prepping to go back to school (JUNIOR YEAR)

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hi guys i don't even know how to discuss this because i cannot wrap my brain around it i start school in one week in one week i will be preparing the night before for the first day of school and when this video goes up tomorrow morning it will be one week away from my first day of school it's just beyond unfathomable does not feel like the summer is coming to an end i don't i don't know how to feel about it but i am bringing you guys this video in case you are in shock like i am and you're going into your next school year you're not alone we're all shocked together and with that being said today's video is going to be all about me preparing for my junior year of high school i can't believe i'm gonna be a junior there's so many crazy things that i just can't wrap my head around but it's that time back to school season and of course we're in it together so first thing i did to prepare for junior year was get my nails done can't have my nails looking bad on the first day of school and i got my car cleaned and put gas in it a little early on like i'm probably gonna need to get gas again but i needed it anyway so i figured i would film it so here's that footage all right guys here's the before of my crusty nails look who's here we call each other chump basically um a joke and there's her fit because she used to go to dance i'll put my inspo right here let's go they're all done i'm super happy with how these came out unfortunately i do have a battle wound on my pinky finger um i saw it after i paid otherwise i definitely would have asked for a discount but it's just a tiny little scratch so we're good and these are chloe she got hot pink it's so backlit or it's so like front lit wait and there's her face and she's going to dance now bye chumps bye bye all right update the nails are done as you saw i am obsessed with them and the next step hold on i have to drive of this process of preparation for junior year which i still cannot wrap my head around is to get margo the mazda the pride and joy of my life squeaky clean because she has to be looking fresh when we roll up into the school parking lot i'll see you at the gas station and we got a gas rap we've arrived [Applause] absolutely beautiful love a good wash i have to turn off my car because my windshield wipers are like constantly on auto i don't know how to change that and so they would just be like swiping like crazy right now margo it's okay you will make it through this tough time you'll come out stronger on the other side all right mission accomplished i got out and wiped off the back of the car with my towel because sometimes it just like leaves excess water and i don't want it to dry up got like 300 miles to go and a clean car i'm probably gonna clean out the inside at some point because otherwise it's just gonna pile up like i'll take the dyson and go over all this it's just a lot of sand from the beach that's gonna just pile up if i don't clean it and we're back it's the next day i filmed that stuff yesterday and i'm going to do the rest of my preparation right now i have to do a couple more things but the first thing is get my backpack like prepared and stock it up with my books and stuff let's just get that over with now okay i'm using the same backpack as last year i just didn't see the point in getting a new one like this one's a little dirty but it's herschel and we need more light it's in good quality it's just a little dirty so i went to target and got some like random supplies that i feel like i'm going to need on the first day for my syllabus and all that stuff last year i went in without any of that and i just like did not even think about how i was going to get syllabus i was getting papers and i just had an empty backpack with just my computer in it so i have like some paper a notebook a folder binders these pens that i restock on every year that i just love so dearly with all of my soul highlighters white out i need to get pencils i have these mechanical ones but my school's gonna give out all my supply stuff probably on the first day so then i'll figure out what i need for each class and i'll get like a pencil pouch actually i have this one it has a stain on it but there's just so much stuff in here that's so random i have some pencils a calculator more pens this just gives me deja vu of school this pencil case anyway i'm gonna stock this stuff up in my backpack and i'm also gonna put together a little emergencies kit kind of like i have in my center console of my car i'm just going to put some things in here like pads tampons deodorant maybe um what else probably advil tums just little things that i might need throughout the day i've done that in many years past and it's been quite convenient so now that i've made a mess of all this we're gonna get stocked up also i need to go get my books for you in the box [Music] everyone was [Music] you do [Music] hello an update i ate dinner i had some salad enchiladas and spanish rice and of course got a stain um my bathroom looks atrocious right now it's gross you guys i i'm not even gonna show you this because if you saw inside of here your jaw would drop to the floor sneak peek that's all you get to see it's so bad i'm a pig anyway i packed up my backpack all full of stuff i've been listening to my podcast and i figured i had to pause and show you guys what i'm wearing so i'm really vibing with it right now it's my stained sweatshirt and then my princess polly shorts and they're the same pink and i just love it so next on the agenda is to complete my summer homework i only have a little bit of a left but it just needs to get done i've been working on it like periodically it's for my english class but i just hope guys if you've watched my prepping for online school video last year you probably heard my rant about homework other than for math buy i don't like it at all i mean i complete all my homework for the academic validation because i want to get good grades but literally if you look at the science we need to be taught work life balance and like usually people don't take their work home i wrote a whole persuasive essay for my middle school assignment one time on homework and why it is destroying the generation of the future like i think it's finland that has no homework their test scores are through the roof anyways i could go on about it forever but i'm not gonna do that because you probably don't care i need to get my summer homework taken care of [Music] finally she is put to rest i cannot explain how happy i am to have this done because it has just been lingering for months on my to-do list it's like so it was not a hard time like it was pretty short but it's been on there for me to do for so long and i'm just so glad it's done i'm gonna print it out so i can put it in a folder and like bring on the first day of school because i'm kind of terrified my computer's not gonna work and then the teacher because i had her last year she's like a little more strict i'm not going to leave me that i finished it so i'm going to have my hard copy proof i'm going to have everything i need what a great feeling my next task is to set out my clothing for the first week of school i can't vlog this i can't show you guys because it's going to show my school stuff and i don't want to expose where i go to school but i'm going to set out um my outfits for the first week of school and my outfits for the rest of this week because i have to be in like full cheer uniform tomorrow i'm on link crew which is like the welcoming committee for all the new students so there's some events for that this week we also have our asb retreat that's like an all-day thing so i have to just set out like what i'm wearing figure all that out fold the laundry this is sitting in the corner of my room so i'll be back when that's over because like i said i can't vlog that but my friend alyssa who graduated gave me a bunch of her old i almost said my school's name a bunch of her old clothes from all four of her years so the merchandise that i have from my school is inexplicable what's an unexplainable unfathomable is the only word that comes to my mind i have so much stuff from my school sitting in my closet that i i don't even know what to do it's like out of control but it's good because it gives me lots of variety it's just insanity let's do it this is the second to last thing i have to do um and this is this is the beginning of many weeks of setting up my clothes like this is just gonna turn into my routine anyway that's my very long-winded explanation of what i'm gonna do right now see you in like it'll probably save me gosh like 20 minutes maybe more my room's gross so adios hello it is update time i don't look much different from the last time i saw you i just took my hair out of the ponytail look at how pretty this is looking much much better than before and i put all my makeup nice and organized in here so whenever school starts i can just like do makeup really quick in the morning i've gotten so good at it like i now can do it in three minutes if i had two five minutes tops i'm like blush mascara lip gloss done my room is also much more organized i'm going to vacuum it just a little bit i need to mention this thing though this is part of what my mom got me um when she read my room following the breakup but it's just really come in handy because i don't know where else i would put all my bags she got it from at home and it's just so perfect right there on this very wall all right guys we have come to the last portion of this video it's getting a lot later in the night i'm about to go make my tea i haven't showed you guys in a while i feel like i haven't done like a typical day in my life in a while so i need to do that soon let me show you guys my daily routine as of now honestly not going to matter because i'm going back to school in a week but the last part of this video is going to be a little self-care night to physically prepare myself for school because you know we gotta show up on the first day of school looking good i'm gonna take a bath and do a face mask i'm gonna show you guys what i'm gonna use really quick and then i will do it this one was pretty fun because it like bubbles up this clay one which i love which is really messy and then this peel off one i think i'm gonna use this one though because it just seems like the most fun and the most easy to do i also have this fat fragrance thing from lush it smells so good there's a like piece of cotton ball on there i wish you could smell it smells like roses and vanilla i don't even know but it smells so amazing this hydrating spray that flamingo sent me a long time ago it's really cool you just and it rubs right and it's really nice and literally feels like silk so that's what i do now it'll be a montage at the end of this video i'm about to go make some tea first though so i'll show you which one i make i'm either gonna make the peach one or the well-rested one then i'll get in the bath i'm so excited i don't think i'll wash my hair though because i'm gonna work out tomorrow so it'll just be really counterproductive but enjoy the montage thank you for watching this video i still cannot believe that school starts in a week if you're in school please let me know when you're starting leave me a comment down below in the comment section and just know that you're not alone we're all shocked together but it's gonna be good it's gonna be such a fun year and a lot of videos planned for the rest of the month i have all my videos planned out through like september something so it's gonna be crazy but it's gonna be fun and you're coming with me so buckle up okay bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MissKatie
Views: 182,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to school prep, prepping for back to school, prepping for online school, prepping to go back to school, prepping for junior year, junior year prep
Id: R-B12n-Wqlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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