𝗖𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰 • Richard Walker, Pressing from the front • CV Academy

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if we do regain the ball now the situation we've got is 9 10 11 7 all between the lines all in a position to create a 4v2 overload [Music] I'm going to talk a little bit about pressing from the front the advantages of it certain principles within it in terms of highlighting the principles initially I've got the team I'm going to focus on as a 4-2-3-1 but then I'll look to show it in a 352 and hopefully highlight how it's principle based and not a case of you go here you must go there you must go there so first and foremost why would we want to regain the ball early and hype the pitch is possible well the simple fact is we regain it high of the pitch the closest to the opposition's goal we are so from an offensive point of view that's that's the rationale from a defensive point of view we want to impose ourselves on our our opponents we want to in an Ideal World dominate the ball and therefore we don't want the opposition getting in a nice routine a nice Rhythm and dictating the game so they're the two two reasons we want to regain the ball early and help the pitch is possible [Music] principally how does it need to look so simple rule is we are now opposition can't go through us they can go around us they can't go through us so not only do we want to come be Compact and narrow that way we also want to keep the unit lines close together so we want our Defenders to play high we want everyone hyped the pitch and we'll able to do that if we get pressure on the ball whilst our Defenders are high of the pitch it's still absolute Panama importance that the priorities to protect space in behind so again we're getting returns of the goalkeeper working on his starting positions Defenders ready to go in tight but also ready to drop and then here again initially we're four two three one so ball with the center back neighbors players sent it forward can he press so we want to make it predictable for the rest of the team so as a simple rule can you run in a straight line at his nearest Foot that naturally will keep them outside in the event that we press and he goes back to the other Center half one of two ways in which we can engage that first is the r10 jumps out and our nine comes back in so it's just a simple principle of pressure and cover all goes across pressure and cover and he looks to get around the nearest Midfield player from there obviously once we lock it out one side we come out one way and we lock it out and we come across overweight of pressing the other Center half and this is what we'd call our jump press so for me this is the most aggressive way of pressing because it gets us more players hyper pitch in an Ideal World we'd keep it this side would keep him locked out one side so we're all geared up for the play to be this side so the opposite Winger comes narrow to try and lock it in if they do manage to wriggle out and play the ball well if you think he can arrive as the ball arrives or you can affect the ball you go so we jump we jump on ideally trying to intercept it to tackle and look to go yourself in the event again that we don't quite make it our fallback jumps fall back to fall back so now as it's played formats on the way to jump and Nick the ball now the back four slides across left Center half becomes a left back come right in across and we leave the play on the further side of the pitch so it's all too aggressive in here now Winger who's pressed back tackles so any unit line once your unit Line's penetrated you back tackle so we're looking to double press set traps roll of the nine and ten lock them out one side stop the switch don't let them get out this side if we do regain the ball now the situation we've got is 9 10 11 7 all between the lines all in a position to create a 4v2 overload so that gives an Insight of the rewards if we get that right and if we get that aggressive from a development point of view why do we do this and what the returns to our players that we're developing well like I said we want our teams anyway to be on the front foot and aggressive the high energy press gets high physical returns in terms of explosive distance in terms of high speed running but also physically if the fallback does jump on we're getting our center-backs defending and then fall back positions so we're quite happy even if the the recall numbers versus nine ten seven even if they're equal numbers we'll take that because it means the 1v1 defending the individual defending it comes out in a game situation and then eventually when the when the progress into the first team maybe they're not asked to go into these types of situations and they find it easier but we'll look to expose them can you defend the channel can you defend 1v1 if we reset and restart the initial setup what else do we want from the the players behind the Press so he's on the ball we lock him out one side marking positions from everyone is ball side goalside so nearest midfielder ball side goalside on the outside shoulder Midfield are doing the same lock in compact if the ball goes in by being on the outside if it's not a safe side pass it shows the board we've got a chance of nicking it regaining it and again being aggressive in that situation if it is safe side get tight forcing back again principally unit line penetrated back tackle and recover so we'll encourage every unit line to back tackle and recover so we suffocate in a smothering the opposition in these situations but again on me game we've got the the opportunity to go and break so that is a little bit of a Whistle Stop of how it looks in a four two three one again principle base Nano compact pressure and cover they go around us not through us and unit line penetrated we back tackle so if we adjust us now into a 352 and again even in game if we were to change our shape or or late on as often happens in in Academy football where a player maybe has to to move age groups or or goes with the first team and we just have to adapt accordingly so irrelevant of whether it's been worked on if the players understand the principles the rest will take care of itself so now then center backs on the ball it might be that we elect if he's got comfy possession we might elect not to press this one initially if you can't affect the ball stay in stay high stay compact so if the ball's played and he thinks he can affect he goes and again keeps outside the other Center forward locks it out one side next pass this space here is a mandatory pressing zone so whilst the central area we don't have to press we accept that there might be times when we can't go once they're in this sort of fallback Zone here and here it's mandatory press and the reason is once they go into that area we can lock them out one side so as it goes we get pressure on the ball and we lock out one side nine and ten lock it out and we slide across accordingly if the fallback's high and our unit lines are brave we should be able to jump Wing back to fall back and lock it out so whilst the setups are 352 Wing back jumps on now would be coming back for left Center back becomes a left back middle Center back becomes left Center back in a four Right Center back becomes the right center back in at four and the opposite Wing back becomes a ride back so the picture looks exactly the same pretty much as how we had it previously where we lock it out one side the left wing back to left Winger and principally in exactly the same position and again aggressive if we regain it we can go through and we look to stop the switch marking positions behind the ball all goal side ball side aggressive [Music] any tactically minded opponent in this scenario against as a back four against a three five two or against wingbacks in general teams will generally look to try and square off their fullbacks in order to get a tsunami where the distance for the wing back to jumps big so it could be that if the distance is too big and the wing back starts going and as he's starting aging the center bat's not got round we're potentially vulnerable to that ball down the side so they look to drop that down if they do that it still might be that we start the position Wing back higher in in the initial uh phase of their build up or the other option is we send out the wide Midfield player so as the ball travels outside midfielder goes we stairs about five but in here what needs to happen is the Deep lining Fielder comes up and we get in 2v2 against their midfielders in here Center forwards lock it out one side and with a back five so effectively here we've got an extra player Wing backs responsibility protect the channel and be aware of the wide player now whether we're in a four or five we want our Defenders to be comfortable to going in tight with players so tactically now at this moment we've locked it out one side these are their two spare players we've locked it out one side so how might they seek an overload in this situation at the moment with 2v2 in Midfield but it could quite simply be that wide player drops in or the 10 drops in here to try and create a 3v2 overload in the middle of the pitch what must happen now center-back must be willing to go in whether it be the middle one whether it be this one Center back must be willing to go in tight rest of the the unit balance off and once again we're now a four so people will often talk about formations and potentially get hung up on formations for me and and as a as an academy where about principles and if if the players can understand these simple principles irrelevant of what formation they play um it should come out and they should be able to adapt accordingly so within this setup here there's no black and white it's not a simple case of you press him you go there there's decisions to be made and again when we're developing players we want independent Learners now as long as we can give them the framework to say these are the principles of what we operate well once we've given that there's then the decisions to be made in the in the in the game now for sure at times they'll get them wrong and it's up to them to reflect on us to help them reflect but from a psychological point of view it gives them decision making it's not black and white from a social point of view it means they have to communicate so if we get that back with a center half now and this is our three Midfield players the communication needs to go on between Wing back and and outside Midfield player the communication from behind the line might say to the Senate forward listen go and engage trigger the Press so the communication happening there and again hear who's going what we don't want is no one going and we don't want both going so there needs to be the communication both goals suddenly got a situation here that that could cause us a problem and and hopefully that gives an insight into some of the principles and the rules and the rationale between looking to press high up the pitch for me as a coach I think probably the the team that has pressed better than anyone certainly in the Premier League over recent years of being Liverpool um clubs Liverpool so again front end of the pitch players that that work tirelessly for the team players that that will not only plus forward but as the ball's in there you look at the lights in Marne Salah firmino back tackling all over the pitch and again the comparison between the Liverpool press is that the crest from a central area and the compat centrally um the contradiction to the narrow one is probably else's press so I know a lot of coaches have been been inspired by the way marcelo's team's press and fundamentally they'll go man to man all over the pitch but with a plus one at the back so whatever happens they don't mind inviting the pressing the passing to the front line so if we put them at four three three so it could be man to man all over the pitch everyone goes in tight and it's a plus one at the back so however it is aggressive press everywhere minus one up up front so it might be the lockout one side and the the accept that they might get dragged everywhere now what that does is it encourages the opposition to play into the center forward so when we ever played against Leeds teams who operated this way the game was always so transitional and even when you just want to try and get the settling pass it was tough it was hard because they won't allow you a backward pass and they would go everywhere and the game was naturally transitional because you free pass was to pass into your Center forward effectively but what would happen there would be because the 2V1 be all too aggressive in in trying to intercept and again the game often became like a game of basketball which I found fascinating but for me that like say the two coaches over the last few years that have really pressed both aggressively but with clear principles uh bielsa and klopp principally there's different walls and and like I say for me the Liverpool model the clock model have been pressing for me into out and and conceding ground outside for me is the one that's closest to the one that we like to adopt at stoke [Music]
Channel: The Coaches' Voice
Views: 18,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, futbol, football, managers, coaches, tactics, analysis, the coaches voice, coaching, yt:cc=on, Football Coach, Football Coaching, Football Pressing, Football Tactics
Id: brq_5xKZ80Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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