Printer VS Printer - Creality K1 faces off against the Bambu X1C at HIGH SPEED - Who Wins?

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now that I've switched to using Orca  slicer for both of these printers the   bamboo lab X1 Carbon and the creality K1  I'm starting to get curious about which   printer can produce better quality result  using the same slicer and I'm not talking   about printing at slow speeds I'm talking  about high-speed printing just about the   max that these two printers can do I'm curious  and if you're curious too stick around to find out it is important to note that this printer is  far more expensive than this printer this printer   here retails for 1,200 us it's like, 1550 Canadian  or so and this printer here is about 600 us now   both of these printers seem to come on sale fairly  regularly but this one I have seen reduced as much   as $200 off of the regular price recently so if  this printer can produce even close to the same   results as this one it would be a pretty good deal  even though the print volume's a b bit smaller on   it now maybe a better comparison for the K1 would  be the p1s or p1p but I don't have one of those   printers but I have a friend who has done some  testing for me and they produce similar results   or almost identical results to this printer as  long as they've been properly calibrated whereas   this printer does the calibration automatically  so for these tests I really want to focus on just   the high-speed Printing and the quality that we  get when we're printing at high speed there's a   lot of differences between these printers and  I don't really want to get confused by all of   that detail it really is just highspeed printing  and the same filament and trying to eliminate as   many variables as we can so on that subject  of high-speed printing I have this filament   if you're going to be printing at highp speed  you probably should be using a filament that   is rated for highp speed like this one some of  the filaments are okay to print at high speed I   found good success with petg and abs but some pla  filaments do not print well at highp speed at all   so if you do find yourself struggling a little bit  with running regular pla filament on a high-speed   printer it may just be because the filament is not  rated for high-speed printing so I'm going to go   ahead and split this spool so that we can actually  use the exact same spool for both printers this   has been dried already by the way so let me  load up this spool and then we'll get [Music] printed [Music] from my experience so far using these  two printers I think what's going to happen   is that we're going to see less vibration from  the bamboo printer and also a little bit better   surface finish and on the other side of it from  the creality we have a little bit better Park   cooling fan at least those are my guesses we're  going to have to do the test to find out so if you   go to the website for both of these printers  you'll see some notes showing that they can   reach speeds up to I think it's 500 mm/s for the  bamboo and it's 600 for the creality printer and   that's a little bit misleading because certain  criteria has to be met one of the criteria is   the max flow rate of the filament and we have  pretty much the the ideal filament for this one   of the other criteria is the size of the part  if the part's too small you can't reach top   speed anyways and on top of that the infill is  the only thing that has the potential to run at   that top speed and if you look in the settings  you can see the outer wall is set to about 200   typically the inner wall is set to about 300 and  the infill is set to up to 500 so for the sake of   these tests we're actually going to adjust those  going to leave the infill as 500 but the outer   wall will be 300 and the inner wall will be 400  so I want to try and get the maximum speed that   I can the other thing that we can do to get  to those speeds so we can adjust the max flow   for this filament from 23 which is a little bit  on the low side I think for this filament up to 30 and what we can also do is adjust the layer  thickness so we're going to thin those layers   down a little bit that means less material is  being extruded at once and it should allow us   to get up to some higher speeds as well the  whole point of this is to try to reach higher   speeds so that we can accentuate problems to see  what is better at those higher speeds if you run   everything at a slower speed chances are you're  not going to be able to see a lot of difference   between the two printers you want to try and take  it to the extreme and that'll make it a little bit   easier to identify some problems so both of these  printers do have the ability to outfit them with   a higher flow nozzle or heater block heater block  combination and in the case of the bamboo printer   that is going to be an aftermarket mod so there's  a kit that you can get and allows you to swap out   the nozzles for high flow nozzles in the case of  the creality you can actually use off-the-shelf   nozzles which are high flow so it's a little  bit easier I think in the case of the reality   printer to swap out for a high flow nozzle okay  so the test print that I've settled on is going   to be the Autodesk fdm test print it's going  to give us what we need I think in this case   it's going to give us overhangs bridging it's  going to give us fine details it's going to   give us tolerance testing and it's going to be  big enough that we can reach some top speeds   on these printers as well and it's going to have  some infill for getting up to those really high   speeds also so without further Ado let's go  ahead and get some prints going on these two [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's pretty obvious that there is a problem  here I don't think it's a massive issue I think   that it's pretty minor in the grand scheme of  things this is some very fine stringing so it   probably boils down to three things the the  main one that I can think of is that when I   dried the filament and then I split the spool  the material that was on the outside went to   this printer material that was on the inside  of the the spool went to this printer so it   wasn't completely Fair probably what was on the  outside was a little bit more dry than what was   on the inside so I have taken the time to redry  what I was using for this printer and then I'll   run just the top section as a retest the other  two factors I think are just retraction settings   this one has A5 retraction and the bamboo runs at  A8 retraction so there probably a little bit of   adjustment that could be done here and also  I had set the nozzle temperature higher on   this printer than what it is typically for this  filament because I was running at a higher speed   but in this section it's running at a lower  speed so it wouldn't be necessary to have a   higher nozzle temperature all those things  are probably contributing to this so what   I'll do is make a few little tweaks rerun the  top section and see if there's an improvement [Music] so as far as the K1 and the tolerance  test went everything came out easily up   to 0.3 mm a little bit of pressure  had to be applied for 0.2 to pop   that out but I think that's a  successful test on that [Music] one [Music] as for the bamboo x1c pretty much  the same thing everything up to 0.3   came out on its own 0.2 had to be pushed out as [Music] well [Music] so as far as that stringing  test went there was a slight improvement with the   little adjustments that I had made so I'm pretty  happy with that it's not quite at the level the   bamboo was but even the bamboo had some very fine  stringing here it just seemed to be a little bit   more consistent one thing I should mention is  that these files came in oriented sideways they   actually should have been rotated I didn't notice  it until this point so my X is my Y and my Y is my   X it's not really a big deal since I'm looking  at the overall but it's marked right on there   so these tests pretty well confirm what I was  thinking the overall surface finish is slightly   better on the bamboo x1c versus the K1 there's not  a lot of difference and considering that both of   these ran at pretty high speeds they're both  pretty good as far as some other issues that   we ran into overhangs I'm a little bit surprised  by actually because on the bamboo printer we were   able to get to about 15° whereas the creality  printer it struggled at 20° and I think it may   have something to do with the orientation If  This Were positioned towards the auxiliary fan   it probably would have performed a little bit  better bridging all looks pretty uniform no   matter which print we look at the bridging isn't  particularly good on either one um but there are   settings to dial all of that in if you do a lot of  bridging you can definitely tweak those settings   together get better results than this the only  other thing worth noting I would say is that   the top surface finish on the creality print is  slightly better than on the bamboo Bamboo looks   a little bit overe extruded in some [Music] areas  so overall I'm pretty happy with the results of   both for a quite a bit less expensive printer the  K1 performed fairly well it's not at the level of   the bamboo x1c um but it's not far off either  and maybe with a little bit more adjustment if   can get a bit closer guys I'm interested to hear  from you what your results are if you have one   or both of these printers let me know in the  comments and it can help some people to make a   decision of which printer they should go with if  they're deciding I hope you enjoyed the video If   you haven't subscribed already please make sure  you subscribe it really helps to support the   channel and hit the notification Bell so you  know when a new video is released and if you   can give me a thumbs up I'd appreciate it as well  take care everybody we'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music]
Channel: NeedItMakeIt
Views: 29,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bambu X1C, Fastest Printer, How fast is a 3d printer, How fast can a 3d printer go, how fast can I run my printer, Creality K1, Bambu vs Creality, Best 3d printer of 2023, best printer 2023, High flow 3d printer, Which printer is better
Id: eyhJrzUK9ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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