I EMBARRASSED PrestonPlayz with This Photo...

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today Bria is going to embarrass me actually he's gonna embarrass me let's be real he always does that is so not true no they're fine they're for Preston styles are great okay ladies and gentlemen you're gonna we're gonna be reacting to the most embarrassing photos ever that Breanna and I have we have scourged the internet for these and lot of them let's take a look oh I'm thinking first I am picking first I like to use face masks Bri you said this to me once and I was terrified I mean I was having a skincare moment okay what is this my tongue yeah but we go but why is it like it's like so this is like how you stick your tongue out this is like a nun see okay you can't really move your face so is it's kind of weird it's like it is your tongue stick out any farther than that is that what is that as far as it goes and I'll bring are you okay I am a ton of my permanent teeth moved because my mouth was too small for all my team I have a small okay well here's the real question for all you viewers right now can you touch your nose with your tongue because I can watch it much now we know why he talked so much he has a huge mouth I can lick literally almost the tip of the might notice it like done it's time to marry okay wait Oh worry on a date before we were married a couple days before he proposed to me oh and I still said yes I don't know why I should have been terrified first of all this is not even embarrassing this is just one of those great snapchat filters this present in its natural form can we just get a like down below this video for my haircut look at it actually your hair is pretty bland now look at it go okay I'm choosing the next one it's my turn to choose you're trying to rat me out here with these and ain't gonna happen Oh baby we found a banger ladies in jail I don't know how he caught me in this moment it was bad I think this photo was from December of 2010 I like that I vaguely remember Brianne and I we were filming so many videos in December I lost my mind it was crazy my that's my brain stop it I had like tweaked I think we knit up because obviously made the Christmas Hanukkah holidays and stuff like that so we filmed just a plethora of videos I just remember seeing brand over there and I was like that's me gone can I get a little bit of a zoom action to the light I will gently pay somebody $50 to caption this and meme it into the best man commentating and I wanted to be tweeted to me okay at Preston all right is my twitter handle original this is a perfect meme format how do your lips by the way they make like a perfect like like I don't know it's like a perfect you weakness a moment of weakness I didn't know as being photographed how did you catch that on a photo I don't know but all same as that's way more than a moment of weakness I feel really vulnerable like how like me always takes notice in you the worst moment well that's pretty all Awards on all of that is let's stop that's part of the duty of a husband you have to make good you know embarrassing photos I feel like all Preston's photos are older because that's his wife I don't go around taking embarrassing I see and that's her problem she probably get another video out of it as she did okay so I have a lot to say I didn't know who Preston was before we went on a date and his aunt told me I should look in them so the internet I looked him up actually after our first date I I might add got you to wait Jenna wait it's our first date to look me up yeah agnya before so after our first date I looked you up and this is what I saw yeah I mean obviously on the handsome this okay so this by the way was I believe 2014 I was in a small town and Washington anybody watch this video live in Washington State comment down below I would a visit there I was in a place called Ferndale alright fair is burned in a small town okay I didn't have a lot to do I was making YouTube videos by myself in the middle of nowhere I had no family here no increased I was kind of going a little bit in Santa's thank you for going grey saying is like this one where I was looking at I just want to know why when I was nice do you have crazy I don't look any different now compared to I just had business yes you do because we don't look crazy I just got to save this that would make a great dating profile picture I think that yeah that's really everybody no no no you would just everybody would swipe yes or like this guy knows how to play Minecraft you seen I mean I'm looking at something your hair you didn't have this whoopee I'm well okay so my haircut back then guys wasn't as good as this now but I will say this what are my eyes looking at I'm asking I'm looking at something it's not peace no I'm looking at chunk filet is there chick-fil-a in for a nail no there's not chick boy in Washington but I'm looking at something what is it I don't know what guys climbing down below what you think I was looking at cuz I have no idea Oh alright we're gonna have to have the boy yeah this this this part right here you guys are not currently seeing because it is being blurred for viewer discretion why would you choose a photo of Djibouti I am proud everybody you have a baby booty photo I don't think I have man okay rolls over here I mean look at these wrong choice what's the word youngest no Chengdu longest I mean I will say this your hair though it kind of looked red I mean I'm sure that's just from the camera cuz everything kind of looks a little bit of red here but to be honest you look you look a little you're looking a little red sweetie um I think that's just the boxes that you're putting around my face no I think I think you're looking a little red you know this is this is this is a choice photo I think okay if everybody here doesn't start beaming us and sending us memes we need surveys we need oh please I want to share this with my parents and my future children it's gonna be great no I didn't thinking it was cute you guys you admit he was all sweaty no honey he was right okay like Bri has no idea the context okay you weren't there wouldn't happen breathe you Archie wasn't even there I'm pretty sure this was after I had showered and now I got it worked out you were right in the dark sometimes you're trying to look cute maybe I was around in your signal I just wanted no no I had just okay look here's here's how I know all right my nose looks super red which means you was working I know that means I probably like sweaty I was probably cleaning my pores all right you see how whores you yeah there's pores right there and I was proud I just want to know where do this light come from why do you ever bring light in the house I don't know is this our house oh I know this was after I was cleaning my pores and not working out because that ring light is Briana's vanity mirror where she does her makeup and I was using yet so I could see the pores I have this kitchen no this is the kitchens our bedroom our bathroom look that's our batter by the way I like to keep it clean so we take like a after pour cleaning oh yeah well so what I did I have this thing it's a suck all right it's like a sucker ha it's like a vacuum for your nose and you you what you steam it up you loosen the pores and then you come I mean after I suck things out of my pores I often like to go okay it was not a photo for anybody but Brianna I you know I was showing you off that I had clean pores and Brianna blew it out of proportion yeah I'm pretty down for this one on me let me get some zoom oh wow I was so curious Oda I don't ever want to see you dressed up as a Santa Claus I was actually a dude mixes price so man this is me material okay this is just like when Santa doesn't deliver your presence or like you know eats all your cookies Emile you're like those to do that yeah but this is just a mean look at these is waited in line to take photos and I'm of girl and so I was thinking surely they have a mrs. Claus costume I can put on but no I as a girl had to put on a beard and be Santa what is wrong with that oh girl I don't wear a beard or maybe just maybe brand-new your little spoiled beard it won't break I'm just saying you could be a little bit boring I mean now that I'm older thering a beard but as a little girl I was not okay with this oh so I remember after I got this photo cool I was so embarrassed I didn't want to show my parents so I ran upstairs and I had a big stack of stuffed animals and I split it under all of them so my parents wouldn't see it this is just great my parents loved it and they found it and hung it on the fridge oh well now what I'm gonna have to do is I wanted to happen I should take this to a coffee shop print a thousand of them and put them up all over the office this photo will not stop following me everywhere I go oh this is great this is perfect bean material but see a million beans I'm on Twitter tomorrow I'm gonna be taking 44 hours viewers oh man so uh president you want to explain to everybody what you were thinking while you're taking this lovely phone first of all let's just go ahead and recognize a couple of things one look how skinny I was you were I was like I was 125 pounds guys now I'm married so I'm what myself go you know on plan I'm like 170 pounds now so I gained 50 pounds from this photo I think I we might explain them I was like six I would like 16 or 17 thank you very much all right you don't know what you're talking about right man but look at them lips girl I got me man the original duck face that is the array Hey and look at the hair I said I'd like the J the Justin Bieber didn't get a picture of Justin Bieber like right over here thank you so much dr. face yeah but like I had the JB logo and a sideways hat yeah okay okay I was doing it to be silly breathe and can we just appreciate this dinosaur of a cell phone is that like what that was the Samsung Galaxy S one that's kind of cool actually I can take it yeah I think it was the I don't even remember I think it was the s-1 it might have honestly been a completely different Android phone I don't even remember back in the day guys this before I had Preston Styles call my regular attire consisted of AF hats a t-shirt of some sort that was probably a hand-me-down or thrifty which I love and then always really tacky basketball slash gym shorts oh yeah and they have like rips and them and tears they're really long no I did not wear the really long white socks are you trapped she's being a bully's dance move where you go like this no that looks like what you're about to do you're like yeah just a move oh I know this is just getting to cringey move it on yeah all partner oh brother right on with my English brother what is going on in this photo I took Lambert shots so I thought glamour shots were supposed to make you look pretty he did my makeup there I would never have had my makeup done like that I don't want this you have like glamour shots done they like do your hair and makeup for you I want this mean and I want a big howdy partner right there block a tease it does no really yeah you are a very slick cowboy it kind of looks like God the insolent girl it looks like the insulated material in one of those like portable refrigerator bags this is the biggest spa brutish that's what was going down look at this face ahh guys look at that I was okay you can tell look at my posture I was like it is such a tight yeah look you're telling me all right my outfit was a yikes but I thought I was cool back then this was also by the way not too long ago like maybe four or five years five years ago okay what are you doing are you just read you ripping into me he's ripping into me this was like funny go into the discs look this was in a park in Texas it's called as a train river park this is Juliana so anyways the Trinity River in Fort Worth at a park and I forgot who we were with that took this photo but like this is when Lachlan Rob and I were the squad can we get some current photos I want to get a current photo of Rob right here I feel like Rob looks at us yeah I feel like Rob looked a lot younger back yeah now he's just his he's old and old and full of mold you know and then Lachlan on this same yeah I would say approximately the same not much he's not more facial hair now and then I feel like I look the same I think I'm just less chubbie I was older I was chunky back here I remember I was almost a hundred and ninety pounds I'm only 510 so let me tell you something if you are anywhere less than six four you don't want to be a hundred ninety pounds brother I feel like you would never wear something no I don't think I don't know you even have like your son okay we're done with this photo movin on okay so I actually took this on our most recent trip to Hawaii Friday one in your anniversary I don't I was like hey babe I was like go sit down in that chair it's really cute I'll take a cool photo of you and you could take one of me and then I was just snapping pics this was an unintentional snap okay and gun intention oh this is what was bread okay so the chair like sweet weird everything on camera I'm just saying this was an absolute banger so if you're gonna you're sick don't want to be an address and you don't want to have a large coffee juice in your hand the funniest thing is your face right here it's just it's just great it's weird feels with my mouth I have the greatest caption when Preston doesn't upload a YouTube video yeah because obviously people know about you some I get beauty by out of here famous are JK PewDiePie is my dad so Preston do you want us how everybody how fabulous you really are well I can't because if I told you it'd hurt you have to tell us this I just want to know the context like before you took this photo what were you thinking I'm gonna do this it's gonna be great yes context I can give with this photo is that I was playing dota I'm wearing a dota shirt [Music] babe me I love dota this was the bathroom in my office or I lived in Fort Worth Texas I was in a condo my wireless headset so this is TMI but I have a wireless headset and people could definitely hear me pee when I would use the restroom because Wireless you know by far the most revered by wearing a dota shirt well that's okay cuz you know well like this finger this is a banger I don't know who saved this but this was on snapchat I don't even use snapchat anymore all about that Instagram baby but oh man oh yeah I got like one missed nostril but each what are you doing guy don't touch my nose my nose right don't be touching my nose woman oh oh yeah that's good I don't know what it is but this does this looks nothing like you are you sure this is you that was me very different makeup different haircut that's not my wife I did not marry this woman I've seen that you tried to make me pick you out of a crowd I do not think I read this joy I mean maybe that's very different maybe your nose what like me and my nose has not changed it just don't look like where is this is like a beauty pageant no I thought was homecoming so I had a mom it's a bum boy coming okay okay just I don't know what is this girl doing chilly she's about the dance she likes you bad for you like she's walking by Nestle that was my friend I think she's about to smell you I think you smell bad okay great look she's about to spend she's like oh no you guys this is super fun let us know what you think we should react to next down in the comments roll cigars
Channel: Brianna
Views: 1,454,248
Rating: 4.9039497 out of 5
Keywords: kids, preston, prestonplayz, photo, photos, embarrassing, exposing, funny, comedy, challenge
Id: aRlcuGMyZuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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