Preston has a SECRET Baby...

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does Preston have a secret child why would he keep that from me and baby Preston can we figure this out before he truly lose it the baby sitter told me everything I'm going to kill him BBE Preston put the Blaster away what are you talking about Preston has another child baby Jerry you cannot be right and you didn't tell me Bri that's because it's a secret to me too baby president here follow me we're going to go to the babysitter's house I swear this has to be a misunderstanding stop it kids stop just stay here please stop no no dirt everyone stop who has the Blaster oh my gosh D who are you am I supposed to babysit you too I'm I'm let's step outside really fast okay breathe breathe I have to talk to about something very serious okay yes okay just help me first and then I'll answer any questions you want all right yes ma'am let's do this help get all these babies why do you have a sword we're dealing with babies here that's you better get to them first I'm over it I've got you baby unspeakable you're going in the play pin cash come here baby cash oh there we go oh this is difficult Jerry stop blasting people why does Jerry have a blaster I don't know okay we have to avoid being blasted by baby Jerry Place baby cash in the play pin you go you better get your son or I'm going to use this sword baby Jerry hey stop it come here but what is this about Preston having a secret baby you're spreading rumors uh this is what I know Preston and Chase picked up their kid baby press what you need to know oh D oh baby Jerry you are going to be in timeout for a long time you can't treat people like that stop blasting all right baby Preston you have to go in here unfortunately if you would just be nice to people you wouldn't have to be in here all right I'll deal with with you later but first Doris said something about Chase hey all right so I see Chase is home I think he's talking to somebody guys I I know this is really sus but I have this disguise I'm going to put this on just in case because I don't want Chase to see me listening in PR are you sure I shouldn't tell her what yeah you got to keep it a secret Chase okay well okay we list convenience his training has been coming along really nicely training okay listen I I don't think I'm strong enough to join you the gym n man we would love to have you at the gym whoa whoa whoa wait press I don't I have a weird feeling follow me they didn't see me right so I heard Chase and Preston saying that the secret baby has been training in the gym with Chase that is very strange so we're going to head to the gym but first let's check on baby Preston just to make sure he's not into too much trouble what is he doing he's trying to break the wall down that's not going to work but also that's going to hurt him this could cause permanent brain damage okay this has to be the gym where the secret baby and Chase have been training what are they training for anyway excuse me sir hello my name is beef and this is my gym where you get the buff you can call me buff beff however you want to say beef beef like the cow no no no buff apparently my husband has a secret baby my secret baby is training with a man named Chase and I need to know all about it wait a second oh you are from Services okay listen I cannot I cannot give information away I've been in trouble for doing that in the past I'm not doing it this time if you could beat me in some sort of Parkour okay you I'll tell you what you want but you listen look at me Mrs tiny muscle arms you will not beat me that is really rude well Mr Beef I'm going to beat you in this 1 V One Challenge all right we'll see about that are you ready I'm nervous two all right let's get this and one jump and two jump oh my goodness and three why is he Scottish all the sudden what um Mr Beef how's it going a chance to jump three jump I listen I don't do like that all right that is my secret I only do arms okay I you should love yourself Mr Beef but you you're being a little too too much I you are you talking to me I'm looking at myself look how good I look okay this is actually to our advantage let him keep looking at himself me Flex real quick I was looking at my b no no no no no don't do this don't do this I'm here oh like this dang it you're welcome Mr Beef okay listen yes I will give you this but if this kid comes back to me I will lose my gym okay nobody want that here is the DNA for this new baby is that underwear it is DNA oh it's a gem rag if you take that to the hospital you will find whatever you want with your buff arms could you please break this down oh of course watch these three before we head to the hospital to test this DNA let me check on my actual child baby Preston why do he have TNT in his inventory baby Jerry hey do you have a flint and steel he does no don't do it you're going to die you're in an in CL space baby Preston be careful okay well that was very disturbing we're going to head to the hospital and have this DNA tested to see who is this real secret baby nurse nurse oh why hello there how are you I I need to get this DNA tested that's on this rag please uhhuh oh DNA sampling we do that all the time here follow me oh okay ooh I unfortunately have some bad news so our only doctor that does DNA sampling yeah he's kind of sick um my gosh I kind of need some help with this I'm I can't do anything I gotcha I have helped a lot of people I can do this what does this chart say patient symptom brain freeze so okay it's you're going to be okay doctor just pull the plug no no I just have to clear all the ice that's left inside of his head and then he's going to feel great and we can eat Slurpees together yes and I can find out who who is the secret baby's mother you might be feeling a little better now I I think she might be doing something good to you okay I I still can't think straight okay whoever's inside my head clean up everything you see so I can help you sir I'm already doing so thank you we'll do it faster oh my goodness gracious oh I feel like a million dollar heck yes you can share that with me H well I'm the doctor here kga told me that you could test the DNA that is on this rag ah easy peasy lemon squeezy sorry doctor I picked it up you're fired get out don't worry she's a terrible nurse all right let me put that in here is that a dishwasher scan it it's scanning okay wait that does not look right I'm going to it's called science do you understand science I don't think so I do I do actually and got it all right right let me let me check this out okay yes I need to know who is the mother of the secret baby so it's pretty simple all it is is a Interventional adverse event of coity with an AC of a issue he just spitting out words he doesn't even understand sir just tell me who the DNA belongs to the baby's a clone a clone hey nurse what's the place what's the cloning place we go to on Tuesdays called oh oh the the cloning Factory on on McDuff Street uh the clothing Factory I know where that is thank you Doctor all right hell go oh yes I love you doctor I've loved you since I've met you a all right so I didn't know that you could actually clone babies but this for some reason makes me feel better because that means it's actually just that I have two baby Prestons which I'm okay with speaking of him bro where do you keep getting all of this TNT from oh no this is not going to end well as long as nothing bad happens to him maybe he'll learn to change his ways baby Jerry you can hear me stop trying to hit the camera with a flaming arrow all right so we've made it to the cloning Factory I'm being quiet because I don't want to get caught here right I'm trying to figure out who is doing this why did they clone another baby Preston are they jealous of Preston I's child this does not look like an easy place to get into like look at these Gates like it's all boarded up and I feel like there's definitely alarm systems there okay she cannot know about this oh wait maybe we can enter this way here we go she doesn't know a thing wait what was that oh where does this take us to oh we're in some weird water venting system wait look at all these baby Prestons what the heck why are they all blue how do I exit here guys we're almost to the yes all right we are getting closer I can see a conveyor belt there's even more more clones than I expected wait is Preston over here I see Preston in a lab coat and Dr Preston I made you to be the smart one now tell me he has a blaster I think the last batch of clones were perfect but not as perfect as the secret one the secret one you know how important the secret one is I have a lot of plans there's so many clones I don't understand everything is looking good perfect very interesting wait uh-oh what time is it okay I'm late for an event tonight at the anime school today and I need need to get there quickly you better have this plan ready all right I've got to get out of here guys before they catch me it sounds like they're heading to some sort of anime event uh I don't remember this baby staring at me like that e it's moving now the other ones are moving what Intruder no oh jeez they are trying to uh give me away we're we're going to get out of the vent oh ow I I don't know how to get out of here how do I get out of here is this the front thank goodness apparently we need to find an anime School let's check on baby Preston before I go any further oh everything is on fire baby Jerry listen hey I found out this is not an actual real baby it's a clone no don't get worked up like that what are you throwing up kiwis what is this I don't understand what that is wait calm down baby Preston it's going to be okay oh my goodness I got to hurry up this year's going to be the best anime class in the world hi hello I'm Goku nice to meet you I'm Brianna um so I'm I'm looking for a student about like uh half my height Maybe Baby Preston could be his name baby Preston I don't know what that means oh wait is that that blue little guy wait actually probably so right guys probably well he's the top of our class why do you want him amazing are you wanting him for an anime project uh no he uh he's my son so what I don't know is that what you're super saiyan uh uh uh uh lady you haven't seen a tack of Titan have you because I have anime um oh I know that's what I'm saying um take this okay like I said I've never seen this anime you're going to have to do this on your own oh wonderful in aot the only way you can slay the Titan as if you hit them in the neck all right oh stop monologuing and just fight them oh okay now all I have to do is get to their neck oh no no not no no not my school no lady I defeated it now this is Zeke I really don't like this guy ah I'mma die who the elytra saved my life there jeez Zeke I knew I didn't like you hit him turn around all right Goku how's it looking over there uh not very good Bri they're destroying everything jeez oh no not your school why do you sound so not infused what please Goku it looks like I cleared them all well listen since you're the mom of that blue little guy you better be there um at the graduation today it's a really a really big deal it's at the uh the great anime Sky Temple and I really think you should be there oh thank you thank you for the information I will head there now how about you come with me all right I'm coming oh no wait before I go to the graduation let's check on my real son uh guys I'm going crazy right this is literally the room he was in he broke out somehow where is baby Preston en Sky Temple anime Sky what has that literally been here this entire time that looks pretty dang cool but how the heck do I even get up there there's no way dang it my elytra literally broke because of that fight too so I can't fly up there what do I do oh is that Levi from aot what he is either flying or walking on an invisible staircase sir is this is this the staircase I should have known this was a thing but I didn't look how cool I look wait what was that that is not cool no no I have to balance going up invisible stairs where I can't even see where I'm going and fight off these mobs of course of course now I'm on fire we love that we love that for me I'm literally going to die just trying to see this cloned graduation if Preston's not here I'm going to be so upset I am glad that I am hitting my shift key because otherwise I would have been a goner so I'm going to call each one of you on stage and earn your diploma Preston what is this okay listen I'll explain baby Preston Jr is a clone I made him so baby Preston can practice his anime fight skills against him I just wanted to help our son achieve his dreams babe what so so you made a clone of baby Preston so he could practice parkour against baby Preston uh-huh listen baby Preston Jr is a star an anime star look at him he's already graduating I mean he's the top of the class Bri he wants to be the very best the best there ever was no just the best of anime school oh oh uhoh baby Jerry is fighting the Clone come on baby Preston care best character win no baby Preston be careful you're not a clone you you have to be yourself be careful Preston this better work out well our real son better survive this okay watch out this is is looking like a close one I honestly don't even know who to root for oh wait prestent I get it so again you you made this clone to basically help baby Preston become even stronger to you know challenge him and help him grow exactly a that's sweet who else is supposed to defend us when we're old oh that's a good point oh he's charging up he's getting even more powerful this is a close one oh he's so close baby is finally attack go wa that clone is definitely a goner oh my gosh did you freaking see that hey way to go baby Preston um hey Preston is now a good time for me to let you know that baby Jerry earlier murdered both baby unspeakable and baby cash he did what you should decide his punishment after seeing that fight I don't want to message oh
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 430,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: pn0HjSYgj2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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