Princess Anne’s full interview on ‘Wogan’ | 1985

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but first it's a pleasure and a great honor to welcome to organ her Royal Highness Princess Anne [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or welcome ma'am but they it's awfully good of you to turn up really because the last time they were due to meet I in fact let you down rather bad they didn't I suppose beside me at lunch yes pressing pressing engagement elsewhere now I'm afraid but I understood you made capital out of it didn't you well I said actually on had the pleasure of sitting next to you before and I thought perhaps you decided that as you knew what is in store you decided to go elsewhere it's a foul and contemptible calumny but I remember the last time we did meet I think it was at a punched lunch we were talking about who you were talking about the decisions of of being a farmer's wife and I heard it was to make ends meet yes we were just we were discussing that farmers all over the world I think and never happy and that something in my travels so far has been endorsed and underlined in several different languages do you get very involved in the in the economics of gap can pack yourself as a sturdy Yeomans wife not really know I'd leave the running of that side of life the real farming side of life to a husband that's his responsibility I'm required to turn up as a bit of extra pair of hands every now and again but certain times there they actually ask you to pitch in and help with the mock spreading around now you've just come from a meeting I understand of the British Olympic Association in 1972 you missed a chance to represent Britain in the Olympics we have very disappointed about that I don't know about mr. chance with horses it's never quite as simple as that people talked about the fact that I might have been selected but it was very much might have been selected and then the horse and I didn't have to appear at least anyway that year and we didn't manage really to do that so we didn't get that close it would have been much worse if one had gone very well you know and been picked and then the horse had gone lame that would have been much worse I've often wondered why you pick an event like a venting or venting instead of of something a little easier I mean three day of everything there's the toughest possible game you could have hit well now there are two different ways of looking at it um if you do it you regard it as a sort of ultimate test of horsemanship because you have to do three rather separate disciplines and if you're almost anybody else you say you're not good enough to be a proper dressers writer you're not good enough to be a proper race jockey you're not good enough to be a proper show jumper so you do them all in about three days of each other that's a good that's engaging modesty I'm sure but one wouldn't something like dressage on its own be well easier not necessarily funny enough because it actually takes a probably longer to get the horse to that sort of level of competition it requires every day a long time and the three-day event is still just about amateur enough that I can keep up but only just I mean if I had a horse that was good enough to compete at international level I think I'd be pushed to put in the time now surely there must be somebody that would be prepared to give you a horse that's good enough people you shouldn't be lacking a good enough horse well it just takes a little time to find these things star on my country places do you do you get bothered when it when you as they if I see you fall off that horse once more on television at badminton it was badminton whether you pitched into the war once yes I know does that make you fed up with you continually look at them they wished you wish they could show something a little more dignified no I don't think it matters quite so much the fact that it's shown I think what's more irritating is that the sort of written word leaves this sort of feeling and impression in everybody's minds that's all I ever do when you see Prince Chavez fall not really no because I you know he's going to suffer from severe problems although it tends to be true that the sort of writing that he does is less immediately publicly noticeable but he did get involved with them going over the sticks didn't he and you yourself are going to get involved in a race at Epsom in the very near future on the flat yes Priscilla to do better Charles cavalry chives though isn't it well it might do that might be that I think Technol corner could be quite exciting you think knowing who you are the other riders possibly even horses are going to withdraw to the rails or or get out of your way or even throw the race well I suppose I could go very long way around the outside my trainer might not be too pleased about that but you're going to be made the automatic favorite for this man to you that would be very foolish have you done have you done this kind of have you done flat racing business well never know everybody tells me it's much worse than running 3 miles over fences so and of course you've got to be an honestly fit for attention so I mean are you as fit as you would like to be for it and now if not what do you do how do you make yourself fit for um working rather harder I think I still have to make it down on the farm I wasn't planning to do in comment we don't have to be random or sort of planned proper sort of work I think exercise not weight training or circuit training on Jane Fonda aerobics [Music] well I can't get a leotard big enough to fit me I think you'd be the time it takes sex you get smoother but it's for a good cause isn't that this this Epsom race yes it's for one of you one of your favorite charity the reigning for the disabled Association yeah which I hope will benefit considerably from several people's efforts not only mine did you finally you must find the various engagements who take on an enormous strain the cool offers you advice on how to cope with these appearances what to do what to say or do you generally learn from experience yourself I know you write all your own speeches no that way you learn the hard way listening well obviously events teams the Majesty the Queen must have a few tips for you and as you could go on we do for instance give any advice to say the Princess of Wales on how to deal with with engagements I really call it advice or not um you can only repeat I think your own experiences and the problems that you've had and the way you've counted them all got over them all you know the things I can I can still remember I first started you said that like in Dowager [Laughter] it is important to be able to remember what it was like when you first started and you know how you struggle to think of things to say and what's of a line of you were going to take and sort of questions you were likely to ask and how people react but that it doesn t come to the experience and you can only help if it helps by attending your hands you find it it and of course each individual reps completely differently so you know she may find it completely useless information don't you sometimes father think surfing in the past though not lately that the the press in particular have occasionally if not misinterpreted certainly misreported what you're saying how is that how is that struck you it's obviously you haven't liked it no it can be very irritating I mean the current not love the current but but lately there's been tales for instance of you and and the Princess of Wales not exactly hitting it off I mean yes stories are the worst fairly strong character that can you say anything from from the opposition usually it's not worth saying anything because another dependent the fact that it was just a story in the first place you know they'll take anything you say it'll come out on on their side well I think it was based on based on your non appearance if they have the famous christening yes it was a great shame that we missed the christening but I was only given the choice of one date and I'm afraid that as far as we were concerned particularly with there was a date that my husband didn't fixed and he was away in Australia when all this came up you're blaming you're blaming captain Phillips sorry not totally poor man isn't even here to defend himself it was it was actually one of those rare occasions when we actually made a plan a long way in advance which is rare with us I can tell you what we had done and we'd received a lot of hospitality from people over the years and this was really one move repaying them we felt we couldn't really put it off from The Prince and Princess of Wales entirely spend a day and I fed my children went to the war than made up for in sheer decibel sheer prisons you've missed a couple of royal occasions I mean you missed your mother's the Queen's coronation did you they they wouldn't let you go to that they wouldn't we go yes Misty's sort of tied to the rocking horse along did you know what was going on I shouldn't know about being left behind their respective from what it was that I was being left behind from and then they they wrenched you from it from your tutors and sent you off to Bennington was that a bit of a strain for you unfriended entrench me no just my colorful way of expressing you volunteer toodles hmm was that because you felt it was a bit inhibiting working with tutors and they in the royal household that you wanted to get out and meet other people yes they seemed to members truth is that you know this was really only you and them and that requires an awful lot of concentration classes were you nervous we're nervous about going to public school I think I did actually rather look quite default it in many ways how did they treat you is there any bullying Dhamma imagine there wasn't really knowing you being aware of you that bigger girl where no I don't think so no I wasn't really aware of any wasn't set out to her I'm very quiet and cut my eyes near certain room was there any toadying done by teachers or fellow pupils crawling I know what you mean well I don't you know some of the people I get on this show and all that bright 200 student he said you could have gone on to university but unlike your brothers you didn't choose to do so all these to your mother why not no I didn't um well I must admit that at the time I was rather influenced by the fact that I thought there were quite a lot of my contemporaries who were going to universities simply because it was university that didn't seem to be going for any particular reason they just thought it was experience finding it quite well and at that stage I'd been on I was being included by the Queen on some of her visits and I rather hoped to be able to go abroad as her as well I just felt that that was possibly more constructive from my point of view and more interesting than it would have been going to University and it you know I would see a lot more than it was the free trips free they were it's funny cuz a lot of people think that you know any sort of royal visits you don't see anything you know the journey meets grand people and the journeys see what they want to show you and of course that run of assumes that you never look out of the window or you know Dan stone death as well I mean capable of asking questions and I learned lots I think I'm a nurse we went to some very interesting places and the people you meet of course they may not it's this wonderful phrase ordinary people isn't it and they may have been the top people in the country but equally they must have been a very good reason for them having got there in the first place and they it was a views that name you could legitimately criticize it for being one particular kind of view but it was nonetheless they were worth talking to and asking questions so you haven't regretted their missing University at all but when you when you see your your elder brother am indeed your younger brother taking part in university reviews and a madcap gay is he like that intern team is that it would you taken part in university the Girl Guides [Laughter] but you are now you're the Chancellor of the University of London is that that seems the somebody wasn't a great fan of the of universities to become the Chancellor of the University of London strange do you know who you were in opposition with who do I give to probably too modest to say who you beat for the post yes you are no are you yes no no I don't it's a very good idea for a chance of university not to bend universe don't you think it gives them a much sort of better outlook no there's something that so you'll get to introverted how do the faculty receive you then I mean as a non university person so so far with great tolerance but whether how long that will last I'm not sure I certainly it's been I I think a great benefit to me because I've learnt all sorts of things and my visits to the various colleges it's been fascinating are you conscious of the fact that what is calling this business your image has improved over the past few years yes I doubt I tend to wonder I like to ask people what they were expecting so you perform they met me and then I find out what my image was what did they say when you asked them there I'm just about to ask you that [Applause] when you see the problem is man that if I tell you that usually we will blush in all modesty [Applause] hi goodness I just scraped out of that one Oh public figures are security risks into one extent is your private life hampered by security no it is not really because living in Gloucestershire and on a farm is really quite off the beaten track and out of the public view it's really not too difficult but you're at home and not very much in evidence in public only official engagements of course it's it's an occupational hazard and I think why are busy model actually going about talking to fit you you don't really notice that's not to say that other people course don't notice but it tends to be around the more obvious from the outside than it is from from where you are do you and Captain Phillips ever get a chance to go out and you're on safe or quiet me yes again because in the area and being sort of reasonably quiet rural area that's not really very difficult we actually all want to decent restaurants - how does it tell you whether no I and the family would be down there next Sunday but I have to turn occasionally yes I do to support the Irish and we needed a bit of support this year did you have any any better yourself yeah okay that have a long time again pocket money to my nanny yeah what would you say was the do you enjoy going to formal functions yeah I mean you have to keep that smile on all the time and be nice to everybody when I you you're nice to most of your guests not really I need a nice to smile at them sort of keep up yes really intelligent but but only for about 40 minutes to the same person for 40 minutes I mean everybody's different I mean you seldom meet the same person twice but the thing that always strikes me as a formidable task is the the endless reviewing lines that you have to go to say at a royal premiere or abaft or what how can you think of something new to say to to each one that you come up to part from I love the movie and wait for they usually introduce you before you've seen the movie which enjoy some but it has impressive when you're opening something you don't even seen which has happened quite a lot what do you do under those circumstances we open something you haven't seen I'm very short about it I notice a lot I say I'm very much looking forward to seeing whatever it is that I'm about to open always perfect but I frequently thank them for the opportunity of having seen it before I open it if I'm alone I slightly depends I mean you can plate two ways you can ask everybody it's like you rather like a sort of market research you can ask everybody literally everybody the same questions like you have three questions for that afternoon and you asked everybody in the same questions and with any luck it shortens the time involved because if the person standing next to the one you're talking dude paying any attention and having the answers ready for you but you're under constant scrutiny anyway as far as your appearance goes for for clothes and hair do one of us the BAFTA was all the fuss there was about your hair doing that just that again does that become a terrific boy for you get fed up with that yes it's it's it's a little bit more entertaining now obviously in the past i wasn't sufficiently interested in clothes ready to be of interest to anybody and that's again wasn't didn't fit the image and whatever was going to be bad news i might think inevitably it takes people quite a long time to find their feet in terms of what's going to suit them for any young person it's just taking me longer than most of those enough i mean how you in and then more the functional part of them in their part of the working saying in my life really more than anything else that clonise affirm official functions and you have to think of the sort of things that you do in the sort of places you go climates you're working in and what you're going to be doing when you get there so that limits it some somewhat also the fact that you'd like them to last marginally longer than six months so in that sense you don't you can't really fun with fashion too much because you simply can't well again you can oh you can only wear something wants to catch you otherwise they start saying oh look she's in the same truck again well I had to give up if you go on doing your love you know they have to stop saying that cuz are you are you thrifty about your clothes this terribly are you drifting about everything yes I think so probably yes how is that because surely you must be sufficiently well-educated taught you to watch the Barbies what would you do if royalty was abolished there anything you would really like to do and any career you would like to pursue it if you hadn't been the royal princess I think it's rather difficult to tell now what career I would really like to pursued didn't you qualify as a heavy goods vehicle driver would you like to Missa tee I qualify there's any Regas vehicle driver so I thought it might have been some some urge to drive a great fan tactic and down a motorway one day no rollover hedgehog medium is so much isn't it yeah I was actually asked if there was anything that I could do if as you mentioned there are family was abolished and just like that I mean one the basis that one didn't have a farm to work on or there was no other alternative both my husband might have heavy goods vehicle licenses he has been HTV one I have an HDTV stream so in fact it seemed like a very logical way of earning ones living and you could do it there are in fact there is quite a demand for good horse box drivers one end of a horse from another industry and we thought we could probably crack that one between us you think you could you could bend your hands the bathroom yes but you said what when I choose a career that was not the same thing at all now let's truce it yes me and if I get any more offers but if you really want to come drive a lorry come up to the cooperton where it is or lorry go you can try I already do drive quite often your royal eyeness thank you for joining us [Applause]
Channel: laduchesse
Views: 408,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess anne, princess royal, british royal family, brf, timothy laurence, tim laurence, terry wogan, queen elizabeth ii, prince philip, prince william, kate middleton, prince harry, meghan markle, duchess of sussex, princessanne, royalfamily, beautiful, pretty, funny, lol, lmao, hilarious, amazing, the crown
Id: j61vx-MiIT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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