Prince William's Teenage Years | Royal Teenager: Behind The Headlines | Real Royalty

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Canada March 1998 for Prince William a rock stars reception for a shy royal teenager an ordeal to be born with dignity a year later at Highgrove Prince Charles's home in Gloucestershire William is behind the wheel of a borrowed car [Music] the next day he passed his driving test never short of party invitations William has a wide circle of friends and attractive companions but worryingly some older friends have admitted taking drugs 20-year old Lord Frederick Windsor son of prince and princess michael of kent has admitted to using cocaine he appeared recently as a fashion model Tom Parker both son of Prince Charles's mistress Camilla is another close friend it is embarrassing to have Tom parker-bowles getting into problems I mean the royal family have had enough scrapes and scandals in the past ten years they don't need any more and certainly William who date's Ben untarnished doesn't need to be involved with people who are going to hit the headlines in the in the worst way many of Williams set a young still at school and share his interests unlike another group of older friends who have embarrassed the young prince one is tara palmer Tomkinson a 27 year old socialite who has admitted a drugs problem bad publicity has linked her to William there was a story that they were all out together in a club and Tara playfully dived on Williams zipper on his trousers I don't think she really intended to do anything at all but she was just teasing William however when it's printed in the press it doesn't look very good it's a great pity that Diana's not still around to keep an eye on her boys because I think she'd be appalled at what's been going on William faces the trials of youth without the guiding hand of his adoring mother at the time of her death her two young sons were only half raised to adult life [Music] at her funeral they coped with a trauma of her death in the outpouring of public grief later their uncle L Spencer who shared their walk-behind Diana's coffin said my admiration for those boys is beyond bounds it was the most amazing display of courage I'll ever see William enjoyed an exceptionally close relationship with his mother he was her friend and confidant her death sealed that bond forever his thoughts turned to Harry almost thirteen at the time claims that Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were assassinated in a Paris car crash have added to her son's grief Diana's death was an absolutely tragic accident it was a case of basic case of drunken driving and the Paris authorities and the Paris courts have now given their verdict on that and it's very very well documented he will have gone through this time and time again if you think the influences of drugs and alcohol you can kill that's something which I think will sit very very firmly in Prince William's mind so that may indeed assist him in August 1999 William set off for the annual family holiday teenage friends were invited as companions for William and Harry press reports claims that William had also invited Camilla to join the royal party aboard the yacht alexander loaned by Prince Charles his friend the Greek billionaire John Latsis it is an ideal location for a royal family holiday away from the prying eyes of the hungry press they went on holiday together last summer on a cruise through the Greek islands so there's no doubt that as Prince Charles's companion she would have been chiefly in charge of the boys and saying hurry up get ready for dinner or you know the other things that mums and stepmoms do it's a standing when you think a few years ago how much Princess Diana hated Camilla that Camilla should now be the main woman in Williams life she I wouldn't say she's trying to use sir Diana's role as mother but she certainly become very close to William there's no doubt she supervises arrangements when the boys are away from eating and holiday at Highgrove should be sort of mother hen you could say Charles had already publicly stepped out with his longtime mistress earlier in the year he is determined to have her accepted as his partner despite speculation that her presence might disrupt the lives of his sons we they are socially and privately very comfortable with each other they're sending this whole idea built up by the press of goodness gracious me you know the other woman you know what's gonna happen when the poor princes meet you know the wicked witch from Wiltshire which of course she isn't I mean it's all a farce and when they get on extremely well together and they encourage I think they see that their father is very happy with Camilla and I mean she's quite a charming person you know in her own right she's got a great sense of humor and she Camilla parker-bowles would know how to make boys of that age laugh and she'd be funny and jokey with Thurman's and so no problems there at all William is often seen as the great hope of the royal family a point seemingly made by the Queen mother on her 99th birthday fond of Prince Charles she hopes that William has the charisma and stature to sustain a popular monarchy in the future now at over six feet William is destined to become the tallest sovereign since King Henry the eighth on Christmas morning at Sandringham the young Prince couldn't help over sat on the rest of the royal family Prince Charles often jokes that he is shrinking as his boys are growing in April 1999 William his arm in a sling after a sports injury became a godfather to the grandson of the exiled King Constantine of Greece a longtime friend of the royal family and a godfather himself to William his shy awkward charm reminds observers of the teenage Diana one of the problems he has is just like Diana when she was younger she was rather sort of clumsy when she first came on the public scene she was taught probably too tall it's awkward for him he's looking down on most people including his own father but he's also trying to self-conscious and shy that in any public place with or without the press there he will be looking down in that very sort of Danish way and it hasn't done him any favors his deportment he's not good he he developed a bit of a stoop and they had to talk to him about it try and get him to you know look at look at people and smile and you'll see that he blushes as well like dinos did william shared his godparent duties with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden at the Greek Orthodox ceremony they vowed their support for baby constantine named after his grandfather who had lost his throne [Music] [Music] William was the DS amongst the other young Royals I was at the christening and I noticed that William seemed to come out of his shell that day and do far more than we expected having gotten used to the shy William who hangs back and because he's so tall hangs his head all the time to avoid being photographed we thought that we weren't going to get much in the way of good pictures that day but William surprised us all he turned up and posed with the baby I think he felt that he owed it to King Constantine who's been a great friend of his father's and he realized it was an important day for the young parents he's got that nice sort of self effacing very charming easy manner about him and he's slightly shy which girls of a similar age like and I think that a lot of so teenage girls find boys of their own age rather aggressive this really into what I call the the point-scoring thing you know and I didn't think he's that at all they like they like that they like the shiniest I like the fact that rather like his mother he looks down sometimes when he talks to you and he's not sort of he's not too boisterous six months after Diana's death Charles persuaded with him to join him and Harry for a brief official visit to Canada followed by a private skiing trip as they were presented with souvenir outfits from the Canadian Olympic teams Charles took part in clowning around intended to be a relief from the period of mourning the tour became an ordeal for William who was mobbed by screaming teenage girls William could not wait to get through the crowds of screaming girls outside the school and once he got inside he went you know I'm glad that's over I mean it didn't help all say that Harry teased him a lot about it he was we could hear him saying Doan William wave at the girls and make them scream and there was a kind of sick kind of atmosphere a lot of the women in the crowd were not young they were older women and one of them said to me when I look at William I want to embrace him because I feel I'm embracing Diana and I thought that was dreadful William must be allowed to be his own person not a clone of his mother and people who regard him as a kind of new generation Diana a rather sick they're not allowing the boy a chance to be himself and I think he wants to assert his individuality and be seen as someone in his own right not just a new Diana [Music] in September 1995 William began the last stage of his school life at Eton College near Windsor Charles and Diana were agreed on the choice of Eton Charles had been miserable at Gordon Stern and Scotland and they wanted William to have a more enjoyable schooling at 13 William was already getting into the swing of things when he arrived at Eton he had most enormous sort of photographs of Pomeranz and with very little on and and other nudes on his walls and I think his tutor said to him you know do you think maybe we could turn this down a bit you know so that was very interesting so he was obviously into girls at a at a very early age the new boy found he liked the Eton regime even wearing the traditional uniform of long tail coat and striped trousers he made friends with boys from a wide variety of backgrounds and progressed rapidly in his studies inevitably the press thought up stories about his school days we all find it quite amusing reading the tabloids breakfast as it gives you a chance to see what is supposed to have gone on all of which we tend to know nothing about often I imagine it's made up the night before when there is a shortage of actual news I'm always amused to read that Prince William is very lucky to have his own room and everyone else stays in dormitories well my experience was I was given my own room right from the start founded in 1440 by King Henry the sixth Eton is the most famous English public school all the men in Diana's family had been educated there so she was keen for William to follow in her family's tradition although Diana's own academic achievements were poor she was keen for her sons to receive the best schooling William as the future King needed a formal education with strong competition I would suspect he probably is very much on a level with his with his father at the same age at the same age you see Diana for all her other when her many talents was not blessed with a great deal of intelligence I think she got two GCSEs one of which was in domestic science which is cooking so no great shakes on on the female size but I mean the Prince of Wales was as always a sensible intelligent fellow rather than being sort of hyper intelligent with the arrival of Prince William the school had to increase its security for its most famous pupil accommodation had to be provided for Williams personal bodyguard the school and staff supported William through his parents divorce and his mother's tragic death the pastoral care at Eton is provided through the house system William is cared for by his house master doctor gaily but the headmaster also takes an interest in his studies the parents are invited to talk to the headmaster after any chapter service at weekends so there is plenty of scope for the parents talk to their headmaster many parents get to know throughout their child's career their house masters very well and will often bring up chat to the house master or perhaps come to supper with the house master so they're able to get a very good insight into the child's education and how the child is fitting in there are certainly no cases I know of where the child being dumped at Eton and left to get on with it the choice of Eton attracted charges of elitism critics felt that William was being educated in an old-fashioned class-based system remarkable for its strange outfits and traditions but Etan's customs like the 4th of June are starkly defended by its boys the 4th of June is the Eton picnic as it's often called this is a chance for the parents to come along and see a bit of Eton there is a cricket match going on there is the procession of boats where the boys rode down the river and wave wave their hats into the river to allow the flowers to float past and wonderful procession William is the keen sportsman he enjoys Eaton's many activities such as soccer rugby tennis water polo and rowing he is done well academically gaining twelve GCSEs in September 1998 William began his a level courses in English geography and history of art he is considering a gap year before going to university his talk isn't that he will go to Australia and to Argentina it can certainly see him going to Australia without a shadow of a doubt I mean his father did that and you see Prince William is a great swimmer like his mother he's a hell of a good swimmer so all that sort of surfing and you know Bondi Beach stuff that will be right up history William is the captain of Eton swimming team he has led them to victory many times including this triathlon where his team finished ten minutes ahead of their nearest rivals like many young boys from Eton William has easy access at weekends to the busy social scene in London where the drug culture dominates some people believe that children educated at boarding school away from their parents are more vulnerable to temptation auditorium favorite boarding schools because that separates children from a very early age from a nurturing environment many of them is not appropriate for some of them it is and they then find themselves in a population where everybody feels much more or less the same sort of sense of loss and if all of them get a reasonable amount of pocket money as most of them would do at a private school like Eton then they have ready access to buy the drugs that would somehow make it up to them for the cutoff from the mother's love within weeks of William's confirmation service in 1997 Diana was tragically killed like Harry he will have to cope with that loss for the rest of his life there is one area which is very very worrying really for the young princes and that is bereavement to lose a parent either by the death or divorce but but of course particularly by death and in the teenage years is predisposes you to using drugs it is it is something which comes up again and again in the studies of drug addiction that the loss of a parent is an indicator for dependency on drugs because it does hit young people at a very very vulnerable age the royal family has a disturbing history of alcohol abuse and drug addiction Prince Charles must warn William of the dangers there have been more than one member of the family who's been addicted to drugs I mean there's the Duke of Kent for example King George the 6th younger brother who was well known to be addicted to cocaine there is a history of addiction throughout both sides of the royal family and therefore the genetic fact of the genetic loading is quite high and he has to be aware of that and he has to I think make a Prince William aware of it and make him realize that it isn't something that he could do like other boys might you know just try a bit of marijuana or have a few more drinks on the weekend than he should he has to be a little bit more careful than most people there are a lot of courtiers around him saying you can't do this in you can't 2,000 his life is more restricted than many young men of his age and so therefore the temptation to kind of break out and to have a bit of rebellion and actually you know to be a bit wild sometimes that must be natural to it he really has a very difficult path I think ahead of him there's also concern for Lord Frederick Windsor son of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent Frederick slightly older than his second cousins William and Harry grew up next door at Kensington Palace once admired by the Queen for his exemplary manners and considered a role model for Prince William Lord Frederick is the grandson of the late Duke of Kent who was famed for his bohemian lifestyle Lord Frederick a gifted scholar at Eton is now studying classics at Oxford University he appeared recently on a magazine cover making his modeling debut in the manner of a modern-day Van Dyck his admitted drug-taking means william must be wary about family tendencies and the exhibitionist activities of some of his royal contemporaries he therefore has to be particularly conscious of the need to deal with any possible genetic predisposition to addiction he must be aware of that he must be made aware of it because not only does he have a genetic predisposition to addiction but he also has an environmental one because he is a needy child he would have to be a needy child because he comes from a broken home he has to be a needy child because mother wasn't always available for him and he has to be a needy child because he would feel somehow there are other people coming between him and his mother that prevented her from giving him the love that he was entitled to have while he was growing up while Diana had a complicated romantic history after the breakdown of her marriage the evidence suggests that she gave her children a great deal of attention providing them with many opportunities for fun and adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] Diana wanted them to have a happy childhood despite their parents separation and divorce she adored her boys but confided particularly in William she called him her anchor and recognized that he was a deep thinker Williams quite a serious character very interested in Shakespeare and poetry although he does love the outdoors and he's the sort of hunting shooting and fishing type he's rather like his father in character in the sense that he's quite reserved and it takes a long while to get to know him he doesn't trust people easily partly because of the position he's in he can't really afford to he's quite studious to and dutiful in public you certainly rarely see Williams show any emotion he ducks his head a lot and he'll smile on to order but you often feel that he's making an effort just to put on a public face and that the real William is still a bit of an enigma Charles has allowed William his own flat in the London home they share it's and James's Palace with his own key William entertains his wide circle of friends many of these are the grown-up children of Charles's own circle however Tara Palmer Tonkin sin' party girl and renowned self publicist in spite of her immaculate connection to Prince Charles is a definite cause for concern they set up William with a lot of older friends people to look up to role models I suppose they're supposed to be but the reality is that these role models are kids older than William much more experimental they're not older and wiser they're older and doing drugs basically Tara along with her sister Santa has long been part of Charles's unofficial entourage caught off guard in a snow Charles unwisely encouraged her familiarity and ignored the dangers in April 1999 as rumors circulated about her involvement with William Tara checked into an American drug addiction clinic later she denied the gossip can't imagine what any parent would have ever thought these people could do is totally exploitive why would he need a load of decadent coke-snorting ridiculous people who are just like Terra Parma Thomson I was just feeding off the connection with the royal family it led some say or claim that to the banishment of Tara she was sent off to a drug clinic in Arizona and or Colorado I think it was and it was kind of like cleaning up your act oh you can't come near William ever again her parents Charles and Patti Palmer Tomkinson are among Prince Charles's closest friends he helped rescue Patti when she was injured in the close to sava launch in 1988 Sante now married behave with dignity but Tara exploited the royal connection I suppose it must be impossible to get round the freeloading situation when the Royals were much more remote there wasn't the opportunity but now this generation of kids born to wealthy parents who are close to Charles they're all instead of banking or modeling all over there and you know in this commercial world of ours it's a fantastic opportunity for them to exploit their closeness to William [Music] Camila is also close to Tara's mother Patti Parma Tomkinson who accompanied her to Polo in 1992 as her adulterous relationship with Charles was exposed in the press she is said to have reunited Camilla with Charles in the mid 80s when his marriage to Diana had deteriorated seven years later scandal touched both families when Tara admitted drug-taking as did Camilla's son Tom now 24 and a close friend of William Tom was seen taking cocaine at the Cannes Film Festival poor old Tom Parker Bowles has been very very very foolish you know I mean in our day it was like smoking I mean the answer is that I'm smoking after lights-out I mean everybody did it but you don't get caught seems these days absolutely everybody mean drugs are absolutely everywhere it's a huge drug culture and poor old Tom Parker Bowles is not a bad bloke I mean I mean he just got a bit bit careless and he got called out that for you would not sit well with Diana she was a very protective mother who tried to make her son streetwise over issues such as drug addiction it's a great pity that Diana's not still around to keep an eye on her boys because I think she'd be appalled at what's been going on especially the sort of scandalous behavior of some of the the people on the Camilla side and Prince Charles's friends notably Tara Palma Tomkinson it's certainly not right for him to model himself at all on people who have problems and some of the people that we've looked at certainly have problems of addiction it's up to him whether he looks at them as role models they aren't his role models he has other better role models to think about he has his grandmother who's a perfectly reasonable person who's never been known to be addicted to anything other than perhaps horse racing he's has got his great grandmother who's very loved a person and I think he should be looking not only at them but had his tutors at school at the ordinary man in the street at his friends most of his friends who behave perfectly normally it's only very few of them the ones that get into the newspapers that he needs to as it were take a view about on the 29th of July 1981 the Prince of Wales then 31 married 20 year old Lady Diana Spencer [Music] a group of young bridesmaids and pageboys shared the magic of that day on the balcony at Buckingham Palace one of the page boys was 8 year old Edward Van Catherine he is now one of Williams more respectable companions his mother Emily is a longtime friend of Camilla parker-bowles she's often been seen with Charles and his sons much closer to William are the van cuts and boys Emily and Hugh van cut Sammy rich landowners have three sons who virtually grown up with William and Harry and they are much more respectable young men they're not in the fast world of the the showbiz world that Tom Parker Bowles lives in they're not in the fast lane at all and it seems that Prince Charles has decided that Edward Van Katzen would be the perfect guide for William when he goes traveling in his gap year between school and university William loves shooting and he got his love of shooting from the van cut some boys were very keen on it and I've taken him many many times on shooting on their estates and friends estates they've all been away together on holidays sometimes William has pulled out of the skiing trips with his father to go shooting with a bang cut some boys I would say they are his closest friends Princess Anne's two children Zara and Peter Phillips are also close to William an accomplished sportsman Peter now 22 is studying sport science at Exeter University Peter Phillips is a role model and has been probably for all of Williams life and heat they seem to have got it right with him anyway because he is a big healthy no-nonsense kind of guy who's very good shot good Horseman plays rugby you know he's rough and tough he doesn't seem to have any airs and graces and he's been pretty brilliant with William and that that seems to be a good choice and a natural choice you would look up to your your cousin he's big and beefy and he's got those blond looks it's all very sort of close family thing when he was much smaller William absolutely hero-worship Peter Phillips Peter taught him to play cricket and they spent all their summer holidays together very often when Princess Anne went back to work in the New Year Peter and Zara would stay on at Sandringham with William and Harry and Diana would look after all four of them help them build snowmen and you know just generally give them a good time so they're very very close I'd say more like brothers than cousins and it was noticeable when Diana died and William made his first public appearance when he went out to look at all the bouquets and cards at Balmoral Castle Peter Phillips was right there behind him lending him moral support the tragedy is that diana is not here to see the mature way in which William and Harry have copes with their own emotional trauma she would have been proud of her boys at Diana's funeral her brother Earl Spencer vowed to protect his nephews well Charles Spencer made that amazing speech at Diana's funeral promising to stay close to Diana's boys and give them the things that the royal family couldn't which is a very controversial speech they're not exactly madly close but they do see each other and stay in touch [Music] sadly William and Harry see little these days of their young cousins Princess Eugenie and Beatrice daughters of Sarah Duchess of York now effectively banned from royal circles since her divorce from the Duke of York Sarah says that senior members of the royal family such as Prince Charles regard her as pointless this has led to a distancing of the two families that were once very close in the past they shared holidays together such as this ski trip in 1995 to close to Charles his favorite ski resort [Music] when four-year-old Eugenie fell into the deep snow her 12 year old cousin William was close at hand [Music] this is one of the few occasions when he is readily taken part in a photo call improving the soup rated they're improving Thank You skids Richard sorry could you ask around here sorry [Applause] [Music] both the Queen and the Queen mother have taken a close interest in Williams upbringing he grew up a thoughtful courteous boy ready to help others without prompting although Diana had difficult relationships with the royal family she knew that William had to be taught by them for his future role the Queen has made certain that she spends a lot of time with William especially on Sunday afternoons when he goes to see her for tea she can kind of give him a very subtle training in the art of King Manship they discuss more serious topics and she can explain to him what it's like to have a life filled with you know eternal boxes from the government that you have to look through and what it's like just to be in that position that the privileges must be paid for she realizes the problems that he's got confronting his destiny and also living in the spotlight so I think she's trying to help him adjust to that Harry is being raised as a backup for William to help him through a lifetime of duties [Music] from his birth in June 1982 William has been a world celebrity every major event from his christening to his first tentative cruel about has been captured by cameras the flashbulb of play has marked every milestone of his infancy his schooldays sad family events and happy ones everywhere he looked press men with their inquisitive long lenses were there even on private holidays there was no escape he came to dislike the constant intrusions dianna sometimes pleaded with the press to leave her sons alone William far more than Harry became camera shy hiding his face when the paparazzi photographers who pounded Diana and her sons I once said to Diana William doesn't like being photographed she said oh no he hates it and I said well it seems to me life will be a lot easier for him as soon as he learns to live with it and she said I think you're being very hard and I said well maybe but what a prince is for therefore being photographed that's all they are they're symbols they don't actually do or achieve very much and I think William hasn't yet come to terms with that at Eton William is grateful for being one of the crowd his friends recognized his need for privacy and shield him from the press well I'm told the only time the Prince William uses foul language four-letter words is when he either reads about himself or sees photographs Intel or the physical presence of photographers the problem with William is is too good-looking for his own good and as there are no other young attractive people coming up rapidly in the Royal ranks Williams the natural successor to Diana and as he has a kind of very ambivalent attitude to the media life's going to be very difficult for him Diana I think brainwashed him to dislike being photographed being scrutinized he saw the problems she went through he didn't see the other side of her that she used the media for her benefit and he is not at a stage yet where he can do that sometimes Diana had to be rescued by her bodyguard from scuffles and squabbles with Pressman William dreaded these confrontations at this stage he had no idea that Diana also had a secret life later he learned the truth about her lover's such as James Hewitt whom he saw just as a family friend in November 1995 Diana gave a television interview she admitted adultery with Hewitt accused Camilla of being the third person in her marriage and questioned Charles's suitability for the throne hinting that William would make a much better King and should succeed the Queen I've always thought that Diana made too much responsibility on William and treated him as a sort of alternative husband she confided in too much about her her problems her romantic life William cope with it very well it probably helped to mature him very rapidly but it shouldn't have happened to him and I think part of that is the reason he hates the press he feels that if the paparazzi hadn't always been pursuing his mother and she and Dodi hadn't been concerned that the press might be on their tail perhaps they might have driven more slowly through Paris and they'd be alive today [Music] whitewater rafting was one of the outdoor activities Diana's sons experienced in contrast to the more traditional forms of royal pastimes like hunting shooting and fishing [Music] at home she took them go-karting and on holiday in Colorado in 1995 she allowed them to ride caught bikes despite protestations from their father [Music] since the death William and Harry have not repeated this type of holiday William is Harry's protector especially since he joined him at Eton in 1998 Harry is the tearaway of the family William the quieter and more thoughtful one he doesn't mother Harry and I don't think Harry needs mothering either I mean Harry it's gonna be quite a little tiger how it's gonna be different from William but I mean how he's gonna be quite a little tiger and in his own right I think Tiggy leg Burke their former nanny has helped William and Harry cope with the shock of their mother's death she joined Charles's staff in 1993 when he shared custody of the boys was Diana sporty and adventurous Tiggy became a vital part of their lives but was criticized for allowing them to take part in some dangerous activities such as abseiling down the side of a dam without protective headgear Charles was reportedly horrified she let them do some harum-scarum things I wouldn't say she exactly introduced them to the downside of life she'd take them to the movies to restaurants but it was Diana who felt that the boys should have a slow introduction to people who were less lucky than they are I would think the real world to Prince William was was brought home to him definitely by his mother that hilarious little trips that they did make the visit to Centrepointe seeing how homeless people were struggled and and coped with life AIDS victims listen and the other I would suspect that that would have made a very major impression on him at and at an impressionable age no how old was he when that was going on he was sort of 14 or 15 so I would think without a shadow of a doubt yes and probably what's making him into a nice rounded boy I think the hardest thing for any member of the royal family is that they live in this sort of in this glass house they're sort of cocooned and they didn't really understand too much about want to see how the other half lives but how you know how the other 98% of the world live one of Charles's favorite sports is polo he was an enthusiastic player until injuries limited his performance he rarely plays now but would like to see his boys take up the game the Prince of Wales would love both his sons to become polo players and it's a brilliant game anyway I mean it is the summary said to me with a lovely way to have a sweat and it is really it's sort of riding horses the involvement with horses you've got none of the problems you've got with foxhunting and you know the blood sports angle you're you know you're sitting on a horse hitting a ball and you've got a nice degree of physical contact with riding off and you know the hooking of the sticks it's a good strong manly game and the fact it's pretty good funds reluctantly Diana took her boys to watch Charles on the polo field she found the game boring like most of her husband's interests but realized that her sons felt differently they enjoyed the whole polo experience William has gone on to take lessons himself he now owns his own polo pony and has a real aptitude for the sport William and Harry have been given sort of private lessons sort of not quite behind closed doors but without anybody watching them and both of them enjoy the game the problem the major major problem that William is gonna have of course is he's left-handed and of course there are no left-handed polo players in the world and when you line up you've got a ladder line up right hand to right hand and which is quite obvious because otherwise people would kill each other what you're talking about in pelo is swinging the stick you've got to get that whole swing and the swing of the shoulders so you've got a he is going to have to switch his whole body balance from the left hand side to the right hand side that'll be difficult for him [Music] princes are expected to have a military career Charles was in the Navy but William had shown an interest in the army he's doing very very well in the combined cadet force at Eton I understand that he won the sash of Honor last year which was for the most outstanding sort of young cadet soldier cadet of his year at Eton so that's a big thing he's going to be a soldier Prince and there's this big talk and I'm sure this is right that he's gonna go into the Welsh Guards that will be obvious because when his father becomes king he will be the next Prince of Wales so he'd have to go in the Welsh Guards so that would make a lot of sense good regiment nice regiment [Music] doubts have grown about Williams acceptance of a burden thrust on him by fate alone given a choice he would probably avoid any of this and subtle for anonymity all his life he has been groomed for some distant day when he will become King William the fifth but he may long for a different destiny William seems reluctant to take the spotlight and inevitably one day he will be you know the main man in the royal family and he'll have to spend his life in the spotlight he seems to dread it the palace officials seem to think it's a stage he's going through I'm not so sure I think big problems lie ahead another abdication would be probably finish off the House of Windsor I think it's really unfair to say to a young man of Williams age sorry you can't be a rocket scientist or a drummer in a rock band you've got to be a king in this democratic age no other young man is forced to go into his father's firm William has no choice and it's a very daunting prospect he's got to be king and that very idea that he hasn't any choice is probably a very bitter to to a boy of his age Williams position as heir in line to the throne is so special that unlike Harry he is not allowed to travel by plane with his father in the summer of 1999 accompanied by friends they flew out separately for their cruise around the Greek islands a selection of attractive well-bred aristocratic young women provided company for William Amelia Dollinger daughter of a rich Dorset landowner was among them as was Davina Duckworth Chad also known as the devil on the web after she appeared on the Internet the process of finding him a sort of life partner is all going on I don't know if he's aware of just how much this subjects thought through and talked over and there's a determination that you know that whole establishment thing that they was used to do trying to introduce royalty to royalty so bringing in a few European princesses I mean they've abandoned that but they also don't want another diner or Fergie on scene I'm sure he will enjoy a close relationship with a woman but what sort of woman I'll be talking about is he going to choose a woman like his mother a woman who isn't going to be there for him all the time or is he going to be exactly the others that is again to try and find somebody is nothing like his mother somebody who's going to be always there somebody who's going to be entirely faithful someone who is not going to have other relationships other than one with him I wouldn't be at all surprised if William ended up with some rather dowdy girl who wasn't another Diana that's what we would all like to see him with but I think he'll be going for something safe and loving rather than someone dazzling because you know the problem one of the great problems between Charles and Diana was that she had shown him and William will have to use his head as much as his heart when he finds a wife [Music] Williams association with unsuitable companions and his recent attraction to London nightclubs worries the royal family they hope that with maturity he will distance himself from bad influences and they know that William has a deep love of the peace and tranquility found on the Royal estates [Music] Williams happiest really in the countryside he adores Scotland he adores Balmoral and although he's not a loner I suppose when your life's crowded like kids he'd probably do relish moments alone and school have a lot to think about more than most human beings Williams relationship with his father is all-important he knows that he and Harry and Charles must all support each other in the years ahead I think he's now getting on with things and realizing that his father's never been happier and although you know he misses his mother there's nothing he can do about it and he's just got to ensure now that that he does what he can to help his father he's got all his mother's charm he's got his mother's you know apparent good looks and the world is his oyster right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
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Keywords: princess diana car crash paris video, prince william and kate middleton, prince william and harry, prince harry and meghan markle interview, prince harry and meghan markle documentary, prince william and harry talk about diana, prince william and kate middleton visit pakistan, royal family 2019, royal family channel, meghan markle prince harry prince william and kate interview, prince charles and camilla, princess diana conspiracy theory, prince andrew interview
Id: 6u9Ib9Hr4_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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