Prison Gangs- The "SHU"

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[Music] the shoe is the most militant place on planet [ __ ] Earth every day you're gonna wake up to 3:30 in the morning but me so I'm not ta-dah it's gonna be the Southsiders doing the first roll call they're calling out to their people by name cell by cell saying good morning now on my biggest shoe term the 14 month one I had a [ __ ] uh I would always hear that the main southsider caspere I would hear the shot-caller for the back I would hear him calling out to his people and he had the savages voice he would just say diaas good morning to everybody and his voice was so deep and so crazy it was just demonic and this is at 3:30 in the morning every morning and your cold eyes dark ass [ __ ] cell in the shoe now this [ __ ] was just a life-changing experience because I didn't see who Casper what he looked like for eight months then when I finally saw him I was shocked he was [ __ ] white but then I thought about it and Casper fit you know the homies make their names fit the way they look they're always good at that [ __ ] but after the homie roll call is when the white boys do their roll call we call out to our people we say good morning we give the we give the notification that we're up and we're programming because you have to be up programming even if that cell [ __ ] door ain't open it next to go take your showers around 334 at some places depending on what tier you're on you're either going early shower or later shower at this time I was on the bottom tier and they would switch off morning night whatever so then then you would have your breakfast you start getting ready for yard every [ __ ] time you go out to yard and the shoe you're bringing something you shouldn't be bringing you're hoping something I tell my my celly a gangster that [ __ ] we call it gangster in that [ __ ] when you hoop that [ __ ] so he's always bringing something out always got a kite always strapped always something always got heat on him and he's always playing slide a hand with the cops when they're stripping us out because you're coming out your cell and you're in the shoe you always have to cuff up through the tray slot so you you walk backwards up to the [ __ ] you first you strip out you show them your butthole you show them everything they make sure you ain't got [ __ ] on you and then they cuff you up your hands through the tray slot now this is when the sleight of hand comes into play you pick up something you shouldn't have after you stripped out and then your cellie is now about to strip out show them his [ __ ] butthole and then he's going to get ready to go to yard too we would usually bring a braided rope out with us to do pull-ups in the corner of the cage and we would be doing [ __ ] loads of burpees out on the yard we would [ __ ] always be so military and [ __ ] so [ __ ] just straight militant that when it's called the hard and soft count so when I'm doing my burpees I'm going one two three and then my cell he's got the heart count one one two three my cell he's got the heart out too and we're going up by the time we get to twenty-three that's our number we always yell out supreme white power I'm not the races [ __ ] this is how it is in prison I'm not racist at all you get down with your people I'm [ __ ] telling you this is how it is you're not going against it done we're done with that [ __ ] no more racist [ __ ] this is how prison is understand the California prison system understand who people are when they're in there and that's how it is you're not going to [ __ ] against it I've seen some of the craziest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the Shu and one of the craziest shits I've ever [ __ ] seen was when we just we had Jessica went out to yard we come back and one of the blacks who never goes out to yard he's been in there for [ __ ] years boo boo from Compton he [ __ ] gasps this [ __ ] miss Miller this seal I don't like that word [ __ ] my bad but anyways he gasps miss Miller he had a bunch of [ __ ] and piss in a bag and when she came in up to the trace I squirted her in her face and [ __ ] I was one of the sickest things I seen because they took him out the cell and they beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out this fool you guess a cop you better believe you're catching four to five years and you're getting your [ __ ] beat in you especially if you [ __ ] with one of their female SEOs man that [ __ ] had balls he was pissed he'd been in the back for a long time he didn't give a [ __ ] you know and then my neighbor I've shared this story before but I'm gonna share it again because everybody who was here knows this is the craziest story they ever heard in the Shu and it was [ __ ] guilty from EMF when he slipped his [ __ ] cuffs he put that [ __ ] around his fists like brass knuckles and he lit the [ __ ] up out of these two cops while they were taking him to the shower he slipped his cuffs just plaplapla it starts lighting him up lacerating the [ __ ] out of their faces and then he grabs their spray when they're knocked out on the ground just start soaking their faces Shh we're hitting the door Shh everyone's hitting a buck out of the doors the place is lit the [ __ ] up everyone's going crazy he's lighting the building up with the spray and he's holding it by the top of the can and it that the tip breaks off because he's not bracing the bottom there's a heavy ass can and then he starts dumping it on a cop's head he Binx that [ __ ] off the cops at deed just [ __ ] boom [ __ ] there they come in ten deep they beat the [ __ ] out this fool they took him back to the bmu where I was just at and we didn't see him for for at least like three four weeks when he finally came back this fool they treated this fool like Hannibal Lecter man they always had to everywhere he got escorted he needed a camera on him he needed two officers and a lieutenant or a sergeant someone with [ __ ] uh so when with stripes had to be on him too and they had to make sure that [ __ ] he was watched at all times because he could slip his [ __ ] cuffs so I mean this [ __ ] I mean it was two weeks after that when they hit his pack because they kept [ __ ] with him and he told him he said keep [ __ ] with me little ass kid he was there for murder he domed a [ __ ] Asian liquor store owner right on camera looking at the camera he was looking at the camera in sweat bah just [ __ ] kill his [ __ ] so I mean you're dealing with some [ __ ] nut cases but the worst part is is they got feeling I've said it before [ __ ] out there think that people don't have a conscience the problem is is everybody has a conscience sometimes we're just too far removed from thinking we can come back to life thinking we can undo this Karma so we get caught up in the negative tivity and we just wash our life up don't [ __ ] do that you can come back I'm one of the worst [ __ ] growing up my whole life the worst and I came back and I got a second chance I [ __ ] I let all that negative karma go and my life's [ __ ] going awesome because I'm coming out here with the true selfless intention of helping [ __ ] avoid all that pain I felt now in the [ __ ] shoe it's always a problem what is trying to Ted and the cops know were tat and so they going to get our [ __ ] I actually had to go to medical one time to get my wisdom teeth pulled while I was in the Shu and while they're walking me out there I got shackles on my ankles and I just started getting my legs blasted now the [ __ ] the the scabs that I had around my ankles because we're using shitty ass guns and these [ __ ] are just wrapped just [ __ ] causing scabs on your ankles and the tats are [ __ ] you up so I got these shackles around my ankles and they're just ripping my tats off as I'm walking to medical it's a far walk from the shoot of medical so I'm walking a long time I'm shackled up I got my [ __ ] my wrist [ __ ] on and my my ankle shackles and they're rubbing my [ __ ] and new ankle tats raw as [ __ ] and we get there and they're like and I noticed that I'm bleeding like a [ __ ] already when we're halfway there and we get there and like dude like you're bleeding like a [ __ ] like you just got a fresh ten I'm like yeah whatever who gives a [ __ ] so they go back and hit my house now this is the problem this co chick Miller she had a set it against all of us back there she just didn't like any convicts she's one of those ones with a chip on her shoulder she didn't want to see us do good she acted like she got stabbed from my tattoo needle when she was searching my house so now she's trying to say she it's a [ __ ] assault and she got something from it and my sillies a [ __ ] jokester he's doing a gang a time he's doing 17 and he just caught another case he's on his way to calop at but he [ __ ] uh he [ __ ] just starts coughing he's like oh my Hep C is flaring up oh I'm sorry miss Miller yeah I know you got that [ __ ] she was so [ __ ] pissed but I mean I'm just trying to tell you you're dealing with some [ __ ] cats that don't give a [ __ ] about what would break your little heart this [ __ ] will break you the shoes meant to break you and it does break them they get used to it they had just there was a time we were fishing and actually my net my celly and the other white boys were fishing some dope they had some black in in a rig and an envelope and they were fishing it from cell-to-cell fishing means when you have a shoelace from cell-to-cell and you throw like anything you make anything heavy and you slide it from under your door all the way across the building under the other cat's door and if you don't make it he slides out and gets you and he pulls you in now you attached some contraband you pulled it back now he was pulling back the dope it was like a 50 paper with some heroin and a rig and he pulled it too quick and that the wind blew the envelope and it smacked against the wall and the cop [ __ ] grabbed that [ __ ] now we got he got he comes up to the window and he's like oh man and he's [ __ ] gaud out that means he's on heroin he's just saw oh he said give me my mail and I need my mail and then the [ __ ] cop looks in it he's all you need your mail yeah whatever the [ __ ] it was a rig and some dope now they took us all out of ourselves and they threw us in the locked showers in the set in the Shu the showers not locks on them in cages so they threw us in the locked showers and then we [ __ ] had to sit in there for three [ __ ] days and he's wet ass gross ass showers we sat in there for three days because they were trying to get somebody to snitch there was a real youngster James from ie and they thought he would crack you know and we just kept him strong we're like a fool you're gonna be good like this ain't [ __ ] we're all here together don't trip you know we got you just [ __ ] ride through this and I got you when we get out you know now the shoe is just always grimy [ __ ] I happen to be in the shoe on the last [ __ ] big-ass hunger strike and if the shoe ain't already bad enough be there on a [ __ ] hunger strike man dude we're always asking like I said in the last video how do fool is in prison stay in shape we work out all the time we don't eat [ __ ] so if you want to get somewhere in life to start taking [ __ ] away I always always preach to take [ __ ] the [ __ ] away if you want to get to know yourself take [ __ ] away if you want to get somewhere physically take [ __ ] away it's nothing you're gonna [ __ ] add to your life that's gonna make you stronger so I mean you know I was back during the last hunger strike in the Shu and we could meet but luckily I was stacked up at the time the cops weren't even tripping usually in the Shu they put all your [ __ ] in brown paper bags and at this time the cops weren't tripping we were [ __ ] everything was good they were they were allowing us some [ __ ] some more canteen that we knew usually should have in ourselves so we were eating they weren't too [ __ ] crazy about the hunger strike they filmed us all and they gave us all charges for [ __ ] uh for being part of a hunger strike so we all got 1:15 for being part of that hunger strike now like it the hunger strike in the pan if a [ __ ] acts like he's there's fools who try to go against that [ __ ] you know they'll be like oh no dude [ __ ] that like they're already getting gay about it like what happens if I eat I said [ __ ] you better or not man you better or not we're telling you you're not you're not eating I'll shoot you a soup and some beans everyday and that's all you get you'll be fine but I mean these are the [ __ ] times that really make you enjoy life if you want to really get to know in your life knowing yourself and enjoy in life like I said take [ __ ] away like I said watch how good that [ __ ] plane ass bologna sandwich tastes after you've been on a hunger strike for ten days I mean this is gonna do something to you mentally that you'll keep for the rest of your life then pancakes are gonna be pretty [ __ ] good when you get them but main [ __ ] aspect of it is the shoe is the most militant place it's the most savage you're gonna be living structure 24/7 we're gonna make sure you're up at 3:30 you're gonna work out every day even when that door don't open on the weekends because you only get yard Monday through Friday even if they don't run yard which sometimes they'll [ __ ] with you and us you ain't running yard sometimes you don't even want to [ __ ] go out cuz it's a buck ten in them cage is a buck 20 and your and I [ __ ] that [ __ ] I hope they don't run it but anyways if they don't run it you're still working out and if they do run it you're going out with your boys we're running in that them ten sets of 88 burpees i'ma do 88 you're gonna do 88 i'ma do 88 you're gonna do 88 we're gonna do that till we hit 888 burpees 88 meaning HH Heil Hitler this is the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not my [ __ ] choice I'll tell you again I'm not racist it's the epitome of ignorance but in the pen you're not gonna change these [ __ ] things I hate when people drop it in the comments they're so badass they don't believe in this I don't even know how it could be like dad why don't you change it buzz what is it a change shut the [ __ ] up dude it's not gonna change okay live with this [ __ ] don't go to the pen if you ain't tough enough turn your life around cuz guess what you ain't tough enough I wasn't tough enough I had to force myself to be tough enough and all that was was ten years of Tears ten years of pain ten years of missing everyone that I didn't see one [ __ ] time straighten your [ __ ] life out [Music] you
Channel: GP- Penitentiary Life Wes Watson
Views: 3,465,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, @watson_fit, prison, penitentiary, generalpopulation, gplife, mainline, lockedup, shu, shuprogram, gangs, fights, duespaid, fitness, workouts, nutrition, mindset, motivation, coaching, prison fights, prison gangs, prison riot, strength, power, influence, vision, gp, wes, watson, walkin the yard
Id: pceh7v7N09I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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