  came with the deluxe edition of the game that is   now in the complete edition on PC and they're  not incredibly good armor sets but just like   the blast sling they're pretty decent early on in  the game and even better once you upgrade them at   a workbench plus I mean they just look really cool  so for some settings that I highly recommend using   as much as I think it's more realistic to have  to bend down and pick up each resource that you   need and have to go through the whole animation  just to grab enough Ridgewood to craft an arrow   it can get incredibly annoying really quickly over  in your settings in the general tab you can scroll   down and toggle on pickups to either completely  disable the pickup animation or you can even set   it to Auto pickup so that if you pass by any  resources that you're not maxed out on it will   automatically pick those up and also disable  the pickup animation for it at the same time   you can also enable navigation settings to make  finding your objective or something that you've   marked on the map a million times easier go into  your settings and toggle that to on and then once   you start playing again all you have to do is open  up your focus the thing that you scan with which   is R3 on a controller and the V key on keyboard  and then just tap L1 or the mouse wheel to snap   around onto whatever you've marked and then there  is also a setting to automatically pull out your   glider if you're falling this is an incredibly  necessary but I think everyone has accidentally   fallen from 2,000 ft up and died at least once  and then big thanks to Nvidia for sponsoring   this video who wanted me to just touch on some  additional settings that you should be using for   the best possible experience in here it's hard  to argue that this PC Port of horizon forbidden   West isn't great because it is they even give you  the pre-launch popup here to change any settings   before it opens like I wish most modern games  did but if you're using a 40 series graphics card   which is going to give you the highest possible  quality and performance you're also going to want   to head into your settings and toggle on dlss this  uses Nvidia's dlss 3 capabilities to give you a   huge bump to your frame rate and your performance  I'm playing in 4k and average out almost 200   frames per second with my 4090 if you're not using  dlss you're probably getting half of that this   also uses Nvidia's reflex that basically reduces  your latency so that you can have the most most   accurate feeling gameplay and makes your actions  just feel quicker I think it's a no-brainer to   have this one on with all of the constant action  that happens in this game alternatively you can   toggle on daa instead to give you a good boost  in quality so that it renders the game in the   most accurate quality that you're playing at but  daa is also requiring your PC to do more work   so you're getting worse performance that way and  that's why I always stick to dlss no matter what   game I'm playing and I highly recommend it because  with Nvidia's dlss 3 you're getting all of these   incredible looking visuals that for West has to  offer while at the same time getting the best   possible performance you can get to I especially  stuck to dlss when I was on a lower-end PC since   I was trying to get all of the Boost I could  get but that makes a huge difference you can   use either one of these dlss or daa in companion  with frame generation to boost your frame rates   even higher as well if you want to get the maximum  amount of benefit from dlss you're going to want   to have frame generation toggled on as well using  a 40 series GeForce graphics card is going to be   the best possible way to play but having those  settings toggled on is going to make it better   and thanks again to Nvidia for sponsoring this  video the biggest thing that I wish I knew and   didn't even fully understand all the way up  to beating the game for the first time is how   elements and Elemental damage really works in  here since you have all of these odd elements   like Purge water and plasma that can be sort of  hard to understand and is really helpful once you   know how to use them you'll realize that a meter  pops up with the elements logo whenever you shoot   an enemy with that element to make that element  really take effect you need to fill that meter   up by continuously hitting them with it where then  the white bar will start start ticking down around   it which shows how long this effect will last you  can also only have one element affecting a machine   at a time so if you set an enemy on fire and then  hit them with the second element once that element   meter is full it will take over hitting virtually  any component on a machine uses it as a shortcut   to applying that Elemental damage destroying  sacks and hitting the container things on the   enemy machines cause them to explode and instantly  put that element into effect those canisters are   also best to hit with its same element so orange  canisters shoot them with the fire arrow and they   will deal a ton of damage you can scan enemies  to see which elements are their weaknesses this   is super helpful until you memorize what each  enemies weaknesses are but I have never been   able to do that because there are just so many  different types of enemies and because even Apex   variants of enemies have different weaknesses  than their original variant I end up scanning   them every single time the element damage number  that it shows on the menu is sort of misleading   and just confusing the top number is how much  the impact of your arrow or whatever ammo type   you're using it's just the initial impact damage  that that regular old Arrow does while the bottom   number is the actual Elemental damage that the  element applied to that Arrow does there are a   total of eight different elements in the game  some of which are pretty easy to understand   Frost is probably my favorite element in the  game because it completely freezes the machine   that you shoot it with and makes you seemingly  deal double damage to any part of their body even   ignoring Armor All while they're affected by the  frost effect which is one of the longest lasting   Elemental effects in the game that sunscourge bow  that we talked about is also the best Frost bow   just like Frost Shock damage will also completely  stun the machine that you shoot it with just not   for as long but still a pretty decent amount of  time and causes a high damage explosion when it   takes effect the death Seeker Shadow legendary  bow uses shock arrows and is rewarded to you in   the arena at the Maw location for 80 Arena medals.  Completing every Relic ruin will also give you the   legendary Shredder Gauntlet and if you completed  the side quest you can grab the lightning Hunter   bow and even though it's not a legendary it is  one of the best weapons in the game fire isn't   as great as it was in the original game and it  can be pretty annoying once the machine you light   on fire starts to panic but you'll still want  to use it against machines that are weak to it   and the best weapons that I recommend to grab for  it are the sunscourge legendary bow that you get   for completing all six Rebel Camp side quests in  the game I also have videos on how to get all the   legendary armor sets and Legendary Weapons which  are like the best items in the game so if you want   to check those out they're in the description acid  is a phenomenal element as well since it covers   them in acid and slowly melts through their armor  over time which causes even more damage and causes   their armor pieces to fall off this is a good  example of why using the element that that machine   is weak against is always a good option but also  why you don't have to use that exclusively you   can shoot a machine with acid whether they're  weak to it or not just to get its armor off and   then use the element it's weak against after or  put the acid's ability to increase all of your   damage to it to use by shooting it with regular  arrows since when they're covered in acid your   damage is Multiplied to them that Suns scorge  bow that we went over once again is one of the   best bows for acid as well just like it is for  fire and frost Purge water is essentially just   water that purges Machines of their elements once  you activate that Purge water effect that machine   is now no longer strong against whatever element  that it's resistant to normally if a machine is   strong against something like for example fire it  is going to be harder to light them on fire but   if you use Purge water first that will no longer  be the case Purge water will also fully disable   all of that machine's attacks that deal Elemental  damage if you complete the need to no side quest   it will give you the lightning Hunter bow which  is probably the best Purge water bow and one of   the best Frost damage bows but I generally  don't use Purge water really at all since I   almost just see it as a waste of time plasma is  kind of cool once the plasma effect runs out it   will cause an explosion the meter that fills up  each time you hit them again decides how powerful   that explosion will be but I've never considered  that extra explosion damage to really be worth   the effort that you have to put in to fill that  meter the best bow for plasma damage is the forge   fall sharp shot bow that you get for the mo arena  for 80 Arena medals those Arena challenges can be   completed on any difficulty by the way if you've  ever seen this little go on a weapon and wondered   what the heck it means it's the berserk element  berserk will just aggro machines into attacking   each other it's pretty rare to see on a weapon but  the Marshall Hunter bow can be purchased at the   arena with Hunter medals that's probably the best  weapon for berserk the last element in Forbidden   West is adhesive and I really never see a use to  it since the only real thing it does is attempt   to slow down enemies which it does worse than  the elements like shock and frost which actually   completely immobilize that enemy but the only  time I've thought adhesive was a decent skill is   against dread wings and storm Birds where they can  be a little Annoying to fight up in the air but   adhesive will bring them down to the ground and  keep them from really attacking if you find all 10   Black Box locations you can turn them in near the  arena to get the wings of the 10 legendary blast   sling that deals adhesive damage and is probably  the best at doing so like I said you can scan   enemies to see their Elemental weaknesses but you  can also scan their weak points like the canisters   that we went over for example where you can then  go around and tag them to keep them highlighted   when you're done scanning which is super helpful  if you're trying to instantly ignite them with an   element or just don't remember where these weak  spots are these components are also just the best   places to shoot in general to deal the most damage  and then another combat tip just tapping L2 or the   right Mouse button which typically AIMS in will  also load an arrow you don't have to hold it I   think it's almost necessary that you just tap  these sometimes so that you can load an arrow   Dodge and then quickly shoot when you get a chance  to but that's pretty much it leave a like And   subscribe for more Horizon forbidden West videos  and thanks to Nvidia for sponsoring this video
Channel: Astrosive
Views: 40,864
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Keywords: horizon forbidden west, forbidden west, horizon forbidden west gameplay, horizon forbidden west pc, forbidden west pc, pc horizon forbidden west, forbidden west gameplay, horizon forbidden west pc gameplay, horizon forbidden west best settings pc, horizon forbidden west best settings, horizon forbidden west best weapons, horizon forbidden west best armor, horizon forbidden west best bow, horizon forbidden west tips, forbidden west tips, forbidden west burning shores, hfw pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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