Harry: The Mysterious Prince (British Royal Family Documentary) | Timeline

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[Music] Prince Henry Charles Albert David third in line to the British throne is famous for some things he'd rather forget [Music] unlike his brother William Harry has seen his life played out in a series of sensational headlines there was that distinctly unreel fraca with a photographer outside a London nightclub and a few weeks later Harry caused global outrage by wearing a Nazi uniform at a party but on the field on the piste and on a horse Harry outperforms his older brother William was a great sportsman fearless skier very brave on on a polo pony and again on a horse chasing after foxes and hounds he is actually better than William in most sports but unlike the cool-headed William beneath his mischievous appearance harry has a temper as hot as his red hair this trait is sometimes seen on the polo field where frustration is soon followed by anger Harry's occasional displays of Tantrums and swearing at the Beaufort Polo Club of embarrass his father Prince Charles he also has a quick temper but Harry's Wilder streak is inherited from his mother's Spencer family genes there are some definite Spencer traits in him you've only got to look at that that's sandy hair of his what comes in hair it's straight from his uncle Charles Spencer and he's got the same Spencer fiery temper he's on a short fuse most of the time and if he's provoked by the sight of photographers or you know the paparazzi hanging around he can he can fly off the handle as long as he's getting his own way Harry's quite happy it's when he's compromised when he's told to do things he doesn't particular do that's when the temper comes to the fore Charles scarcely knows what to do about his younger son's behavior there have been rumors of heated rouse and angry telephone calls there have been arguments over Harry's friends and their influence even his polo Powell's have come under fire but Harry remains loyal to his friends in one of the few areas of his life where he feels successful [Applause] he's rarely praised for anything else so he treasures prizes one on the polo field Harry remains a difficult character whose unruly conduct often damages his reputation I think Harry gets pushed to the limit and events and maybe of his own making admittedly happened to him that push him to the limit he's constantly followed he's constantly photographed when he's meant to be enjoying his own time and his meant to be relaxing and there are obviously parts of his character that we don't always see he wants to be noticed I think he enjoys being noticed but I think he also loves the fact that it doesn't matter what he does because in a way he's not important although you know serious people will tell you but he's only three heartbeats away from the throne well he is but no but no one expects him seriously to actually reach it another area where Harry finds similar company is among the hunting set like William he rides with the prestigious Beaufort hunt Charles and Camilla are also members of this hunt among the other riders is their friend captain Simon Tomlinson a wealthy Gloucestershire landowner Tomlinson in the red trousers is also the chairman of the Beaufort Polo Club where Charles William and Harry play Tomlinson sons are in Harry's social set he's mixing with young people from a similar background they hunt then moneyed their parents are friends of the Royals themselves there's a lot of privilege they went to decent public schools he hangs around me very much with that kind of group of people so we've got people who are members of the bow that hunt they play polo in Cirencester Park in the summer they skiing they're all well-to-do young folk and he's more comfortable and I don't know how many friends he's got from the other side of the tracks but I wager a very very few secure in the gilded circle of accepted companions is Luke Tomlinson an England polo player the Tomlinson children a part of what's known as the glassy Posse that group of you know rich eligible young chaps and chases down in Gloucestershire their childhood friends who have grown up together but with with Luke especially Harry has continued a good close friendship Luke was part of a protest outside the houses of parliament against anti hunt laws then the House of Commons was invaded by pro Han supporters including Luke Tomlinson a bit of envy a touch of the green-eyed monster so Harry when it comes to Luke because he said not only is he a strapping lad which obviously Harriers as well but he gets away with so much more than Harry ever would he gets to storm the Commons when it's an anti hunting ban that Harry would probably passionately want to support but could never do Luke gets to do those things Luke gets to go and get the girls and you know muck around after polo and everything else and not end up in the papers as prominently of course as Harry well not far from Highgrove Prince Charles is Gloucestershire home a hostelries such as the vine tree and in nearby sure stone the rattle bone in scene of some of Harry's Wilder exploits in February 2002 16 year-old Harry was exposed by a tabloid newspaper for smoking cannabis and underage drinking in pubs close to Highgrove Harry's illegal escapades were confirmed by Charles's biographer penny Juna I live locally and I have children of the same sub ages as Harry and it has been known for I've known for quite a long time that he has been drinking underage in pubs and drinking a lot and and behaving pretty badly harry was reticent about answering press questions during a skiing holiday with his father and brother already have you settled down after all that publicity about your extra Charles had warned both William and Harry about the consequences of drug taking and the inevitable publicity remember Prince Charles telling me actually several years ago in the missing having tea at Highgrove that he was really worried about drugs he said what can you do because the minute William and Harry get anywhere near drugs it's gonna be all over the press which is exactly what happened some of Harry's reckless in crowd have led him astray he has a renter mob group of friends who drink with him and smoke with him and hang out with him he surrounds himself with quite vacuous people it's all part of Harry's hedonistic lifestyle part of Harry's problem is the gang who's around him if the royal of vices can do anything they would be well advised to split him away from these malign influences among the best-known is Harry's raffish second cousin Freddie Windsor who enjoys publicity and courts the media and Camilla's son Tom Parker Bowles like Freddie he was caught out taking drugs and the princes Joker pal guy Pelle blamed for Harry's bad habits everything that guy barely has been in the papers for would suggest very strongly that he is a bad bad influence on Princess he is the first one to strip the first one to moon the first one to neck a yard of ale he will do all those things and because of that William and Harry and everyone else that know him adore him but I actually know through friends of William and Harry's that guy Pelle is probably one of the most loyal friends to both of them guys shouldered the blame for Harry when he was caught out over the whole cannabis smoking fiasco he was the one that took responsibility for that and said that it was him who had introduced the prince and therefore it is my fault and is interesting that Charles has never said to either William or Harry he's to be outcast from your circle of friends and Charles has done that in the past he's done it with Tom Parker Bowles he's done it with Freddie Windsor he has done it but he's never done it with guy Pelle trouble with Harry is he's probably influenced by the last person who said anything to him and so he tends to be influenced by his peers and if his peers lead him into trouble then he's going to get into trial as Harrah's conduct worsened Charles and his staff were faced with an escalating damage control problem more bad behavior meant more bad publicity and more criticism in a fit of temper hairy hitter photographer outside a London nightclub he was sent away to Argentina he was to spend several weeks working on the Polo ranch of the Tomlinson family out there he secretly met up with his latest girlfriend Chelsea Davey but once again trouble found Harry he had to come home amid stories of partying in local clubs and kidnap threats to his safety harry was under scrutiny for drinking binge drinking going out late at night I mean those reports were strongly denied by the palace nachi I think the truth of what happened in Argentina was that he kept himself to himself and Chelsea Devi who of course was the secret flame that he'd been nurturing for the past eight months and had secretly got over in Argentina without anyone filing it one of the country's most elite nightclubs has the unusual setting of Highgrove Prince Charles's country home members of William R Harry's young circle of friends gather here especially when Charles is away this is the location of Club H the club age is actually a physical place it was a the cellars underneath Highgrove that Charles had converted into a playroom for the boys a few years ago which as they got older they decided to turn more into a nightclub so they had music system put in at a bar down there and it became a regular fixture for them on a Saturday night they would bring their friends around there they were a party there and all sorts of nefarious things went on there the Prince of Wales did turn a blind eye to it except when the music was too loud and that's about the only time he really took much interest in what was going on and when he wasn't there I think the boys were able to do pretty much what they liked inviting who they liked round there Church farmed West Littleton in will chair is the country home of Princess Anne's former boyfriend Richard mead an Olympic gold medalist Mead has stayed in favor as part of the Royal hunting shooting and fishing circle William and Harry were invited to Mead son Harry's 22nd birthday party the princes chose their Colonials and natives themed costumes from a local fancy dress shop William picked a leopard-skin outfit hairy an Africa core Nazi uniform complete with a swastika one of the four hundred party guests took a sneak picture of Harry and sold it to the press Harry was widely condemned for his insensitivity William became embroiled in the Rauh William was in the shop with him at the time apparently when he chose this costume and it also didn't occur to William to say Harry that's perhaps not in the best taste why didn't you go for a different colonial outfit why would William who is a mature young man have allowed harry to dress in that German officer's uniform it was a it was a naive thing to do and William could have said no hang on beer think about this he simply didn't think I think there was a thoughtlessness about many of his actions he doesn't seem to appreciate yet that what he does actually matters if there been one of his friends who dressed up in a German uniform it would have it wouldn't have mattered at all but it's because it's Bruce Harry it's because he's the third in line to the throne he has to be responsible at the moment he isn't Harry's friends came under press criticism for their wealthy backgrounds lack of purpose and loutish conduct a guest at the mead party revealed that guy Pelle dressed as the Queen in a blue dress gray wig and crown told a risque joke about her when Harry was at this party and lurking around and just about to laugh at Guy Pelley's alleged joke about the Queen it was William that shot him the very fiery glance to say watch it Harry's Nancy gaffe made near the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz prompted calls for a televised apology but Charles felt that a two-line statement issued by his office was enough Harry would have been well advised to have made a much more public heartfelt apology for his gaffe in wearing a Nazi uniform it wasn't a pressed Riven's there was genuine outrage around the world at what he did it was a big mistake and I think he could have come out and said something publicly or perhaps Prince Charles could have done Charles remained on holiday at Burke Hall in Scotland planning his marriage to Camilla had Harry's lack of support from Charles been part of his problems I think he could have had a lot more guidance especially from his father Harry's on a gap year at the moment and a very unstructured gap year you would expect that there would be a father figure there to help him plan the next few months of this year off and he seems to have spent so much of it on his own and I think that's that's got to be a major cause for him going off the rails because he hasn't had the guidance there Harry had to atone for his offence he was ordered to spend time swilling out the pigs on one of his father's farms as a child Harry showed two sides the shepherd with the angelic face was also a little rascal who poked out his tongue holiday photo calls tested his patience he had to behave a kindergarten but palace balcony appearances were an excuse for showing off Harry showed an early interest in sport and enjoyed annual family skiing holidays he was taken to polo matches he learned to swim in warm Spanish waters he got an early taste of army life inside a tank in Germany there were holidays in exotic locations William and Harry went to Nevis island in the Caribbean they were fascinated by the local wildlife nine inch long toads there must have been 20 or 30 of these giant toads sitting in this fabric so systemically Harriet had collected these toads and put them in a sort of basket a little try and jump out his book and then with William they eventually lined up these toes by the swimming pool and we had what was then famously known as the Nevis toad Derby official tours meant partings from their parents and joyful reunions often aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia once when Diana had greeted William first Harry kicked him in resentment the boys got on well together but there was an undercurrent of sibling rivalry when Harry was younger he was jealous of William because he wanted his mother all to himself I mean if they were in a room together Harry would sit almost on top of Diana in his anxiety to be close to her and and he didn't want William anyway now he he said mummy I want you all to myself Harry was a typical mummys boy clingy and in need of reassurance post pictures on summer holidays in Majorca he'd a dark secret despite appearances his parents marriage was disintegrating Diana would soon take her son's on trips away from Charles with a welcoming hug she would be the parent to greet them at school Caribbean holidays gave Diana the chance to make Harry feel special these boyhood moments must be among his most treasured memories of her he was still a child when she died he was terribly affectionate little boy always wrapped around his mother sneaking into a bed early in the morning for a cuddle and I think that's what he desperately desperately needs and I hope now that he's found it she worried because he was the number two that he would be the one who would be overlooked everything would come to William William was the one they were grooming for the future and it was that one of the reasons why Dinah used to say to me and and others that she wanted to involve Harry in in Williams life and it carries on to this day William rarely does photo cause on his own Harry is always drawn into those because she didn't want him to be constantly overlooked oh he's the spare he doesn't count she wanted him to count and Prince Charles has taken out on board that policy of making Harry feel important sometimes upset William he began to see Harry as a rival especially on skis there was a lot of jealousy I think at one stage William stomped off in a tantrum because he wasn't feeling well he had flu and there was Harry doing really well on his skis and William kept falling over so he just stomped off Harry had a natural affinity with sport the sporting star of the family is definitely Harry and it always has been and that used to really irritate William because he would see his younger brother better on the skis and he was and how he was fearless you see Harry is fearless [Music] all thorpe house Northampton share the seat of the Spencer dynasty diana is buried on an island in the estate at her funeral her brother the current Earl vowed that the Spencer's the blood family would take care of William and Harry their maternal line is more aristocratic than the Royal Family's Germanic House of Windsor when Diana was 14 her father inherited the title Earl Spencer and old Thorp with its rich heritage ancestral portraits graced the rooms of Diana's home before her royal marriage at sixteen and still a school girl she showed Prince Charles the family portrait gallery like her grandmother Cynthia she was very much a Spencer and proud of her family status throughout her troubled life in the royal family she never forgot that she was the daughter of an English Earl with a flawless pedigree I think there's no doubt that in the Royal game if you've got a an impeccable bloodline of your own it puts you at an advantage because the way the British the English system still very much works where royalty is concerned is that your status at birth is still what can't to an extraordinary degree and the fact that Diana was able to look the Windsors in the eye and be prepared to compare her pedigree with heirs any day meant that she was able to take an independent line when it was necessary a mother Frances her red-haired brother Charles then an Eton schoolboy and her married sister Sarah and Jane all watched Diana's splendid wedding to Prince Charles in 1981 this was the dynasty's greatest triumph 20 year-old Diana United dispensers with the royal family her father had survived serious illness to enjoy his proudest day two years after William Diana gave birth to Harry in 1984 the couple now had an heir and despair Charles who had wanted a girl said oh it's a boy and he's even got rusty hair friend of mine had gone to see Harry and and there he there he was with his red hair which which Prince Charles apparently didn't like and she cuddled was cuddling him and saying he's my little Spencer now and he does have the looks of the Spencers Evers field Manor in Devon was the home of Diana's most famous lover Major James Hewitt she admitted their affair on television a legend has spread that Harry is red-haired Hewitt's son Ken Wharf her bodyguard during her five-year a man's with Hewitt is among those who know the truth what we saw after the birth of Harry were was a lot of speculation and rumor that the Harry was was the son of James Hewitt well statistically we know that that was impossible I know personally it wasn't because the princess told me so and I think really that's where the matter ends the story will never ever go away that the copper had Hewitt sandy had Harry the dates and everything everyone thinks he's got to be he's got to be Hewitt son also there are some physical characteristics which I would commend to you but particularly one Harry his brother his father and his grandfather Prince Phillip share one thing in common they all have sausage fingers in 2004 had the opening of the diana memorial fountain in London's Hyde Park dispensers and the Windsors met for the first time since Diana's funeral Earl Spencer greeted William and Harry despite his vow at Diana's funeral he'd been unable to protect Harry from gossip and innuendo he is terribly hurt by all these revelations that keep coming out about his mother the endless books the videotapes they're all the allegations that keep coming out the latest one is that Prince Charles lost all interest romantically and his wife after Harry was born how do you think that makes Harry feel apart from that Harry has had to live with these stories that he's James he would son which he most certainly is not he just happens to have red hair and just like all his cousins on the Spencer side of the family so poor Harry is a tormented young man the Queen prays diana i cannot forget and nor can those of us here today who knew her much more personally her sister wife mother or daughter-in-law the diana who made such an impact on our lives of course there were difficult times but memories mellow with the passing of the years i remember especially the happiness she gave to my two grandsons william was 15 and harry almost 13 when they walked behind their mother's coffin in view of the watching world to find that your mother's died suddenly in a car crash in Paris would be difficult for anybody the very fact that that Harry at that time was in his early teens would have been ww difficult and to do so publicly in front of a global media circus but I think this was a classic case of Harry grieving that the loss of somebody that was crucially important to his life more than anyone else Tiggy leg burke the princes nanny helped them through the darkest phase of their loss and grief Tiggy was pivotal because she looked after the boys as soon as they came down from scotland and the funeral was over they went to High Grove and that week which must have been one of the most difficult weeks of their lives Tiggy was there and she took them out anything to distract them because they they loved to give very much and still do and in fact he's the only person that Harry will really listen to Tiggy had been brought in to look after the boys when their parents separated and Charles was frequently away she took Harry abseiling in Wales diana resented her role diana used to get really annoyed with Tiggy because she felt tink he wasn't looking after the boys properly and she let Harry abseil down a rock in Wales without a protective helmet and she was furious but basically she loathed Tiggy which is actually completely understandable because she saw that the Tiggy was usurping her position as a mother just a few months after their mother's death Charles took the boys to Canada the visit was a new experience for them William emerging as the Royal Family's pinup Prince looks far more mature than young Harry William received a pop stars reception and was beginning to enjoy his popularity Harry had already made a trip just with Charles to Swaziland clearly a child who still needed his father he relished the change of continent climate and customs although Charles was not too sure about the local brew all there still carries mind off his terrible loss Harry loved it suddenly he was the center of attention there was no William there to make him feel second-best he was the center of attention and he lived up to it really well and it was a big treat for him it was organized to take Harry's mind off what had happened and give him something to look forward to the Spice Girls were there too and they were younger Harry and William loved the Spice Girls and William even had a poster of them in his room at Eton and again to kind of cheer them up a child's invited the Spice Girls - Highgrove and they went in in a helicopter and when they got there they were very bouncy and they ran up to William and Harry's bedroom and bounced on the beds with them this was Harry's treat sport provided a focus for Harry skiing appealed to his daredevil nature not quite as academic as William Harry also loved football rugby cricket swimming athletics and of course polo he tried to bargaining in the Swiss Alps and quad biking on the Colorado ranch of film star Goldie Hawn [Music] Harry grew into a tall athletic young man but he was not a natural student he had visited Eton when William started in 1995 Harry followed three years later both boys relied heavily on their house master dr. Andrew gaily Diana had many reservations about Harry going to Eton not least because William had quite a difficult few years there he found it difficult to make friends he felt very isolated Diana being the protective maternal figure that she was obviously had concerns that Harry would also go through that feeling of isolation but also she was very aware that she didn't have an academic son founded in 1440 Eton is England's leading independent school it has a uniform dating from 1820 and many ancient traditions as at their prep school Harry followed in William's footsteps at Eton they were treated the same as other boys Harry battled academically and had to drop one advanced level subject but he enjoyed drama and art particularly William made a success of Eden but was the decision to send Harry there the right one Arion had a tough time at school he was and he was sent really to the wrong school eaten as an intellectual hothouse Harry is not an intellectual he was kept back a year before he actually went up to Eton to try and speed up his education at prep school I recall hearing soon after he arrived he'd made friends with a with a young guy who'd also just arrived who who had potestas some particular test they were doing this boy said to hurry one day and you don't know what it's like to be bottom of the class to which Harry said with great alacrity well you don't know what it's like to be bottom of the school and I think that tells you everything you need to know about how he struggled at Eton like Charles Harry enjoyed school plays dressing up appeal to the creative side in him but he didn't learn the difference between costumes like these which were acceptable and the Nazi outfit which was not that incident raised questions about his schooling was this a bad day for Eton Eton is has a fantastic reputation they turn out some very intelligent young men who go on to great things and and there's no doubt it's at an extremely good school I think there's only so much a school can teach you've got if you're not awake and listening during class whereas not much they can do about it Harry excelled on the playing fields of Eden he was captain of games and was good at soccer rugby eton fives and the annual eton wool game at advanced level he gained a D grade for geography and a B grade for art this was his favourite subject [Music] he allowed the cameras to record his advanced level project work he showed his brightly decorated study bedroom he left school joyfully in June 2003 [Music] however a year later a former art teacher claimed she had been instructed by the school to give him unfair assistance with his art coursework Diana always said that that Harry was Harry's fine he's artistic he's a fantastic sportsman William is more sensitive William considers things before he does them I mean Harry will do something on the spur of the moment and think about the consequences later a classic example of Harry's impulsive nature occurred when he was teased outside a nightclub a photographer mocked him about his alleged art cheating Harry reacted by lashing out and had to be restrained by his minders [Music] should Harry have been prepared for such goading he was full of booze he was angry that they were there I mean utterly a naive because he knew that there were going to be photographers outside that club and he just came out he couldn't control himself and twenty years of being aware of these bloody photographers he went out like a rocket and I remember saying at the time that this was the actions of a young man that that had come to the end of of his patients he's witnesses with his mother you had his own uncle say in and then that lavas eulogy that the press in his view were in some ways responsible for her death now all this history that that builds up inside his head must surely play a part and in some way explain why he reacted in that way the only way out of this is to sort of leave the club whatever your feelings whatever your views is actually don't give that amazing smile and that way because that's the one thing the media don't want what Harry did was give them that amazing opportunity for the different picture so therefore he effectively played right in the hands [Music] harry played polo for eden and a one-stage considered a career as a professional polo player it was an indication of his difficulty in finding a role suitable for himself as a royal second son [Music] other princes in the past have been in similar positions of particular interest to Harry is his uncle Andrew Duke of York in far-off days before the Queen had to worry about her family's marriages and divorces and Charles seemed to the perfect heir her second son Andrew looked like the problem child do you recall Andrew being a bit of a problem around the time he was about 16 he famously went off to Los Angeles I think it was his first taste of foreign work on behalf of the Royals and he decided to let off a fire extinguisher at a group of press photographers and covered them in foam head to foot oh it's a very embarrassing incident and did a lot of damage incidentally to the equipment but that was an early marker one on his behavior but it sent out a message to the Queen she realized that her second son was gonna have to be reined in and he was reined in what they did with Andrew quite simple they put him in the Navy Andrew left Gordon stand school in Scotland for naval training he became a helicopter pilot he married and divorced Sarah Ferguson but the couple remained friends for the sake of their daughters Beatrice and Eugenie have their cousins William and Harry been damaged by their parents bitter split I think the Queen does worry about her grandson so she's extremely close to them she was less about William because she sees more of him and she's happy about the way he's developing as an heir in line to the throne I think Harry's a different kettle of fish I think she probably sees in him more of more of Prince Andrew and I think she would like Prince Charles to take a tighter control of of Harry's and Harry's life the Queen's grandfather George v was a second son who succeeded to the throne after the early death of his elder brother he changed the family's German name saxe-coburg-gotha to the English sounding House of Windsor he and Queen Mary was Stern parents their elder son David was rebellious his affair with Wallis Simpson led to his abdication as Edward the eighth he gave up the throne for the woman he loved as duke and duchess of windsor they lived in exile the throne passed to the second son of george v the shy Bertie he became King George the sixth father of the Queen some wonder if Charles should step aside for William and there are others who wonder if William might one day step aside for Harry I think you're pretty sure history teaches us anything it is that where succession to the throne is concerned people are remarkably pragmatic so to that extent anything is possible theoretically I need say Harry would love it and used to say don't worry William I'll be king history does repeat itself but for it to repeat itself and for William to abdicate if you like and and Harry to become king I think is very unlikely it's a different world now and I think that by the time William becomes king he will be so much more of a figurehead all the signals are that Harry will have an easier life than William because he has the privileges but he doesn't have the responsibilities that William has Caernarfon Castle July 1969 the investiture of the 21st Prince of Wales in this elaborate ceremony Charles swore lifelong loyalty to the Queen he was a twenty-year-old Cambridge undergraduate he also had to spend a term at Aberystwyth University learning Welsh my energy add we'd even perform and do is a girl of X occur hi [Music] this was the beginning of his public life William and Harry have not been expected to perform public duties is it fair to make comparisons with their father the Prince of Wales was in fact the heir to the throne and William and William in particular and Harry of course are not therefore spares Prince Charles is still the heir to the throne so they they are allowed this extra time to have on their own this very much also was was Donna's wish she wanted them to have time to develop to grow as teenagers the death of their mother in 1997 was devastating for both boys but was one affected more than the other one must remember Harry was not yet 13 when Diana died he was extremely upset affected by his mother's death he misses her still to this day terribly and I think it had a more profound effect on Harry than it do and William William is much more a self-contained young man so the net effect was that Charles decided his advisers decided that they were to have as normal and as acquired an upbringing as possible so instead of thrusting them into the line of royal duty at an early age they've been allowed to have a life very much like those of their friends privileged yes but without much responsibility either Harry's initiation into the Army came as a soldier in the school's Cadet Corps he was promoted to the highest rank of cadet officer he was to join the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in January 2005 but his entry was postponed because of a knee injury both William and Harry attended a parade of the parachute regiment of which their father is colonel-in-chief Harry's always be interested in the military diet that's what Donowitz explaining to me hurry we'll be fine because he's always loved the military he loves castles and pomp and soldiers and when he was a little kid he had a complete camouflage outfit made for him and wouldn't take it off and James Hewitt also gave him a little military outfit and Donna Toki with her when she went to visit one of her regiments and he sat in a tank and pretended to fire guns and he's always loved it so he's been single-minded really about what he wants to do I think if he can focus all the aggression that he feels at the moment into a military career and the fact that he obviously feels very hard done by and there is a lot of of aggression and frustration if he can channel that into his military career he's going to be a fantastic soldier Harry's gap year began with a spell in Australia as a jackaroo in the summer of 2003 he worked for three months as a cattle hand part of a program designed to widen his work experience it has not been a success it's been a monumental disaster a gap year is a year a gap year it says it's all it's all there in the title Harry's having a gap two years I've never heard of a gap two years before in Argentina Harry was with his girlfriend Chelsea Devi the 19 year old daughter of a Zimbabwean businessman close to President Mugabe is Harry really such a worry there are concerns within the royal household at Harry's immaturity he is an immature he's a young 20 if you like he's not yet very much grown up he's still the rather mischievous teenager that he was a few years ago a few months before her death Diana made a humanitarian visit to war-torn Angola she saw aids malnutrition and landmine injuries Harry wants to continue the work cut short by her tragic death he visited Lesotho in 2004 he's inherited her rapport with children and clearly enjoys being with them Harry spent part of his time at an orphanage in Lesotho where 40% of the population is believed to be infected with AIDS while there he made a documentary The Forgotten Kingdom Prince Harry in Lesotho I always wanted to go to Nate's country to carry on my mother's legacy as much as I can I don't want to take over from because I never will I don't think anyone can but I want to try and carried on to make her proud Harry's trip to Lesotho was fantastic for him because he is actually very caring and he does want to carry his mother's torch and you saw how relaxed he was in front of the cameras and he saw how good he was with the kids I think it was very good for him Harry will continue to take an interest in countries with AIDS problems how well does his image of Harry sit with his wild aside the palace have made a huge problem for themselves on the one hand they're trying to tell us that here is the caring young man who is charitable concerned about the welfare of the less well-off in much the way that his mother was but on the other he's behaving like a hooray out of control and the two cannot meet and I think they have to decide which is the which is the real Harry I think they thrust him into this at far too young of age it'd be much better film to have got the discipline of the army behind him before they started to suggest he had this future as his mother's successor is Harry the world card in the royal family a rich young man with a playboy image or the screwed-up kid who still misses his mother and mixes in bad circles there are signs that he does take his charitable interest seriously at polo he was seen displaying his Lesotho souvenir bracelet to his teammates despite the criticism of his sub Diana type approach to his charitable work I think he does genuinely take an interest in in the dispossessed in the way that he his mother did I think he is aware there are people less fortunate than himself I think he would like to make a difference however he wants to be I'll have a good time himself I mean I think one that is most attractive qualities is that he's not stuffy he's not like the majority of the royal family high bound by tradition and protocol he's got a bit of a free spirit and I think that's very attractive and I think it comes out well I think it's a reason why he's popular in this country [Applause] close observers have noticed that Harry wears a certain faded polo shirt when playing for his father's team Harry and and William and Prince Charles have a polo team the high-growth polo team and they have red and purple shirts and Harry has a particular shirt that he likes because every time he's worn it they've won and it's very washed out and and sort of ragged looking but that's what he likes to do he thinks it's a lucky shirt so he always wears it and Harry has it hanging out and when you see Harry on the polo field he looks smart because he's so tall but he's always got something a little bit of trendiness about him it's not as nearly as good-looking as William but he is sexy and he's attractive because you can see the fun in him as in most other things the brothers have a different approach to polo it could almost be a metaphor for their differences in personality Harry is totally fearless almost reckless just gallops into the fray but William sort of hangs back and is more cautious but their polo manager said to me that William thinks about the game more so really it ends up that they're both sort of fairly equal when it comes to their ranking and the polo field the royal family operates a ranking procedure among its members Harry's occasional arrogance might be a cover for feelings of insecurity Harry it's always felt second-best the Queen Mother in particular if the boys walked into the room she'd say come and sit here and William would be next to the Queen Mother and Harry would just be forgotten and in order to compensate for that feeling of being second-best he's become more boisterous better at sport funnier naughtier Harry is very much his own person easier going than the more self-contained William he gets on well with cousins Beatrice and Eugenie and Peter and Zara Phillips is much more open and accessible than William if we want to deal with William we have to go through intermediaries with Harry you can say I'll look Harry could you just do this and you don't all right then you know I'll think about it or you can deal directly with Harry and sometimes I've noticed at the Polo when we've all the games finished in we're all filing stories Harry will come over and sit down on the grass beside you and watch everybody filing and nobody you know annoys him or hassles there more sizzling to him and he's just easygoing whereas William is very uptight very private very wary of the media there is very little to separate William and Harry except this one the one distinction between them is Williams ability to keep his life private and out of the headlines he learned that from an early age I think because he was that much older when his parents were going through their terrible times in the 1990s he resolved not to allow his life to be come tabloid fodder if you like in the way that his mothers and fathers had Charles has been blamed for Harry's frequent misdemeanors as he really neglected his parental duties Prince Charles isn't the strongest of parents and he's always said you know anything for a peaceful life what can I do but I think that when the ground rules should have been laid with William and Harry was the time that Charles and Diana were having terrible problems within their marriage and I think it's too late now I think he could have had a lot more guidance especially from his father he has feared off the rails because he hasn't had the father figure there all the time when he's needed him Harry's misbehavior needs to be curbed if he's to develop into a reliable support for Charles and William in their time as Kings the omens have not been good how can he be turned around I think there is enough resource within the royal family and probably somewhere deep within Harry that will pull him back I don't think he's going to to run off and become a dissolute young man I think you will be brought back and I think it'll be the army that does it to him I think it'll instill the discipline the moment he like these are the sons of a flawed father and a fated mother William is preparing himself for his destiny as king but does a fault line run through Harry's personality only time will tell [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,068,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, prince william, prince harry, royal family, prince charles, queen elizabeth, british royal family, meghan markle, kate middleton, royal wedding, royal family documentary, princess diana, monarchy documentary, the crown, house of windsor
Id: umcywYVQk9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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