President Biden denounces antisemitism at Holocaust remembrance ceremony

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yesterday President Biden marked Holocaust Remembrance Day with a speech supporting Israel and denouncing what he calls a quote ferocious surge of anti-Semitism Nancy cordz has more on the president's forceful message it's absolutely despicable speaking at the US capital President Biden warned that the lessons from the Holocaust are being lost to the Jewish Community I want you to know I see your fear your hurt and your pain let me reassure you as your president you're not alone according to the Anti-Defamation League anti-semitic incidents in the US shot up 140% from 2022 to 2023 and got worse after Israel went to war with Hamas Biden argued people have lost sight of who started the war in the first place there was Hamas that brutalized Israelis it was Hamas who took and continues the whole hostages I have not forgotten nor have you and we will not forget in a bit to better protect Jewish students the Department of Education is issuing new guidance to colleges and universities to help them identify anti-Semitism and other hate speech Republican house Speaker Mike Johnson argued the president's words came too late and if he had speak spoken sooner we might not have all these disruptions we might not have all these commencement exercises being canceled for these these poor students it's it's wrong but Biden is also facing pressure from some in his own party to say more about the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza while Senator Bernie Sanders has gone so far as to warn that the war in Gaza could be Biden's Vietnam and when it comes to a crucial voting block young voters Biden's approval rating has dropped 12 points in two months a sign Gale of just how fraught this issue is for him especially in an election year all right Nancy cortis thank you very much reporting from the White House
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 7,023
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Keywords: CBS Mornings Clips, CBS Mornings Politics, U.S.
Id: lR_JtH-BfOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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