Princess Cruise Secrets - You Need To Know Before Cruising

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well we are going to talk about Princess Cruz lines and the secrets that we've learned from our past two princess Cruzes but before we get to that how do you like my t-shirt oh I think you just look like the real Wild Thing nor Jimmy hendris what a great act beautiful music we we just absolutely love Jimmy Hendrick so we have learned stuff on the princess Cruz lines and we'd like to share them with you just a quick note if you haven't already subscribed to our Channel what would we like people to do team we would just like you to give us the thumbs up and to share our movies and because we would really appreciate that it helps us grow our channel so please consider hitting that subscribe button yes so what's the first point tin buy water before boarding and we say that because if you do not place an order for water before you get on the boat you'll be paying 250 for a 500ml bottle of water but if you buy a 24 pack before boarding the boat they will bring that to your state room it's fantastic deal isn't it Norm it really is yeah but the big problem is a lot of these State rooms aren't that big where are you going to put 20 for water it's it's a it's a big package I got the answer for that Norm put it in your empty suitcase under the bed what a great idea mhm because as you know when you unpack on your cruise ship you have empty suitcases and they do fit under the bed yeah and even the carry-on bags you can fit a package of 24 water in it it's quite amazing isn't it n so that accounts for one suitcase what would you do with the other suitcase this with this secret team put your dirty laundry in it oh and the best thing about that is when it's full you can just wheel the suitcase down to the laund Dr that is true and then then you can bring your clean clothes back in it as well because you don't have a laundry hamper mhm so sometimes on cruise ships the bathroom might have a slight odor we we've certainly experienced that on Holland America um we haven't experienced it on the no Regal Princess but every now and then you walk down a hallway and there's a slight whiff of uh sewage so just in case you get one of those cabins that might have that what do we suggest te bring a portable hanging air freshener that you can just have hang on any of the hooks in the bathroom great and we tend to buy the little trees because they have some nice scents and oh yeah we like the coconut one don't we nor that's one of your favorit makes us feel exotic as as if we're on vacation with like suntan coconuty smell so that's what we do and one of one of those little trees will last for one or two weeks in your bathroom and the bathroom smells great when you go into it um just in case the isn't anywhere to hook your little tree but there always is um all the walls on a cruise ship cabin a metal brings us to take magnets with you yep and we just did that this time didn't we and it was fantastic so you can either get magnets that are just to hold up the daily program or uh an invitation you might have received to go to a reception or you can get a maget with a hook on it and you could use one of those for your air freshener yeah that's very true so what else do we have Team oh I think one of the best things is find out the places to go for free drinks oh yes that's my type of thing and we found a couple of them at least didn't we on this trip we did indeed best one Captain's welcome party and the nice thing about that is that for about an an hour they're serving drinks and they wander around with trays and they have mixed drinks they have beer they have red and white wine they have champagne um we even as regenon and got one yeah we did really good didn't we too good are too good that night and the other reception that we got an in invitation to was the captain's farewell party same routine so they're they're great occasions to go to if you don't have a drinks package yeah it's a good way a big supplement to your ordinary drinks that you're buying cuz you can actually get quite a few drinks in an hour can't you nor so talking of free and we love free and Princess Cru is is one of the last Cruise Lines offering this free team and that's room service breakfast oh we just love that don't we nor we tend not to want to go into the buffet for breakfast and battle with everybody else to find a table we we nearly always have a balcony um and we if the if the weather is warm we love having coffee on the balcony yeah so we order the room service there's a hanging door hanger for the menu yeah and we just asked for a large cff of coffee for two um we asked for cream for Tina uh and then we will write down what we want one of the things that we managed to do was get a plate of smoked sun was absolutely delicious wasn't it and that's not on the menu no and we got eggs benedict one day and that wasn't on the menu either no but if you go to Holland America on their free room service you have to pay for X Benedict so there is one little um secret you need to know about that you have to hang this hanging thing on your door before you go to bed if you miss it and call up in the morning it's not free and you will be charged for it that's right good good tip T yeah so what else have we got here oh your favorite oh it's got to be afternoon tea ooh I just love it not only a way to meet people socially on the ship but my favorite and that has to be Norm the scon with whipped cream and strawberry jam and that's real cream real whipping cream hence the fact I did put a few pounds on this F trip so I guess that was courtesy of the scums and you and you like those mini quason egg mayonnaise sandwiches yeah they do all these little ones as if you're going to finger parties with little tiny sandwiches and it's absolutely delicious you really do need to check out afternoon tea so that's Tina's thing I don't I don't go to that and so she go goes and finds out all the information from the other guests cuz they sit on communal tables um and Tina comes back with some really great ideas and it gives us a little bit of uh a away time for each other as well so the major thing and we touched on that with uh empty suitcases and the washing is choose a cruise ship that has a lawn drat on it yes absolutely invaluable to have the especially if we we we travel exclusively with carryon so there does come a point in the cruise where the underwar has run out and we're not going to turn it inside out to where so we do use the laundry and it is so economical Norm I think we mentioned it before for a wash and a dry and detergent you're looking at $750 usar for the whole thing it's great value and they do have detergent dispensers there as well so you don't have to worry about bringing your own we were gonna bring our own but with having carry on we had those little pod type things oh yeah well they can explode with in the pressurized cabin cuz have you ever opened a packet of Pringles on a plane yeah and they they do change and then they'll go pop like that don't they and it's like we didn't want the detergent popping all over the plane did we no so take just buy the detergent on the ship it's only $150 I think one big secret to Norm is is the things that you can ask your cabin steart for yeah okay cuz often times there are things like uh you'd like a kettle MH Tina is a tea drinker we bring our own tea with us um and I know there's a lot of British people that like to do that as well and also you can take instant coffee with you as well if you just want to have a coffee at any time of day ask your Steward for a kettle he'll bring one for you yeah it is available on princess isn't it and the the other downside to princess and and most other cruise ships is that they just have maybe two outlets in the cabin and we were in a mini Suite so we would have expected more but there was just two one's a European outlet and one's a North American Outlet so if you've got that kettle and you're also wanting to charge some of your electronics what else can you get from the steward the power strip to plug it all in so just ask him and providing you ask nicely you'll be surprised what you can get and don't be tempted to bring your own power strip on the on the ship because they will be confiscated there are people that do CH it and they buy from Amazon a specifically cruise ship um adapter with multiple outlets on but who knows they might get confiscated too just ask you Stewart for another power strip and okay what else have we got T we're trying to read these from a long distance away I think um one of the best things that I found is at the beginning of your cruise you are allowed to bring wine on board aren't you you are yes and that runs to two bottles that both Holland America and Princess Cruises will allow you to bring on um during the embarcation now you do have to bring them on in your carryon don't put them in your checked in luggage they want them brought in on your carry-on and we found that was great because we can drink in our cabin if you want to take that bottle to one of the restaurants they will charge you umage a corkage but we just were drinking in the cabin so because we had a balcony and it was nice in the afternoon to to be relaxing and the other thing that I do is uh I order a bottle a couple of bottles of scotch the size is a half bottles basically on princess so I order two for the 16 days we were going to be on the boat that's basically one bottle of scotch and that is delivered to the cabin as well we order those prior to getting on the ship along with the water yeah and they work out to be a really good deal don't they so Tina can have a glass of wine in the afternoon and I can have a glass of scotch before we get ready for dinner great isn't it it really is and I think something that um we should mention is that because it was 16 days um the two bottles of wine didn't last that long oh no not not over here so that Tes us to another big point and that is you can order the wine by wine packages that's a really good program they have for princess yeah so they offer three packages of three bottles five bottles and seven bottles yeah and it's um a variety pack that they have so um but the advantages of buying them is you start to get a discount whereas if you went to the main dining room and ordered one of the bottles from the menu it would be quite a bit more so we ordered Fatina the three bottles of wine yeah but we asked them if they could substitute one of them cuz I'm really I like white and red but one of them was um was a rosé we're not really Rosé drinkers so no problem they substituted so I got two white and one red and it was great and the other thing that they're willing to do is to deliver it to your stateroom yeah so uh and there's no fear of taking those to the dining room because they won't charge a cage because they know that you've bought them on board so it's a really good way of saving money isn't it highly recommend that it really is and for personal Safety and Security for when you go on uh a Shore Excursion if if you're just like us you you wonder off the ship on your own and go around the town um because we didn't do any um short excursions bought from the boat no but the one thing that we think is a really good idea is to get that daily program and if you look on on The Daily program somewhere they tell you uh the port agent that you're pulling into the port for that particular day they have the contact information of the port agent so we photographed that with our cell phone and so we had the telephone number the email and the address of the port agent for the port that we were visiting so in case anything happened to us yeah was we could warn the ship that maybe we were running late or I think it gave us great peace of mind didn't it Norm and we have heard rumors that if the ship's Captain is notified by the port agent that you're going to be 10 minutes late there there is a a leeway for the cruise ships they might just wait for you and I think another thing too that's really important particularly if it is your first cruise is take your passports with you if you're getting off the ship as you know most people will keep their passport in the safe while you're on your Crews but we are advising it's a better idea to have the original passport with you when you are off the ship just in case anything happens you know excursions can get late back God forbid you get left behind at least you have your passport with you because without it you're really stuck aren you nor yeah you can't can't leave a country without it so while we always we we always used to and we still carry photocopies of our passports um we're taking the originals with us now we've heard too many horror stories so if we do get left behind we have a means to travel and also if we are stopped by police or Customs having the passport um is a document that they would really want to see so we've stopped leaving our passport on the ship while we're ashore and we take it with us I think something Norm that's also that we found out this time too is we should talk about is the future Cruise deposits the princess Cru future deposit um and it's a it's it's it's a great scheme if you're going to take another um princess Cruz it's a no-brainer to do so how does that work team so basically you buy $1100 deposits so in our case we bought one for you and one for me didn't we yep so what they do is they will actually take that $200 off your next trip so they deduct what you've already paid but the big secret is that they then give you an onboard credit back as well as with your deposit we thought it was brilliant because depending on how many days your trip is and depending on which category whether it's an inside or an ocean view or balcony they have all different levels that you can get and they go from $50 up to $150 as an onboard credit that's right so if we pick the right Cruise Norm we could get a $300 onboard credit back just for giving a $200 deposit it I think it's great so that's another way of paying for your drinks on board without having to buy the expensive drinks packages which they've now bundled with Wi-Fi and speciality dining and tips and free cakes and yeah so we like Princess Cruise Lines uh we like them because they're being aggressive in price yeah you heard that we got that deep discounted mini suite at ,300 Canadian uh for6 days um they have lots of these discounts at the moment so maybe try having a look at it and and the ships are nicely run the food's great the choices are good so those are the princess Cru secrets that we've come up with and we hope that you could use some of those in the future on your Princess Cruise would be great so we hope everybody is keeping well and staying safe and until the next time bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: This Is Our Retirement
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Keywords: retire, retirement, retirement travel, retirees, retirement lifestyle, retirement planning, this is our retirement, retirement fear, norm and tina, norm and tina retirement, Shocking Princess Cruise Secrets, Princess Cruise, princess cruise line, princess cruise lines, princess cruise secrets, tips to save princess cruise ships, princess cruise ship free drinks, cruise ship free drinks
Id: k6r5pxTrRpY
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Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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