Prepar3D v4.1 | JFK Jr's Final Flight KCDW to KMVY | Carenado A36 Bonzanza

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to a special Halloween edition of the flight sim deck we're going to do JFK's final route that he did back in July of 1999 I wanted to plan something that was kind of scary for flight simulation and this is what I thought up so this is the route we're going to do it's gonna be a simple route we're gonna depart out of New Jersey and we're just gonna go vor to vor the first one will be Bridgeport will stay along the coast here and then we'll go over to New London and then over to Block Island and then we'll make our way into Martha's Vineyard where it will be should be very hazy out we're gonna fly under these same weather conditions as JFK flew and hopefully with a better outcome so we're already lined up on runway two two and we're going to take off now we're gonna get the overhead light off let's put the strobe on make sure that's working and it is get the Eleni light on and get the tea cast set and we're good to go let's power up and we're gonna make a right tan turn and we'll begin tracking the first few water looking for 80 knots and will rotate at that point [Music] positive climb gear up [Music] and we are on our way yeah I'd like to run the holidays do something special for the channel and like I said I was trying to think of something that was kind of scary frightening and I guess this would be it so you can do this with active Skye they actually have this as one of the scenarios that you can program I just took the guitar from the flight and I plugged it in well as we get closer I think that's where we where it's in on active sky right around Martha's Vineyard that's when we'll get into the really bad stuff and what JFK ran into is just spatial disorientation he just lost the horizon once he got out to the he went off to the Hudson and then to the to the ocean there and that's when he lost the horizon you can't tell the difference from the ocean and the sky and he actually went on this flight about two hours later than I think he had planned so he had to do this at night he had a broken leg so he was wearing a cast boot on one of his legs so couldn't really operate the rudder pedals too good and also he he wasn't trained enough for anything with instruments instrument approaches or just navigating with the instruments I had heard that he he actually weeks prior to this he had took him three attempts to track a vor and vor tracking is really what he needed to do to get around in these conditions and unfortunately he passed away with his wife and I believe her sister in the plane this is not the exact plane that he used but it's pretty close you know as far as the outside is so just taking this plane up and right now we're just gonna tune departure looking beautiful out there using prepared 4.1 just cleaned out my computer recently got some of the dust out really wasn't much dust I have a new case now that blocks out a lot of the dust so there wasn't much put some new thermal paste and everything is running real smoothly the top grading my processor soon to the 77 K or the yeah so we're gonna go up to 5,000 feet and we'll just fly that the most of the way it's about a 45-minute flight over to Martha's Vineyard it's about eight about 843 now I took off at the exact same time he uh JFK took off he took off at 8:30 9:00 p.m. July 16th 1999 and that is exactly what we're doing so we're gonna track the first few are I haven't done this in a while so it's also good practice it's really fun to do if you want to get into get into one of these planes and just practice that practice a route where you're tracking them you can do a lot of fun to do hope everybody has a great Halloween I understand not every country celebrates that but we celebrated here my first year as a homeowner so I can actually give out candy for the first time and I'm sure if I'm going to put on a mask or dress up or what be fun regardless going to carve some pumpkins later on and always like to cook the seeds afterwards and snack on those all night watch a scary movie have a fun time but meanwhile it's the morning as I'm doing this flight yeah it's a fun way to start off the Halloween Day with a flight like this so we're at 5,000 feet and we're on our way [Music] still have the coast off to our left pretty soon we're going to lose that it's going to get darker as well the Sun has already set but a lot of this light will be going away very soon and we'll be in the same situation that JFK was in look at these clouds a lot of amount they're up to 8,000 but soon it will get very hazy know how the traffic turned on unfortunately and so you don't see any down on the roads that will look nice but it looks great with the lights okay we just tuned up one 1085 and we'll be tracking that as you can see now now it's getting very dark can't really see much out there this is the time when you have to rely on the instruments to get around and to understand what what everything means that you're seeing there so we just have one more to go which is Block Island after this and then we'll be in there tuned up ADIS and apparently will be doing the approach into runway to fly they're calling it five but it's six and sin so we won't be doing the ILS in two to four just into the vor over there for six alright now it's time to go towards Block Island passing over the vor right now let's get that tuned up which is going to be one 17.8 that will head towards that you don't want straight out over the water now we're already you know pretty much over it but notice how you can't see anything see a couple of stars in the distance but other than that you can't tell up and down except for looking at the instruments I believe JFK actually went into a spin I think he was close to the vineyard he just got lost I went into a spin lost a thousand feet in just a few seconds and crashed right into the ocean you know not you know having a cast on his foot was not good and also there were several pilots that night who were going to fly the same way he was going but they canceled it because of the conditions yeah it just never should have went out in those conditions you forgot the left just darkness out there heat darkness like to get that new Cessna 172 with the glass cockpit plane looks pretty cool by Coronado so I'll probably get that pretty soon should be getting close to Block Island and we are actually passing over right now so we'll switch over to the runway six vor at Martha's Vineyard and that's how we'll find our way over there never flown to Martha's Vineyard and I'm not sure how well everything is lit up over there on that island that's what makes it so difficult is it's surrounded by the water actually I'm turning this the bomber this time back the other way there we go and we'll be making a left turn we're not far now so we'll be making our descent soon we'll go down to 2,000 feet see what happens I think finding the airport it's that's not gonna be a problem it's just going to be getting onto the runway I know the direction I have to go it's just that getting the lineup done properly not too experienced with doing that in a plane like this all right so we have a you are okay I'm making our way down to 2,000 feet now and we're getting very close now another mistake JFK made was that he had the wrong ADA's frequency tune I think he had one to five tune instead of one to six or it could be the other way around either I believe it's one to six and but either way he had he he was down one number so he wasn't getting the correct frequency for there ADIS they found that when they recovered the plane and I guess they still see that the radios like the radios were damaged and that's what he had tuned so he's just one off from that not that that really would have helped anything I think everything would have went the same way but it was just one more thing that kind of piled up on the whole situation we have no visual cues right now you just have to trust the instruments I'll remember I'm hand flying now we're getting close to the airport just trying to find it right now have no lights anything to see this is where it gets difficult trying to line up with the vor we need to get a little lower got some lights off to the left it's from the city but not the airport I want to at least find the airport first and then we can try to make the approach after that we're in the right direction when I put the gear down just in case oh there we go got the lights but we're not going to make this we have located the airport now we can just go around and come on in so I know we're here we are definitely here at Martha's Vineyard I would make a turn there's the runway but I said we're not going to land we'll fly over the runway we'll come back around and do a dual approach not too bright at all how much to look at we're gonna go up to 2500 feet so I'll put the gear up and we'll make it a right-hand turn [Music] that's you know the vor now see it's moving [Music] all right well glad we found it now it's just gonna be landing on it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right we've come back around and we're going to line up with it we're gonna line up with the vor we're gonna get everything straightened out with that all right get the heading bug moved and we're gonna make a turn to the right and wait for the needle to line up and that should put us on the right path attractive you are but not to runways so much so this is kind of new for me how to practice too much I got the lights passing off to the left a little bit so again we're kind of in the same area we were before so this is going to have to be a sharp turn into the runway the needle is moving what's the one way so start to make our turn over there gaining a little bit of speed coming in a little high and a little hot but I think we can still do it just make sure if you're gonna do this approach don't don't do it like this but it'll be I think it'll be alright just gotta get slowed down it's trees there but we're still above the cloud slope you'd be down to 80 [Music] we're gonna make it and we go floated it but made it down plenty of runway to go two brothers no lights on the center just got to come off the landing lights and I think we have a taxi way up here hard to see the markings yeah there you go we're gonna turn off here and let's check out the replay here we're coming in Lennie wasn't too bad we just floated it a little bit and that's it well everybody hope you have a happy Halloween I wanted to just put this together for you real quick so you got some content on Halloween you guys take care I'll see you on the next video
Channel: The Flight Sim Deck
Views: 23,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5OIFpy2mQAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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