Princess Diana: Life After the Palace (2023)

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the Princess of Wales has agreed to Prince Charles's request for a divorce a spokeswoman for the princess said that Diana will continue to be involved in all decisions relating to the couple's children and she will continue to live at Kensington Palace Buckingham Palace had no immediate reaction to the statement the queen had written to both Charles and Diana last December advising them to go ahead with a divorce the letter followed Diana's admission of adultery during a television interview throughout the 80s and '90s there was one name and one face you couldn't avoid Diana Princess of Wales when her Whirlwind marriage and subsequent divorce from Prince Charles thrust her into the public Spotlight she took it in her stride and grew into the people's princess I watched Diana Blossom from a shy young girl 18 years old at Balo Castle I watched the years passed by she was pushed in the deep end and told to [Music] swim as a mother humanitarian and fashion icon her ability to connect with people across the world was [Music] unmatched Greenwood who practitioner and even after marriage she became a woman with an unrivaled capacity for moving the dial changing the narrative and ensuring that issues she cared about were championed frequently therefore mental illness is only temporary especially if it is treated in an inspired [Music] way there is no doubt that she was looking for a new Direction in her life at this time she talked endlessly of getting away from England mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the [Music] newspapers 25 years on Z an's Legacy remains as one of the world's most influential [Music] [Music] women [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I Diana Francis I Diana Francis take thee Charles Philip Arthur George take thee Philip Charles Arthur George to my wedded husband to my wedded husband to have to hold to have to hold from this day forward from this day forward according to God holy law according to God's holy law and ther to I give thee my troth and there to I give thee my troth that woman became a royal princess in this Cathedral behind me St Paul's Cathedral was the setting the most watched event in human history was her wedding day on the 19th of July 1981 Diana Spencer married Prince Charles [Music] an estimated 750 million people watched the wedding around the world what a picture of Hope and happiness and love she had it all that was the moment a wonderful moment in British history when the world stopped to watch the most viewed spectacle ever on television the day would subsequently be build as a fairy tale wedding events were held worldwide to Mark the occasion with Street parties celebrating the young couple's love [Music] I personally think that Diana fell in love with Prince Charles it's obvious to me that she was a young naive girl and she fell in love with the prince now if you watch that that piece of footage when Prince Charles is asked are you in love sir Princess Diana's be me and I suppose in [Music] love whatever in love means well it obv your own interpretation obviously means two very happy people conat from congratulations thank you be kind and she looks at him as if to say what are you talking about don't you know what love is that was the problem from the beginning Charles didn't really know what love was I think after Harry was born the relationship seriously broke down it just hadn't worked out like both of them expected and even before the wedding Diana had serious doubts and so did Charles after 5 years of marriage it was becoming more evident both publicly and privately that the relationship between Diana and Charles was beginning to falter Charles's friends his close close friends warned him this is not going to work Charles this is she's too young she's too naive and you know you're an imaginary Prince she doesn't know you at all sorry I didn't see you and it was a sort of a star's born situation Prince Charles would say to her while I married you I made you a princess you weren't born Royal I'm the Royal so it would peeve him when on Royal visits people would be shouting on one side of the street we want Diana we want Diana and I think in some interviews he actually did say I wish I could split my wife in half I've come to the conclusion that really it would have been far easier to have had two wives I remember being in Vienna one day and they were crying out for Diana and they were working either sides of the street in the hay market and he said to the uh vienes there she's on the other side of the street you'll have to put up with me and he wasn't making a joke he was really rather upset about that he felt Surplus and didn't really know what to do with himself he resented the fact that his wife became a superstar which I think any man would actually relish the fact that their wife was admired because she may be admired by the world but she'd married you and therefore that was something I think he should have been pleased about rather than [Music] resenting in 1986 Diana started seeing major James H and Charles rekindled his relationship with Camila Parker BS the woman he would marry 19 years later and who would become Queen consort in 2022 in 1992 leaked telephone conversations reflecting poorly on both Charles and Diana became a turning point in their relationship the leaked transcripts dubbed chilate and squidy gate by the Press alluded to the couple's [Music] infidelity in the summer of 92 a recording of Diana speaking to one of her friends who actually was Her Lover James gilby appeared in one of the newspapers the transcript of this recording was unbelievable said to me today said I next to n other talk about you and I said how she don't want the adir club a lot of people talk to her about me which she can't help no her at all I you she desperately t on to your coils well she can't she absolutely can't to make that quite clear if you want to be like me got to suffer the palace advised Charles and di to separate to save the Royal Family's wavering pristine identity I think it's a matter of very great regret and sadness that the prince and princess of Wales have separated that they have the Constitutional position after taking great advice is as I set it out [Music] yesterday [Music] do you think Mrs Parker bows was a factor in the breakdown of your marriage well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded the only secret Diana ever kept from me was the Martin Basher interview for Panorama I was sent home on a Sunday afternoon strange I thought why would she be sending me home go and spend some time with your family I'm doing nothing this afternoon don't worry about me the next morning I came to work I noticed all the furniture been moved why have you moved the furniture it's not in the same place um I had a dance class I had to move the furniture out the way just so that we could exercise strange very strange she avoided me for the next two days never spoke to me and then she told me that she made a recording with Martin Basher for Panorama what have you said well I just put the record straight she said I think every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path and I think it's the strength that causes the confusion and the fear why is she strong where do she get it from where is she taking it where is she going to to use [Music] it something like 31 million people stopped in their tracks on that Monday night and couldn't believe what they were seeing the Princess of Wales bearing her heart on National Television we couldn't take our eyes away from it we couldn't believe what we were hearing they see me as a a threat of some kind and I'm here to do good not a dis I'm not a distractive person she was honest open and Frank did you love James hu yes I adored him it was too raw for most people and an embarrassment for the raw family that was the final straw that was the straw that broke the back of the house of Windsor from that moment on Diana was Outcast her titles were stripped she was no longer prayed for in church she was on her own after Panorama the queen realized that this this couldn't go on because it was actually it was taking up all the news the marriage problems of Charles and Diana have cast a shadow over the royal family now the queen has decided to bring the whole issue to a head by advising them to divorce part of the Queen's concern is the continuing effect on Prince Harry and Prince William of their parents marital troubles which were brought out so starkly and so publicly in the princess's Panorama TV interview it's understood Prince Charles seen here recently with his sons at Eaton shares his mother's view that a divorce is now [Music] desirable lawyers say the divorce issue could still go to court I think she's playing a have a game I think she is aware absolutely of what she is doing she's convinced she ought to have an ambassadorial role and that is what the public wants and she's convinced that by doing this she's going to make sure her husband realizes [Music] that behind closed gates at Kensington Palace the princess was said to be deeply upset at making and declaring the decision to end the marriage it could happen swiftly meaning a leapia divorce so as the public read the papers the Royal lawyers set about reading the small print what has yet to be worked out are the complicated details of a divorce she's got the house Kensington Palace which Prince Charles has always wanted to get back because he's stuck poor fellow in St James's Palace and she has got the children and obviously there's nothing going to change she's got the money from Charles to keep up her [Music] lifestyle whilst no longer titled her royal Ro highness Diana would continue to be known as the Princess of Wales she received a settlement reported to be worth at least 22.5 million she retained some patronages including great Orman Street the leprosy Mission National age trust and the Royal maren Hospital well Diana said at the time you know privately she said that she'd got her new life and she wanted people to know what she was doing and she was really very involved in her charity work even after her divorce from Charles Diana's commitment to charitable work continued her frequent visits to hospitals worldwide the warmth she offered to children and her fight to destigmatize illnesses would be the Catalyst that made her the people's princess Headway has grown into an organization which is improving the quality of so many lives I'm so proud of the work you've achieved as patron of the royal maren hospital and great Orman Street Hospital for Children she was often pictured comforting children and made a personal connection with many my name my name is one of my greatest pleasures has been my association with people like yourself during those years I've met many thousands of wonderful and Extraordinary People both here and around the world the cared for and the carers to The Wider public may I say that I've made many special friends I've been allowed to share your thoughts and dreams dreams your disappointments and your happiness the Princess of Wales had asked to visit these children they're all suffering from diseases which can't be treated effectively in the Soviet Union you have also given me an education by teaching me more about life and living than any books or teachers could have done my debt of gratitude to you all is immense I hope in some small way I have been of service in return for Diana Princess of Wales leprosy and the need to rid the world of the stigma that blights its sufferers has become something of a personal Crusade addressing an International Conference in London this morning she called on people to show greater awareness and perhaps like her extend a caring hand and leprosy is not something of the past it has not disappeared from the list of medical diseases it's not a condition that only exists in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible it's always been my concern to touch people with Leprosy trying to show in a simple action that they are not reviled nor are we repulsed Diana did things differently there was a memo came from buck and Palace Diana when you're in public please wear a hat and please wear gloves cuz you're touching the public and you might catch something and I'm not too sure about you touching those people with HIV and AIDS are you sure you're safe historically speaking the roal family when they met with crowns they often wore gloves as a way of not catching germs and not becoming ill but Princess Diana made a headlines because she chose not only not to wear gloves to meet patients with AIDS but she also hugged them and held their hands HIV does not make people dangerous to know so you can shake their hands and give them a hug heaven knows they need it what's more you can share their homes their workplaces their playgrounds and their toys we all need to be alert to the special needs of Those whom age is the last straw in an already heavy burden of discrimination and Misfortune Princess Diana began her charity work in 1989 opening The Landmark AIDS Center in London offering treatment and support for AIDS and HIV patients well the world itself is very good care and everything on here is excellent um the staff are absolutely wonderful because they they understand and they care about the issues that are raised here that the patients coming here are cared for as patients um they're not just sort of shut in rooms like some people are the whole atmosphere here is is I mean we are people living with AIDS not dying from AIDS and we're all getting along and fighting the disease and through this W we're able to get Mutual support from each other to do that Diana used her status to bring awareness to the AIDS epidemic by publicly and physically challenging the stigma associated with AIDS patients [Music] her humanitarian work took her to war torn countries too where Diana worked prolifically against the use of landmines you set one of these off it's going to jump up and this will take out everybody in 25 M elction of and the anti- mines issue is just one she says she'll continue to support around the world she offered support and awareness to those who suffered as a consequence of Left Behind landmines postwar many of them being children and refugees the visit to Kito was unscheduled at the last minute the princess asked to be taken to one of the town's worst affected by Angola's Civil War at the local school she was amazed to discover lessons still continued during the fighting I'm not so sure I'd turn up for a lesson but it's it's amazing after famously donning a flack jacket and touring an Ang ran Minefield in 1997 Diana worked closely with the Halo trust an organization dedicated to removing the debris after Wars with a specific focus on landmines Diana was thrust into the media Limelight as a young woman at the epicenter of the world's most famous family the clothes she wore became cultural moments throughout the ' 80s and '90s naturally lots of black tie events meant a lot of dresses and they were always really bold they were colorful they had power shoulders big shoulders bows big skirts she even went through a phase of wearing lightone dresses where you know one side was one color and the other was a different one different colored gloves it was all very bold and colorful and beautiful in the 80s her fashion choices were often described as demure and romantic she cultivated a contemporary wardrobe that always honored protocol but reflected her ponchon for prints and Pops of color as the 80s went on she became increasingly confident so towards the late ' 80s for example she wore lots of sequined gowns which would perhaps have been thought to be more for Hollywood actresses but she would wear them and wear really well and she actually earned the nickname Dynasty Die thanks to them one of the most famous dresses of that era was the John Travolta dress which was designed by Victor Edelstein and it was off the-shoulder long skirted midnight blue dress which she wore to dance with John Travolta at the White [Music] House on diplomatic trips her attire often respected the destination country's culture on a trip to to Japan she wore a red and white polka dot dress depicting the Japanese flag and on a visit to Pakistan in 1996 she chose a traditional shoir cames careful decisions like this made her more than just a fashion icon she understood that with the spotlight on her her fashion choices would be scrutinized by the media and the [Music] public did you try to be faithful and honorable to your wife when you took on the vow of marriage yes absolutely and you were yes until it became irretrievably broken down do you now hope that this issue and expect this issue to go away would is is that what you hope will now happen would it nice if it did from everybody's point of view I mean I don't think many other people have to go through this constant uh attention not just me but others you know when their marriages break [Music] down the Prince of Wales had just been on TV to admit adultery with Kona Parker balls and the princess that evening was due to go out to the serpentine gallery to see her old friend Lord Palumbo and open his new [Music] exhibition this is what you're going to wear I said I can't fit into it yes you can put it on so she slipped it on now to compliment that I think we should have the Paul choker and the sapphire that's all you need high heels and those Jewels right she put them on and she looked a million dollars remember when you go out there I said you stride you hold your head high you smile you engage firm handshake say to yourself I am Diana Princess of Wales and I am here to stay we can't prove that Diana knew she would Eclipse Prince Charles in the headlines the next day but we do know that she told her stylist that she wanted to look like a million dollars that obviously resulted in her pictures being splashed across all the papers the next day and Charles being vilified if even not really talked about as much and once freed from Royal protocol and restrictions following her divorce in the mid90s Diana's style bloomed she kind of threw the rule book out the window and that resulted in a more minimal aesthetic but she didn't dep deprive herself of wearing anything you know that would have been deemed more sexy or too sexy before Sleek fitted designs muted tones B of a pastel color palette vases blacks whites and very sleek and tailored designs more fitted by the '90s her style matures once again and she's starting to dress more for her and it's believ that this is perhaps her freest decade in terms of what she wears and why she wears what she wears so instead of stunning bright glittery sequin dresses she'll lean in more towards a less overt look she'll go more minimalist she'll wear simple shift dresses or she'll wear tailored suits as her style became simpler it was actually more accessible so whereas before she was the unattainable princess now she was more of a Chic civilian as it were her looks were copied and they influenced a lot of celebrities from Madonna to Cindy Crawford to Elizabeth Taylor [Music] some of Princess Diana's most beloved looks were actually some of her final looks in the '90s because she always looked Chic but understated and she actually wore some of her most casual looks in those days especially when she went to sports days at Prince William and prin Harry schools because she didn't want to draw attention to her and way from the boys so she just wore outfits that any normal mom would wear but even when she was off duty Princess Diana stall never faltered she always always looked Chic in the 80s her outfits are very much the focal point of a lot of her sort of public appearances and she uses it as a tool to effectively communicate and express herself with the public and in her final years you can see that her style starts to become more P back and what might argue that that could be because she doesn't want the f focused to be as much on what she's wearing although she looks incredibly Chic in her outfits but more what she's doing her philanthropic Ventures and she wants that to be Forefront princess danana had a bit of an ethia phase in the '90s the fact that she would wear slouchy jumpers and cycling shorts and trainers and double denim when she was either doing the school run or if she was going to the gym and actually that coincided with cycling shorts coming back in fashion across the catwalk from various design collections these looks have become kind of cemented in cultural history so much so that years later decades later people are still channeling them and paying homage to them the thing about Diana's style is that it remains Timeless and it remains cool and relevant Princess Diana often wore these cycling shorts chunky trainers which again are massively in fashion again and a Virgin Atlantic oversized baggy sweatshirt Princess Diana actually wore the the sweatshirt to taunt photographers a little bit because they were constantly hounding her bearing in mind this was after the separation so she thought if she rewar the same Virgin Atlantic sweatshirt they would grow bold of her and not photograph her as [Music] much we all remember the two iconic swimsuits she wore when she was on holiday with do aled so one of them was a leopard print swimsuit while she went jet skiing with him the other one was a blue swimsuit with a plunging back that she wore to sit at the end of a diving [Music] board she used to say to me all I ever want Paul is to someone a man to put their arms around me and say I love you towards the end of her life of course she found her soulmate her soulmate was hnut khah the heart surgeon nobody knew about hnet Khan that was not played out on the world stage and about Diana when she came to Pakistan this was a country that she had fun memories of wasn't it yes I think she enjoyed her uh time here um she really liked the days she spent here I think and meeting your family that must have been a special moment for her and for them uh I think it definitely was for my family and I think she enjoyed after didn't leave with them I think that's uh a long time ago no 1996 I think and in fact Diana introduced William and Harry to hnut khah because in the princess's eyes hnut was the man she was going to marry so better the boys get used to him but he was very very worried that the the Press would get hold of it and he couldn't deal with that press scrutiny and ridicule were a small price to divert attention away from her romance with hnut however his schedule began to frustrate Diana he was very very busy and he was very very respected in his field and he was going up and he worked with magdi yaku and he he was amazing but you know he didn't have time to sit down and have proper meals or things more so her frequent late night visits to the Royal Brompton made Hospital administrators worry about press intrusion he said that the hospital had started getting a bit upset by the disruption caused by Diana's visits but the concern didn't stop Diana she told him she wanted to have a daughter with him she went as far as to ask her Butler Paul to find someone to marry them discreetly when hnut found out he thought the idea was [Music] ridiculous this was his breaking point I find a very normal person with great qualities and of course there's some you know um personal drawbacks like we have like habits for example and I think she did a great uh work for the country and for people all over the world he he did fall in love with Diana and it's actually tragic it's tragic there's fresh controversy surrounding Princess Diana this lunchtime after newspaper reports linking her with Dodie fed the son of the harro's boss Muhammad aled she said to have joined the 40-year-old millionaire and a group of friends for a Mediterranean Cruise last weekend once again her judgments under scrutiny d and Dodie met long before 1997 they met at various events film premieres at the polo at the horse show the sort of places that people of of their kind would meet at I knew Dodie and he was probably one of the most Charming people you could ever meet and it's always say rather cool had American accent beautifully dressed and he treated Diana like the princess she was nobody else treated her like that I me with hnet Khan she was had to sort of hide him at the back of her car and they had to you know they mostly ate in or if they went out she was in Disguise but with Jodie she she could show herself off I think she she liked him very much I don't know if she was in love with him but she was in love with the idea of him I think Diana wanted to get married again and she wanted to have another child again I think getting married again probably was a bit of a fantasy certainly getting married to the doctor that she was in love with was a fantasy because it would never have worked out it couldn't have worked for him but she did want to get married again very much so in a way I think she wanted to find someone that could work with her when they actually fell in love in the summer of 1997 they were already friends and then of course they were together in the south of France and a relationship which was already established became a deeper and closer relationship just weeks after her controversial holiday with the alad family which was widely discussed in the tabloids it's the merged that Princess Diana has enjoyed a second holiday this time with Muhammad alad's [Music] son what you have here is a woman who 3 weeks ago told the world's press you're in for a big surprise she invited us as good as to take a set of pictures like this she she knew it was coming they were taken in in a very public place in a playground for the Rich and Famous a year after divorcing Charles Diana and dod's brief love affair began aboard his father's yacht in Sant trape it is not the horror of mins that is making the headlines back home but reports of the princess's romance with Dodie fad Diana's closest friends have disputed the intentions of her short romance with Dodie as merely a tool to make her true love hnat Khan jealous I said to the princess when are you coming home I'm coming home on Sunday pool I'm just bored I'm sending these pictures out and nobody's coming back to me I'm having no communication I need to come home [Music] but the only way home is on the harro's jet the only way I can get home is via [Music] Paris we are getting one report from a news agency uh that Diana Princess of Wales has been seriously injured in a car crash in Paris when the car she was traveling in collided with another vehicle in a tunnel her companion the harader Dodi aled has been [Music] killed within the last few moments the Press Association in Britain citing unnamed British sources has reported that Diana Princess of Wales has died this is not yet confirmed by any official source so an unconfirmed uh Source from the Press Association is that Diana Princess of Wales has [Music] died I have a terrible feeling that this is this is true a detour via Paris unintentionally became the final chapter in Diana's short life she was 36 years [Music] old I feel like everyone else in this country today utterly devastated our thoughts and prayers are with Princess Diana's family in particular her two sons the two boys our hearts go out to them we are today a nation in Britain in a State of Shock in mourning in grief that is so deeply painful for us she was a wonderful and a warm human being the people everywhere not just here in Britain everywhere they kept Faith with Princess Diana they liked her they loved her they regarded her as one of the people she was the people's princess and that's how she will stay how she will remain in our hearts and in our Memories Forever Diana was the very essence of compassion of Duty of style of beauty all over the world she was a symbol of selfless Humanity a standard Bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden a very British girl who transcended nationality someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic what made Diana so special to Millions if not billions of people was her innate ability to comfort those who needed it and always doing what she believed was right even when it went against societal Norms or Royal tradition she was posum awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her International campaign to ban landmines and a legacy award from attitude magazine for her HIV and AIDS work perhaps nowhere is Diana's Legacy more keenly felt than in the charity initiatives undertaken by her children above all we give thanks for the life of a woman I'm so proud to be able to call my sister the unique the complex the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana whose Beauty both internal and external will never be extinguished from our minds [Music] [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 242,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen, queen elizabeth, queen elizabeth ii, elizabeth ii, prince charles, king charles, charles iii, prince charles iii, king charles iii, prince andrew, prince edward, prince philip, princess diana, diana, diana spencer, prince harry, prince william, princess meghan, meghan markle, princess kate, kate middleton, fergie, royal, royal family, royalty, royal wedding, royal marriage, documentary, royal documentary, full documentary, royal doc, royal docs, doc, docs
Id: L3_KUVzZ1Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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