Prepositions of movement - English grammar

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hello everyone this is andrew from crown academy of english today's lesson is about prepositions of movement so prepositions of movements show movements from one place to another place and in this lesson you will learn 15 prepositions of movement and you will also learn a few prepositions of place so let's start so the preposition two is probably the most common preposition of movement and it describes the destination of the movement so here are two examples mark is walking to the train station mark is walking to the train station so after the preposition to this is the destination david is cycling to the office to the office so this again is the destination of the movement here is another example and here the cat is walking into the box into the box so into is when you enter something and you're inside it afterwards you're inside it and touch usually touching it okay so the cat is walking into the box and now the opposite the opposite direction the cat is walking out of the box out of the box so this means that the cat is leaving the inside of something okay so it's starting inside the box and is now coming out of the box okay so the cat was inside and now the cat is out of the box and let's look at a more another example a slightly more complicated example so now the cat is walking around the box around the box and around is this movement in a circular motion circular direction okay on the outside of the box so not touching a box but a circular motion so let's look at an animation okay so the cat is walking around the box and now the cat is walking towards the box towards the box and towards this means in the direction of the box okay might not be going to the box but the cat is walking in the direction of the box towards with an s this is british english and toward without an s without an s this is american english but the meaning is the same so let's look at the animation okay so the cat is walking towards the box and now let's look at the opposite the cat is walking away from the box away from the box so away from means that the cat is starting at the box starting next to the box and is walking in the opposite direction of the box okay so there is the animation now let's look at another example the cat is walking past the box past the box past it means walking from one side of the box to the other side of the box and in this example the cat is walking from the left to the right okay and we can also say the cat is walking in front of the box so this place here this is in front of the box and here this is behind the box up here okay so in front behind and this motion here this is walking past the box from left to right okay so the cat is walking past the box now let's look at that again so again the cat is walking past the box but this time the cat is walking behind the box so nothing has changed here the cat is walking from left to right but now the cat is behind before it was here before the cat was in front of the box now the cat is behind the box okay so the cat is walking behind the box now we have a frog so what is the frog going to do well the frog is jumping onto the box on to the box so this means the frog is jumping to the top surface so the destination is the top surface of the box that's what on two means okay so there he goes the frog is jumping on to the box so now let's look at the opposite and the opposite is the frog is jumping off the box off the box so this means the job the sorry the frog is leaving the box to go somewhere else okay so it's leaving the box jumping off the box so there it goes and again the frog is jumping off the box and this time the frog is jumping over the box over the box so this means the frog is jumping above and across the box but never touching the box okay it's not touching the box it starts here it goes up and over the box up and above and across the box okay and it lands here so we say jumping over the box okay this one we're just looking at the position of the cat okay so we're looking at the position of the cat relative to the bridge so here is the bridge and we can say simply the cat is under the bridge so here we have a simple preposition of place the cat is under the bridge now let's look at some movement okay so the movement we can say the cat is walking under the bridge the cat is walking under the bridge so there he goes okay so the cat is walking under the bridge so here we're having a preposition of movement and this one is a photograph simply a photograph there's no animation on this one so again we can look at a preposition of place to start we say that the boat is in the tunnel okay we say in a tunnel we don't say under a tunnel we say under a bridge but we say in the tunnel and if we want to describe the movement we say the boat is going through the tunnel going through the tunnel which means starting at one side of the tunnel and ending at the other side or the other end of the tunnel so going through the tunnel and here we have a train and we say that the train is on the bridge okay so that's a preposition of place and for the movement for the action we say that the train is going across the bridge is going across the bridge across the bridge so this means it's starting here and it's going to finish up somewhere here going across the bridge and this part of the bridge in the river we can say that this is under the bridge this is under the bridge she is on the bridge so this is another example with a bridge so a preposition of place she is on the bridge and we can say the action she is walking across the bridge she's walking across the bridge and here we have a very common situation with stairs so in a house or inside a building we have stairs or a staircase and when you're at the bottom when you're here we say that you are downstairs so the man at the moment is downstairs and now the man is walking up the stairs okay so the man is walking up the stairs so up this preposition it means starting walking towards the top of something okay so this is the bottom and this is the top so walking up you're walking in the direction of the top of the stairs and when the man arrives here we now say the man is upstairs okay where is mark he's upstairs where is mark here here the man mark is downstairs okay he's downstairs so downstairs walking up the stairs and at the end he is upstairs so let's look at the opposite and i'm sure you can guess what the the preposition is here so the man he starts upstairs and the man is walking down the stairs okay we can see he is walking down the stairs and at the end when he arrives at the bottom we say that the man is now downstairs okay so let's just look at that again the man is walking down the stairs and now he is downstairs this is all one word downstairs and upstairs but here the down these are separate words okay this is the direction okay so that's the end of the lesson i hope you learned some new words writer comments if you like the video and here are here is a link if you're interested in some private online lessons and here are some other videos that i recommend thanks for watching
Channel: Crown Academy of English
Views: 17,446
Rating: 4.9757085 out of 5
Keywords: prepositions of movement, prepositions of direction, english prepositions, prepositions of place, parts of speech, english grammar, english words, english lesson, learn english grammar, learn english words, education, Crown Academy of English
Id: iVzLSrhzA4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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