prepare for death powerful mufti menk | Full lecture!!!

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we praise Allah subhanahu waala send complete blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless his household and all his companions and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless every single one of us and to grant us goodness a me firstly we call out to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to Grant mercy and forgiveness to the brother who lost his life on the way to this particular function and I've decided to change the topic of discussion based on what has just happened because it is a wakeup call for myself every time I leave the home I tell myself I may not return and this is is in line with the sunah ofam wherein there are so many that remind us of the closeness of death and how he says when you read Salah you should read your prayers as though it may be the last prayer you will be reading when you fulfill your prayer don't read it like a chicken trying to Peck little grains from the ground no but you should take your time read your Salah as though this is your last opportunity to obey the instructions of Allah and then also he says increase the remembrance of that which destroys all your desires you know you have so many desires we hope and pray that the desires we have are actually within the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala but if you think of death sometimes it keeps you in check death is something that is not a disaster in fact it is a gift for a Believer because he goes to the next level that he is supposed to be going to and this is why Allah subhanahu waala says inah Al when he speaks about the different stages of creation you know he speaks about how you are firstly created and thereafter you the the form of the human being changes from one to the other and after that you are born and thereafter you will die and after death you will be resurrected once again so this is all Allah subhanahu wa tala's plan we are now at a stage where we are alive what's the next stage we're going to die and after that we will be resurrected so these are the stages we have to pass we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make it easy for us brother there is something wrong with the sound system here I'm not too sure exactly what it is but there is something and I normally don't uh you know mind saying saying things out because without speaking you don't get what you want it's okay if you cannot correct it it will suffice inshah so we thank Allah subhanahu wa taala for giving us the Quran and for giving us the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam for giving for giving us what is required to know where we're going and how to prepare for it but at the same time brother when I started the recitation the sound was right in the middle somebody tampered with it and spoiled it but it's fine it's just that it keeps the concentration levels a little bit better don't think I'm a disaster I'm just a blunt person sometimes cuz I firmly believe if you don't say you want something you won't get it so why should I carry on for one and a half hours believing someone could have corrected it when really I didn't say anything allahar well we thank Allah that we do have sound Back Where I Come From to be honest with you at any given time the lights can go the sound can go so you thank Allah we've been trained without sound so brothers and sisters Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has blessed us but at the same time we need to know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent us reminder after reminder warning after warning and he says to us why he created us last night I touched on it very slightly where Allah [Music] says I have not created mankind or G kind except that they worship me I have created Mankind and gind for a reason and that is that they worship me and they get close to me they prepare for the day they will meet with me so my aim in life is to prepare for the day I meet with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what have I prepared for the day I meet with Allah have I associated created partners with Allah so I will arrive and tell him Ya Allah I worship you but I also worshiped x y and Zed or my money or a stone or a stick or a grave or a tree is that what it was if that's the case we lose we will be presenting this in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so understand your aim in life is to prepare for the day you are going to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala by worshiping him in the best way and doing Deeds for his sake and abstaining from Deeds for his sake as well whatever he has asked you to abstain from you abstain that is what will result in a good death today the brother was coming to an Islamic talk he passed away we ask Allah to Grant him the reward and to make it a means of his entry into Paradise every step he was taking in his heart and mind I'm going to learn something about Islam I would like to be motivated to get closer to my some people die on the way to a nightclub some die on the way to a casino when we were entering Bolton I saw so many cars on the left and I said is this the venue and when I turned around I said Subhan Allah so many people have arrived and the brothers told me this is a casino now this evening and Subhan Allah there will be people who may die in that venue or coming from it or to it going to it we need to ask our ourselves would I like to die going to commit adultery or going to for example a nightclub or going to a casino as I said going to a Shisha Lounge for example may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us we don't want deaths in that particular way we would like to die in a condition that Allah is pleased with us because we will be resurrected according to the condition that we were in when we died Subhan [Music] Allah I'm sure you have seen the little clips that are floating around on YouTube and elsewhere of people who've passed away in conditions of [Music] Salah switching that off take get out I thought there was something wrong if I did not speak you would not have got that's why I say you don't open your mouth you can keep on dreaming you know Allah subhanahu Waal really has taught us you want to achieve something you need to use whatever is in your capacity that is given by Allah to try and get it within Halal inshah and insh you will achieve that's a lesson I've learned and I don't mind stopping in order to correct something rather than going home and saying you know what they could have done better no it's done alhamdulillah I feel like starting the recitation all over again so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has blessed us I was saying I'm sure we might have seen or heard of people who passed away in the condition of s I know of a sheh who passed away in theam in M when I was there in on a Friday first behind the IM he went to he did not come back up Subhan Allah what a day I know of someone who's passed away in the I I know of people who passed away in the Haram I know of people who died on the mimar as an IM and he's come down and dropped dead before the Salah between the and the and I know of people who passed away in and in other but the question is if you do not read your Salah what is the possibility of you dying in that condition nil because you don't even read your Salah you haven't even given your chance yourself a chance to die in that condition because you don't even do that allahar people pass away having got up for as to ourselves it's too cold can't get out the water's too cold this is too cold w we are fortunate there are people in the rural areas of dagistan and Russia who do not have hot water they don't even have TAPS in their homes they get up for and walk for a distance before they make wo in a river and then they come back and read their Salah in ice cold condition far worse than Europe what about them so where are we and people die in that condition sometimes so this is why we say when you hear of a blessed death someone died with the Quran in their hand do you read the Quran that you can at least have the probability possibility of that this is what it is you want to pass away in SJ is that your dream so that you can be resurrected in SJ which is a very very high [Music] condition the closest that that a person can be to their is when they are in the condition of SJ you want to get close to Allah make sure your Saga is correct make sure your Salah is correct but if your Salah is not even there and if you Peck the ground like a chicken when you are reading Salah you know I always say today we have two in one three in one you have shampoo you know two in one you have this two in one you have so many things two in one people do and they already halfway down to S two in one ahbar this is what's going on if that is the case then w we are paying a disservice to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala slow down calm down it might be the last time you can actually pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and don't think for a moment that I cannot go W you can go at any time and so can I this could be my last speech I could leave be in the middle of my speech and so could you we've seen people drop we've seen people die allahar this is why why Allah subhanahu wa taala says every one of you shall taste death death is a door that everyone is going to go through just prepare for it there is no ways that you're not going to go through it you don't need to become depressed about it you just need to prepare for it because you're definitely going some go at an early age some go later on like I've always said ask those who are 60 70 years old they will tell you I remember my youth as though it was yesterday I remember things I did in my childhood as though it was yesterday one Flash and I'm already 70 years old believe me you have just another flesh before you meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala another flesh that flesh can be any length but it will still be a flashh because no matter how old you are if you are 30 40 50 20 whatever your AG is the past is just a flesh think about it now everyone can think about it the past is a flesh allahar so we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make us conscious of this at any given time we should be prepared to go ask yourself when you are thinking of committing a sinbar if I die in this condition what will happen I'd like to give you an example and this example has been cited by some of the scholars and it's been repeated by a lot because it's a very very sad example and it's a true story there were a group of youngsters who were hooked onto pornography and that's the scourge of the age it's the problem that has overtaken even people sometimes who appear to be religious and what it does to you it reduces the value of the opposite sex in your head and mind and it messes and tampers with your entire system that you do not get a kick out of anything permissible but you get a kick out of that which is dirty and filthy allahar so it's something that contaminates your think thinking your eyes your body your respect for your spouse and other women or other men if you're a woman and you you think everyone else is as dirty as you are yet you are not or they are not should I say and it reduces the level of the whole community in your eyes and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Safeguard us from it I've just mentioned the tip of the iceberg so these youngsters they had a pay site that they were trying to log on to in order to get some pornographic material and one of them say [Music] I will do this and I'll pay and I'll forward it to you guys when the mail comes to me I'll forward it to all you guys his friends so he started Allah protect us and our Offspring so he started and he had subscribed for the year paid with his card everything done and when the emails used to come he used to forward them to his friends and they used to get excited talk about it all this and that and so on you know what happened this man decided that it's very difficult to forward it because my group is becoming big of friends everyone's now you know looking up to me Hey where's your jokes you haven't sent your this material hasn't come through of late you know you haven't really sent it to me so he says hang on let me put it on auto forward so he's got it as soon as it comes in it forwards itself to 20 people 50 whatever his group was and thereafter Allah Safeguard us this young man passed away suddenly in a car accident and all his friends were shocked his janaza was well attended well ended by a lot of his friends and they were crying and sobbing they made promises to Allah we're never going to commit the sin again and you know what happened they buried the man they cried they went to his house they said sorry they did whatever they had to they did whatever they had to and when they got back to their houses and at some stage they opened their emails and they saw they saw a fresh email with pornographic material from the same man sent from his grave how did that happen it was on auto forward what's the password we don't know and this thing continued coming for the rest of the year in fact they tried to contact the Those whom they subscribed from and they said look we have so many people we will not be able to do it you'll have to wait until the subscription is depleted is that what you want people know you for forwarding pornographic material to them and this is happening wholesale we need to talk about it is that your preparation for death when you come to you say Ya Allah I did not forward Hadith I did not forward Quran I did not forward the statements of the scholars but I forwarded pornographic material and the dirtiest of jokes and that is me here is your presentation to Allah you gave me life and I used it in order to do all this is that preparation is that what you want allahar highlight of your life it's going to be yours on the day of [Laughter] oh you who believe be conscious of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and each one of you should look into what you have prepared to present tomorrow what have you prepared or to forward tomorrow what have you prepared in terms of your deeds in terms of what you are going to be putting forth allahar be conscious of your maker indeed Allah is all knowing of what you do he knows of what you do Subhan Allah so prepare yourself we need to prepare a presentation such that when we meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we say Ya Allah for your sake I gave up adultery for your sake I gave up gambling for your sake I refused to go to the shisha lounges for your sake do you know that an hour of shisha smoking is worse than 40 packets of cigarettes and when the packs of cigarettes tell you smoking kills Subhan Allah then shisha murders W it does if smoking just kills you the shisha murders you it is suicide that's what it is you're killing yourself you don't realize it may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Safeguard our children w we have become so easy going we look at things wow cool dude cool place let's go Subhan Allah our women M well dressed and you find them you know how I'm holding this microphone they're holding the shisha blowing it out of the other side Subhan Allah Allah protect us Allah Safeguard us W it's terrible you'd rather hold a microphone to give people a good word than to hold a shisha to kill the gift that Allah has given you are you waiting for lung cancer before you give up your smoking are you waiting for your health to completely deplete before you give up that bad habit well if that's the case Allah can do that to you if he loves you because he wants you to give it up but you'd rather give it up when you're healthy we say to people that you know what if you give up that for the sake of Allah whilst you're healthy it is far more valuable than when you're forced to give it up because your health is taken away although that is still a gift of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so this is why let's turn to Allah let's all promise Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we will present a good deed has the time not come for those who believe for their hearts to tremble in the fear of Allah subhanahu waala towards the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa taala for their hearts to soften up towards Revelation that Allah has sent down has the time not come what are you waiting for my brother my sister what are you waiting for to stop all your sin what are you waiting for to start reading your Salah what are you waiting for to start obeying the instruction of Allah are you waiting for a day when your spouse dies or you are injured or you suffer a great loss or something happens to your child or for example there is a disaster nearby allahar allahar is that what you're waiting for are you waiting for the angels to come down are you waiting for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are you waiting for your maker to come and talk to you while he has spoken to you through the Quran what is it that you're waiting for we should realize and understand people have come to us we have been reminded every reminder that gets to our ears was not meant to miss our ears it's come to my ears and yours as a reminder Allah is going to ask us I sent to you reminders tailor made for you your ears I put it in your heart to go and attend for example I put it in your heart to go to attend and at the same time you went what did you come back with did you just say it was a good talk did you just say it was a good talk or did you really benefit from it did you come out a changed person did you promise Ya Allah the scarf I've got on my head today I'm talking about the sisters it's not going to be coming off Subhan Allah a few days ago we had the world hijab day I don't know if you've been following it first of Fai where the non-muslims were daing the hijab in support of the hijab across the globe that is a sign of the Muslim woman and in support of their freedom to do that so the non-muslims were Dawning the hijab in support of this from amongst them some accepted Islam they felt the purity of it they felt the purity of it and they said wow Subhan Allah Allah has guided people just through a piece of cloth towards the dean Subhan Allah and with us we are given a gift of it and we want to abandon it discard it perhaps look down upon it perhaps consider it something negative and Allah says in the Quran very very clearly if you are going to turn away if you are going to turn away we will replace you with others who will not be like you we will replace you with someone else I come from Africa when we go into the rural areas and we see the poorest of the poor of the Africans dressing in hijab and I tell myself Subhan Allah I'm sure these people are replacing someone in the Western World who's just discarded it or in the Arab world who has taken it out and I always tell the sisters in Arabia that if you have removed your hijab for whatever reason you should know Allah replaced you with 10 in Africa Allah does not need you or me there are so many others and this is why in the Quran in many places he tells us if you think that you are not going to obey our instructions we will bring others who will obey the instructions allahar whoever from amongst you is going to turn away from the dean Allah says he will bring forth he will bring forth a people who whom he will love and they will love him they will adopt the instruction of Allah subhanahu waala we ask Allah subhanahu waala to open our doors so what is it that you have prepared for tomorrow and what is it that you are waiting for how long are you going to continue committing the sin that you are committing my brother how long are you going to continue committing the sin you are committing my sister how many more speeches do you want who would you like to talk to you say a name we'll bring him up I'm sure he has a message at least online today we are so fortunate the globe has become a little village you say who inspires you you can Google their name and listen to their speech that's how small it's become but once you listen to it remember Allah is going to ask you I created facility for you that in your pocket I gave you an apparatus whereby you could listen to any motivation from across the globe you were listening to it regularly but you did nothing about it the only thing you said is wow powerful speaker and good speech is that way it's Ted so we going to go away today saying Subhan Allah powerful talk you know and it was a good speech but we haven't changed one inch tomorrow morning we snoring yet Sunrise is so late Subhan Allah we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to grant us understanding and we pray that Allah can really motivate us to do something perhaps on our way home we might hear news of someone else having gone into the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa taala and this is why we always say death when we speak about it it's not dooming people no not at all I'm speaking about it today from a totally different angle to say just prepare for it that's what we say prepare for the day because when you have prepared something then inshallah Allah will look at that and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is looking for any excuse to Grant you paradise and myself as well we really need that paradise so desperately and the way to achieve it is to try to please Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here we have a brother really my heart has softened up hearing that news and information of someone coming to our function here this evening who's passed away a young lad Subhan Allah Allah Grant him jenah and Allah grant us all J my brothers and sisters it's about time we turn to Allah start learning the Quran many of us are guilty and we repeat this every time many of us are guilty of being Muslim we study Stacks and stacks of books in order to have a qualification of this world but we have not yet studied the Quran the word of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we don't even know what he says we have no clue no idea perhaps we might be able to recite it but we don't even know what it means and that's the way word of Allah subhanahu wa taala may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us an understanding like we say we know the life or the lives of so many people around us but we don't know the lives of the sahab or the life of wasam may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us grant us ease and goodness my brothers and sisters we are living in an age of facade facade chaos corruption around us the environment is not extremely friendly it is quite hostile in the sense that there are a lot of dirty things happening people are engrossed and engaged in so much in terms of sin adultery hooked on to that which is bad you know gambling off their monies throwing it out oppressing their family members oppressing one another making life tough for one another not realizing that this is not how we're going to achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala full fulfill your duty unto Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and fulfill it thoroughly and correctly Subhan Allah try your best wherever you have faulted turn back to Allah quickly that's a sign of a m it's a sign of a m when you turn back to Allah subhanahu wa tala immediately and quickly it really is a sign of a Believer brother you won't make a difference you can leave it's okay I used to I'll repeat the statement whenever it comes as you notice as you noticed so we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for Gathering us here this evening and we really I will not keep you waiting much longer the brothers and sisters who are perhaps standing at the back there and I'm overwhelmed myself to see such numbers here at the same time the message I have is a message to say follow what Allah has sent down and follow the path of the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam as strictly as you can and as best as you can and at the same time that will help you prepare inshallah for the meeting with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tell yourself what is it that I have prepared you know Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he will be waiting for us on what is known as the how the pond and he will be recognizing us the question I have is if he were if he were if he were to see me right now would he recognize me as a member of his umah that's a question would he recognize you as a member of his umah that's a question you can answer that and the answer of that Subhan Allah will help you change your life this is what it is don't we believe that you know he is the highest the best of the most honored he is the one whose intercession we beg from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we say say that we love him we are so fortunate to be from his um we say s. wasam and Allah blesses us 10 times in return and yet we sometimes could not be bothered about what he came with in terms of the message we couldn't be bothered and if a girl from down the street were to tell you something you would jump it's a fact sometimes as old as people get they've got their little closets which don't have skeletons anymore they've got fresh body I always tell people a skeleton is at least it's dead it's gone you know it's just there which means it's a Mark that was left behind but we've got fresh bodies hiding in the closet in reality Allah may Allah subhanahu wa tala Safeguard us we can do away with all that remember sin brings about a lot of stress if you are depressed if you are sad if you have a lot of tension quit your sins turn to Allah start reading the Quran indeed the calmness of the heart is achieved through the words of the Quran the of Allah subhanahu wa taala primarily refers to the Quran that the best of all is the Quran it is a reminder so if you were to read the Quran it's and try and understand it it will calm and soothe your heart and your mind Subhan Allah but the difficult is when we engage in sin it tightens our shoulders it makes us stress we worried about who's going to see my mobile phone if that's the case you're doing something wrong we worried about who's watching my back if that's the case you're doing something wrong why worry about this and that when Subhan Allah Allah has made things so easy for you he laid rules and regulations and he says you follow this path you won't have to stress you'll be happy content concentrate on your wife your your husband for example your your children your family members concentrate on them work on them make them happy at least you will die being known as a man who tried his best to be the best father the best husband or a woman who was the best wife the best mother and so on rather than people saying this guy should have died 10 years ago at least by now I could have had three children from the other guy this is the attitude of the people today this is what's going on may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us why because each one is living a life beyond what he is supposed to be living in terms of sin you are supposed to be doing this Allah blessed you with such a good situation in your home but you're not happy because you cannot see it because your eyes are fixed on sin is that how we're going to prepare for death so this is why it is described as one who has lost the D because there they were not happy and they've lost the because whatever they did in the Dunya was not good enough allahar and now that we've spoken about this it's very important for us to touch on the beauty of the issue of forgiveness allahar Allah is most forgiving most merciful no matter what you've done you're not useless no matter what has happened in the past it can be wiped out within a split moment of a genuine and sincere turning to Allah repentance oh Allah what I've done is wrong forgive me I will will not do it again I admit it and I regret it wiped out completely gone one who repents from sin is equivalent to the one who's got no sin nothing if you read the Quran let me read for you two verses one Allah [Music] says [Applause] Allah is promising Paradise to those who have repented from immorality adultery and that which was unacceptable socially Allah says those who have committed fah fah is immorality sexual misbehavior is also included in the term fah those who have involved in fah and who have oppressed themselves by committing sin in any way if they are if they REM are remembered or remind themselves of Allah or they are reminded of Allah they remember Allah and immediately turn to him and say Ya Allah what we just did was wrong we don't want to repeat it and we engage in TBA Allah says for those type of people we will forgive them and we will grant them places in Paradise that will be reserved for them so this is giving good hope to those who might have had a past Allah says not only the skeletons in your closet the whole closet will disappear where's your closet I don't have one I've got a clean late Subhan Allah why I engaged in Toba I asked Allah's forgiveness the Quran says those who committed immorality we still have a space for them in Paradise on condition that they turn to us just turn to Allah imagine if you've got a debt of a million pound to pay someone and you're struggling in life because Subhan Allah you don't know how you're going to pay that back and suddenly the man man comes to you and says do you know the million pounds he says yes just say I'm sorry and I forgive you if you're too arrogant you say no ways why must I say I'm sorry to you I'm not sorry well then pay then pay but if you put your tail between your legs and say I'm sorry I really I'm very sorry this is right no longer you don't have to pay the million anymore I am sorry will delete 1 million pound W if you tell that to Allah it will delete that which is more than a million pounds because the Quran says those who will be thrown into Hellfire if they had the entire world full of material items and they were to seek that as recompense in order to be let loose from from jahanam it will not be accepted from them even if it was double Allah says it won't be accepted from them so what's that that's like billions and trillions and zillions and whatever else Subhan Allah quadrillions and pentillion I think you know where I got that from don't you coming from Zimbabwe Mah we went through all the figures in our currency up to when we got to Dilan we've actually got to Nelons do you know that's a figure go and check it someone invited me from nans and I thought to myself wow is that connected to Nilan by any chance I don't think so amazing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us no no matter what you've done say I am sorry properly how do you do it you've just got four little conditions admit your fault regret ask Allah's forgiveness and promise not to do it again wiped out completely gone deleted thrown out forgotten nobody will ever raise it again you won't be embarrassed by it never so that was one verse I read listen to the other verse of the mercy of Allah Allah subhah speaks of Zena he speaks of adultery and he speaks of various other sins and immediately after that he says those people will be punished they will taste a punishment and the punishment of Allah is connected to this world as well as the next so don't think you get away with it there's only one way of getting away and that is turn to Allah repent say Ya Allah what we did was wrong you know sometimes we have our weddings and a wedding if you think about it carefully it's a sacred Union it is such a sacred Union that Subhan Allah we should never be disobeying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when it comes to the functions connected to our Weddings But that's exactly where we disobey him so later on your children don't listen to you nothing happens everything's moving well sister can I ask you my brother when you got married how was the function well there were naked women there was music everyone was there things were happening we enjoyed ourselves well you're now tasting the result of that so they look at me and they say what you trying to tell me the suffering I have my children 16 years down the line is because of how I got married say have you you ever sought forgiveness from Allah for what you did on that day when you promoted Vice and sin and you allowed young girls to come semi-dressed or not dressed at all and when you allow this and that to happen if you have not engaged in TAA then yes you're paying for it because Allah says you will pay you don't get away with things you do a little droplet mustard seeds weight worth of goodness you see it mustard seeds weight worth of bad you will see it but there is a way of deleting it Toba but I did not engage in Toba because to me it was the norm allahar so recognize that what you're doing is wrong you know we speak about shisha clubs for example and people look at you and they say what's wrong with that everybody's doing it well if that's the case hang on time will come when you pay payment time but if you believe what I'm doing is wrong it will give you the opportunity to engage in TBA if you repent you then what payment is there Allah says immediately after making mention of adultery and various other sins of immorality and so on he says they will be punished is an exception Allah is making an exception he says those who repent and do good deeds thereafter Allah says we will convert the bad they did into good on the right side of the scale and we will then grant them obviously Paradise that's as a result towards the end of the verses Allah says he has prepared a special special place in Paradise for such people who repented and did Good Deeds after that imagine Allah says he converts the bad into good it's like saying you owed me a million say I am sorry and I will give you another million imagine that's what it is so where are we what are we doing are we prepared to quit for the sake of Allah no sometimes Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala safe God us there's so many examples we have around us that w it is shocking but my brothers and sisters never despair just engage in good news the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says good news to he on whose page a lot of repentance is found you have your pages I have mine everything is written if on my page or yours much repentance is found good news to you you think Allah is going to punish you when every day you sincerely repented 100 times 100 times a day you say Allah forgive me you are conscious of it may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala open our doors my brothers and sisters I've spoken enough and inshallah I hope and pray that I am motivated by by what I've said and I hope and pray that we can all be motivated to fulfill our Salah to dress appropriately to clean our hearts to clean our acts of worship they should be solely for the pleasure of Allah and for Allah subhanahu waaa and to quit that which is unacceptable in Islam it is important that we know this Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless us a sign of fulfilling the respect of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is to acknowledge that he was the one who was sent to teach us how to worship Allah so I cannot come up with an act of worship that he did not teach because it's an insult to him because it's as though I saying you came you taught us but you didn't teach us everything there's something that I know that's still much better which you forgot that's an insult he's the Quran [Music] reveals your day your this day we have perfected your deed so don't add into that deal may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help us not to insult Muhammad sallahu alaihi wasallam nor to insult Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to help us respect ourselves read your Salah so at least you have a chance of perhaps meeting Allah in the condition of Salah fulfill your recitation of the Quran inshallah you may die while reading the Quran and have hope with the meeting of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bless us may he help us quit our sins and may he make us from those who are motivated remember a 1 hour lecture cannot really do much more than motivation but if you get hold of it within 48 hours if you do something about it it will last but Studies have shown that if you are motivated and within 48 hours you have not done something about it perhaps it will just go back as a piece in memory which which nothing happened about so let's act immediately change your life start frequenting the Masjid start developing a link with those who teach the dean learn put into practice make an effort do things inshallah Allah will save you and engage in lots of Toba don't lose hope you've made mistakes in the past you've had all you know Deeds you've done you're not proud of perhaps we spoke about weddings that might have happened in the wrong way now when they happen in your family Subhan Allah try and make sure they happen correctly because it is such an act of worship it is so blessed it's a sacred Union sacred Union through which Generations are going to flow in The Obedience of Allah how can you have a function that is in the Disobedience of Allah for such a sacred Union we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make us help one another to to worship Allah sometimes your own family puts pressure on you because you want to put on a scarf on your head sometimes you find your own relatives want to tell you how can you have a function that is separated come on we're living here in in the first world Subhan Allah we're going to be living in the first grave as well may Allah subhanahu waala protect us and grant us J
Channel: Quiz Home
Views: 35,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mufti menk, Prepare for death, Islamic lecture, Islamic studies, Mufti ismail menk, Muhadarah
Id: 9a7lEYN5lp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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