Princess of Wales is the Royal family’s secret influencer | Royal Insight

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sussexes were always in a hurry to change things and I think particularly The Duchess perhaps through no fault of our own sort of came into the royal family and before everything happens like that anyone with any knowledge of the royal family knows that everything happens at a glacial Pace because it's a marathon not a Sprint [Music] the Princess of Wales is sometimes compared to the late Queen Elizabeth II because she is on one hand one of the most recognizable and photographed women on earth and then on the other she remains quite inscrutable you don't really know what she's thinking at any given time we haven't heard all that much from her because she's not a particularly confident public speaker she's probably quite shy and introverted by character she doesn't really like to stand on ceremony and sort of she isn't a show off and therefore she can keep her cards quite close to her chest and what's been interesting about the update of Valentine Lowe's book courtiers it's moved into the paperback stage and there's some more revelations in it is this suggestion that Kate might have been involved in this response to the Harry and Megan interview with Oprah Winfrey that apparently Kate was the one who perhaps partially intervened and made sure that that very classic line that has now gone in down in modern Royal history Recollections may vary was included in the statement issued by the late Queen in response it may be the case that Recollections may vary on whether Kate made this intervention or not but it's in Lowe's book so let's deal with it How likely is it that she made the intervention well I know that the couple were directly involved in the negotiations with Buckingham Palace don't forget this whole response to Oprah Winfrey straddled three different households because the lake Queen was having to deal with it with her people in conjunction with the then Prince of Wales now the king's people in conjunction with William and Kate Now The Prince and Princess of Wales there's no doubt that all the Royals were personally invested in this how do they solve this Harry problem and it's not just William it's also Kate seemingly saying look we're in no rush to resolve this because we don't want to be sucked into more drama and we've got to keep our heads down and get on with our work and although we love him and we want him to be back on good terms with us we're not going to start getting involved anymore and being dragged in there's trust has gone because they feel that anything they say to him is going to end up in his second volume of his book or with rumors of Megan writing a book nothing they say is going to be kept private but also there just are such different people to Harry and Megan and maybe that's some of the reason why they clashed you've got two extroverts in Harry and Megan two super confident people who go out onto the world stage and grab it with both hands and want to speak in public and all the rest of it and then Kate who's basically the complete opposite of that person in spare Harry talks about that culture clash between the former American actress and the so-called English Rose not wanting to discuss her hormones not wanting to be hugged not wanting to share a lip gloss and in many respects you could say that that cast the Princess of Wales in a bad light you know is she quite cold and unfeeling people close to her say no she's not cold and I'm feeling but she's not over familiar either I think sometimes English and American people can rub each other up the wrong way in that regard let's go back to the Duke of edinburgh's funeral don't forget that was after Oprah so there's already residual resentment over the fact that the couple have done the interview because the Duke of Edinburgh was still unwell and it was then Kate who at the funeral tried to break a piece between the Royal Brothers now why does she try and do that first of all because she is very upset about the Fallout in the relationship between William and Harry because she very much loved Harry as a brother she's not somebody who is particularly confrontational again quite like the queen in that regard would rather just everybody smooth things over and things be okay then have this tension [Music] [Applause] [Music] I had to do a piece recently about the Buckingham Palace balcony on drooping the color and I was amazed to read that Kate hadn't made an appearance on the Palace about penny for 10 years she was dating William for 10 years but it was a no-ring no-bring policy and it made me think gosh you know there she was kind of waiting in the wings for a decade to get married I appreciate Megan who met Harry much later in life and they would have been in a hurry to start a family and things but there was an urgency to how they behaved and oh we need to leave and we we want to have a meeting with the queen and Prince Charles we've got to go to Canada we want to release a makes it statement everything is was quite rushed fair enough they were a couple in a hurry but that's completely contrary to how the Royal World operates it then sort of raises an interesting question about what the Princess of Wales is actually like as described she is shy and she is introverted but there is a stealiness about Kate that quite a lot of people that know her so to speak to this idea that she has a quiet confidence about her that she does know her own mind she is a shaky and unconfident public speaker and she's had to work on her presentation to the public because when she first started out in Royal life she started as Williams plus one really and she's there in a supporting role But as time has gone on she's had to develop her own solo career over the course of time William and Kate have taken it in turns to kind of push each other forward so when Kate was doing all of her early years work it was a William in the background saying you know you've got to do more solo stuff you've got to kind of establish your own legacy and he was the one pushing her forward to do that and then when he's for instance promoting things like his Earth shot prize that's a point at which Kate steps back a bit and promotes him the dynamic between the couple is interesting and I give you a couple of anecdotes to explain what I'm talking about the first anecdote I'll name is when we were in Borneo with the couple it was after they had married and we're all in the jungle and they're looking for orangutans to photograph and going up into the rainforest canopy while we're on this trip in the middle of nowhere the topless photographs emerged in a French magazine of Kate and William on holiday and Kate's topless and it's been taken by a very long lens as they were holidaying it wasn't hard to determine that William was very very angry what I thought was quite interesting about the princess is apparently she was pretty cool about it and sort of was having to say to the gentleman around her even though it was her topless photographs that were being discussed at the highest levels that everyone needed to just take a breath and calm down and in the end the couple went on to sue the magazine closer and they got a six-figure son which I believe they then gave to charity and they won that case some years later and it was no doubt it was an invasion of privacy but I just thought it was an interesting sign indicates character that while all about her were losing their heads she kept hers the other interesting addict I have about Kate is I had to quite embarrassingly phone her after she had been dumped by Prince William the couple later acknowledged in their engagement interview that they had broken up and that she wasn't very happy about it and I had to give her a call just to see if she wanted to comment on the breakup and I phoned her and she did answer and I said look I'm sorry to read the news that you've broken up with William is there anything you'd like to say having introduced myself as on the Sunday Express at the time and she very politely said oh well look I've never commented on this in the past and I don't think it's a good idea to start commenting now but thank you for calling and she was so polite [Music] anybody else would have just told me to do one and put the phone down so I sort of bid her thank you very much good luck and of course three months later William had huge regrets and they got back together at the Diana concert I think [Applause] she's been in this Royal world now for nearly two decades and she's just taken her time so Legacy projects aren't just for Christmas they're for Life you've got to play the long game and maybe that's one of her advantages in all this is that she's always seen the importance of playing the long game I suppose that's also a privilege of knowing that one day you're going to be queen and the thing is with Kate during the early years thing is she sees that as her Legacy project so that's the thing that she's going to be working on for years and she stepped up to do that because they're conscious of the fact that they have to have Legacy projects a bit like the late Princess of Wales Diana being associated with age and HIV awareness or with landmines and some of these long-standing causes that's Kate's basically saying when I went around all my different kind of charitable visits I found that there was a thread running through all of them that was a lot of the problems people were encountering in adulthood they had encountered in childhood so we have to look at childhood and we have to Value how important those years from zero to five are I think she bristles at the notion that she's only interested in childhood because she's a mother she was actually interested in these issues before she had Prince George obviously being a mother has given her a new perspective on it but it was always this sense that if you look at people with addiction through her action on addiction charity it starts in childhood there's some problem in childhood in fact most of us can trace problems back to Childhood and childhood experiences there's a lot of data she's appointed a body of academic to kind of analyze the data and actually produce some results from some of this research what can we learn from all the work we're doing which is Channel Through The Royal foundation and can it produce something that is actually informative and can change the way that perhaps children particularly if they're in difficulty are being managed in childhood so there is an end game there she's never been a woman in a hurry she's always taken her time foreign
Channel: The Telegraph
Views: 87,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telegraph, News, royal family, royals, royal, king charles, king, charles, queen, queen camilla, princess of wales, wales, princess, kate, kate middleton, prince of wales, prince william, william, harry, prince harry, meghan, duke of cambridge, duchess of cambridge, future king, future queen, monarchy, throne, england, uk, scotland, coronation, couple
Id: cT3uk4XN9cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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