Pressing Masterclass With David Moyes - Pressing From The Front

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[Music] what we're gonna introduce here is we're gonna introduce a little bit of so our unconditional pressing there's a really simple game the goalkeepers are targets for the cloister to chip the ball and to give them a target but the main point in the game is to get the players pressing is a group note and with the attitude in the energy we should require to do it from the front so hope that we can sure that we'll develop this this part into two sessions and we'll all take it a little bit more technically a little bit a later on but to start with the first part of this is really to ignite the sort of that attitude and what you're expecting from the players and what to do to try and stop the opposition the pressing of your press in which we're going to do from here will always come from the front so the means the forward put us to start the pressing they need to be the ones who would be the first ones to go to the ball and then we need the midfield poster for and defenders as well so all the all the areas of the team need to be ready to work on it but I hope that we see it going through but in the first part initially is it's very little to do with tactical it's more to do with just making sure that they're aware of the jobs what you're going to find here is that just a light you know is that you're probably if you don't have the ball your forward players on it to be up the pitch you midfield players on it to be up behind it your defenders you're nearly going to be up and a half we lined here and this will be about the halfway line for where you are okay so you've just got to get your distances right and we'll see and we'll be showing you how we want you to get up and after the ball and remember you'll find you want always of the ball you may be you may be attacking down there and I'm me then give it to the goalkeeper back up here so we'd mean you quickly all turning around to restart the game but also to get up and press the game as well okay and we're going to work on both teams so there's not we're not working in any one team of the morning working under two teams and this the opening games okay right okay boys right here we go goalkeeper would you have a ball in your hand okay go keep up would you have a ball in your hand so what you going to do if I show it's the green goalkeeper what you're going to do if I show a green goalkeeper okay so what you're going to do if I show this the blue goalkeeper okay so you've got the idea now I'm just gonna I'm doing this before we set up if you wouldn't mind just give this play on the ball sorry I don't stay there stay there youngster just Oh give him the ball lads I'm really sorry I don't know your name so you're just did to you to bait with me what I've seen if he gets the ball who would be the neatest man so you would go to the ball force wouldn't you okay so always the neatest man up to the ball get and that's the starting point near this man up if you can't play it short go if you have to go somewhere else you do so okay back with the gory green ball from the green goalkeeper eagle up run the ball up good good well done good well done the blue team well done good you've your fuss well done up can't plea for words well done good keep yourself going well don't you do it a good job well done don't let them get round you'll go boy Bell quick bow plate good up again good well done good and again don't well I'm getaway you've got to block it go to block up up too far off um you're too far off up up up better well done good know the blue is he built a moat well don't good play good your first go on in and then tight up take up better well done I take up a position in it in the middle of picks because I wanted use my enthusiasm from a voice and I'm round I'm rowing the players in a I'm in contact to use that as an encouragement as well this first part of this session is really to do with attitude in energy and if any of the players we aren't showing the right attitude of the right energy take up to the ball the session would would feel so the key point for any courts doing this we make sure that you you get the attitude you want the energy the endeavor from the players to do so i think ben corson been involved in it you can see it see it happening well done good now you've gotta win it bike you're next you're next in good well done the played bike was well done good who's first and in good who's next well done move it quickly goalies if you can move it quickly yeah well done good Noel come on don't run off yet well defended well defended blue ball again come on be ready the guys I've become the greens greens up become good gotta get tight well done Green goalie you put again off with a ball well done good and again don't belong in the ball the boys if you can go to North L you'll fell later defending good don't lay I'm beat you well done good good no foul do lamb tongue no foul no foul well done no soften clean forwards well done well done Goods up who's next come on come on get across good and again don't let him beat you well done youngster okay boy golly you've got it boy call it play quick I'll feel we're going to be onto you good well done well done coin you need to get bike come on you got it bike well done good defending good win it bike you've give it away good well done well then win it bike blocky shot one no one no play on don't admire it come on well done good okay give it an one no the greens well done give it back to the goalkeeper well done you're beginning to get the idea a bit getting up to the ball okay just going to see to the Greens either you score a good goal you chip the ball in you chip the ball and then then you're when are ya fantastic we scored a really good goal here what we're going to do and before you know what the boys are played again so because we never said that you stop when that happens is so you turn on right away so the minute you've given the bar we and what changes know is if I give this theater turn and face of fish me that's it if I give the ball dear forgive are we my jobs to get up to a ball quickly up and make sure what we said there's Lake the small games I can't play forward if you please back to the Gauley you've done a great job if he pleased by the end you've done a great job done and beat me just tell me what if he does that I've done a bad job I'm not doing a good enough job for the team of he does that so I've got to make sure go that way if I've gotten facing this wheel like the small games what did we see if you can just touch the bottom ease by it you've caused enough to them I don't need to be doing this so just enough to see the ball so if we tongs either way then I've got a chance at eating off them but make sure you're up so just to see if we're pressing up here where would you expect your central defenders to be greens up tight correct so you've got to be up tight so you've got to make sure that Europe is well and it's not just the forward players in the midfield players you have to do the job as well so now of your look the whole team are nearly in the one half you've got the whole team nearly pressing up this half and that's what you've got you're trying to roughly the areas of the field where you've seen move will set up it's probably areas of the field that bit a partner gave me anyway and mid to the front half are the pictures where you're looking for the pressing and your central defenders in in their own two half we are in if your person from the front so I think that doing this through the middle of the pitch gives the players a better understanding of where it's expected to be done and I just think for the maned is done in the position where you play okay well give it back to the to the blue goalkeeper I'd see it the goalies don't what if it comes back and you want to pick it up and threw it it doesn't matter whether you throw or kick it okay so you can do it okay what ready to play again here we go come on remember no need it's mine go go can't beat you come on you're fell well done you watch some hard goods well done you've won it bike get roads get round good well done will it bike blues win it bike blues win it bike Goods win it bike going up up up up up get it get good don't let him beat you good well done well done Goods up good got to get there quick well done you get it ready get it moving if you can good well done well done good defender blue ball go again you're live again plate good nor fail nor fell well done good good well done you've won a bike excellent well done the yellows know either greens have got to win it bike stop the ball get into the goalkeeper come on get Tate Tate well done well defended well done take you're getting the blue n you'll fail no fair well done there you've won it bike Goods well done you've won the ball bike and you've got yourself for going you've got the equalizer you've got up your pressed up there you've won it back the Blues the minute you lose it you've got to look to get yourself in back on it and win it back and remember it may be that you have two jobs to do so if you have to do the two jobs and your pals not there your meats not there at the time you have to make sure you're ready to do it it's not just one man and if I have to go in remember this part of the this part of the coaching just knows there is none up to the ball no coaching don't worry about what's behind you you're not interested but what's behind you I want you to be interested a bit getting up to the ball and getting the ball as soon as you can I set up the pitch like this because I wanted to us to sure they're a attitude to get up and press the ball not to be worried about should I be covering someday is the space ray I'm a plane offside here awhile do I want the players to be free to see my job stick up to the ball I've got to press unconditionally pressing to make sure that they've got in their head watch to come good Noel Noel you'll fell no what did we tell you a bit getting too tight you've let them rule you was it was it yeah you've got yourself too tight and you've allowed them to roll you there's no need to just make sure you can see the ball if he's in front of you feign you were really tight but you ended up you have to tight which I like them and it's got a golf to the other team well done to one play young blows up you'll fell up to the bar well done good well done that's a start well done who's doing it come on you've got to do it come on do it again well done good take your fill well done your win it back the next one play on play on good come on you're too far off on young stuff you're too far off on that's better good get up don't be far off of North L no fell good North L well done well done well done good you read it well up again come on come on goods you want it bike here yeah three one well done hold it there hold it there just to see well done for the Green Team for your pressing all I'm going to say to you youngster the ball was leading you weren't going to go and get it but remember it's the nearest man who gets to the ball so their nearest mine if it happens to be me I have to be the one who needs to go you get up to the ball and you win the ball and you start on point as quickly as you can what honor again play good who's doing it club go go God don't be beaten come on twice you weren't letting Ellen off you want it bike come on can you score yeah because you didn't go Taylor play on play on C two three two good no foul no foul yeah you've got a free kick got a free kick just getting too tight or hold it there well done both teams I'll tell you what when you're when your attic you're no beginning to board because you're beginning to up to the ball and you can see what it's going to take you need to keep getting up and you to press is really hard to do so we're going again we're going to go for another five minutes here we're going to let the game go and with any points to remember not to be beaten not to be being and I just see a youngster you give it away there and your first thing was you're done as you wait like that and you step back when you give away what you got to do is you've got to see it's been given away and it's not there are some DX is giving it away it means that you walk to the ball quickly thought what it what's behind you in this session just know we'll come to it no matter to behind you doesn't matter up to the ball and you make sure you stop them okay how about any where you go again no furl no L think a bit of the finding that you can't beat you good no felt I get into Tate again no goal not complete play on play on move L in the goalies we said if you can good up well done good good no fur watch Tate good next up gone gone fallen good to fall in well done don't be being don't be being well done and again keep what kid hard well done you've done a great job with them well done good you first to the ball we're going to give it to the green goalie then it's going away it's gone I'll become again blues well done well done Tate good you've won it back well done well done good strands get roads get Rome good go well done good pressure well done right in and top of them the minute you give it away you want it back again you [Music]
Channel: The Coaching Manual
Views: 89,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, coaching, pressing, pressing from the front, football
Id: 8BJyoA5ZaEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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