Preparing to Commit an Evil Crime that Shocked a Country

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[Music] so the flight has would have been right there right behind the wall like one little one right there the corner two three four five Etc the bodies were found in separate rooms upstairs one partially in the bed the other lying in a pool of blood they're all owned by the Health Service their own people's agents as Royal patients from the um psychiatric hospital as this country's most prolific cereal so this would have been the wall the killer would have climbed to get into the back of the head I would say we're looking for a male person aged in his late teens to early twenties [Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video I'm going to tell you a story from from start to finish a story that shocked uh my home of Ireland she can believe that it's a story of an invasion it's a story of wrong guy right guy and it's a story that's pretty reminiscent actually of when that's kind of going on right now in the University of Idaho on a dark March night in a Dublin suburb a man broke into a house where three people were sleeping two of the women would not they would not survive the night where the Third Woman she would be asleep while the killer watched her why she stayed safe no one really knows but five months later this guy would strike again who that man was wouldn't really be finalized until almost 20 years passed big shout out to the Grange Gorman murders written by Alan Bailey who was a detective in this case and before we dive into it uh please subscribe to see new True Crime cases and bizarre stories every week now let's give it a goo [Music] so to begin let me let me set the scene for you okay I'm in this footage this story takes us to Dublin Ireland the north side of the city Grange Gorman is an inner city suburb surrounded by the now hip areas of Smithfield and fibsboro but back then they weren't quite like that it's a relatively quiet area but very handy if you needed to pop into the city for whatever okay the year was in 1997 a fine vintage uh it was March of that year to be precise which I do like to be on occasion in granged Gorman between rothdown Road and Marine Villas was one Orchard View the house it's long gone today but this is where it would have stood so the flight has would have been right there right behind the wall like one would have been right there the corner two three four five Etc it was almost directly beside what was also once Saint Brendan psychiatric hospital and the houses were owned by the health department all the houses that stood here were for the same use these houses were for long-term psychiatric patients they were like halfway houses between you know uh patient care and regular life and though the situations in each house it varied kind of from Patient to Patient in one Orchard View which is our house um the people who lived there lived fairly independent lives they had jobs they looked after themselves they were free to come and go as much as they wanted there wasn't a nurse there with them all the time and the house inside was a regular house you know living rooms fully furnished kitchens all the bedrooms everything now one thing about the house is that it was Immaculate right the people who lived there kept it absolutely spotless everything was [ __ ] and span so at the time our Story begins in that house one or should view three of the four bedrooms were occupied one of the bedrooms was unoccupied because well the guy who was staying in that room he adjusts he had just left because he had a habit of calling over women like a lot so staying in that house at this time was Mary callanan Sylvia Shields and Anne Myrna Mary was 61 years of age and she had been a patient of the hospital for over 30 years suffering from paranoid schizophrenia something which appeared to have kicked in when her parents died when she was very young and she lived in this house on Orchard View for almost 10 years Sylvia Shields was 60 years of age and she had been a patient for almost 20 years having been diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia severe borderline personality disorder and epilepsy and she had been the house approximately three years and Myrna was the final woman 46 at the time living in the house just a couple of months she had been a patient since the early 70s after she tried to take her own life and had mood disorders and self-harm issues all were well liked lovely lovely women no one had a bad thing to say about them like they would often go to the nearby Bakery pick up you know cakes and other kind of sweets to give out to the other patients and around them like just um it's really kind gentle gentle people all of them had jobs they all worked in a sheltered workshop you know that they were doing just fine so let's get to the evening of March the 6th 1997 which was a Thursday all three women were there that day and that evening and around 8 P.M that evening and the youngest ad Myrna she uh she was heading off to where else but Bingo of course it's Bingo night baby Sylvia and Mary they were in the house when she left they were watching the TV she said I'm heading off for the Bingo I'm gonna pick up uh some some chips from chipper on the way home chips by the way most my audience is American so chips from chipper it's like think of big chunky french fries covered in salt and vinegar you're [ __ ] amazing they said no we're good we're we're gonna be heading to bed early we'll see you when you get back and left she went to the bingo hall she played she won she won a tenor and then she came back home she was back in the house one Orchard View by 11 30 PM she came back in the door the two other women were asleep when she got home she popped her her head into Sylvia's bedroom they chatted a while Sylvia congratulated her for for winning uh some money and then that was it lights out now here's something about Anne she'd always had trouble sleeping so what the doctors would advise her to do was to get a cassette player and just listen to music uh when she when she was going to sleep it would help her sleep another thing and I would also do when she was going to sleep was she'd put her head under the covers under her blanket her duvet or whatever um now this is believed Anne she'd been sexually abused when she was a kid and it's believed it was a remnant of that but those two things they likely saved Anne's life the following morning 6am Ann was up and she walked down the stairs to make breakfast for the Gang however when she walked down the stairs in the living room she saw her she saw her handbag on the ground um and the content's just all over the floor now she was full sure she left her handbag on the table nice and neat so got a bit of a head scratcher right then she saw the kitchen the light of the kitchen was on and she was again she was full sure she had turned off the kitchen light when she was you know going to bed the previous night then she saw on the light switch blood she saw then the window at the back of the kitchen while she saw the curtain gently blowing in the morning Breeze now the house had been burgled a couple of months before and that window had been made more secure but now it appears somebody had smashed it once again so so Ann thought they're being they'd been burgled again she called up to Sylvia who you know they were both still in bed Sylvian and and Mary were still in bed she called up to no answer so what she did then was she went back up opened the door and service hey you'll never guess oh what she saw in there in Sylvie's bedroom was nothing short of horrific and Sylvia Shields bedroom was an incredibly gruesome scene Sylvia was on her bed her feet on the floor her night dress pushed up and she was covered in blood and then ran out of the house pretty much screaming she ran into one of the other houses on Orchard View as she knew there was a nurse they are at the time with those patients she went in and telling this nurse completely hysterical as you can imagine what's going through she was worried that whoever did this was still in the house she was absolutely all over the place the nurse then went across to the psychiatric hospital to get security guards two security guards came they went into one Orchard View at first they didn't see anything amiss they went into they even went into um Anne's bedroom first and were like there's nothing here they went to the wrong bedroom they then went into Mary and Sylvie's bedroom and then the guardi the Irish police they were called the first two guards who arrived on the scene they actually had a trainee uh guard with them trainee police officer with them um you know obviously just a couple weeks into you becoming a police officer he would resign and leave within a couple of weeks after what he saw in that house detectives arrived at 7am and the state pathologist was called Anderson was described aptly by the pathologist as Carnage in his 20 years of going to murder scenes he had never seen anything like it Sylvia and Mary were both on their beds both very similar scenes and they were pronounced dead full rigor mortis was found in Sylvia's body not in Mary's so they began to theorize Sylvia had been killed first both had their throats slit and had been stabbed many many times some were deadly like stabs to the heart but many were superficial having been inflicted after they were dead also disturbingly in Mary's vagina there was a kitchen carving Fork it had been plunged into her now neither had been sexually assaulted also neither a victim had defensive wounds on them as if they were fighting off this attacker so it seems like whoever did this he killed them quickly and then had stabbing attacking doing [ __ ] to their bodies so that way not much of a Ruckus would be raised which would alert the other person and all the knives and items used were from they were actually from the house the killer didn't come bringing [ __ ] with them and the killer had gone into Anne's room had walked to her bed had stood right beside her with where the knife blood was found in the room the killer was Dripping in blood standing over Anne's bed watching her as she as she slept why he did why he didn't kill her too is not word began to spread when the security guards would say what they had seen Tales of tales of cannibalism of all sorts of blasphemy people were rightly so freaking the [ __ ] out as you can imagine against his horrific crimes you know committed against these just lovely gentle kind women who wouldn't hurt a fly like the level of brutality that was inflected was fought quite simply and so the investigation began the crime was especially brutal I'm pretty early on the guardian wanted to speak with a crime scene profiler to help try and formulate some kind of background on this on this madman now there was no crime scene profilers in Ireland at the time so they contacted the British who sent over their own crime scene profiler and this is what he kind of came up with examining the scene about what the clues led him to believe this kind of guy was I'll paraphrase it because it's quite a lot both victims were killed by one person a male that had violent fantasies about women the killer would be either unaware or afraid of regular old sex it was probably his first time killing early teens mid-twenties lacking social skills he probably works or lives nearby and he would feel no remorse for what he did and was very likely to do it again that's the short and sweetened version of it anyway and the investigator's reaction to this when they got this report was oh balls so the first thing they did was start looking at people in the area the interviews the door-to-doors the whole thing and months would go by Persons of Interest would come and go and reached over 250 people at one point the police asked for anyone who had break-ins in the area to to contact them and one person from prison actually contacted the police he said that an acquaintance of his like harness like little burglary gang had broken into a number of houses in that area not so long ago and when the murders The Grange Gorman murders were brought up that water happened in the house apparently this guy who was usually very quiet very timid he got very heated he was like shut up shut up don't talk about it his name was Dean Lyons and he was a heroin addict Dean was staying at a homeless shelter at the time and the guardi went to speak with him when they did Dean immediately said I think I know what this is about he agreed to go with the investigators to give his fingerprints to give his DNA he freely spoke with the police about that his addictions about it all his kind of crimes all his his little Shenanigans all the [ __ ] he was getting up to um but he said you know the nightmares he was staying at that shelter he would also tell the police though that he had been in that house one Orchard View before if you can believe that he said he had gone into that house because he was friends with the nephew of Anne Myrna the sole survivor now that's what he said but the police would kind of do the old Uno reverse card and say that's not possible you say you're in the house a year and a half before because you're friends with Ann merna's nephew but Ironman has only been living there a couple of months when told this his demeanor swiftly changed to the whole 180 and he began crying saying that quote he killed those two old ladies Dean was arrested he later told his mother that he was sorry and that he had done it all all the while crying and sobbing now Dean he was confessing he was saying I'm sorry I did it I killed them I I did it he would give four four statements to the police describing the events of that night everything he had done all that kind of stuff so the the four statements he gave though were all contradictory about what happened and a lot of things didn't fit with what was there he was also um given information by the questioning police officers and given wink wink suggestions about maybe it went like this like he would say for example he attacked one one woman and then another one came out and he attacked her in the hall when both the victims were found on their beds that kind of stuff like stuff that just didn't match up with the scene but in every statement he would give it would be matching a little bit closer to what fit you know the the evidence given maybe oh maybe maybe it happened like this you know what I mean he was given suggestions that would match with the criminal profile that was done now as you probably guessed uh Dean lines was like on the lower end of the cognitive scale he had an IQ of about 70. he was also a heroin addict going through withdrawals not severe withdrawals but but still so he was I mean a a psychological report would say he was extremely susceptible to suggestions and leading questions but they continued to feed him hey gobble this you know uh the I mean the pressure on the on them to solve this was was intense the pressure from the public to pressure from the media pressure from on high for detectives was pretty intense and then you know they had a guy who was desperate to be convicted of it apologize this is me a lot of scores it was you know so so they were kind of in a catch-22 like a little bit even though detectors were like he didn't do it he didn't do it he's you can tell him like this this guy is green and he'll still agree with you but you get trapped in this fallacy where you're giving him suggestions and giving him little tidbits of how it could have happened and then so he's telling the story more and more accurate every time and then you're under pressure to get it solved and you've got this guy who's telling what sounds like the truth even though it's it's like a it's a complete [ __ ] Circle that you get trapped in Dean was just desperate to tell them what he thought they wanted to hear so when Dean was formally charged with the murders well that's shocked a lot of people in the police force you know they clearly knew this is [ __ ] foreign about a two hour drive West uh of Dublin of Grange Gorman and Dublin lies ballantubber in County Urus common I hear you American big dog you know what's there absolutely nothing but it is where our story takes us in early 1996 a couple Catherine and Carol Doyle moved from Dublin to ballantuber with their four kids they always wanted to live in the countryside they didn't want their kids growing up in the city so hence the move now here's a fun fact Catherine and Carl were first cousins come again the remote Countryside is the last place you guys should be moving anyway they moved into a small tight-knit community just outside valentubber Carol worked the kids they made friends in August of 1997 Catherine's younger sister Sarah Jane she came to visit for a weekend from Dublin with her new fella Mark Nash Sarah Jane and Mark they had met at a nightclub in Dublin and then they had later moved in together now initially it was pretty weird when Mark and Sarah Jane moved in together because Lily was the mother of Mark's child also lived in that same apartment that didn't last long and then Sarah Jane and Mark they got their own place later on as Sarah Jane and Mark were not a great match uh they fought like a lot when neighbors would would not tell him hey you know kind of stuff buying you know stop shouting each other um well one time Mark he true [ __ ] at them just straight up but so they were still together and then on August weekend Mark Nash and Sarah Jane Doyle went to visit you know um Catherine's Catherine and Carl Doyle's in roscom now Sarah Jane actually wanted Mark to come with her to visit her family because you know obviously her relationship work wasn't great and she wanted to talk to her sister Catherine Michelle might be able to kind of straighten Mark out a little bit get him to settle on settle down and and fly right that's not what happened at all uh surprisingly the first night they arrived Mark grabbed a hammer he brutally attacked the adults in the house he initially stabbed Carl as he slept on the couch then began hammering the skulls of Sarah Jane and Catherine Sarah Jane was knocked in the head a couple times with the hammer but she managed to escape the house and she hid in a bush in the garden at which point mark came out still with a bloody hammer in his hand saying hey come back inside everything's all right she didn't started shouting and roaring her name then he started running around the garden looking for all the while carrying a bloody hammer eventually he ran off into the darkness of the night now Carl and Catherine Carl had been stabbed as he slept he'd been stabbed to death Catherine had her head bashed in with a hammer and Sarah Jane barely managed to survive and she would make a full recovery she was very lucky not to have brain damage from what happened and why Mark just suddenly did it no idea no idea why Mark Nash was on the run for about a day when he was found on a stolen bike near Galway and arrested violently resisting the guardi however when he was taken to the station he immediately admitted killing uh Carl Doyle and Catherine Doyle uh described as bragging about it actually the interview Mark Nash did with the police in that Galway police station lasted about 25 25 minutes and during the course of those 25 minutes he also admitted to the Grange Gorman murders which he had done at five months earlier he was in the year asked about it nor suspected of it he just said it [Music] Mark Nash was born in Huddersfield England in 1973 only four days older than Dean Lyons in fact his father left when he was young and his grandparents who were a big part of his life they also left moving back to County Mayo in Ireland and so he grew up in Yorkshire England and he had no real stabilizing force in his life he was a troubled youth and his mother kicked him out at 18 years old after he threatened to kill her in 1995 he moved to Leeds where he met a woman Lily and he had a kid and he was arrested for numerous offenses drugs burglary and sexual offenses he was actually worried that his latest um arrest might result in a lengthy conviction so hence he took himself his partner Lily and her kid to Ireland they showed up uh in Dublin uh they said that they were homeless and so they were given a place to live by the state they were given a flat pretty soon Mark Nashi got a job in Telly sales Lily worked as a waitress so the night off that March night in 1997 the night of the Grange Gorman murders he would tell the uh the guardi during that interview that he had been out that night in Dublin it was a work to there had been a work thing in it for his Telly sales job then he was out on the pints in the city and he was going to walk back to his place in fact the apartment he lived in with Lily and their kid that they had been given that was directly across the road from the bingo hall and Myrna had gone to that night on his walk home he told the police he took a wrong turn and all of a sudden he was outside that house one or should viewing range Gorman he would be unable to say why he had broken into that house what was going on in his mind he just said he did it he couldn't explain it no idea what took hold of him but he broke the window in the back got in took out a knife took a couple of instruments and went upstairs to to Mary's room and to Sylvia's room and he did what he did what he did he said he walked into uh Anne myrna's bedroom he stood over her while she slept he could describe the earphones of except player she was wearing like he knew everything about the house he knew the exact details things that hadn't been released to the police so he knew the exact he'd described the earphones she was wearing as he stood directly over her blood dripping and she was sleeping he said the only reason he didn't kill her also was that he had he said he regained control of himself and he left he went home he showered and he went to work the next day now how much that's true who knows he's a [ __ ] psychopath so he was transported from Galway back to Dublin on the way while he was being transported he said to the to the to the police do you want me to show you the house where I kill those women now the the police transporting him were were from Galway they went from Dublin so he didn't exactly know where it was so he directed them true distressed Dublin to their house on one Orchard View I said that's where I killed those women and of course as he is a psychopath he later retracted that confession he said sorry for wasting your time with that whole that whole Shenanigans Lads you know I'm not I'm a Madman so you can't really believe anything I said in fact maybe you even told me some things I didn't know and maybe you kind of suggested them to me something like that all the things he knew that he shouldn't have known were either suggested to him by the police or he also had another story where he said you know after you'd been in town that night he walked home and he had actually been walking near the house and he had actually seen the killer the real killer of course the real guy leaving the house and he was like well that's odd so he went over to investigate and he himself went into the house one Orchard you and uh saw the crime scene but he didn't do it he just happened to stumble upon it so Mark Nash anyways he'd get two life sentences for the murders of the doils and 10 years for his attack on Sarah Jane him retracting his confession for the Grange Gorman murders kind of man like Jack [ __ ] he would go on trial for them at a much later time the charges against Dean Lions they would be dropped in April 1998 and he would be released after spending nine months uh nine months in jail when he was released he actually moved to Manchester in the UK where he had a lot of friends there and he was supposed to you know he said he'd just get out of Dublin maybe for a little bit but he said he would come back to Dublin um help in the case against Mark Nash he would testify uh as a witness for the prosecution and everything but while he was in Manchester he shoplifted and he went he was sent to prison uh in in Manchester but he was still due to you know a comeback in 2000 he said he you know he's supposed to come back to continue his treatment back in Dublin and again you know as I said helping case against against Mark Nash he was released from prison uh in Manchester on September the 11th 2000. and the next day he was found dead of a heroin overdose the trial against Mark Nash wouldn't actually occur for a long time see he was in prison for her life for the doyle murders Saudi prosecution were like I have no rush you know let's make sure we get everything together DNA technology was advancing in fact it wouldn't be until 2009 that he would be formerly charged with the Grange Gorman murders when DNA of the victims was found on his jacket in the meantime there would be a major like commission investigation into the case against the lines like here you know him being arrested for it him being charged with him being you know hint getting a few maybe you know gobble up this suggestions about the whole deal a few guards would get a slap on the wrist but that would really be it the criminal profiler it would also be criticized then not because of the criminal profiler themselves but because the guardi took what he said so literally and seriously they were like trying to fit you know fit fit to get the case to fit the narrative that had been created what was supposed to be just used is like a bit of a help they were taken okay take we have to take all these boxes Mark Nash went on trial in March 2015. one month later he was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison today Mark Nash was found guilty by unanimous verdict of murdering Sylvia Shields and Mary callanan today's verdict establishes Mark Nash as this country's most prolific serial killer what the jury didn't know is that he's already a convicted double murderer he's serving two life sentences for a brutal attack on a young married couple Carl and Catherine Doyle at their home in Roscommon in 1997. Mark Nash might never have been called for the Grange Gorman murders had he not made those Admissions and put himself in the frame unlike the murders he committed in Roscommon five months later there was little evidence that the home of Sylvia Shields and Mary kalnan to connect him to their killings the investigation team here at the Bridewell gar of the station didn't know about him at the time and weren't looking for him they thought they had already solved the crime and had the killer in custody a homeless heroin addict Dean Lyons he was subsequently exonerated but not before he had served nine months in prison there was a commission of inquiry into how a man was charged with a crime he didn't commit it found that while the guardi did ask him leading questions there was no deliberate attempt to frame him an unprecedented public apology from angada shirkhana came too late Dean Lyons had died five years earlier in 2000. today's verdict further vindicates him Mark Nash fought but failed to prevent this trial going ahead today he was found guilty of the Grange Gorman murders which is A-Okay with me pal like what he did in that house in Grange Gorman was absolutely horrific Carnage he eviscerated these poor women and then what he did in that house in Roscommon suddenly just I mean not any any reason to do what he did in range Gorn but these were people you know he knew this was his his girlfriend his girlfriend's sister and her husband and he just all of a sudden took a hammer you know they it was late at night they had been shot in the way having a few drinks the kids were asleep in their bedrooms all of a sudden Carol he was asleep he stabbed him as he slept on the couch then he grabbed a hammer and went after his girlfriend and her sister and his girlfriend was lucky to escape with her life for for what the only thing she could say that he said during this was she needed to die that was it and then he went on the Run on the west coast in the Galway and stuff the [ __ ] psychopath he's probably Ireland's most infamous serial killer who will now who is now spending the rest of his uh Natural Life Behind Bars sadly though for the sole survivor of the Grange Gorman attacks and Myrna um her life would also be be quite tragic in 1999 she married another patient and they moved in together in 2001. in 2005 Anne came home to find her house on fire and her bedridden husband dead inside and herself passed away the following year [Music] and so ends the story of the greenish Gorman murder is pretty Infamous case Sierra and definitely one of the most gruesome in Ireland okay so does our country doesn't really have a whole lot of these kind of gruesome murders well that's that that makes up for it Mark Nash real evil sack of [ __ ] so so yeah that's terrific case sad and disturbing but Shanae means in her case of kind of like mess-ups and [ __ ] I mean you kind of gotta wonder if Mark Nash didn't confess to it would he ever have been caught would Dean Lions have gone to prison for the rest of his life um you know as as the an innocent person who knows I'm glad we didn't have to find out thank you so much for watching I really really appreciate you being here with me watching uh this whole video hope you found as fascinating as I did researching it and telling it to you and editing and everything else um looking for some more of that chapter in your life please check out the that chapter podcast wherever you get your podcasts at I will see you as always real soon in the next old video until then please take care of yourselves because you know what I love you like it foreign [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,435,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, grangegorman, mark nash
Id: nEA8ri_xoGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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