Diana: The Woman Inside | Full Movie | Flick Vault

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[Music] she had a wonderful sense of humor and a fantastic love I miss that laughter penetrated everything [Applause] none other has come close to matching the life of Diana Princess of Wales an icon of unprecedented magnitude adored by millions she was the most famous woman in the world I'd like to dispel the myths that she spent all these years crying her eyes out in Kensington Palace behind closed doors she spent a lot of the time laughing she was a lovely warm person I remember someone who questioned a lot who had funny answers said funny things loved loved dirty jokes sent me some appalling ly risque cards it's a penalty of the job you can't behave Diana's transformation from princess and wife to dazzling international star and cultural legend played out in the unlimited scrutiny of the public eye did you get the idea that was becoming an enormous success so that you could enjoy it enjoy something like that terrifying such a long walk out that our four stars know how many teasing when you came back what did you say I really want to know that Diana revived the popularity of the royal family in the face of modern challenges for seventeen years her luminous but troubled life transfixed millions she took her marriage in to the royal family seriously and treated it as a job I feel my role is supporting my husband whenever I can and always being behind him encouraging and also most important in being a mother in a while she left him to bits Dianna's magnetism endeared her to those she met she connected with the public in a way that was unique and extraordinary Diana was a complete one-off irrespectively engaged there are hundreds and often thousands of people and then you have to beg the Christian woman why did that happen you know why was she so popular I can't believe I hit that what a welcome they said and indeed it was she seemed like a single figure tackling this huge establishment she never gave up she had a very strong attitude she empowered women and I think that was really important to her a lot of women have not-so-great marriages so and they could identify with her she was a brilliant communicator she really connected with people that's why people loved her so much she transformed our royal family the Aria about Donna is that she failed to realize was how many people had marred her it told you a lot about her modesty and her sort of lack of confidence in her own ability as a parent could I ask you to respect my children's space because I bet the children out here for a holiday and we'd really appreciate the face book stories anything to do with Diana that was remotely salacious old it was intimidating and she found it extremely tough at the time as self-esteem was very low and I felt it important to give what she wanted to feel a woman in every sense yes I had told him yes I was in long with him but I was very let down badly that down is an understatement all she wanted to do was buy back her letters and he was an absolute on more than one occasion she said to me this is the woman who wants my job she wants to be the new me she was absolutely right Diana Princess of Wales became an international obsession the star of a compelling real-life soap opera that captivated a global audience calm was interesting because he mended people's hearts and she was a girl with a broken heart you know he was a harsh sometimes I felt like screaming that she then meets Dodie fire within a seven week period under the protection of his she's dead [Music] her life was brief but Diana Princess of Wales left her mark she captivated the world and shook the British monarchy to its core in the decades that followed our fascination with the people's princess has not dimmed Diana remains an irresistible and unforgettable paradox there has been a campaign to diminish her memory there's been lots of efforts to shove Diana to the sidelines of royal history marc bolan was caught in by the Prince of Wales he was her past assistant private secretary of the prince bought in simply to promote the very existence of Camilla and you know in a process knowing your otherwise was was airbrushing Diner of that stage almost out of existence there have been those in the media in particular who have done their best to sort - trying to eradicate Diana's memory but she's resisting from the only grave 20 years on she's still a powerful figure a powerful draw for many people everybody within the royal family for ease of transition of Camilla would have preferred everybody not to talk about Diana in a way of saying look she's had her time she's now dead sorry but let's move on that was never going to happen there will never be another donor ever we were all robbed of someone very special Diana did an amazing job for the royal family I mean she very nicely brought it to its knees in the end she was perceived to be a danger to the monarchy as it turned out of course she was it Saviour the Honourable Diana Francis Spencer was born into a life of privilege and tradition her parents were distinguished members of the English aristocracy the ancestry of the Spencer's was of course goes back into mists of time but is very closely associated with the royal family over a number of years she came from a family that was very much bound up in the royal family it worked for the royal family they therefore understood the protocols her father was an aquaria the Queen they lived on a house on the sand real estate both her grandmother's and four of her great arms were ladies-in-waiting to the Queen Mother the two families knew one another quite well [Music] presently a guard of honor of Royal Scots Grey's made an ouch of swords if I count all dropping his bride as they came out it was indeed a brilliant occasion and likely to be remembered as the wedding of the year on the first of July 1961 the Honorable Diana Frances Spencer was born at Parc House on the Sandringham Estate in the same room in which her mother Frances had been born no one could have predicted the impact she would have not just upon the royal family but throughout the world I usually like to dance and she was very fond of swimming she's always looking down to the swimming pool she danced in the main hall and played piano no she never ever said what she wanted to do the only time I ever heard her say anything was just in fun but her sister's wedding she said my wedding will be at Westminster Abbey and she was 90 bets eighteen then I should think but we always thought she'd be Prince Andrew [Music] the secure calm of Diana's childhood was shattered at an early stage in 1967 her parents marriage ended in separation Diana had a very difficult childhood her parents were constantly at loggerheads enormous rose her mother was in an abusive marriage she gave her husband the children that he wanted she finally gave him the son he was desperate to have the son and heir and she then saw an opportunity to have a happy life herself she fell in love with somebody and she went off with him fully believing that she would take her children with her she didn't know Diana she left the house when she was six she wasn't interested in her children Francis's decision to separate from Donna's father I think that cast a shadow over Donna's entire life framed very much her own marriage too so that was a constant feature in the background if you like her mother walked out she never forgot the sound of her mother's footsteps on the gravel and her mum said I'll be back in a week she never came back she understood nothing about the custody proceedings all she knew was that her mother didn't love her enough to want to be with her in the early 60s it was practically unheard of for a mother not to get custody of her children but what happened was in the custody proceedings her mother gave evidence against her Frances was criticized and always demonized her mother was Ruth Latifah Maury who was a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother and she was a terrible snob and she thoroughly disapproved of her daughter leaving her her own and taking up with a man in trade and she gave evidence against her daughter she said that she was a bad mother and as a result of that Frances shantia she became lost custody of all four of her children Lord Spencer you know did bring his children office ability with the assistance of nannies and Donna still had access to her mother Diana was very father unfortunately her mother saw her so Diana's arrival like all domestic relationships within families there are various dynamics going on a Francis was a sort of an older version of Diana tall elegant lovely lovely lady very stubborn very determined very single-minded and they had there was friction between the two of them there is no doubt about it in reality Francis her mother was probably the best friend that she had at one stage there is no doubt that Diana and Francis her mother were extremely close she was her closest confidant in the early years of the marriage there one day and she was on the phone to another and there they were arguing and you know my mother actually sits you know Diana I'm the one that should have been the star the tragedy for Diana and for Francis was that at the time of darkness death they were not on speaking terms they had been for many years but earlier that year in 1997 they had a very bad falling out and for those last few months they didn't talk whatever happened to the very end of Diana's life and and relationship I I think it sort of fails into oblivion given you know the very closeness that they endured through certainly through the time that I was there upon the death of her grandfather in 1975 Diana's father became the eighth Earl Spencer and inherited all thought like her sisters and brother she assumed a title and became Lady Diana Spencer somehow the fact that Donna was the daughter of an aristocrat and came for a very privileged background didn't matter we took her as was sort of one of our own we thought she was the ordinary girl next door at the age of nine Diana Spencer was sent to riddles worth halt [Music] in 1974 she followed her elder sisters Sarah and Jane to West Heath School in Kent I would describe it as a huge family lots of laughter the girls a lot of them were titled but the staff went never knew which girls were titles so everyone was treated as equals Diana was a very likable character and a very helpful person she was a very easy person to chat with even at that age in fact after the class we used to have break and instead of going off for break she would want to stay behind and chat and just generally want to know about our lives she it was a brilliant swimmer and won many awards for the school Diana was very very keen on her dancing but mainly the ballet and actually there were only two girls in the class so it was very special almost one-on-one teaching I actually wanted to be a dancer but I overshot the height by a long way I couldn't imagine some man try and lift me out both his arms but I do it once a week if I can and it's combination of tap jazz and ballet and I really enjoy it Norma see she was an outstanding dancer so enthusiastic I know she used to practice every morning in the main hall before I would arrive she was very dedicated and an absolute joy to teach she wanted to be a ballet dancer herself but she grew too tall by then obviously she couldn't take that path nevertheless she kept up a ballet movements throughout her life sometimes she would even go to rehearsals and join in with the English National Ballet it was wonderful for her because she was able to pop along and walking on rehearsals she adored going to Covent Garden and seeing the performances on stage and of course famously she did it once herself with Wayne sleep when she danced with Wayne sleep I was immensely proud that she managed to do that it was one of the wedding presents which was slightly backfired she did it as a tribute to Charles and it was filmed and Charles wasn't terribly impressed because he thought she was showing off but in fact it was incredibly courageous of her to go onstage you know at the home of English ballet at Covent Garden and to do a routine with the great Wayne sleep took an awful lot of courage I thought she looked fantastic [Music] although Diana Spencer's academic path was undistinguished outside of the classroom she had a keen love of music her passion was music it wasn't Duran Duran or Boy George or Wham I mean she liked pop music but her real passion was for classical music the thing I remember about her is driving around in her car listening to music like bands like Supertramp on the one hand and then and then going on to something very classical on the next she was a great fan of opera and she travelled over to Italy on several occasions to see Pavarotti I'm a grateful even having me wherever I go whether it's a headset or a radio or a record player and it's just a big treat to go out for a walk with music still coming out with me and I tend to listen to an enormous fan of classical music whether it's green black men and offal Schumann and all my family my side of the family very music orientated and that's where I picked it out from and loved it and you still play the piano yes I play that it's nothing to get excited about by any means but I really enjoy it it's very therapeutic [Music] dianna connected effortlessly with people her human touch endeared her to those she met as Princess of Wales she made a joke of her school days and her lack of academic success on a visit to West Heath ten years later to open a new Sports Hall named after her former headmistress she recalled past misdemeanors and the price she had to pay she said Oh Wendy I returned to the school but I surprised because a lot of the staff were nervous of me and I'm just Diana certainly very happy whines indeed I made many friends who I often see and in spite of what miss raj and my other teachers may have thought time I did actually know something so you would never know I might have never results Donna was much more intelligent than people ever gave her credit for she wasn't academic look made no mistakes she didn't excel brilliantly at school and I'm past lots of exams that was not her she herself admitted that you know she didn't have a great clutch and ol levels and and with all that would occasionally refer to as I was being the thickest name of the royal family Donna was actually one of the most intelligent women anyone could ever meet she pretended to be a dimwit Dona knew exactly what was going on in politics economics she was very very savvy she was well-informed she would talk about politics she was interested in current affairs she used to say to me you think they always talk over my head because they think I must bimbos but I know what they're talking about she was bright girl it was a sort of wicked sense of humor them that would he stood her out from other members the royal family she would be a to say something on the spur the moment which would be quite humorous or all misty she certainly liked a joke she had particular targets of her jokes that Kensington Palace poor old princess Michael of Kent who was her closest neighbor often was on the receiving end she likes to play jokes on people and tease people but not not in a bad way just in a fun loving way I bought her an outfit to wear which was a thong and thongs were just sort of coming into into the fitness world fashion and and she was very happy to wear it Donna raced out in a very revealing gym kit and surprise princess Michael ishi and a whole bunch of rather stuffy friends were going off to the races she wanted to embarrass them which I think she did achieve she was with her friend Simone Simmons and they were covered in and some sort of avocado makeup they were doing a sort of deep cleanse on their face and they thrust their faces together out of the window looking like a pair of Martians as Princess Michael was again about to get into a grand car to go somewhere important I went there one day and I was waiting downstairs in the formal interview room and I was sitting there there's a beautiful cat that came through and when Diana walked in she said oh my god do you like cats I said well you know I do she said I forget you've got three yes would you like another one I said I don't mind you said well this cat very very unhappy living with princess Michael and as is everybody else that lives there so would you please take her home with you I said I'd love to say Paul go and get bolt so he went got box and so do you know that that's been chipped microchips and I'ma see wouldn't it be funny we both ended up in prison in the early years she was friendly with princess Michael but things changed they didn't get on as well fish perhaps should have done she didn't like princess like love Ken and the feeling's mutual she had a wonderful sense of humor he wanted to laugh anyway whatever she whatever the joke was she laughed because of her and the princess found it hard to suppress a girlish attack of giggles and seeing her husband in a hard hat she was funny witty and big-hearted she teased her policemen she teased her friends she teased other members of the Kensington Palace staff when the cameras were off then it was it was playtime I remember coming back from New York and we arrived at Heathrow and she said who you must ring up my hairdresser and she said oh dear he might do one of your funny voices and I'd I remember ringing about he had a cell on in in Claridge's and I'm other sort of hands-free in the car I rang up and I said hey Richard I said this is Jack Jack's Raisa from the New York Times we just want to talk about Diana's hairstyle and Richard in a very feminine voice said then he said I don't give interviews he said well it's not an interview we just want to know when did you last do Diana's hair I'm not talking about a head well Richard let me tell you something when did you last do her roots which point Dinah and her sister were in the bank I could see diners was stuffing tissues in the in her in her mouth and the chauffeur was wasn't actually losing control exactly but I decided to call it a day I said so I originally it's Ken I won't say what he said in 1977 lady diana attended the Institute ALPA Vadim Annette in Switzerland after West Heath she went to Switzerland for two terms where she went to a finishing school with money inherited on her 18th birthday diana bought a flat in london which would be her home until the day her engagement was announced for a while she worked as a kindergarten teacher I wanted to teach children and they said why not come along so I first started offering afternoons and then I took over the morning so did whole days but I only worked three days week kindergarten and the other two I looked after American baby boy it was 1977 when the world's most eligible bachelor and heir to the British throne encountered his future princess 1977 he's just going to stay his friend of my sister Sarah shoot I'm sort of met in Fairfield I remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive 16 year old she was that marriage came about in a strange way it came about through grandpa at that particular time working for the Queen Mother was a lady called the Ruth for morning lady was Diana's grandmother who was very instrumental with the Queen Mother in bringing together this relationship you could say with some degree of certainty that this was the last of any Royal arranged marriage Prince Charles was under intense pressure to find a future Queen Diana fitted the bill perfectly [Music] Charles did give us a hint to himself he said we wouldn't have to wait too long Lady Diana Spencer well as the Queen said she's one of us she knew all the ropes and all the rules she seemed in a sense to be ideal actually she was on the scene of familiar to the Queen and Prince Philip who were both very fond of her she touched his heart and that was the beginning of the relationship life for Diana changed instantly and she was bombarded requests the whole time and I think she cope was it admirably and she was very gracious but I know that she wasn't really happy about it her flat in London became absolutely besieged by the press by photographers they followed her everywhere she went and that was effectively that end of Charles and Diana being able to explore their relationship get to know one another they scarcely knew one another at that point On February the 24th 1981 the royal engagement became official when she met him she was very young and he's obviously very charming and she was swept off her feet by him they were for a time really completely a dream team there was love between Charlson and and Diana at one stage she never stopped loving Charles and right the very end she loved him Diana was genuinely in love with the Prince of Wales where she told me she was I don't know reason disbelieve her but I'm not so certain about the Prince they like the same things they had the same interest complementary medicine organic foods organic farming you know natural you know going back to basics they both had a brilliant sense of humor when they became engaged they still scarcely knew one another that was the real tragedy of the whole thing if the six years later if they would have got married they'd never got divorced unfortunately she was too young when Charles met Diana he wasn't really free emotionally to give himself to her as she gave herself to him Camilla was in the way and Camilla was always intent on being queen Prince Charles of course as we since discovered was already committed emotionally to another woman the whole community was an ongoing plague in Diana's life really she recognized very early on that this was not going to be a bed of roses yesterday it's a tremendous change for someone and they say of nineteen to make all it is but I've had a small run-up to the last six months and next bits Charles and I can't go wrong and I suppose in we laughed a lot of people did but I actually believed it was being honest he was involved with camera right the way through the engagement famously she gave him cufflinks and tokens of loves that he actually took on his honeymoon with Diana been arranged marriages in the past you know it was accepted that the prince was safer had mistresses but Dinah was not prepared to go down that line and so the berries really got off to a bad start people talk about their divorce their relationship as being very complex it wasn't very complex at all I mean here was a relationship like any other relationship where one of the parties is having an adulterous affair to the captivated public Lady Diana appeared to be the perfect candidate to fill the position of Princess of Wales admired and emulated for her beauty Diana's wardrobe became a continual focus of attention when I first arrived and there were a lot of people to help me and it's now really my own choice but a lot I can't always well-tied like to an engagement because it's just not practical you'd be amazed what one has to worry about up from the obvious things like the wind is always a gale where are we again the wind is my enemy no doubt about that and you've got to put your arm up to get some flowers so I can't have something to revealing and you can't have hands to shock when you bend over the six children looking at Oscar and he goes on like that you've got to Claire's a further job they've got to be practical and sometimes I can be anything that rages something she was a very striking woman very physically striking almost head of a model figure she was very tall and she was very slim she had such a beautiful posture poised she had the most amazing flawless skin the thing I remember about her is not the glossy Performing Diana on the public stage but Madonna whose hair when it wasn't all done up and teased up by her hairdressers was was was quite flat and minimum makeup jeans terribly tall of course she looked really amazing when she was in jeans and t-shirt and no makeup I don't think she really knew how beautiful she was and she was actually naturally very beautiful I'd seen her first thing in the morning with no makeup just you know just straight out of the shower and she had the most amazing skin she was just extremely photogenic at school you want to thought that Diana would have become a fashion model I think she just didn't take a bad picked I really enjoy looking at pictures of her one of her first dress that she wore for public engagement with that black taffeta Emanuel dress and the papers the next day said plunging necklines it was a big scandal the black dress was what we always called it our transformation dress there was the plunge element it caused quite a stir though there was a bit of a hoo-ha off about her decolletage when she bought the black dress it was the first time anybody had seen her in grown-up kind of clothes and before then she'd been wearing was sort of very quite romantic styles with frills and flounces when she turned up wearing that it was a transformation of a young girl into a princess to be there very few other times she wore black and it is something normally sort of reserved from morning once she wore the black dress she noticed the press was paying a lot of attention to her and realized that what she wore had an impact we weren't really surprised there it fetched such a large price it was a very famous dress and that's why it raised such a lot of money selling now for 160,000 Plus buyer's premium 160,000 so thank you very much [Applause] it was probably the most exciting auction with my entire certainly okay on the day the royal engagement was announced the future Princess of Wales moved to the Queen Mother's London residence Clarence House and thereafter to Buckingham Palace diana was just thrown in at the deep end she went to live in Buckingham Palace she felt a little isolated and a little unsure of her position she was so young she was only 19 she felt she couldn't really have her friends around - such a sort of scary place she moved from her lovely giggly flat with her flatmates into Buckingham Palace which is very very different it was a complete shock to her did she watch TV a lot where did you have any favourite programme out of the blue one day came a letter from the palace and inside was a letter from Diana asking me if I remembered her at West Heath and saying because of her situation she had just become engaged to Prince Charles that she couldn't get out really because of the press around and would I consider going to Buckingham Palace to teach her and we had a wonderful time it's such happy memories you know I used to go to Buckingham Palace three times a week she was very happy she came across as being very much in love she was quite tired as any bride is with the preparations going on but I think even more so because there were many dress fittings and then practices of getting into the coach and out of the coach all the fittings were at our studio we had everybody trying to find out what we were going to be doing they even sort of located themselves in the flats opposite us so they could try and film through our windows we were making the bridesmaid dresses and that was a lot of fun as well particularly because Diana used to bring them in for fittings and one time they were wearing roller skates it was a very busy time but very happy time as well Dinah was really happy and we were happy and this is very very exciting the final fitting was in Buckingham Palace because our studio was too small to spread out the Train because something that was really long Prince Charles was away traveling a lot she thought it wasn't going to be wonderfully romantic and they'd be having candlelit suppers in Buckingham Palace and he would put a whisker away on a white charger but it wasn't like that at all she hardly saw him I don't think anyone actually explained to her the enormity of what she was doing she just thought it would be lovely to be a princess what is royalty about royalty is a mixture of myth and reality it's the fairytale romance of a princess coming together with living history she lived in a kind of romantic world she read Barbara Cartland romantic novels she simply thought royal life would be like something out of a romantic novel she would marry the prince she loved she would be secure and safe and I don't think she really understood what it what it would involve amid economic gloom and an unpopular government the British people were offered what they have never failed to rejoice over a happy royal event we've been through some very tough times there was a recession in Britain and also we just had a series of riots in Brixton and in Liverpool and suddenly the Royal Wedding happened it was high summer and London was was on effect everybody felt very happy and elated by it I was reporting on the Royal Wedding for the mail back then I remember being out the night before talking and interviewing to lots of the people who were camping out on the street all the way from Bucky and Palace to some Paul's Cathedral preparations for the parade were well advanced horses were made to get up early outside Buckingham Palace and all the way to support on the 29th of July in 1981 Lady Diana Spencer life would change forever though still a commoner the pretty English girl will be transformed into the third lady of the realm Princess of Wales we will waiting on the steps and it was all very quiet and it kind of finally sunk in that this is it we hope everybody likes the dress and a wedding dress that has been a carefully guarded secret resplendent ivory silk taffeta trimmed with antique lace in a long long train all 25 feet and embroidered as bewitching and romantic a bride has ever touched the heart of the world I thought is exquisite so a beautiful one of the sort of outstanding things that people seem to remember is this really really really terribly long train but that long train is a bridesmaids nightmare we noticed that there was some wrinkles there in the dress and my heart must have hit my knees we knew those half adders taffeta it does tend to wrinkle but we also knew it pulled out because it was quite heavy taffeta it took quite a while to arrange her when she came out of the carriage to make it sort of look right it was kind of romantic dramatic theatrical the dress was made of silk taffeta and we it's specially woven there was a lot of fabric the amount of tool that we used for the petticoat must have been hundreds of meters and there was many thousands of pearls and sequins embroidered onto the lace there was a lot of work on that dress I had an Eames chair in the aisle and also I was looking back to see Diana coming and I'm sure for her it must have been very overwhelming with all these people around but she was beaming looking radiant and our eyes brought each other and her face lit and I lifted my head a little and she did and I was really proud of her okay orchids inhale gardenias dark myrtle and golden Manhattan roses Diana would never appeared nervous at all I don't think that we ever saw her nervous and I was nervous so child and Diana come together before God in the world to make their lives each to the other Diana Francis wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband to live together according to God's law in the holiest state of matrimony wilt thou love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live who can doubt the love and happiness that this couple so obviously feel and share so strong but for one inspiring day a whole nation can forget its troubles to unite in which in them well all the best fairy stories end with the words and they all lived happily ever after may we pray that this very story is no exception one thing I do remember was the Archbishop of Canterbury runs to saying this is what fairytales are made of it's a wonderful and special day full of hope [Applause] it quickly went wrong although it was a fairy tale incredibly unhappy ending in so many different ways on Diana's wedding day she said her initial instinct because that's when she found out about Camila her initial instinct was to turn and run her family wouldn't let her do it behind the newlyweds comes the Queen accompanied by the arrow Spencer Prince Charles couldn't let go of his mistress and the tragedy unfolded the community was clearly in open call you know really how do you sort of reel back from that it was a difficult one did you marry the right man well a full name is quite something to get organized and have you really in doubt your wife with all your worldly goods amid scenes of national joy and celebration the public obsession with Princess Diana began [Music] she was an event whenever she went her prayers connected with the great British public they loved her she wasn't some sub-state fuddy-duddy at the House of Windsor she was a breath of fresh air she was glamorous she brought a film star quality people of York turned out in their tens of thousands on a sunny morning in what's become an instant tradition there were gifts and flowers by the basket fall Donna had glamour plus the status now Hollywood movie stars of God glamour but they haven't got the status did you get from being a future Queen and so Dinah was unique her style her involvement approach her attitude have fun a sense of humor endeared her to the public whoever associated a sense of humor with the royal family before until she came along she had a natural way of greeting people and make them you really believe that she was genuinely interested in you she made you feel important she was just wonderful she was immensely popular in a way that is very hard to imagine now I don't think she had any concept of just how popular she was if she went on these tours she assumed that people were sort of busting to see her I said no no people come to see because they want to see these aren't sort of one party states where people are forced to come pay homage to you after she died actually thought if she only knew as her celebrity flourished diana rapidly learned how to make an impact the clothes were a kind of a language for her and you could see how she was feeling or what message she was trying to get across simply by looking at what she was wearing we could always tell if it was going to be a good day with dial or a bad day it was a good day she'd arrived wearing pink or red that meant she was in a rosy mood to her rosy specs on sort of metaphorically and she'd cooperate but if you turned up at the job and she was wearing black we think oh god she keep her back to him to us all day she was very clever of handling the press getting across the message that she wanted us to publicize for her she didn't send sort of big trends but she picked our particular pieces and then other people would wear them there she got more and more confident in her own style she would push the boundaries a bit for a while she was also very much into the military style so she had a lot of Cossack coats and things with frogging for Diana her hair was as big thing as well it wasn't just what she was wearing when they went to New Zealand they were confronted by five or six women all having the same hairstyles and by across browsers my clothes are not my priority I enjoy bright colors and my husband likes to see me looks not presentable and I do think there's too much emphasis on my face I mean fashion isn't my big thing at all the royal couple seemed an almost perfect match for a while the it'll continue to bewitch an unsuspecting public even the couple's dissimilar interests seemed captivating I was lucky enough to marry her and we had many amazing what ladies do when your backs do your taste coincide on music oh yes sometimes yes not always I mean some reputation for liking all people who go to concerts with but we go and we hope it's gonna raise money for my husband's charities but we are great both of us love classical music and the Opera the ballet and we go whenever we can to see it Charles came back one day and normally if Charles came home we'd have to sort of disappear while he came in and got settled on one occasion she said no we're gonna go and meet him on the stairs we both had our exercise kiss on and met him on the stairs I think that was her way of trying to embarrass him but he handled the situation very well was most gracious the people's princess expertly updated ancient royal traditions unlike other Royals her attitude was open and friendly dinah was unique in the sense that people never referred to you by your last name which tended to be the norm with other members of your family the people who loved their with the staff I've not found one royal servant who didn't love her she was not publicly acknowledged by other members also at the time from steering the royal family into the 21st century there was some criticism about how much attention she was able to draw to herself part of the problem was that they were jealous of her popularity I worked the Duke of Kent when I went with him on a number of engagements throughout the United Kingdom and throughout the world very few people if any would ever turn up and he would jokingly say to me said nobody knows who I am so nobody come here they did with you when you're working here with Diana it was his popularity that I think was the problem Diana represented our country with such panache that the Prince of Wales began to look like the junior partner in the royal enterprise he ended up eclipsing Prince Charles which can't have been his intention he wanted to have the limelight too and it wasn't to be he felt that he had really important things to say messages to to deliver in speeches and of course he would make speeches and he would have Diana by his side and the press ignored his speeches and they talked about Diana's hairstyle or her clothes and Charles found that incredibly frustrating I've come to the conclusion that really it would have been far easier we've had two wives so covered both sides of the street and I could have walked down the middle directing the operation how's Janet he doesn't know what jealousy is in June 1982 just 10 days after her 21st birthday Princess Diana gave birth to her son [Applause] William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten Windsor became heir to the throne with the title Prince William of Wales she was incredibly devoted to being a mother and a wife she was a fantastic mom I mean no one can take that away from her the princess found new happiness when her second son Henry Charles Albert David was born in 1984 he assumed the title Prince Henry of Wales but the princess announced that he would be called Harry she did smother those boys with love and affection but never over-the-top they loved them other and witness her over many many years from day one when William went to school in 86 unless there was an engagement out of London all that took her abroad she wouldn't take William to school and be there when they arrived how many afternoon she wanted to give them a very normal upbringing even though their circumstances weren't particularly normal she did things of them that other for example you know she took William and Harry out took them on London Underground took them on London buses on London taxis the principal has had a problem with this you know why did he want to take on a bus you know anyone taxi couldn't see that I can understand him saying it but this was her way of saying look this is what is out there she let them see the difference between the privilege and under privilege he would say you know why details were burger but you know we've got a pretty good chef a good question and an understanding question but it wasn't about that it was about Diana and the way that she felt that her children that particular age should be educated where all their friends we're doing all these things on a daily basis there's always this myth that William being three years hardly ever sees a child but I have two sisters have five children between them and and I had lots of friends who have children as well so we get around you just adores other children and very much an organizer which probably might be helpful in future years it's because of Diana that William is gonna is the young man that he is today he's much more relaxed not nearly as buttoned up as his father he has many of those Spencer genes in him Harry has them even more court life presented a challenge for Diana her free spirited nature clashed with the protocol set by the royal household did you know what you were taking on and not being able to just walk down the street no I didn't do either sort of strove for what she would often referred I want to be normal but of course for a lot of members of your family it's almost impossibly normal I think Donna got toast it's wonderful that she could go out in disguise one time she was experimenting and this person answered or to me walked me up the stairs and you know in her small lounge that William Harry were there and she said although you know what the princess will see you now and the boys just could not stop laughing and she said I fooled you didn't I oh my god does it get complicated you can't go shopping now can you as you are able to do before you were engaged no certainly not and nor do I have the time in which to do it but it helps me to see what's around not necessary Clarisse but books all sorts of things it's just nice to just keep in touch with everybody or go out shopping with a girlfriend who wants to buy something and wants me to come along in spite of the media you know putting her in the spotlight she put on her way more what she wanted came for walks on Hampstead Heath went to the charity shop with me in Camden High Street she was a very striking woman very physically striking and you you didn't forget done if you saw her in industry she did her best to disguise herself the old baseball cap and I'm not on this one occasion we were walking on the heath and someone can yeah is that diner entitlement no I'm her twin sister oh right okay and we just carried on walking I remember we picked up the underground train at Hyde Park Corner traveled on the underground train at piccoli Circus got off the train producers and people would look and think was that dhyryam no they wouldn't trapped on an underground so there was never a security problem she was quite disarming with people I mean she didn't mind being recognized as a she preferred it if she wasn't we got on the bus again 'harry and Williams scrambling up to the top deck and I remember even when they had conductors buying a ticket he didn't know whether to give them a ticket sell them a ticket or let them travel away because he didn't believe for one moment that they were on this bus now this to me was was a good way of educating loyal children what do you say ma'am when you read in the papers that you are a determined domineering woman I don't always read that I'm people very willing to tell me that but I don't think I am I'm a perfectionist with myself but not necessary with everybody else and that those stories arose a long time ago and have kept coming out again and again but I don't think I'm you feel hurt by them well obviously one does you feel very wounded and if it comes out you think oh gosh I don't want to go out do my engagements why nobody wants to see me help panic but you've got to push yourself out and remember that some people hopefully wouldn't believe everything they read about you Princess Diana was branded as the ultimate manipulator of the media and a self publicist but in reality she promoted her image only for the good of others Dinah had an intriguing relationship with the media from day one she always did that check where the camera is she was a professional in that sense the media loved Diana they saw them funny girl who was incredibly helpful and you know you'd go on a tour with Princess Anne and she will not stop to have a photograph taken she will turn her back on photographers she will do anything not to be helpful Diana went out of her way to be helpful and so everybody fell in love with her she was a great worker of the media and and and a manipulator too and she'd made you know friends and contacts within the media that she worked to her advantage I wrote about her almost every day she became a daily part of my life you couldn't have had more coverage Diana was in the papers every day and often on the front cover it's far too much about me in the newspapers horrifies me when there's something important like there's being a forum or something so put me on the front page there is a department within barking palace that prints out extracts from the papers so they they read it they either read it forget it we did a few may rip Dinah knew everything that was printed there were clearly things I wrote that she was furious where she got upset with Richard Cain and I said hold on Damon please read it again read it out loud for me what he's written not what you think he's written what he's actually written oh I see what you mean they've got pictures of me getting in or out of of Diana's car I mean it was an entirely normal procedure but it was used by the media at that time whichever newspaper it was that published and to sort of attack Diana and to accuse her of hypocrisy because at the time she was complaining a lot about the intrusion of the media and there she was sitting in her car with one of the media figures and Ayumi what Donna didn't like was when complete untruthful bit you could argue that Donna was going through the early stages of Freight news in the eighties and nineties there's always so much going on with Donna there was always another crisis looming or another situation so she didn't do well on the past too much she did live life in the fast lane everything happened very quickly in her life you know and she it was almost like she was in a hurry to get things done she always said to me that her life would end abruptly Jeff you know Simone I'm never going to make old bones she said you know I'm I'm going to go before my time at first all seemed well with the royal marriage there was a little hint of the troubles ahead after Williams birth in 1982 diana suffered with postnatal depression Donna did have difficulties there's no question I mean she certainly suffered from postnatal problems after the birth of Prince William there was a little bit postnatal depression she suddenly as far as Charles was concerned she changed before his very eyes this lovely happy-go-lucky easy laughing giggling funny girl who made everybody else laugh suddenly became angry jealous uncooperative she had terrible mood swings she she manifested aside to herself that that nobody had seen before all she wanted was a big cuddle and a shoulder to cry on and unfortunately Charles her upbringing precluded all of that he didn't know how he really didn't he didn't know how to help he thought that it was his fault you know she was a as emotional as any other woman he was a very busy man totally committed to duty and just didn't have the capacity emotional capacity or anything else to deal with Diana things never really improved these are entirely natural occurrences which many women suffer from but coupled with being this most worshipped woman on the planet it must have all contributed to her well-being people like Camilla and he's in a circle saying you know why don't he put her into a psychiatric hospital she was totally calm Princess Diana didn't suffer Faris after on roller staircases you know to receive attention because very often there's nobody at the bottom of the steps to receive you anyway the Queen stuck in the middle which it was really nothing she'd ever had to deal with before in her life she really didn't know how to deal with the moral confrontation of this hysterical woman on one hand and then her son sort of saying on the other hand she's mad absolute can I go on my foot is saying that's rebel she was completely and utterly normal she clearly was highly strung she did things which imbalance she wouldn't have done if she's reflected about it and it is easy to to paint her as some kind of nut case but personally I don't think she was maybe on occasion she had a little outburst because she was just genuinely frustrated with the way people were behaving around her certainly some of the people in Charles's circle they're all yes people and they don't know how to they didn't know how to deal with somebody that is human tactile emotional it's just had a baby you know they're used to people or you've had a baby you dumped the baby with the nanny and carry on what Dinah wasn't that sort of person she was completely normal in fact more normal than probably other people I'm supposed to be dragged off in a minute with men in white coats more appropriate moment there's one time but she said I need to do some shopping in Kenna High Street I said no but okay right should we even park the car now this was rather strange because that would never be said and I said look I'm not here to park your car but I plotted near the Israeli embassy in Kensington High Street at which point Dinah gets out and ran away up kinnison Palace Gardens which was unusual I thought well I'm not going to run after you you know that's not my game here well there's some wood I think maybe I should have done but I didn't but I knew that she wanted to buy some CDs from the then Tower Records in KenKen church so I decided that I'd go and wait outside Tower Records knowing that she didn't have any money anyway she eventually came out I gave her the money to pay that area with me go back and I said you know what was all that about I think it was just a moment of pique she wanted her own space in the end she dumped her bodyguard she did tell me that she thought she believing it was brought about by the disharmony unhappiness in her marriage it began when she was on honeymoon she was making herself on it there may would have been a an eating disorder in the very early stages of her marriage but it was certainly nothing on the scale that certain sections of the media - whatever you believe at one point I said to Dioner I said something you looked at yourself lately just what do you mean I said where you turn sideways and you're like 19 bored with boobs and you've got these pointy shoulders that are becoming lethal weapons she looked quite shocked I said no it'll horrible I said long chieftain start counting your ribs back in front but this is not acceptable she did listen to me we were in delancy's cafe around the corner in Camden I said go on I said a little bit of what in fancy does you good so if you had a cappuccino I made a chocolate quite sudden when Diana spoke publicly about bulimia the effect was powerful it led to a greater public awareness and a better understanding of the condition eating disorders whether it be anorexia or bulimia show how an individual can turn the nourishment of the body into a painful attack on themselves I don't believe she had an eating disorder I think like any young woman she your emotions affect your diet we all do it when we're feeling a bit low we go for the chocolate and all the bad things that we know we're not supposed to or we feel so emotionally strung out that we can't eat and we feel you know your stomach is in a knot and you just can't eat anything and I think that that's what she was going through the media have a great way of exaggerating the problem and I think bulimia was a classic case of there because it's good reading it was just because of the stress and and things that she was having to deal with at the time no one could attract attention to an issue quite like Diana she transformed duty and obligation into a remarkably successful personal calling she had a natural affinity with the sick and the young and the old and those who needed care and it's something which can't be faked she will do what she does best comforting the sick and the dying in her words a queen of hearts I witnessed on many occasions her presence as a patron raising millions of pounds for research in a variety of different needy causes garlic broke all sorts of moles by tackling the AIDS crisis when she became involved in AIDS in the mid 1980s it was still seen as as a gay plague that it was a disease that could be transmitted by touch at that particular time people talking about aid was something that was really shunned or Diana did a fantastic thing and that was shaking their hand and in an instant it changed attitudes and rewrote the book about AIDS all over the world you can shake their hands and give them a hug heaven knows they need it the royal family didn't like that I mean on more than one occasion she told me that other members of the family said why can't you do something nice ie what you're doing is not nice I remember a meeting she had with the queen who said why do something like that she always said well I have to go where I'm needed where I'm wanted and people want me to help out in these issues now you both like skiing and yet every year it has become irregular you don't appear to hit it off exactly I - I on the slopes what are the secret of this entry you - I suspect most husbands and wives find they often have arguments but we don't the princess would have welcomed reconciliation with Prince Charles even in the terminal stages of their marriage I do know she did genuinely want that marriage to succeed for herself and of course for her two children she desperately wanted to make it work Camilla never went away she was obsessed about this one woman and convinced herself that Camilla had been in the marriage throughout it was a sort of paranoia was rather sad because there was Diana than there shortened the years of life being criticized or being publicly humiliated by friends of the Prince Awards and national media saying that she was obsessed she was paranoid and even Friends of the Queen saying that she was damaged goods I knew that these were false statements because they were untrue because actually Diana was right from day one in 1981 this was the first picture of them taken in public from 1975 at that time of course both were single each of their divorces many years away I remember on one occasion it was committed as sister's 40th birthday and she and the Prince of Wales went to that birthday party I think everyone was surprised that even diner accepted that invitation there was a certain amount of mischief here I think on Donna's father because she knew that Camilla will be there but since the 8th the invitation was addressed to both of them I don't think the prince was expected for one moment that she would attend but she did when we arrived at this house behind it was you know stunning as you'd expect and the door was open in this room of a number of people suddenly but it was like a freeze frame people whose faces were absolutely stunned that the diner would come to this this party knowing for well that the other woman that she talked about was there also you know after about an hour or so my name was being shot in the corridor it was dynast I went out and what's 1/2 C Ken I can't find the husband or Camilla so I said well what are you gonna do I gotta find him again and I said is this a good idea I said as if you know you always expected something like this would happen and should know we've got to do it again I said well this isn't an IRA hole this is not for me just now I want you to be with me I want you to witness it okay I mean reluctantly I did and we went to this room in the house and eventually there was Prince and Camilla sat talking and Diana just went across they literally went and looked at her and said don't think I don't know about this I've known about it since I've been married to the Prince of Wales and Camilla says something really strange said them it's alright for you that you've got two wonderful boys and even I sort of think you know what really was the point of that statement that was the beginning of the end and Dinah had realised well that is the end we've recently learned from a new biography of Prince Charles that he was in therapy for 14 years now was that because of his marriage or because of him as she strived for personal growth the princess took refuge in her children and her charities she also consulted an extensive range of advisors and alternative therapists we had these sort of Tarot cars we had the copper pyramid we had colonic irrigation the only exciting that she saw she was researchers she she spoke to every single week and she saw her at least once a month she was her medium all these people felt that they could read into Diana's future and set her on this course of magnificence some healers that she saw that was strapping fossils to her body I said really I said there he won this dinosaur energy absolutely totally nonsense which actually did little for Diana personally except take the substantial amounts of money out of a bank account when we went through her cupboard of complimentary medicine thousands of pounds worth of stuff that she didn't need I said blow me you've been talked into all this stuff don't fall for it you know Diana did this because this is what friends were saying good she was really stressed and she was looking for answers she was looking in the wrong places I just think it was a bad idea have you tried to change Prince Charles in any way since you got there not at all I mean obviously the one or two things that maybe they're the old time something but nothing shoes we weren't going further but note that but but nothing dramatic Don was very interested in alternative and complementary medicine much like Prince Charles it's one of the few things they actually had in common she feel madame Basso one time you know that was Fergus I kick in that's sitting in this you know with this pyramid thing there's a copper pyramid scientist you know and I remember taking her to a property in Belgravia I dropped her off for this house that was a fire hazard there were these thousands of candles placed on this stairway she was taken to the roof and sat underneath this copper pyramid it was no plumber had had some excess copper tubing and have made this pyramid out of this copper tubing and there seemed to me to be some like a milking stool in the middle of it the pyramid was because of the energy that's transmitted through a pyramid the lady I mean whose name was madame Vasa or any said Ohio would like you just here under the pyramid and then I went to the roof and there's Diana sat on this milking stool under this copper pyramid and was a hole in the roof I said what are you doing oh um I'm reading all the the evil spirits go out through the roof I said I think you better come downstairs and she said why are you laughing I said look I'm not laughing at you I'm just laughing at the situation that we're in anyway we left and these treatments I suppose they were often referred to did die think as she became ever more alienated from the royal family diana struck back in 1995 she gave an explosive television interview in which she took the opportunity to unburden her most deeply felt grievances she wanted it to work but that statement in the bare interview that there were three of us in his marriage was the sole reason why this was never gonna work she felt that the way to sort of reach out to people was to speak over the heads of the media but directly to them through television my feeling at the time and I told her was that this could be potentially damaging she was very pleased with what she'd done at the time she thought it was a great performance and she was thrilled and she rang up her friends and said he was what she was watch she phoned me up the day after the interview and she said to watch television last night I said mm whatever things I think he made a real prat to perfect yourself afterwards I think she regretted it bitterly he was horrified I said why did this happen Martin Bashir was supposed to be doing a program about your charities what happened desperate people do desperate things people turn into it because he got her at a weak spot when she was bit down she was hugely criticized by the press and the media and the establishment I think who finds you to do this awful thing she said well Fergie and Ruby works I said he had the brains of Britain oh my god I took a very strong line in the paper about her decision to do that martin bashir interview and criticized her over it she wasn't really happy with what I said well I think she made a mistake was questioning Charles's suitability to be crowned King and she later acknowledged that she wished she hadn't said that she was completely distraught and it then to compound things obviously she got phone call from the [ __ ] palace from the Queen to say you know exhaust that's it you've got no choice now the Queen decided that this tit for tat wall couldn't go on the irony is this is the main point is the public loved or even more for it the public all flocked to her side whatever happened whatever mistakes she made people still supported her and I found that quite remarkable four weeks after the explosive panorama interview was broadcast the Queen wrote to the couple urging them to divorce the initial stages that the divorce was very difficult because they threatened her access to her boys he'd agreed a settlement they had divided up the children so they could have the children equally Dona got the access suppose she had one weekend in five which isn't much but don't forget they were at boarding school as well it must be tough for rattling around in that huge apartment at Kensington Palace when boys were away at boarding school the finalization of the divorce in August 1996 enhanced Diana's sense of liberation in 11 years she had transformed into the global epitome of high fashion elegance and sophistication this was the beginning of a new life for Diana which of course Oh to be led into Diana's giving up protection and leading this independent life now without a royal titles who said at last I'm free and we know what freedom gives people she firming up she said he you're watching this on television Trevor McDonald and the muck the monarchy debate she told everybody who got to phone up you have to say that you want to abolish the monarchy it's just because she didn't want Charles to be king obviously William and Harry weren't interested in getting involved until time came when Trevor McDonald said what does the public think about will Camilla ever be queen and Harry picked up who's Camilla and then William said don't you know Dana said hold on a minute Harry it's time to both come on in the year after the divorce relations between Diana and Charles were once again on an even keel Dino and Charles became very friendly after the divorce there were flashes of the old Charles and Donna his helicopter landed at the back of Kensington Palace and he wanted to pop in to the palace to use the loo and he phoned ahead one of the servants picked up the call and told the princess and she said yes of course of course he can come in we'd be on the fencing oh I've got to go my exit he wants to use a toilet when Charles comes out and as he comes out to get into his car Diana comes running out says same time next week and of course the policemen don't know what's a lot Charles got red with embarrassment that got into his car and he did laughs I mean they did laugh I mean it was it was a joke but it was quite a funny one they became very very good friends that's why Charles was devastated when she died he cried his eyes out Diana inspired a nation with her compassion and kindness and in her final years she would meet the man who in turn inspired her when she started seeing has that coming she'd met her mr. wonderful she formed a relationship with hasn't it can't consultant heart surgeon these days and at that time a young doctor but of Pakistan heritage so someone entirely different for Diana in that regard like she said he was the only man in her life that didn't want anything even when she offered to pay too we've you know repair his exhaust because the car kept backfiring and you know he would be on the phone she said can you hear that I said that's really embarrassing she said do you think we could be arrested for this I found a very normal person normal person with great qualities and I think she did a great work for the country and for people all over the world Diana was dream you know she's safe we could leave them in the 3 up to dance earlier 30s and Peaks are gonna fly he would have seen it it's very tricky to pursue a life with her as as her partner and she as his partner he he quite wryly viewed the the prospect with some trepidation that sort of life could never be [ __ ] it's what she wanted he didn't think he'd be able to continue carry on to his work as a heart surgeon because she would completely overshadow it everything they did there will be no privacy the only way he felt that they would have a future together would be if she were to move to Pakistan and that of course threw up difficult problems for Donna she went over there she met his family to see if she could adjust to life over there and I don't think she felt she ever could she really liked the day she spent here I think there was real love between them but she and has that had realized that their relationship could not go on or at least it couldn't be developed and perhaps the way that Donna wanted it to he's a heart surgeon you cannot pin any doctor down an unlikely friendship with dodi fayed the son of the controversial owner of Harrods was the last surprising twist something happened because Donna went public with Dodie fired in that last summer of her life and it was the only man apart from Charles who she allowed herself to be seen with in public when she went on holiday with Dodie once the mate has met Colin jealous Donna had two holidays that summer she went with the boys at the invitation of mohammed al fired and they met the fired family but they went back to England and joined their father Diana then went back and had a second spell in the Mediterranean on the yacht with Dodi here was a man sophisticated worldly cotton Napolitan who had all that toys if you like that she was used to the private jets the security the limousines and of course the endless bank balance and he could take care of her and I think she found that enormous ly attractive shining through the blurry images from the Mediterranean during those last few weeks was a personal joy which Diana make no attempt to conceal they could have had a future together I don't know whether they would have had a future together diana and dodi knew each other fifteen days in total that's throughout their whole lifetimes only 15 days I spoke to Diana five or six hours before the tragic accident she rang me it was a routine conversation she was coming back the following day she was tired she was ready to get back home she asked me a lot about what William and Harry had been up to she was upbeat and happy she was tired for sure but yeah she sounded happy definitely she said she was happy Diana Princess of Wales pounded to death you press the Kilda you're the scum paparazzi and the press in the media are not force asin's dodi fayed was obsessed with the media and instead of you know allowing the media to have some part of this by giving the photograph he made the fatal save as she's sort of fighting against them they can be invasive they can be annoying but the point is they were never there to kill you there was this most awful feeling that this wasn't really happening that we weren't really telling the nation and indeed the world that Diana was no longer with us my sister rang me and she said have you heard the news I said what news she said Diana's died and I said Diana who and she said Princess Diana I was absolutely devastated it was so shocking and still is I didn't want to believe it it's like okay I'm going to wake up from this nightmare I felt destiny sorry for our family thank you so much there was like a kind of global explosion of shock which released this extraordinary kind of strange pagan form of mourning the British people felt very deeply about Diana they felt her loss personally it was like losing a family member it's something about the way she interacted with people how else can you explain why hundreds of thousands of people turned up in London that week between her death and her funeral people who didn't know her at all people who I saw sobbing in the street bringing flowers this is someone they didn't know yet they thought they knew her today Diana's compassion and influence for good lives on forever frozen in time she had this remarkable star quality that we may never see again she made her mark in life as a wonderful ambassador for the UK and for all her charity work she did this is something that Dinah was always going on about you know no one's ever appreciative of my work she wanted acknowledgement on his summer to say hey thanks this never happened I'd liked her to be remembered slightly better than she has been up to now I feel glad that William and Harry are at last showing some real interest in acknowledging position in the country by announcing this plan for a statue Diana's legacy will always be the boys what we see is that William and Harry are continuing that legacy look at the centerpoint charity that Donna got involved with Williams now paid for that Harry with help the heroes charities and all the sort of work that Dyna pioneered in the 80s and 90s this is part of Diana's legacy they're doing exactly the same these two young one Royals that are the direct product of a woman that did change the face in my view of the monarchy [Music]
Channel: Flick Vault - Full HD Movies for Free
Views: 522,727
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Keywords: The Woman Inside, Feature, Films, Diana, Full Movies, Tubi, princess diana, movies, Documentary, Full Movie, Length, Movie lovers, Free, death, Film, woman, legacy, FlickVault, Full Film, royals, TV, watch, HD, unhappy, royal, Films for Free, Free Film, Free Movie, online, Pluto, Movie, Full Length, Full Feature, Full, family, myths
Id: G5QroQWkVmU
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Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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