Priyanka Chopra Won't Work With Director Over Vulgar Thing He Repeatedly Said To Her When She Was 19

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want to talk about those trade-offs in a little bit because i think so often you know we look at successful women and particularly because there aren't that many in in the respective arenas and we look at the success and it looks wonderful but there is a back story there's hard work trade-off and and sacrifice and there's never a smooth ascendancy to the top so i want to switch gears and and talk about one or two of the defining struggles in your careers that were formative in bringing to where you are today the ones that stung the most and that were the most painful and potentially if you're living them in in the public eye priyanka i love to quote that you said you said i don't believe that you can sit and wish for something and it'll happen the soles of your feet have to be blistered there's no pretty picture of hard work there's no success story that doesn't have shadows of pain doubt fear lack of sleep and illness but when you step out of the light and all step out in the light all that gets hidden and the effort and the struggle gets hidden the path is not easy for any success story so when you think about the perception versus the reality can you share one or two of those setbacks or those moments that were blistering that were so critical to allowing you to achieve what you've achieved a couple of times many times through my career my career now is about 18 years old and um i think when i first started and i i started with being miss world i won a beauty pageant and then i had movie offers that came to me because obviously producers thought it made business sense to cast miss world in a movie people come and watch it i don't know i could act um but the first thing that came with that was like i still remember there was this um so indian movies have songs and dances right so there was this one song in which um obviously i played the escort in the in the movie because that's what pretty girls do but um i was supposed to be this escort and this song i was supposed to like you know be like seductive towards this guy and i was very excited it was one of my first few movies with a really big ginormous indian actor and i was really excited about you know bringing in the aspect the human side of of this escort and i remember this song and i was speaking to the director and i said would you speak to my stylist and just explain to him what you want in terms of clothes and stuff i'm standing right next to him like behind him he's sitting on his chair you know in that really entitled way and he picks up the phone and he goes listen people are going to come into the movies to watch her when she shows her panties so it needs to be really short so that i can see her panties you know those people sitting up front they should be able to see her panties and he said it like four times and it's not even pretty in hindi it's worse um i just and i'm 18 years old 19 and i'd shot two days for that movie i remember and i went back home that night and i said mom i can't i can't i can't i can't look at his face i mean if that's what he thinks of me if that's how small i am there's no space for growth and i remember my mom was like well then don't do it i'd signed a contract i'd signed short two days the next day we signed a check which was more than my renumeration at this point um of the two days of shoot to the producer and i just walked out of the movie and i said i'm sorry i can't work and i've till date never worked with him he's come to me with three other movies and i don't even think he knows why but it shaped me in such a big way in my head that i said i'm never ever whatever i decide to be will be my choice how i want to be perceived will be my choice how you perceive me is how i will show you i want to be perception is reality and my perception is going to be my identity and my choice whatever that might be no one is no one is the decision maker in my life and it completely shaped me there was a second time when um i remember i started working in in america and i was sitting in this whole room of music producers that were trying to figure out like what to do with my sound and everyone everybody keep getting kept getting stuck at the word bollywood with me as if an indian with me she's an indian artist she's an indian girl like every time somebody writes about me even now like people define me i'm a very very proud indian but my roots are not my identity they don't define my ability to have to have merit or to be the smartest person in the room or to be the one who breaks the glass ceiling it's something i'm proud of but it started defining and diminishing what my ability to be was um and they kept and like i'm always written as the indian actress blah blah blah does you know walked out of her apartment sashaying in the silver dress but it's the indian actress i mean would they do that with anyone else would you would you be the american maura forbes like would you i'm not sashaying out of my apartment and any silver i don't feel like that so i would run toward that but for different reasons um but uh but but it's but it's true but you do get bucketed right i always got stereotyped and like put into that box that oh i can um i can only be the exotic beautiful girl i can only be you know the engineer or or whatever the stereotypes of people's heads were but that was something that i wanted to break and that really diminished my spirit for a little while i was i told myself that you know and i was not cast in in things in projects because um of that because it was my limitation that i came from an industry which is very different but i made that my asset because then i become a triple threat i can dance sing and act that that is a triple that and sashay and a silver trap
Channel: ForbesWomen
Views: 387,486
Rating: 4.9155326 out of 5
Keywords: Priyanka Chopra, women, film, Forbes women’s summit, Moira forbes, Power women, Forbeswomen
Id: TGpJkpJKxk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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