Present Truth Conference 2020 LIVE (Day 6) || Who Shall Be Able To Stand? (Pastor Stephen Bohr)

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here i can hear i hear still small voices heaven's peace and joy to share god i know that you are with me i have always seen the signs but there is nothing quite a special like when we meet for holy times a taste of heaven all the fullness of his love out of all he chose the seventh fresh anointing from above i have tasted living water nothing like this nun will find all the beauty of god's presence when we meet for holy time [Music] [Music] there's um righteousness new jerusalem descended with the saints of god to rest i'll forever sing god's praises for he'll be forever mine then face to face we'll be together god and die [Music] jesus [Music] yes thank you for the sabbath day hallelujah hallelujah jesus bless your name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] is they will know as they are is [Music] never oh is to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then we will get into our study the title of our study today is who shall be able to stand so let's just bow our heads for prayer father in heaven uh thank you so much for the privilege of beginning a new year i know that last year was uh very very difficult for many many people many people passed away many people got sick many people lost jobs it was a distressing experience and it still continues into this year i ask lord that you will be with all of those who are suffering and you will bring comfort we also ask that as we open your word that you will be with us through the ministry of your spirit that you will speak to us clearly and distinctly we might listen to what you say and we might prepare a character for the great things that are going to take place soon in this world thank you for the privilege of prayer and we claim the promise that when we pray in faith you answer and this we do in jesus name amen i'd like to begin by reading two significant statements from the spirit of prophecy on the subject of the hundred and forty four thousand the first statement is found in the book selected messages volume 1 page 174 where she wrote that we're not supposed to speculate about who will compose the 144 thousand this is how our statement reads it is not his will that they shall get into controversy over questions which will not help them spiritually such as who is to compose the hundred and forty four thousand this those who who are the elect of god will in a short time no without question soylent white says we're not supposed to speculate as to who will compose 144 000. now ellen white is not saying that we cannot know when this group will live or what their characteristics will be what she's saying is that we should not speculate about who individually will belong to this group how do we know that because of the second statement that we find in reviewing herald march 9 1905 ellen white wrote let us strive with all the power that god has given us to be among the 144 000 and let us do all that we can to help others to gain heaven so when she said we're not supposed to speculate about who will compose 144 000 she's not saying we cannot know when they're going to live what their character will be like what she's saying is that we should not speculate and say well this guy is going to be there and this woman is not going to be there we're not supposed to decide specifically who individually will belong to this group now the book of revelation portrays three main uh pictures of the hundred and forty four thousand one of them is in revelation seven one through eight there the emphasis falls upon the sealing of the hundred and forty four thousand so revelation chapter seven one through eight the picture of the hundred forty four thousand is their ceiling then we have a second picture of 144 000 that's in revelation 14 1-5 where the emphasis is the character of the 144 000 and then finally in revelation chapter 15 verses 2 through 4 we have the victory of the 144 thousand it says there that they gained the victory over the beast over his image over his mark and over the number of his name so we have these three main pictures of the last generation because 144 000 are those who are going to go through the final great tribulation alive and they will not experience even physical death they will see jesus coming in the clouds without experiencing physical deaths so we're going to take a look at this end time generation to see what they will be like turn with me in your bibles to revelation chapter 6 and we'll read verses 14 through 16 where we find a description of the second coming of christ revelation 6 verses 14 through 16. this is how it reads then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place and the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the commanders the mighty men every slave and every free man hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb clearly these verses are describing the second coming of christ but then i want you to notice that revelation chapter 6 ends with a question you see the verses that we just read describe the great day of god's wrath in other words it's describing the culmination of the seven last plagues the second coming of christ and so the question is when this takes place is everyone going to be hiding in the caves is everyone going to be crying for the rocks to fall on them the answer is no notice revelation 6 17 the question that comes to the fore after this passage that i just read it says there for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand so that's the question when this day comes and the wicked are hiding in the caves and crying for the rocks to fall on them was there a group who was faithful a group that said lo this is our god we have we have waited for him and he will save us or was everybody on the side that cried for the rocks to fall on them and that hid in the caves of the mountains now before we i answer this question we need to take a look at the word stand that is used here what does it mean when it says who shall be able to stand well we're going to find that the word stand here is the antonym of fall in other words it's the opposite of falling let's notice a few verses that we find in scripture that use this identical word stand in mark chapter 3 24 and 25 jesus stated that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand what does that mean it means that a kingdom divided against itself is going to fall so standing means that it will not fall we find in john chapter 8 and verse 44 that satan at the beginning did not stand in the truth that means that he fell from the truth so standing means to remain firm to remain solid to remain faithful and not to fall we find in first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 12 that he that thinks that he stands let him take heed lest he fall see there you have the two ideas if a person says oh i stand he needs to be careful and beware that he might fall unless he is very careful in ephesians chapter 6 and verses 11 to 13 we find the word stand twice the same word as revelation 6 17. i want to read ephesians 6 verses 11 to 13. put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand there it is against the wiles of the devil not so the devil doesn't make you fall verse 12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places therefore take up the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all here's the word again to stand in other words to not fall to remain solid and firm upon the rock let's notice also ii timothy chapter 2 and verse 19 where this word appears nevertheless the solid foundation of god stands in other words the foundation of god doesn't fall because it's solid nevertheless the solid foundation of god stands having this seal the lord knows those who are his and let everyone who names the name of christ depart from iniquity let's notice one more example of this word and here it's used with regard to the second coming of christ in luke 21 and verse 36 jesus warned his followers with the following words watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things because he's talked about the signs of his coming so watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the son of man so stand means to remain firm to not fall to not by be deceived by the devil to not fall for his temptations so back to revelation chapter 6 verse 17 for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand what does that mean it means who is not going to fall who is going to say lo this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us rather than hiding in the caves and crying for the rocks to fall upon them so let's take a look at revelation chapter 7 verses 1 through 4 because revelation 6 ends with a question who shall be able to stand where would you expect the answer to that question well how about the very next verse revelation chapter 7 and verse 1 revelation 7 1-4 gives the answer to the question who is going to be able to stand when jesus comes now revelation 7 1-4 is emphasizing the sealing of the final generation of the 144 000 it does not describe their character it simply describes their ceiling because to go through the great tribulation they need to be sealed with the seal of god it's a seal that when the angels see it the angels protect that person so the seal is a seal that identifies the righteous and guarantees them being protected now let's read revelation 7 verses 1 through 4. after these things i saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth on the sea or on any tree now what is being described here is the angels of god holding back the winds of strife of human passions in other words while they're holding the winds probation has not closed when they release the winds that's the moment when probation closes and the great tribulation comes now let's notice what it continues saying then i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god this is while the angels are holding the winds and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying do not harm the earth the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads so what are the 144 thousand called they are called the servants of our god and you notice that they receive the seal that identifies that they belong to the lord the seal that will guarantee god's protection they have that seal on their forehead we'll find a little bit later what that means and it says then and i heard the number of those who were sealed 144 000 of all the tribes of the children of israel were sealed now this scenario of revelation 7 verses 1 through four has an old testament root in other words it comes from a passage in the old testament it comes from ezekiel chapter nine now before mentioning ezekiel chapter nine i need to give you a little bit of context in the previous chapter ezekiel chapter 8. ezekiel chapter 8 is known as the abominations chapter because it describes the abominations that were being committed among god's professed people it's not talking about the canaanites it's not talking about the egyptians and the babylonians no no these abominations of chapter eight were being committed among god's professed people in jerusalem they were practicing abominations and in this chapter god shows ezekiel an abomination that god's own people are committing and ezekiel says well that's bad god says you haven't seen anything yet i'm going to show you a greater abomination than this and do you know which abomination is at the very top of the list it is that the leadership had their backs to the temple and they were worshiping the sun to the east in other words sun worship was the greatest abomination that was being committed among god's professed people we studied when we dealt with matthew chapter 24 that there's a relationship between the ancient practice of worshiping the sun and the contemporary practice of christians of worshiping on the sunday it's the same principle because the son was not created for worship if you use it for worship it is idolatry god created the first day of the week but he did not create it for worship it's a work day it's a secular day so if we make it a sacred day if we make it a day of worship it's equally idolatry so back then they were worshiping the literal son at the end the christian world will be worshiping on the day of the son and in ezekiel chapter 9 we're told that six angels come and they're going to actually destroy jerusalem but before jerusalem is destroyed it's necessary to seal those who are faithful inside the city because not everybody was practicing the abominations and so there this uh being who's clothed in linen seals those who sigh and cry because of the abominations that are being committed in the earth by the way this is parallel to the loud cry of revelation chapter 18. in revelation chapter 18 god's faithful remnant will be sighing and crying because of the abominations that are being committed in the christian church primarily worship on the day of the son a day which has been stabbed established as a day of worship by man not by god and so the purpose of the ceiling in ezekiel 9 is to protect the faithful in the city at the end of time the purpose of the seal will be to protect the end time generation from the wrath of the wicked and from the ensuing destruction now you notice that in the book of ezekiel those who sigh and cry over the abominations are referred to in revelation chapter 7 as the servants of our god so only those who sigh and cry because of the abominations that are being committed among god's people are actually servants of god so revelation chapter 7 is describing the sealing of the 144 000 but revelation chapter 14 verses 1 through 5 describes the character of 144 000. see in revelation chapter 7 it simply says they're servants of god and they're sealed but revelation chapter 14 underlines the character of 144 thousand let's read beginning at verse 1. then i looked and behold a lamb standing on mount zion and with him 144 000 having his father's name written on their foreheads so the first characteristic is that the father's name is written on the forehead now in the bible the name is an indication of the character that's why god has many names each name denotes a certain characteristic that he has in his character and so having his father's name written on their foreheads that's where the frontal lobe is that's where decisions are made where choices are made that's where your character is formed in your frontal lobe so it continues saying and i heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters and like the voice of loud thunder and i heard the sound of harpists playing with their harps they sang as it were a new song before the throne before the four living creatures and the elders and no one could learn that song except the 144 000 who were redeemed from the earth now revelation 14 doesn't tell us the name of the song but revelation chapter 15 verses 2 through 4 does it refers to the song as the song of moses the servant of god and the song of the lamb now what does this song have to do with moses we're talking about the end time generation the book of revelation so why is moses brought to view here simply because the events that happened at the red sea are going to take place on a global scale at the end of time they're going to be repeated with spiritual israel not locally but globally now what does that mean that only the end time generation can sing this song of moses and the lamb it doesn't mean that all of the redeemed will not be able to sing this song it simply means that the 144 thousand will be able to sing this song with the fullness of meaning because they went through the experience described in this song let me explain what i mean do you suppose that some musician could actually put music to the song of moses in exodus 15. you know in exodus 15 you have the song that israel sang after they crossed the red sea and the red sea swallowed up all their enemies do you suppose that somebody today could go to exodus 15 and put music to the lyrics of exodus 15 of course do you suppose that we could sing that song sure we could but let me ask you this could we sing it with the same meaning that israel sang it as they went to the other side of the sea absolutely not because the song is the song of their experience we can sympathize with them intellectually and we can sing the song but not with the same meaning in fact ellen white states that the song of revelation chapter 5 verses 9 through 12 is going to be sung by the redeemed and she says that it also is going to be sung by the angels but the song says you have redeemed us and we will reign on the earth well the angels were not redeemed and they're not going to reign on the earth but elohwhite says that they will join in the song with the redeemed even though they didn't have the experience so let's continue here uh these are the ones who were not defiled with women for their virgins now don't worry marriage doesn't defile as long as you married mary according to bible principles you only commit adultery when uh you have sexual relations with someone who is not your wife now what does this mean that these are the ones who are not defiled with women for their virgins the fact is that they were not defiled with the apostate churches because a woman represents a church and these must be apostate churches because to have a relationship with them would be defiling the church is to be united in marriage only to jesus but when the church tries to get the state to do the work of christ the church is fornicating and actually committing adultery because they have forsaken their love relationship with the lord jesus in other words the end time generation will have nothing to do with the babylonian doctrines of the fallen churches then it says these are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes yesterday i read a statement where it says that we will have our gethsemane we will have our calvary we will have to follow jesus absolutely to those places but at the end we will also gain the victory with him as well as he did then it says these were redeemed from among men being first fruits to god and to the lamb what does that mean first fruits well the fact is that they are the first fruits among the redeemed because they're going to be glorified first and then when jesus actually has descended from heaven he's in the clouds above the earth then he's going to resurrect all of those who died before 1844. he's going to die going to resurrect all of those who trusted in jesus and they will be so to speak the last fruits and then we find these words and in their mouth was found no deceit no lie in their mouth and by the way the bible says in jesus speaking that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so if there's no lie in the mouth it's because there's no lie in the heart so it says in their mouth there was no deceit for they are without fault before the throne of god that will be the character of the end time generation and folks if we believe that we are living at the very end of time and the final events will take place very quickly and very soon we have to get down to business and develop a relationship with christ because we will need to have this character if we are to live through the final events of this earth now the interesting thing is that uh revelation chapter 6 and verse 17 is not the only place where you have this question the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand there are other texts of scripture that help us understand more fully the character of those who will stand in the last day let's go to the book of joel joel chapter 2 and verse 11. now let me just explain that verses 1 through 10 described the second coming of christ we don't have time to read the first 10 verses of joel chapter 2. but verse 11 is the climax of the second coming in uh joel chapter 2 and verses 1 through 11. so i'm only going to read verse 11 where you find the second coming the lord gives voice before his army because jesus is coming sitting on a white horse and the armies of heaven according to revelation 6 19 are following him the lord gives voice before his army for his camp is very great for strong is the one who executes his word and now notice for the day of the lord is great and very terrible who can endure it is that a similar question to the one we found in revelation 6 17 once again for the day of the lord is great and very terrible who can endure it where would you expect to find the answer to that question how about beginning in the next verse verse 12. now i'm going to read verses 12 to 17 and you're gonna see that this is describing what god's people need to do during the day of atonement and we are now living in the day of atonement folks so the question is asked the day of the lord great and very terrible has come who can endure it and now the answer is in the day of atonement those individuals who are going to endure did certain things what did they do verse 12 now therefore notice the word therefore because the great and terrible day of the lord is going to come now therefore says the lord turn to me with all your heart with fasting with weeping with mourning this sounds like sign and crying doesn't it so rend your heart and not your garments return to the lord your god for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and he relents from doing harm who knows if he will turn and relent and leave a blessing beside behind him a grain offering and drink offering for the lord your god blow the trumpet in zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children and nursing babes let the bridegroom go out of his chamber and the bride from her dressing room no time for a honeymoon is what this is saying let the priest now talks about us ministers let the priests who minister to the lord weep this is not a time to be jumping up and down in church and shouting hallelujah and so on this is a time to afflict the soul this is a time for ministers to lead the congregation into fearing god respecting god obeying god so it says let the priests who minister to the lord weep between the porch and the altar let them say spare your people o lord and do not give your heritage to reproach that the nations should rule over them why should they say among the peoples where is their god now do you know that all of the characteristics that we find here are characteristics of what happened on the day of atonement you know we talk about the fact that jesus now is in heaven cleansing the heavenly sanctuary from the record of sin but you know something we focus so much on what the high priest did on the day of atonement inside the sanctuary on the day of atonement that we forget that the people outside were supposed to be doing something while the high priest was cleansing the temple now we're dealing with type and anti-type what happened in the old testament needs to happen on the day of atonement in the future in the time of fulfillment so in the old testament we find the high priest cleansing the sanctuary from the record of sin but the people were outside afflicting their souls and cleansing the soul temple from sin perhaps we've forgotten to emphasize what took place outside the sanctuary on the day of atonement what took place well first of all the day of atonement was announced by the sound of trumpets did you notice that we just read in joel chapter 2 about the sound of the trumpet it's announcing the day of atonement then it also tells us in joel chapter 2 that the people were to assemble around the sanctuary even nursing babes children ministers everyone was to gather around the sanctuary and follow the work of the high priest the same is true today we should have our minds in the heavenly sanctuary following the work of jesus there he requires us to assemble there spiritually and while the high priest was cleansing the most holy place from sin the people were outside afflicting their souls and cleansing the soul temple from sin did you notice also that joel tells us that besides the fact that the people assembled it the day was announced by trumpets they were afflicting their souls did you notice also that joel chapter 2 tells us that they fasted on the day of atonement interesting in the old testament the only day in which people were required to fast was on the day of atonement so we're dealing with the day of atonement now you're saying well do we need to fast them from 1844 till now because the day of atonement began in 1844 no we need to understand what fasting is we think usually that fasting means not eating but the bible never white give another definition of fasting and by the way fasting can mean not eating for a day or two but the true meaning of fast is deeper notice medical ministry page 283 the true fasting which should be recommended to all true fasting is abstinence from every stimulating kind of food and the proper use of wholesome simple food which god has provided in abundance that's fasting according to the spirit of prophecy abstaining from stimulating food and the proper use of wholesome simple food that god has provided but fasting is even deeper than that it means taking of the blessings that god has given to us to bless others notice isaiah 58 verses 6 and 7 isaiah 58 6-7 god says is this not the fast that i have chosen to loose the bonds of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not to share your bread with the hungry and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out when you see the naked that you cover him and not hide yourself from your own flesh fasting on the day of atonement are we supposed to abstain from stimulating food and partake of wholesome food that god has provided are we supposed to be using the blessings and resources that god has given us to bless others in the great day of atonement absolutely also on the day of atonement the people were to abstain from work does that mean that we don't work from 1844 forward of course not the reason why they were not supposed to work is because their focus was not to be on the secular their focus was to be on the sacred on what was happening in the sanctuary is it just possible that our jobs and our focus on economic matters is keeping us from having our focus in the heavenly sanctuary where jesus is cleansing the sanctuary from sin and inviting us to cleanse the soul temple finally we're told in the old testament system that whoever did not practice these requirements on the day of atonement was to be cut off from the congregation that that is equivalent to their name being blotted out from the book of life they no longer belong to the congregation and then not only was their name cut off but leviticus 23 28-30 tells us that those persons were destroyed so the book of joel gives us an amplification of the character that the end time generation will have because the question is asked uh the great the the day of the lord great and very terrible is coming who can endure it and then the answer is what we're supposed to be doing on the day of atonement while jesus is cleansing the heavenly sanctuary but this is not the only place where you have a question similar question to revelation 6 17 and the answer notice isaiah 33 verses 14-16 isaiah 33 and verses 14 through 16. let's go there in our bibles and you'll notice a similar question not identical but similar and you know that it's referring to the coming of jesus because the bible says that jesus when he comes he will come as a consuming fire isaiah 33 and let's read beginning at verse 14. the sinners in zion are afraid fearfulness has seized the hypocrites and now comes the question who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings who's going to be able to live in the midst of the fire and do you know what the fire is the fire is the glory of god god is a consuming fire according to hebrews chapter 12. so the question is who's going to be able to live among the devouring fire among uh in the midst of the everlasting burnings you know the apostate churches say well you know it's the wicked that are going to be in the eternal fires and they're going to burn and they're going to scream and they're going to suffer you know forever and ever and ever the wicked are going to live in the midst of the fire but the bible teaches that it's the righteous who are going to be able to live in the presence of the fire because god is the consuming fire let's notice verses 15 and 16 who will live in the midst of the fire after asking the question who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire and then another question who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings notice that the answer has to do with our conduct or our behavior it's not simply believing oh yeah i believe in jesus satan believes in jesus folks but his character is totally opposite from jesus so just believing intellectually in jesus is not enough our conduct must reflect it notice verse 15 the answer he who walks righteously by the way when the bible uses the word walk figuratively it has to do with conduct or behavior he who walks righteously and speaks uprightly he who despises the gain of oppressions who takes advantage of other people economically who gestures with his hands refusing bribes who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from seeing evil notice the answer to the question who's going to dwell in the midst of the devouring fire of the everlasting burnings it is those who have this conduct now the conduct didn't save them no but their relationship with christ led to the cleansing of the soul temple now i want you to notice also another place where a similar question appears psalm 15. here's the question lord who may abide in your tabernacle that is the sanctuary who among you who who may dwell in your holy hill what is god's holy heal it's zion right where are the 144 000 standing they're standing on mount zion so this these questions have to do with 144 000 who may abide in your tabernacle by the way ellen white states that only 144 000 will be able to enter the temple in heaven or the sanctuary in heaven so who may abide in your tabernacle who may dwell in your holy hill revelation says it's the 144 thousand that will stand on the holy hill and ill white clarifies that they will be able to enter the temple so the answer the question is who's going to be able to do that once again the answer underlines the character and the conduct and the behavior of those who claim to follow jesus christ notice verses two through five here's the answer who may abide in your tabernacle who may dwell in your holy hill he who walks uprightly once again walks has to do with behavior he who walks uprightly and works righteousness and speaks the truth in his heart he who does not backbite with his tongue nor does evil to his neighbor nor does he take up a reproach against his friend in whose eyes a vile person is despised but he honors those who fear the lord he who swears to his own hurt and does not change in other words you don't break your promises he who does not put out his money at usury that is an exorbitant interest nor does he take a bribe against the innocent now notice this how the conclusion it's it's related to revelation 6 17 he who does these things notice who does this not only believes he who does these things shall never be moved huh what does that mean he will never be moved that means he's not going to fall he's going to remain firm but there's another place where this question appears or a similar question notice psalm 24 and verse 3. who may ascend into the hill of the lord once again mount zion is the hill of the lord 144 000 stand on mount zion who may ascend into the holy hill of the lord who may stand in his holy place once again the answer has to do with conduct or behavior folks we are not saved by our behavior we are saved by grace through faith in jesus christ but when we are truly saved when we truly see how terrible sin is how it offends jesus we will plead with the lord not only to forgive us we will plead with the lord to cleanse the fountain to cleanse the heart so that our life will reflect our relationship with jesus christ in other words a holy life is the fruit not the root of our salvation so the question is who may ascend into the hill of the lord who may stand in his holy place verses 4 through 6 have the answer he who has clean hands and a pure heart who has not lifted up his soul to an idol nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive blessing from the lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation this is jacob the generation of those who seek him who seek your face another place where this question appears or a similar question appears is nahum chapter 1 verses 6 and 7. that's a book that we hardly ever read from nehum chapter 1 verses 6 and 7. first of all you have the question and then you have the answer here's the question who actually there's two questions that are related who can stand before his indignation and who can endure the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the rocks are thrown down by him so here's the question who can stand before his indignation who can endure the fierceness of his anger verse 7 has the answer the lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him now the last place that we're going to read where a similar question is asked is in malachi chapter 3 and verses 1 to 3 malachi chapter 3 verses 1 through 3 behold i sent my messenger this is speaking about john the baptist but it's also speaking about god's end-time people who will prepare the way for the second coming of christ like the ten virgins were illuminating the way to the wedding chamber behold i send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple this is jesus coming to the heavenly sanctuary in 1844 even the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight behold he is coming says the lord of hosts and now notice the question but who can endure the day of his coming and who can stand when he appears no to stand when he appears so who can endure the day of his coming who can stand when he appears for he is like a refiner's fire and like launderer soap he will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver he will purify the sons of levi that's representing us and purge them as gold and silver that is in the furnace folks that they may offer to the lord an offering in righteousness ellen white had a very significant comment on these verses from the book of malachi it's found in great controversy page 425 says the prophet she's going to quote malachi 3 first of all says the prophet who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for he is like a refiner's fire in like fuller soap and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver he shall purify the sons of levi and purge them as golds and silver that they may offer unto the lord an offering in righteousness she's just quoted malachi 3 verses 2 and 3. and now she's going to comment those who are living upon the earth notice those who are living 144 thousand those who are living upon the earth when the intercession of christ shall cease in the sanctuary above are to stand in the sight of the holy god without a mediator so you cannot continue to sin during the time of trouble folks after probation closes jesus will be here to protect us that will be our next subject tomorrow's subject we're going to deal with the defender of god's people in the time of trouble jesus is going to be here to defend his people he's not going to forsake us but he's not going to he's not going to intercede in heaven for sin we will have to have gained the total victory over sin i know this isn't popular to say these days but the bible teaches that the end time generation will not sin in action thought or feeling during the time of trouble ellen white continues those who are living upon the earth when the intercession of christ shall cease in the sanctuary above are to stand in the sight of a holy god without a mediator their robes must be spotless their characters must be purified from sin by the blood of sprinkling the blood that is sprinkled on the day of atonement through now notice this through the grace of god and their own diligent effort they must be conquerors in the battle with evil while the investigative judgment notice the parallel while the investigative judgment is going forward in heaven while the sins of the penitent believers are being removed from the sanctuary there is to be a special work of purification of putting away of sin among god's people upon earth so there's a parallel work and then she says this work is more clearly presented in the messages of revelation 14. now i want to read you a statement from ellen white which is very very interesting it's found in uh the devotional book the upward look page 344. satan is constantly alluring away from faithfulness and thoroughness in the essential work of preparedness for the great event that will try every man's soul the work in the heavenly sanctuary is going forward jesus is cleansing the sanctuary now she's going to turn to talk about the earth the work on earth corresponds with the work in heaven do you see that the heavenly angels are at work constantly to draw man the living agent to look to jesus to contemplate and meditate upon jesus that he may in viewing the perfection of christ be impressed with the imperfections of his own character this is the burden of the message for this time now how is this accomplished how can sin be cleansed from our mind and from our heart let me just say say it this way it all has to do with what you allow to enter your brain through your five senses you know many times when i'm presenting sermons to youth groups one of the questions that comes up is pastor i have these sins that i am practicing i'm doing my best i'm working to overcome them but i can't seem to overcome them what's the secret to overcome and so then i ask them a question i say let me ask you a question before i answer what are you watching and what are you listening to hmm good question why do i ask that question because most of the time those youth who are struggling with sin they are filling their minds with worldly music with uh things that they see on the internet with hollywood movies in other words they're filling their minds with that which defiles the brain defiles the mind the victory over sin is gained in a very simple way don't allow evil to come into your mind but fill your mind with that which is good study the word of god read the spirit of prophecy pray such as you had never prayed before get busy not texting all the time to all kinds of silliness don't spend your time checking out all of these videos on the internet spend your time studying the word of god let me ask you this and be honest in your answer what would be more beneficial to your spiritual life sitting down to watch a hollywood movie that majors in infidelity adultery killing hatred spiritualism or would it be better to take the three hours and sit down and read your bible and the spirit of prophecy what would be more edifying for your and my spiritual experience obviously it would be filling the mind with god's word see we don't overcome sin because of what we're putting in our mind we are what we behold folks the apostle paul says that beholding as an emir the glory of the lord we are being changed from glory to glory into the same likeness we are changed into the image of that which we behold let me give you one illustration as we close i taught theology in our seventh-day adventist university in the country of colombia for six years and i had hundreds of students come through my classes but there was one student that excelled all of the other students he would come to class early he would sit in the front row with his notebook and pen in his hand and he would he would have his bible open and from the moment that i began teaching the class till the time that it ended he was looking he was listening and he was writing down notes in his notebook this young man aced everything that he took every class that he took he got the top grade he was the best student i ever had now i had other students that weren't that way they would come to class and they were kind of you talk with other individuals they you know they would raise their eyes and kind of look at the ceiling and they'd never had never took notes in the class and of course they got mediocre grades now the interesting thing is several years later i was preaching in a certain place and after i finished my sermon a woman came to me and she said pastor board do you know such and such a person and she mentioned this student's name and i said oh yeah i know him i know him quite well and she looked at me and she says pastor you preached just like he does i kind of smiled and i said yeah uh you know i told her yeah uh you know sister uh he was my student for three years she says oh i'm sorry pastor i didn't know that you know two or three years ago i invited this student to come to our studio to do a series in spanish on the book of revelation by the way you can see it on some tv latino at some point and you'll be able to see that what i'm telling you is true so we invited him to the studio and the tapings were in the daytime so there was no audience so i decided that i would sit and i would watch uh and listen uh to my ex-student who was a student many years ago and as i watched i was amazed the way that he moved his arms the way that he inflected his voice the way he moved from one side to the other the way he stood it's like i was looking in a mirror now the question is why listen when we are in someone's classroom for three years which he was something is bound to rub off you know i uh had the privilege a few years ago of uh being at a workers meeting where mark finley and his wife came to speak to the ministers i don't know if you've ever seen teeny finley preach but she you know she preaches just like mark it's amazing the way she moves you know she moves her arms and the way she stands and the way she inflicts her voice you know it's like you're watching mark why i don't know how long they've been married but when you've been married that long undoubtedly something rubs off from one and one to the other so folks the secret for preparing for this these great events that will soon take place is what we are allowing to enter our mind i pray to the lord that we will make the decision to cast aside all of that that defiles our mind and we will focus and meditate upon jesus and as we contemplate him more and more we are being changed into the same likeness like moses when he was in audience with the lord at the top of mount sinai he came down and his face shone with the glory of god because the glory of god had rubbed off on him so folks let's get down to business because we're living in the last days we don't know how long time will linger if we are going to be among that end time generation we have to prepare may god bless us and give us the strength to do this so that we can be witnesses in the world of his glory and his light let us pray father we thank you for the testimony of your word sorry we are for our sins sorry because our hearts are so defiled by sin but we know that through the grace of christ we can not only receive forgiveness but we can receive power to overcome i ask lord that you will be with all of those who are watching if there's anyone who is struggling with sin i ask lord through your power that you will give this person victory over the temptations and sins that so afflict their souls thank you for having been with us and we thank you for hearing and answering our prayer for we ask it in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] is [Music] tell me jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] where the entire is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] only time the day is ending with the setting of the sun holy time the day has ended now the sabbath has begun i can feel the blessings falling sanctifying heart in mind i can hear the spirit calling me from care to holy town [Music] god is with us i can feel his presence near i can hear his still small voices heavens peace and joy to share god i know that you are with me i have always seen the signs but there is nothing quite as special like when we meet for a holy time [Music] of his love out of all he chose the seventh fresh anointing from above i have tasted living water nothing like this none will find all the beauty of god's presence when we meet for holy times when life here on earth is ended and there's only righteousness new jerusalem descended with the saints of god to rest i'll forever sing god's praises for he'll be forever then face to face [Music] yes thank you for the sabbath day hallelujah [Music] bless your hallelujah [Music] bribe god and pretend you
Channel: MelVee Broadcasting Network
Views: 2,032
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Keywords: MelVee Productions, Christian songs, gospel, gospel message, sermon, Bible study, prophecy, music, must watch, HopeTV, 3ABN, SABBATH SCHOOL, Donate, Prophecy, MelVee, JOIN, SUBSCRIBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 10sec (4330 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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