Pride and Gender Ideology

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what are your thoughts on you know what what's happening today why is it happening why do we live in a time right now where we're seeing this big push on gender ideology especially to our children through the schools through the media the governments behind it what do you think is going on well there's two reasons one is because there is the one who is the in the air who's trying to cause chaos Satan and his minions are trying to cause chaos in life just make the world burn so he's always been trying to do that but nowadays I think people more than any other time in the history of mankind don't know who they are people don't have an identity they don't know who they are they don't know why they are so they have other reasons for that they come up with because everybody needs a reason for who you are right and so it it used to be that in if you were in Christianity you you understood you're you're made in the image of God to become like God well all of that Rainbow Coalition stuff is not God that's not godly it's very clear no matter what PE however people want to twist the scriptures it's very clear that it's ungodly very clear and that includes fornication of heterosexual couples all of it is ungodly all of it leads away from God not not towards God and so if you if you have don't have a good identity about yourself then there's these deficits in your in your in your personality and then you invent something to have an ideology about yourself you say I am I'm gay I'm trans I'm I'm um super intelligent and very successful and whatever none of those things are our identity our identity is we're made in the image of God to become like him so that's the real problem and the whole thing about the trans and the all that stuff the the alphabet soup stuff is that it's always another identity and invariably although there are people who say well I'm Christian I'm this fundamentally that stuff is fundamentally against God fundamentally so we're in a culture now that is hateful to God seeing anything that is moral as being limiting and um unlik loing phobic blah blah blah right all these words to label people but they don't label themselves as being made in the image of God so they're going to find some other image what can you say about the difference between love and acceptance so a lot of the times uh people they conflate love with accepting so they're saying if you're truly a loving Christian then you're going to accept a homosexual lifestyle from somebody else you know Jesus would have loved that person is what they would say well sure Jesus absolutely would love that person and we love that person too I I I like to give this example you have an uncle you love your uncle you've you've he he helped to raise you you love him like the day is long but your uncle develops a drinking problem and he's drinking way too much you go to your uncle say uncle please stop drinking you're killing yourself you love your uncle but you beg him to stop drinking because it's killing him you're not accepting the drinking but you love your uncle well sexual perversity and sexual just he uh Hedonism of all kinds whether it's perverse whether it's normal say always say sex or abnormal sex if it's outside of marriage it is toxic always always so if you love somebody if you can you're going to help them to to transcend that lifestyle that doesn't mean you're going to walk up to everybody right and say hey I I need to tell you you know do this or do that of course that's stupid but if you love someone you want the best for them so this idea of loving versus acceptance it's just a it's just a red herring I think you made a you made a really interesting observation in a video you put out called pride month is the month of the Demons um you said that our children are being taught a different salvation what does that mean well there is one salvation Jesus Christ right and Jesus we are made in the image of God which really we're made in the image of Christ Jesus the the UN the only begotten Son of God and we are to become like him according to the measure and stature of Christ we're that's that's our goal so that's our image and that's our purpose if we have any other purpose like we are you know open-minded we're part of a certain um what do they call it the uh um I always thought it was weird the homosexual uh I don't call it Society it's like I mean heterosexuals don't say we're part of this group right homosexuals do trans do blah blah blah there's all these groups that are identifying themselves by that and of course that's a sin but even more fundamental than that being a sin they're identifying by them by something other than God has identified them as God identifies them as Made In His Image to obtain his likeness and then they're trying to do things that they think they call them Godly but they're not godly and they won't lead them to God so children are being taught a new salvation uh a you know you should be open minded about this this is the great thing well we shouldn't be open-minded about things that are toxic right I mean you and I are not open-minded about eating you know anything some foods are toxic to us or some some foods we're not going to eat or we're going to say I'm not going to smoke I'm not going to I'm not going to drink a lot of alcohol or whatever other people do it all right but I'm not going to do it because it's toxic to me so we can't be as it were open-minded about everything there are things that are good for us and bad for us and it just so happens that some things that are bad for us are bad for everybody so like sexual promiscuity sexual perversity all of it's bad all of it for everybody no matter what they're doing no matter how they're doing it no matter if they have a long-term relationship or not it's all bad It All Leads away from God and children are being taught that those things are good so there's a new salvation so you can have this thing and then you have to redefine God because because if you really look carefully I mean the so-called Christian God shall we say clearly has spoken out about sexual life but you have to redefine him now as being somebody who accepts that thing if you just reined him now it's not him anymore it's another God it's another salvation how do us as parents how do we teach our children or how do we I guess protect them against all of the indoctrination that is being fed to them at schools through the TV shows through the cartoons through video games it's it's very prevalent everywhere you turn doesn't matter where you at the doctor's office yeah has a TV in the doctor's office well even the doctor himself asking the the child what are your pronouns so these types of things this ideology how do we protect our children so that they know what's right from wrong well you might not be able to change whether or not the doctor asks what the pronouns are but um you don't have to be having your kid watching cartoons you don't have to have him have his head in a uh iPad all the time etc etc so kids will model what we do so if they see us living a righteous life they want to live a righteous life I give an example um I have grandchildren as I said and I have um I take care of three of them pretty often and in the beginning of PCA PCA evening and all the children are there it's it's midnight and there they are they're all there and we begin by singing thy Resurrection o Christ Savior and continue we do it quietly then we do it louder then we do it louder and we open the the doors and we bring out the the light to everyone and then we go and do a procession these children they do processions all year long they'll go and put on a bathrobe as if they're like a alter boy or something and then they'll close the double doors let's say to their parents uh uh bathroom suite and then they'll be singing it and then boom they'll open the doors and then they'll expect me to be singing and we'll go around the house they're emulating what we're doing and they think it's important CU I think it's important because their parents think it's important so if if children see their parents living lackluster lives if their children see their parents mostly they see the top of their head because they're looking at their phone well what is a child to think the phone's more important to me right a phone's a good thing my my daddy loves the phone my mommy loves the phone so I'll get a phone probably when I'm maybe seven or something or eight so the most important thing is you teach your children by the way you live and you read to your children you read scriptural things to your children you read lives of saints to your children you tell them saints stories and lives of uh things from the Bible of course you have to know those things to say them huh so you have to have an inner life in order to teach your children and um I'm pretty fanatical about this not not that everybody does it I mean there are people in my Parish that that have their children in school I don't think I think you should do everything in your power not to have your child in public school everything possible I know people that are teachers that don't want their children in public school because public school is indoctrination so how does somebody who has homosexual tendencies homosexual thoughts because somebody might be watching and they're like oh all I all I'm hearing is you're rejecting me but how is how is somebody who wants to be a faithful Christian but they understand they do have you know this Brokenness inside be it homosexual tendencies or you know a mental illness where they think that they might be the opposite gender what type of help can we ascribe to them through the through the church well the same as if you have a tendency to be critical or to cuss or to look at horari or to be um critical to your wife or to be irritable with your children whatever it is right those are all deficits of our personality so homosexuality is just a deficit that's a that's not of godliness just like being angry or cussing or whatever it's now it it's different in that it tends to incorporate almost like a little subsystem around it like a like a religion around it right but uh because nobody really has a religion that says you know I think it's okay to be irritable God loves the irritable no he doesn't nobody says that right but they do say God loves the gay people well of course he loves gay people but he loves people so that to and wants to help them to become better and if you recognize that something is toxic to you then you struggle against it period a lot of homosexuals can be saved for sure absolutely but not if they say if they make excuse with excuses in sins we say that in The Vespers every night when we do the this hym called lord I have cried if they make excuses with excuses and sins and say well you know I was born this way or I can't help it or or whatever or God made me gay or whatever no God did not make you gay God Made You In His Image so if you're doing things that are not according to His Image they're wrong which includes heterosexual uh sins and and includes everything lying stealing everything so it's all toxic all sin is toxic now I understand that homosexuality becomes an obsession with some people and there's it's not popular to say this people could get mad you'll probably get some email about this many times a person is homosexual because of trauma or they're or they're heterosexually promiscuous because of trauma all the time all the time we are just a traumatized Society highly traumatized either traumatized outwardly by sexual uh attack I mean the statistics statistics for sexual attack for for sexual abuse are staggering happens all the time if you walk into Walmart you walk by three people at least one of them has had has been a uh sexually molested I mean this the odds are hugely you're walking by people they look normal but they've had very abnormal things done to them when they were children or when they were older or whatever it's happening all the time but then there's also Trauma from parents who are disaffected unattached who have them in daycare all the time uh etc etc raised in front of a television screen divorce all the rest so if a person has recurring sexual thoughts then they have to struggle against them what are they doing well if they came to me I'd say well you should do frustrations in the morning saying Lord Jesus Christ help me to be chased today do 12 of them or more or whatever uh you should do that we have a prayers for Purity it's a rule when a person falls into uh watching uh pornography masturbation Etc you say that rule uh you struggle against it you confess to your spiritual father perhaps you'll fast on Monday I don't know as well as Wednesday and Friday you'll do something to help yourself to overcome this sin and not make an excuse for it and it's really not as important whether or not you still have the temptation as whether or not you act on the Temptation however it is a sin to have the Temptation in our world there's like oh no it's not a sin to to to have the Temptation only if act on it that's so stupid it's a sin to be inclined to something that's sinful period whether it's to be a thief but you don't steal to want to cuss but you don't cuss to want to make a sexual liaison but you don't do it those are all sins now it would be a double sin to also act upon it right but it's still a sin people want to say it's not a sin to have the thought it is a sin to have the thought look at uh chapter 6 chapter 5 and 6 and 7 of uh of uh Matthew it's right there right so that's how you fight against against something and by no means is a person who has homosexual or heterosexual or inclinations to smoke pot or the cuss or whatever nobody's being judged and saying you're not worthy of being in our presence but it's a sin do you want to get better or not but the society is telling you no it's not a sin it's not a sin it's a sin to say it's a sin well is there a distinction between like the thought arising in your head and you entertaining it sure absolutely versus I think there's a term for it logus me yeah logus me logus me are are any thoughts logus me can be like you're we're doing this interview and you're thinking oh man I I forgot that I had something at the dry cleaners it could be that right but also logus me is is sinful thoughts and any any stray thoughts are logus me but then the ones that are really destructive to us are those thoughts they sinful thoughts right and temptations you know we we we have a temptation to drink too much and you know we end up doing it or a temptation to look at pornography we end up doing it especially with things that are really habitual and the sexual sins um are just really really toxic because they become habitual and people become filled with shame and they don't like shame shame so they have to get rid of the shame so they have to relabel the sin as not being a sin or if they think the sin is still a sin then they're full of shame how can you get anything done when you're full of Shame you have to struggle against the sin so there's there's nothing special per se about homosexual Temptation it's a sin that we need to struggle against and and eradicate it all starts with purpose if you know why you're here there there is everything you need to know we're made in the image of God to obtain his likeness if you're a woman or man you're made to obtain his likeness so you struggle to know God to be like God and then I don't think uh I don't know so many of these U arguments about femininity and masculinity they they don't make any sense to me they've never been a part of of my life I I never had those divisions I guess the only the Visions I had my dad taught me if you're a man you protect women period you honor women you protect them and I just learned that I don't I don't um but I think now we have people that are they're soft people are very soft if people are soft emotionally and soft physically they're very easily tempted you know if most most of their mind is on using their thumbs they're so easily swayed they can change so quickly so if they're not strong you have to be strong in life I I'm not talking about physical strength I'm talking about that you have strength of character there there are things that you should do you have obligations in your life and if you have those obligations then I I don't think all of this all this sexual stuff all of this all these terms that people use all that does just I don't that's not part of my life I mean I'm aware of it on on some level but it doesn't I don't struggle with it because it just isn't part of my life if it's part of a person's life then they better find something to substitute right which is Christianity true Christianity knowing your purpose saying your prayers reading the Salter reading the gospel then you see then you see life as it is as it should be right and then all this other stuff it just looks fake you know just looks insane it is insane do you think there's any maybe coincidence that pride month is called pride month given that pride is pretty much like the antithesis of what Orthodoxy is well I mean it's a strange name don't you think to be proud of your sin I mean pride is a sin so we shouldn't be proud of our sins so whether or not that's by Design or it's just an unfortunate uh coincidence or maybe it's maybe it's just Satan literally saying the truth out loud he's saying the quiet part out loud and people are proud of their sin what a bizarre thing you know I beat people up I'm proud of that you know that's bizarre I'm I I'm I do perversity I'm proud of that that's bizarre it's weird so maybe it's a coincidence maybe it is literally Satan saying it out loud you know I don't know but it is weird pride is a weird weird thing to you know be your your number one word I think when when I gave that sermon it was in the context of Pentecost and then I just sort of went off on a rabbit Trail which I've been known to do and so that that Pride sermon was like 12 minutes just in the middle of another serm was in the context of what is Pentecost for Pentecost is so that we would be filled with the Holy Spirit and we would become good we would we would fulfill our purpose right so it's about identity and to me uh too much of Christian speaking against pride month or against homosexuality or against uh fornication Etc is is moralistic that's wrong well why is it wrong I don't want you to tell me it's wrong I want you to tell me why it's wrong it's wrong because it's another way of thinking of your purpose and it leads you away from God so all perversity all all sin leads you away from God so a person who's a drunker person who's getting high every day person who's using heroin a person who's going to clubs every night all of that stuff is leading you away from God and ident ifying yourself is that is even worse because it leads you further away from God so I don't like teaching against homosexuality per se I want teaching for your purpose in life and if your you know your purpose in life anything not according to that purpose should be discarded which includes sexual perversity and and cussing and getting high and all the rest right so that's what I tried to say in that sermon that I wanted a different perspective about why we are we're not just saying don't do that we're saying don't do that because it's toxic it's not according to who God is all the Commandments are reflection of who God is we don't do things or we do things because they are a reflection either not a reflection of who God is if we don't do it or a reflection of who he is right so we should love our honor our parents because that's a reflection of who God is we should not commit adultery because that's a reflection of who God is all the rest so that's the major thing that I tried to get across in that sermon and I don't know if people got it or not I mean obviously a lot of people looked at it but they looked at you know two minutes of it four minutes of it I don't know what they got out of it you wouldn't believe some of the comments they were so funny you know I was wearing what's uh uh you know my green um cafka and there were all there were like a dozen comments I'm not going to listen to anything from a guy who looks like a wizard I mean completely ridiculous you know I just deleted all those so it's all about purpose for me everything is about purpose you know everything
Channel: Roots of Orthodoxy
Views: 69,918
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Id: X4N99897gJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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