Prison- White Gangs

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[Music] white gangs we're talking about white gangs I'm gonna break down the white gangs that I was around in the pan I only talk about the [ __ ] that I was around everybody asked me hey Wes you tell good stories I say it's hard to [ __ ] up your story [ __ ] all the [ __ ] now we're gonna start at the top a B the Aryan Brotherhood otherwise known as the brand if you go into the penitentiary as a white man you're gonna answer to them and there's no [ __ ] questions asked but that's all I gotta say about that they're the top of the food chain you're answering to them through somebody else and that's [ __ ] that the second biggest gang in California prison history was I say was because they're no longer good no longer good means they can't walk the line as GP because they tried to challenge the brand and you don't [ __ ] do that the NL are the Nazi lowriders otherwise known as the ride these are this was the second biggest gang in the white in the white section of the prison system the whites are small in numbers that's why we're [ __ ] particularly brutal to our own people and when we got a handle business with others because we got a make up for it with [ __ ] violence that's just how it is when you don't got the numbers so this is what happens when they collide the Aryan Brotherhood and the Nazi lowriders they were at a [ __ ] beef and they'd be green-lighted them a B green-lighted the dead LR and they had to [ __ ] be removed they all had to go now in [ __ ] where I'm from the main [ __ ] gangs in [ __ ] for white boys is definitely SDS H San Diego skinheads TCF the chosen few dead for T's SKS to name a few but these are just the ones that I'm around there's a load more these are the ones that I'm around coming from where I come from and the yards I was at so now we can go up to Orange County and we're talking about Oh OCS Pinay these are the big ones peen I was in charge for a long time they're not no more I don't really speak on areas that I don't particularly [ __ ] with individuals of these are mostly skinhead gangs when you're a white boy a peckerwood from a normal [ __ ] just City trying to do your time GP you get your city blasted on you it's your rocker it says [ __ ] on my stomach because I'm from San Diego and I'm a peckerwood and I roll with the woods in the wood pile this is my [ __ ] set this is who I [ __ ] with this is my car we all wrote together though I don't care if you're a skinhead or a [ __ ] would and don't [ __ ] matter we all jump at the same time we all roll together but that don't mean there isn't problems the problems come from the dope the problems come from the power the problems come from the money and these are all vices you gotta [ __ ] realize that in life every vice has a [ __ ] excuse attached to it and when you got excuses it's because you fear something so get rid of them [ __ ] vices and get rid of that bitch-ass [ __ ] so I'm gonna go straight into ie the main ones that I was around from the IE was the hammer skins there's a lot of different sets there's so many different small gangs in the penitentiary that it just breaks up into where the [ __ ] you from homeboy what they call you and then they usually tell you where the group they [ __ ] with on the street the gang they [ __ ] with down the street and I'm already not even yours by then because I'm a white boy surfer skater snowboarder [ __ ] who just happened to have a lust for money and find himself in a shitty situation called the penitentiary the California prison system when you get up to sack in areas like that they have a lot more [ __ ] cliques a lot more gangs because it's kind of [ __ ] grimy up there it's a lot more chill down in SoCal if you ever been up to noir colleges to me it just seems grimy ER there's a lot more [ __ ] going on this is more day goes more chill it's more you go to the wrong Street the wrong area that's how you get [ __ ] and the white boy gangs in the skinheads you don't really see them on the street they're all in the penitentiary people always ask me hey Wes why don't you bring your boys on the show why don't you bring fools you did time with on the show they don't get out none of them stay out for more than 20 minutes and the ones that do are usually spun to their [ __ ] gills and you couldn't even get him to sit down for 20 [ __ ] minutes anyways so that's the [ __ ] reason I probably got two or three good homies out here and they're trying to do good they don't want to [ __ ] go on YouTube and it's all good so we get up to sac and it's [ __ ] gangs like the SAC Romaniacs they're like the main [ __ ] clique for Sacramento car that runs [ __ ] for the white boys spots like Bakersfield it's more broken down into the areas like Oildale I mean I've heard a [ __ ] like Red Team Blue Team [ __ ] like that there are different sets that are controlled in the whole area of Bakersfield we'll come up to areas like Fresno and there's a gang called the phrase necks these are these are the bigger groups of skins and white boys that run up in and Fresno in those areas I don't really get too deep in that [ __ ] these are just the people who I was around I mean I'm talking Butte County that's a big-ass group in Butte County called BCG the Butte County gangsters actually did a lot of time with a lot of them and they're solid [ __ ] and the whole thing is is we get we get our numbers or our city blasted on us if you've ever seen the 1904 on my knees that means SD that's the [ __ ] 19 be an S SP in the 19th letter of the alphabet and for being D the fourth letter of the alphabet hence 1904 this comes from what Mexicans do when they put the 13th letter supporting the the MA that's what they put 13 for they put 13 after everything and that's kind of the white boys us having an alliance with them we started use our numbers to support what we're doing so Orange County being 1503 Daigo being 1904 you can get validated for having these numbers on you they can say you're part of a certain STG security threat group but that's all if if they [ __ ] hate you enough they'll always drop the dime on you if you're [ __ ] around if you're making their life worse the ce o--'s are gonna make your life worse so that's where the respect comes into play I don't give a [ __ ] what you do in life just don't come up in my [ __ ] I like to create assets around me instead of having liabilities because that's just a way to live if you can create better people around you then there's less likely for drama to ensue we always got to be [ __ ] aware of our surroundings in the pen the gangs are around the politics at play because different sets click kickoff at different times I've seen times where SoCal and NorCal had problems on a yard and they're about to kick it off I've seen times in IE car and a [ __ ] car had a massive beef and it was [ __ ] it was gonna go down every time we seen each other most the time the white boys can figure it out and and then the just a main person who started the [ __ ] problem cuz it's always one main person who starts the problem and then their boys get their back that's just how it works in the system so then their boy back some in the prison system the whole thing is is you better respect yourself because I gotta respect you so I'm gonna make sure you conduct yourself with respect because if you [ __ ] up I gotta have your back that don't mean I ain't gonna smack you when I get the [ __ ] chance the whole thing is is those [ __ ] who [ __ ] up we always tell them hey when we get to the back I'm gonna [ __ ] get your ass if you cause a problem out here don't get it twisted but the thing is I'm gonna get your back 100% I got you 123 percent but just know if you [ __ ] up I'm riding with you then and you'll pay for it later [Music]
Channel: GP- Penitentiary Life Wes Watson
Views: 429,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, prison, workouts,, wes, watson, gp, gp life, penitentiary, mindset, ww, walkin the yard, walks, daily, jail, locked up, lockdown, behind bars, inspiration, devotional, strength, clarity, vision, dreams, influence, power, growth, health, life, fitness, exercise, nutrition, diet, macros, life coach, coaching
Id: ovL52L71--o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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