PRO BEATBOXER React | @MikeShake - Learning Beatbox Sounds with No Experience

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in the evening i tried again this time keeping my tongue flat on the bottom of the mouth and this made man he makes the best tutorials i swear to god i swear to god at this point he's so good looking what's that welcome back to another reaction [Music] my name is shazam i'm the five-time german beatbox champion whoa wow wow and this is sin one of only 12 participants in the next beatbox world championship loop category the most prestigious battle in the world and we are beatboxing for like so many years already last 10 years we are the biggest beatbox nerds ever on this planet yes it's one of our instagram followers mao mao mao underscores us this video learning beatbox sounds with no experience by mike shake and yeah we're gonna react to mike shake learning beatbox sounds with no experience uh he's a big big youtuber 618 thousand subscribers one day maybe we will also definitely subscribe maybe if you subscribe to us but he's learning beatbox without experience i guess i haven't seen this video i only saw like the first 10 seconds i was like sin sen we have to we have to react react and have to upload it on your channel so you get all the clout okay okay okay stop the stop the nonsense let's get right into the video shout out to mike shake for this video let's see we can give you our professional opinion on what he does there give some tips give some insights and let's go this week i wanted to learn a few beatbox sounds and then combining them to create a beat from scratch in the end starting from the basic oh that was pizza already was so good it took like six seconds to explain everything perfectly now the ptk sounds are fundamental to create a beat the letter b is the kick imagine saying a word starts with the letter b like bass or beatbox this one is already the right shape of your mouth now think about filling your mouth with air and creating pressure inside it then by slightly opening your lips and releasing the pressure you should get the kick oh tutorials even inside the video just learn it and he gives tutorials on it i think it's very good because normally when you freshly learn the sound you're way more uh sure sure of what you're actually doing if you do a sound for a long while you don't really know how you can do it anymore yeah and you have like the thoughts of a beginner so a lot of beginner can relate to it exactly very good very good mic shake and it's pretty easy next is the t or hi-hat just think about the word that starts with the letter t try to say table or terrifying put the tongue against the front teeth and create pressure inside the mouth and when you release it by slightly moving the tip of the tongue you should have this sound best and fastest tutorial in the world [Music] like the previous two sounds think about a word that starts with k or c like cat creating pressure instead of mouth and then releasing it in the beginning i just kept producing weird sounds like if someone was strangulating me no sexual then by focusing on creating the sound in this part of my throat and drinking a ton of water i started to get some decent results by combining the three basic sounds man he makes the best tutorials i swear to god i swear to god i never thought of that thinking about this wow he explains better than pro beatbox oh my god yeah because he's new that helps so much but he does outward case now you can also do that snare inward by saying the word clean clean breathing in like you would see it goes exactly but also focusing on that part that he just said helped so much he opened a new way not explaining focus on the throat no sexual nice beats this is so cool this is excellent is that the fact that i'm drowning my mind where is he from please tell us in the comments all the editing no it's not friends for sure i i say like eastern europe somewhere okay oh my god the editing david come on no pressure another problem was that it looks so good really quick yeah that's the problem when because he does all the sounds outward if he he does and what then he breathes in it's all about the balance between breathing out and breathing in exactly you're so smart my guy otherwise you will sound like and all these pictures look so good like every every frame is looks like a photo shoot i think i think he is a professional youtuber not like us it's physically like the snare but instead of breathing out we breathe in push your tongue back until you are not able to inhale and then by slightly releasing the tongue you get a sound like this this allows you to breathe in and in my opinion it sounds even better than the normal snare for sure please try to remember the clean cl because then you have the perfect tongue position thunder line a few patterns to follow suggest [Music] learning to make a good simple bit or learning to make a bunch of weird sounds [Music] i think you've watched donnie's tutorial 100 not to be annoying nobody did one tutorial yeah yeah i said try to sound really annoying knows try to sound like a turtle that is having ah okay the first sound that he started to learn is the hollow claw and it's basically the word sound it's a really hard sound right but he will probably explain it perfectly so it's all good this was generated by the tongue against the top of the mouth but it's actually the opposite imagine to suspend your tongue and then smash it on the bottom of your mouth when i tried i started to get something right away how long did he take for this video please can anyone tell us he just said when he tried it he got it right away so remember when you moved in here a few months ago after 10 plus years of beatbox you couldn't do it yeah that's one of the hardest sounds ever man the holoclub i mean for beginners like so much control of the tongue and you need so much power but i couldn't control it really well and my jaw was getting tired fast by alternating practicing and rest after a few minutes i started to get good results but the sound was still pretty flat to make it more realistic i needed to change pace and pitch of the sound by changing the shape of your mouth you can modify the pitch starting from low and then going high and after about 25 minutes i was getting pretty good results that's a one party trick that everyone does right [Music] classic classic beatbox trick it's so cool and also the more you practice the louder i love how much he loves what he's doing so cool to see it's good sound i wanted to learn he's the human saxophone and to learn it i thought it's really advanced he's learning all the hard stuff there's only like four or five beatbox in the world who can do it good yeah with this great tutorial first time yes i told you i know my s your expertise you need to sound like a turtle making love like let's assume the weirdest special expression you could possibly make and by adjusting the pitch of the voice from high to low and changing the shape of your mouth after a while you should sound more and more like a saxophone i sound like but it's actually one of the hardest sounds i wouldn't recommend it to a beginner no for example the trumpeter so much easier to do i think that's one or something will get really not depressed how are you saying um frustrated frustrated english in the building i was making slight changes but i really couldn't make any progress because i still need to remove the human sound of my voice and i had no idea how to do it then in the evening i tried again this time keeping my tongue flat on the bottom of the mouth and this made a huge difference [Music] yeah that's better way better than before [Music] he's really determined i like that yeah let's go now it's time for the zipper it's insanely good but pretty hard spencer x i went through a bunch of tutorials for this one and i had zero results at first but then i found the technique that was kinda working close and stretch your lips to form a sort of awkward smile and think about kinda biting down on your lips with your teeth at this point you have to nail pretty hard and focus all the air in the tiny open spot between the lips it took me 40 minutes to get something that didn't sound like a fart so much work in this video but what helps me is like thinking about you have like putting air through a really tiny straw [Music] like the opening is really really small like you would drink through a small straw and then also breathe in as hard as you can [Music] well one of the crazy zipper guys is jungzha from china at first i couldn't even make a sound and after that the pitch was completely off it was too low but by stretching the lips even more and therefore reducing the space between the lips you can increase the pitch that was nice once you get to this point to create the zipper sound you simply need to smile a bit more after inhaling this will basically close the space between your lips causing the pitch to go even higher at this point so good looking what the hell does anyone have his contacts do you need to look this good to be successful on youtube but practice and in the end i was pretty happy with the results that's nice before moving to my personal favorite sound there is another one i couldn't wait to draw based on the same turtle making love concept of the saxophone you can also easily learn the trumpet sound this time instead of opening your mouth close your lips and leave a small space on the side at first when i tried i was pretty far off but literally after two minutes even if it was unexpected i started to get something similar to a trumpet i'm getting there you need to keep practicing but you can also do it with your teeth on your download [Music] but i'm also not an expert at the sound at all tom thumb tom thumb from australia [Music] look his tedx talk the most viewed tedx performance of all time and then he does a loop trick with multiple trumpets space between the leaves until you can clearly feel the vibration keep your lips as close as possible and bring the lower lip slightly above the upper one and once you find the right spot you can try changing the pitch of your voice i think it's pretty good right now yes a reverb really helps with the chocolate sound the last trick i wanted to learn is the water if you want to learn beat box and especially the trumpet try to do it in the bathroom because there's natural reverb and it really helps sound and just by hearing it i realized that this was gonna be my favorite one but i had absolutely no idea i hope he didn't watch donnie's tutorial what he's like how to do whatever that's a different water drop i hope he does the normal one though wow just flex without hands yeah normally you do the but if you do the hollow club that you already did in the video though you can put it before the sun and in the beginning i wasn't making any sound then i realized that the water drop sound has maybe something in common with the whistle so i kept trying and surprisingly after the best tutorial i've ever seen on beatboxing holy guacamole playing so well yes he must have done a lot of research yes for sure yes i started to get something similar to a water no way the base of this sound is in fact a whistle so you need to create a no shape with your mouth bring your lower lip a little bit forward and slowly exhale making adjustments until you hear this sound now to produce the water drop sound you simply need to use your tongue so this is my mouth these are my thief and this is the movement your tongue should make the water and also you just need the air inside your mouth you don't need to excel after about half an hour this video is so good oh my god mike shake you're the born youtuber man he's the born teacher really really good in explaining like really cap yeah and also visualizing what he's saying so it helps you with the learning oh my god if you want to learn beatbox from now on mike this video i will show everyone just look at mike you have something for the eyes and something for the ears perfect well my water drop was good but not great the secret to make it more realistic is to flick your finger against your cheek and can i open the mouth after the sound and in the end i got it yes you can also like do this or this just you just need some attack or no hands hands free actually because i always do i can't do it with this sniff anymore it's also just practicing oh that was nice nice in the final bit i also tried the lip rolls which is extremely good oh my god miss fire but every single tutorial i watched told me that it usually takes months to get it in a few hours i made a big progress but i decided it took me three months took me six months keep practicing slowly and with no rush follow me on instagram i'm gonna keep trying there and now finally i wanted to follow a mic tv on instagram and maybe follow us on instagram then we also give you a lot of beatbox tips and beatbox content and the sounds i learned to create a simple bit obviously just by using my mouse it took me a while to make it a bunch more to edit it but it turned out like this also for a track like this is very important how you mix and master the sound which is also a completely different topic that he couldn't like is learning audio engineering basically yeah but i think it's a good thing that he keeps it as raw as possible just for this video [Music] [Applause] and i'm just scratching the surface here but it's really fun give it a try only a small percentage of you watching my videos are subscribed [Music] perfectly give it a try only a small percentage of you watching my videos are subscribed but did she did he do that but it's really fun give it a try only a small percentage of you watching my videos are subscribed oh my god i think we need to check out this channel oh my god oh my god does he have more tutorials on how to do good videos probably david maybe you could no dave it's the best so if you made it to this point make sure to subscribe and click the bell watch videos like this one learning makes you feel actually better and i always try to prove that on my videos on this channel and that's why this video is proudly sponsored by skisha or get better at something you love ski share is the best place to do it they've got more than 25 000. i love how he talks about skillshare but he actually didn't use any skillshare tutorials to learn but hey i think there's not a lot of beatbox questions maybe skillshare but yeah but maybe and maybe he should do a course on beatbox just practice a bit more because this explanation is so well done again no cap no no seriously i've watched all beatbox tutorials in my life probably and from pro beatboxers yeah no one has described it as look at this these are all beatbox battles i won all of them and they're even more flex and i say this guy is seriously talented especially in explaining beatbox of classes so basically anything you can learn such as productivity [Music] with can i do oh maybe i think he did a video how to make the perfect circle we need to check out his channel for sure and then we do make a ultra 2 like and then backflips and everything man this guy what a talented talented youtuber thank you for making this video i think it will help a lot of beginners for sure and even introduces more and more people to the art of beatboxing that we love that we love but we also gave our life to to get better and better and beatboxing to push the art from and that's why we do on our channels we react daily to beatbox content and create beatbox content ourselves if you're interested in that to see like how professional beatboxes do it and learn more about beatboxing itself just follow us on this channel and my channel and shazam shazam please subscribe to the first link in the description yes and we try to give you insights to the beatbox spells and explain as much as we can what they're doing so maybe you can learn one or two things and get more and more involved in the beatboxing culture yes thank you so much for watching this very different video very informative maybe we can learn a lot from him too how to make beatbox tutorials yes and if you have other suggestions for us for videos just follow us on instagram and write us there we read your suggestions shout out to mao mao ash mao mao ash thank you for showing this great video and see you guys soon [Music] wow you want to say something all righty my friends
Channel: SXIN
Views: 557,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learning Beatbox Sounds with no Experience, Mike Shake, Chezame & Sxin REact, chezame beatbox, sxin beatbox, beatbox reaction, how to learn beatbox, learn beatbox, learning beatbox, beatbox beginner, beatbox tutorial, mike shake beatbox, beatbox experiment, chezame, sxin
Id: QGxxWifOhYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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