Prepaid Energy Meter using GSM and Arduino

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yeah hi we are from SVS embarent the project title image prepaid energy meter using Arduino with GSM modem so here we are using Arduino you know R3 and GSM Sim 800 radial we are using so we are getting the SMS alert power cut low balance recharge so here we will get all SMS alert to our mobile phone lm358 operational amplifier to get the signal to pulses to the op amp and it gives to the adreno board so we are using 16 Cross to LC display RS enabled D4 D5 D6 D7 8 9 10 11 12 13 spdt relay energy meter and 100 watt bulb so we are recharges are RC 100 200 300 hash capital s dot RC hundred there is no spaces so let us coming into the hardware part so here we are using uh GSM adapter adapter power source so here you can use idea Airtel Vodafone BSNL 2G 3G 4G sim card regulator and one LED power supply board so lm358 operational amplifier circuit board to get the pulses spdt relay 100 watt bulb and 16 Cross to LC display energy meter with calculated pulses calculated LED we are taking the to the lm358 operational amplifier and Arduino you know R3 and one reset button let's start with power supply GSM prepaid energy meter reader with load control GSM connected Echo finding Network found GSM delete all messages so balance so previous balance is 98 okay 98 so now every 10 pulses coming to the at that energy meter to this adreno board so after the pulses then the balance will be 85 units are 16. so whenever it reaches to 10 it will tell you low balance every 10 pulses equal to one count like that I programmable okay nine units so every five I balance divided by 5 that is units we will get the SMS alert like no balance low balance recharge all we will get the SMS alert so we we will get one SMS alert also low balance please recharge and balance is 4 5 2 1 no balance is zero balance is zero units is 0 power cut and we will get the option called recharge no no balance please recharge okay now we will recharge the RC as capital s dot RC 100 all our capital letters okay so RC hundred so whenever that is received your power on recharge 100 rupees recharge 100 rupees yeah LED bulb is on so no 99 100 rupees now so balance 100 rupees 95 94 whenever it comes low then it will tell you low balance low Balance power cut so RC 200 RC 300 is also there 100 200 300. so once again GSM modem power supply board lm358 operational amplifier to get the pulses to the energy meter so if I remove this one so there is no pulses so if I remove this there is no pulses because of we are removing the cord so if I am connecting that then only it will get the pulses so there is a reverse current came you can recharge it balance 61 okay balance 61 now whenever the pulse is go low pulse is coming balance low then automatically it will disconnect at low balance and disconnected so energy meter 100 watt bulb so this is our block diagram prepaid energy meter using Arduino with a GSM model so these are the balance recharge card 100 unit unit 200 units 300 units means balance hey so low balance please recharge whenever the balance is 10 then it comes to low balance yeah zero all are 0 0 then it will change the SMS please recharge low balance no Balance power cut okay so it will it is on that way it is giving the pulses but balance is zero units are zero so thanking you if there is any doubt let me know to SVS embedded
Channel: svsembedded
Views: 4,260
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Keywords: Prepaid Energy Meter using GSM and Arduino, gsm based prepaid energy meter project report, prepaid energy meter using gsm and arduino ppt, prepaid energy meter using gsm ppt, design and development of sms based, prepaid electricity billing system using gsm and arduino, prepaid energy meter project report pdf, prepaid energy meter documentation, prepaid energy meter using arduino, svsembedded, svskits, 9491535690, 7842358459
Id: NuNYr2RM8Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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