My Honest Thoughts On Princess Cruises (SKY PRINCESS) Watch Before You Book!

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I've just spent one week on  Sky Princess the cruise ship   from Princess Cruises my first ever  cruise and I want to share with you   my honest opinion of what I think of  cruising and Princess Cruises let's do it I'm actually here on the plus package which I  think well for a start it's fantastic value but   I also think it's so easy and so worth having  because your drinks are included your food is   included and maybe the biggest piece of Mind  actually is your gratuity is included so you   don't have to think about tipping the staff  and you might say well it's nice to tip the   staff the stuff that you engage with but  remember there are so many staff members   which you don't see down in the laundry or  behind the scenes in the kitchen you might   not necessarily come across these people but  your gratuity still goes towards those people   so you're not just tipping the people you see  in front of you if you want to give a little bit   extra for some special service to the person  who's serving you directly of course you can   do that but again they just make it so easy to  tailor the cruise exactly how you want it and   really have the holiday that you dream of and  of course we know we paid for the plus package   it's not free but actually just allows you to  relax and enjoy the holiday without thinking   extra extra extra should I have that drink  should I not have that drink should I have   that food should I not have that food you can  just focus on enjoying your holiday and yeah   it just for me it just allows you to to chill and  make the most of everything that's on the cruise ship I'm not here to tell you what level  of room you should book there are multiple   levels of rooms and obviously the price changes  depending on what you want from inner rooms to   port hole rooms to balconies to Suites to  master suites you can have whatever room   you want I as you know I'm in a balcony room  and I absolutely love having the view of the   sea and having the balcony in fact I even  sleep with the balcony door open so I can   hear the sound of the sea during the night  but even when I wake up I can stroll out   see the sea see the sunrise it is a yeah  a real nice touch of the experience and   my recommendation would be at minimum book  a balcony room because I think it is worth it one of the biggest reservations I had before  coming on the cruise or a cruise and one of the   reasons I'd never done one before I thought  I would get bored being on the same ship for   a week for two weeks or for however long you  are sure you stop at different destinations   I thought my time on ship I would just get  bored I'm a type of person who needs to be   doing stuff and needs well to be mentally  stimulated I guess and actually that was   nothing to be worried about there is so much  going on on the ship during the day and in   the evening especially on sailing days where  you're on the water the whole time there's no   port to stop at I didn't need to worry about  it at all whether that's the entertainment   so you have shows in the evening you have  standup comedy you have performances by the   dancers and singers whether you have quizzes  or Bingo or art cells or exercises whatever   you want to do there is something to find  on this cruise ship at some point during the day I cannot give you a summary of this Cruise  without talking about the food something which   is very very important to me as you know and  let me tell you I've been incredibly surprised   by the quality of the food at every level on  this cruise ship what I love is that you have   four different types of dining it's dine your  way I overheard someone say on another cruise   ship or other cruise ships you get the same  table the same waiter through at the same time   every night that's great but I think I prefer  this way even though I haven't experienced the   other way you have four different types you  have complimentary which is the main dining   room you have casual and this Sushi is class as  casual there's a small supplementary recharge   for it is $14.99 then have specialty dining the  next level up which is like Rudi's The Catch or   Sabatini the Italian place that we ate at and  that's $39 and then you have experiential the   truly memorable experience the chef's table  that we filmed at I love that you can choose   different levels depending on what you fancy  that evening depending on how you want to   tailor your holiday but at each level it's  absolutely fantastic and if I'm honest the   one that surprised me the most was the main  dining room for me the main dining room was   maybe not quite as good as Rudi's The Catch I  would say that's probably my favorite of the   normal dining experiences but it's not far off  and that's the one that's complimentary within   your package the menu changes every single  night it's fresh it's amazing quality and yeah   that one really blew my mind but you really  do have such variety from Pizza to Seafood   to steak to Sushi as we've got now I haven't  had a bad me meal on the ship or bad food on   the ship let me just try one of these pieces of  sushi and let you know what it's like a little good sushi is fantastic especially  these yellow fin tuna little tacos take wow now it wouldn't feel very authentic  if I only told you about the things that I   enjoyed on the ship so I should tell you about  something which I struggled with just a little   bit and that is my sea legs it's my first time  ever on a cruise as I said and although I grew   up on a little island I didn't really spend that  much time on boats or on the sea being on a big   ship like this is very new to me and it does  take a little time at least for me because I'm   very sensitive to it it seems took a little time  to find my seal legs I found them in the end but   let me tell you it took a little bit of getting  through a little bit of the motion on the ocean   I should say last night in the Bay of bisque as  the captain said the Bay of Biscay is the Bay of   Biscay you need to treat it with respect but you  need to accept that you've had a nice cruise and   you need to give a little back it was a little  rocky but thankfully I'd already found my sea   legs and I didn't get any seasickness so it's  just something to be aware of but what I would   say it wouldn't stop me booking another Cruise  because the benefits of the cruise the good   things that I've mentioned on this far outweigh  the couple of days it takes to get used to it   but actually you know what I've spoken to so  many people on this ship from crew members to   guests and uh many people don't suffer from it  at all it just happens to be that I'm a little   bit sensitive and it took a few days to get used  to it but if I'm being honest it's worth calling out click the link in the description to get all  the information you need or scan the QR code up   here and it will take you right to the website  where you can book your very own own special Cruise another thing I was worried about before I  came on this Cruise was as a Solo Traveler feeling   alone right because everyone else here will be in  groups or as a couple or whatever basically I'm a   Solo Traveler I was worried that I would feel  a little bit lonely on board but I also have   realized as in normal solo travel while I'm  traveling independently you're never really   alone and I always give this advice to people  that you it's better to travel alone than not   travel at all and I found that it also extends  to this Cruise experience because well for two   reasons one the staff members are always there to  talk to you and actually I love the interactions   that I have with the staff members they have so  many interesting stories and they're so friendly   so that really helps too but you know everyone  in terms of the guests we're all here doing the   same thing we're all here for the same reason to  have a good time I've definitely had many many   many many many conversations with all different  guests and whether that's that's a simple hello   how you doing what are you doing or a half an  hour chat about life and travel experiences I   have not felt alone at all on this trip  but obviously I have the opportunity to   go and take my own time too the ship is big  enough for that and I need that sometimes but   loneliness has not been a problem at all on  this ship and if you do want to meet people   specifically meet people they do have events  for people who are traveling solo where you   can meet up together have a chat and get to  know people and if you're really struggling   to make conversation or meet people the best  or my top tip for the question to ask is hey   how are you doing is this your first cruise how  many Cruises have you been on that gets people talking all right next thing and it's not really  for me but it's something that I have loved to   see because not everywhere is so good for this  and I think the ship and the company are doing a   fantastic job trying to make this well this Cruise  experience and this holiday accessible to everyone   and that is accessibility and as it happens I'm  sat next to a chair lift which will take people   who require it into the pool so they can enjoy  that experience too there are a lot of people here   who do use a wheelchair and from what I can see is  obviously I don't use it myself but accessibility   is not a problem here at all there are lifts  everywhere there are ramps everywhere the   corridors are wide you have facilities like this  in terms of the the chair lift or chair access so   people can use it tables are multi Heights if you  see what I means there are rooms which are also   set up for accessibility so they're definitely  doing a lot right and I know it's something they   really are focusing on and trying to improve even  more than it ority is because I think you can   always do better with those things but they're  definitely in the right [Music] direction now   listen part of the charm of going on a cruise is  stopping at multiple destinations and I really   did enjoy that actually seeing multiple countries  multiple cities different cultures I mean that's   amazing we stopped off in the British island of  Guernsey we went to France and saw Cognac and then   we went to Northern Spain and saw Bilbao and La  Coruna all totally different absolutely love it   the thing that stood out for me or the thing that  I thought was great about it is Princess put on   destination experts they had destination experts  for each of the stops there was information you   could collect beforehand information was put in  your room so you could read about it and kind of   get up to speak a few little words in the language  a little bit about the history of the place what   options you had for the shore excursions because  there are multiple shore excursions in each of   the stops or you can just independently Do Your  Own Thing of course there's nothing wrong with   that at all but I think that destination expert  especially on the Excursion as well they didn't   just give you someone from the ship they team up  with someone in the local destination having that   knowledge having that Insight having that yeah  having that information just really brought each   destination to life and made it that little  bit more special I guess it's probably worth   noting here obviously I'm On One cruise we have  a fixed itinerary but princess have 17 ships and   over 300 different itineraries or Journeys  that you can go on so really the choice is yours right guys I want to talk to you about  The Medallion app and The Medallion that I have   on my wrist and this has made life so so easy  in terms of the app all of the information you   need for the cruise is on there whether that's  the tracking whether that's the entertainment   that's on and where it is on any information  about the destinations that we're going it is   all there on the app you can also do ordering  room service is available on the app or you can   order to your place on the ship which is crazy  if you're lost on the ship you can either scan   your medallion app or you can check on your phone  and see exactly where you are it really does make   life so easy and that's where it comes to this as  well when we're talking about easiness if you want   to get any drinks or any food or anything at all  on the ship scanning on and off the ship so they   know who's on board and who's not on board you  just pop your medallion on the little scanner   and everything pops up for you and with that  come a few little things with this technology   that make things feel a little bit more premium  now there's a little chip in this and when you   walk to your room it knows that you're close and  it unlocks your door for when you get there that   is pretty cool I don't even have to scan it on  the door once I get within a meter or two it   unlocks the door the other thing is in terms  of Premium feeling is when you walk near the   bar areas or the staff it will pop up on their  terminal of who's nearby with a mug shot from   you your photo so they know your name and they can  see who you are based on your little Medallion so   when you go to speak to them they say yes Joseph  yes Mr Joseph yes Mr Joe whatever how can I help   you here's your drink Joe a little premium touch  like oh they remember my name or whatever I mean   eventually they do remember your name because  they see this so often but yeah that little   premium touch Through The Medallion what does  that mean it means I haven't thought about paying   for anything of course because it's included in my  package I haven't thought about a wallet I haven't   thought about a key card I haven't thought about  remembering the keys for the room or whatever I   can just go about the ship and do exactly what I  want everything is scanning on this Medallion app   it's been absolutely fantastic no issues for  me obviously you have to get used to a little   bit of Technology but for me everything has work  [Music] perfectly okay guys and last but not least   I cannot finish this video without saying maybe  the most impressive or and the most enjoyable   part about the entire cruise for me and that  is the staff the staff on this cruise ship are   absolutely wonderful and that really really that  isn't an overstatement it's been such a pleasure   to get to know them to meet them and of course  they take such great care of you they go out of   their way to make sure you're having a good trip  they are so attentive and really at the end of   the day as with most things in life travel is all  about the people and yeah I really cannot speak   hardly enough of them and one of them who has been  completely and utterly amazing is fo fo yes Foy   the nickname or if you want to say it properly  as the Foreigner slightly easier K yes so just   very quickly how long have you been working on a  cruise ship almost 1 year what is your favorite   thing about working on a cruise ship first of all  I would I like to travel I like to see don't we   all yes favorite place you have visited actually  I my favorite place is Euro where in Europe it's   hard for me Norway because Norway yeah I like  Norway so you think they should book a cruise   to Norway yeah okay you've heard it from F yeah  nor it's yeah thank you so much you're welcome so   yes that was foe she's from Thailand she really  wants to be on camera I'm more than happy to get   people on camera I mean why not but it's not  just one person who I'm calling out it is the   entire crew I would say on board and that's the  people who are front facing and the people who   are hidden behind the scenes too they're so happy  so friendly all the time always smiles and always   going out of their way to really make sure that  you do feel like you are pampered you're you're   on a luxury cruise and I've felt it this week  and I have so much respect for these people they   spend they're long time away from their friends  their families their Partners their children yeah   they do deserve the recognition and they do get  recognition a few times this week they've pulled   everyone out in front of the crowds in the Foy  year and we've given them big Applause music   playing and uh yeah they deserve everything they  [Music] get so I guess the big question is would   I book again and well this is where I guess we  have to be really honest cruising might not be   my number one go-to choice for method of travel  at this stage in my life but having experienced   this for the last week there are probably three  times where I would seriously consider and almost   certainly would book a cruise the first one using  a cruise as a taster for destinations the biggest   benefit of the cruise to me is that you can see  multiple destinations in this short period of time   for instance Guernsey Bilbao La Rochelle and La  Coruna has been absolutely fantastic having those   stops so based on that I would use it as a taste  for these destinations and see where I wanted to   return to and deep dive and really Explore More  that is a great use of a cruise second number   two the second reason I would definitely book a  cruise is to destinations that I would find more   difficult to do independently and that would be  somewhere like the Norwegian fjs or Scandinavia   or maybe Greenland or the Antarctic you know  something really unique and really special   where doing it by cruise is definitely the best  option and I've never really thought about that   before but now it's definitely on my mind I would  love to see the fjords and as it happens princess   does do a cruise around the fiords can you imagine  being on the cruise going through the fs seeing   the northern lights going in and out of those  fiords it would be absolutely magical finally   and the third reason and the one which I really  have felt on this trip and I didn't expect to is   if I wanted just holiday of total relaxation  everything done for me premium pampering   essentially is what it has been this entire week  goes back to the staff thing that I mentioned and   how good the service is that yeah sometimes it is  just nice to come and relax switch off and enjoy   your holiday and I thought well why wouldn't  you do a hotel weekend away you know at stay   at a luxury hotel and to be honest guys I think  this is far far and above staying in a luxury   hotel in terms of service in a hotel I think you  only get that service when you interact with it   whereas what I found on this cruise is Staff go  out of their way to interact with you and make   sure you are having a great time a relaxing time  and yeah giving you that level of service that   you expect on something like this so yeah if I  want to totally relax totally switch off and hey   we all need that sometimes that would be another  reason why I would and probably will book another Cruise any of the videos in this little series  from Princess Cruises has tempted you or given you   the itch to book your very own Cruise then check  out the link in the description and you can find   everything you need to know or alternatively  scan this QR code with your phone and it will   take you right where you need to be for all of the  information all of the prices everything you need   to book your very own Cruise holiday with Princess  Cruises as I said it was my first ever cruise but   somehow I don't think it's going to be my last  maybe I'll see you guys on your next cruise
Channel: Joe Parrilla - Hungry To Explore
Views: 54,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess cruises, cruise ship, cruise tips, princess cruise, princess cruise line, sky princess, princess cruise ship, princess cruises tips, princess cruises tips and tricks, princess plus, crown princess, discovery princess, sun princess, princess cruises review, cruise review, sky princess review, princess cruises honest review, sky princess food, princess cruises sun princess, hungry to explore, joe parrilla, sky princess cruise ship, cruise tips for first timers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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